They want a piece of everything. The government wants everything to pass through them. They want control over and, of, everything. They want their take just like the mafia. Only this is not some neighborhood, city, or some business, like garbage trucks, this is America and it bleeds into the whole world. ‘They’ want a piece of the action of every transaction.
They want to suck the resources, the income, the energy, the talent, even the very life out of America, so that they have all the control. They want it all and to have all beholden to the government. And if they don’t get it, they will take it. The government will take its percentage, decide what it is, and raise it when they want.
American rights and freedoms, of, and to, individual property, privacy and honor are being taken away and destroyed daily and as fast as possible under the Obama administration.
The constitution is being ignored. What our founding fathers set forth is being ignored. God is being ignored, disrespected, even banned and anti-Christ is appearing everywhere.
The government lies to you daily. But should you lie to the government, you go to jail. Prisons and law enforcement are big business for the government. They provide labor, jobs, services and tax revenue. As do drug, people and sexual trafficking, both the users, sellers, and the punishing of those who break the ‘laws’. Don’t be fooled, they are one and the same. Addictions run the world. The government knows to ‘get them addicted’ to anything and we have them hooked for life in one form or another…
Educate them as we want them to think and we have future generations under our control…But teach them to think and we will be out done…
Much of the media has become an arm of the government, spreading propaganda for agenda… this means that what we are under is a dictatorship.
Taxes, regulations and more regulations, even control of charity, churches, fees, healthcare, no privacy, searching, trying to disarm, spying, licenses, restrictions, tracking, fines, tickets, confinement, monitoring, threats, scare tactics, brainwashing, lies, media control, product and business control, vilifying, food control, medicine control, growing government dependency and control, the strong arm of the government is everywhere and taking over…it is all a racket. A racket of rule, dominate and control.
And to do business, go to work, start a business, or to partake of government programs, you must first have a social security number… that is unless, you are an illegal and will be used by those in government for your voting capability to keep them in office and in control of you.
We have several numbers assigned to us before we can do certain activities, social security, drivers licenses, worker permits, registrations, and others. And we are forced to buy insurance to drive, on our property and, now healthcare as these agencies petition and lobby the government on their behalf. We pay taxes and need accountants to follow the ever changing rules and laws. It’s all a racket…racket…racket…
We pay taxes on the money we earn and the government still wants their take from what you have accumulated when you die. They want no family getting too wealthy, unless, they are a part of the government ruling class. They all get wealthier and wealthier, as they sit making rules that benefit them, their businesses, interests and take bribes and pay offs to sway things to be certain way. And they get special benefits, exclusions and rights just like the mafia. But they want you to ‘believe’ that they are doing this for you, to better your life and to make things ‘fair’ … Oh yeah! That social justice thingy that the government doles out..HAHAHA!
Then they take your money and give it to other countries that c
are nothing about you, or your well-being, or whether you live or die. You see, it’s all business… not personal. Reward friends and punish enemies… Reward so that some will do as they deem as to where income and benefit derives, or do away with them, vilify them, ruin their lives, even kill them…
And like the Mafia, the real power behind the puppets, pencil pushers, money changers, benefit brokers and thugs is rarely, if ever known, or seen… until it is…
Recent and many reports show that Barack Obama is implementing strategies and policies which will eventually force the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and the Arab world to be under the control of a Socialist New World Order Dictatorship influenced by some of Europe’s most powerful family dynasties.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Book of Revelation 13:17-18)
If you think we aren’t heading for this on the fast track, (since OOOObama ‘the one’ came into office) think again…
Oh, and by all means, put all your info online, do your banking and pay your bills online… so that, when the system crashes… all records can and will be lost…then will you take the mark to be able to buy and sell?…