Tag Archives: president

Government serves the people, not the other way around…

??????????????????????????????? There is an often-told preacher story that goes something like this.  As a gift, the pastor was given a parking spot in the church for his long-time service.  He told them that he was so grateful, but really wanted the option of picking the spot.  Of course they agreed.  As the church members showed up to church the next Sunday, they were surprised to see the pastor’s parking spot nowhere near the front door of the church.  They found it in the last and worst parking spot on the property.

This pastor was giving the clue that the proper role of a Christian is not to have a place of privilege, but rather to have the privilege to serve. 

God and the spirit of serving have been taken out of our Government. Persons in government are elected and placed for the privilege to serve the people, not to be the privileged.

Our current government has become a distortion of corruption, perfect examples: Obamas and Clintons…

The smaller the government, the better the life for the people and that is why America was created the way that it was, to be by the people and for the people. 

We must return to the values that our forefathers put into place. Our Constitution and three branches of government were created for a reason, to protect the people from the government. 


We must elect a President and a government that serves the American people,  honors  God, and our Constitution.  America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and this creates the fiber of our county and made us prosperous, sound, and exceptional. That is why “In God We Trust” is on our money.

We must put God back into America! And become the light of the world once again. Without America where would the world be? Under dictators and rulers who rule over, instead of serve.

Our individual moral adjuster…there will not be a ‘perfect’ candidate…

???????????????????????????????no one is perfect. We all have our flaws… but most of us have an internal moral adjuster. That center in each one of us that lets us know when we have done something ‘wrong’… our conscience.  This, of course, varies in each person, what we deem as wrong, immoral, or corrupt. And some are able to ‘justify’ doing just about anything… Their ends justifiy their means….
Perhaps, they are born without conscience or have been ‘conditioned’ to ignore it…

Others have a moral adjuster that is clear and precise concerning what is moral, ‘right from wrong’, and what is not and what is evil and bad…  and if they veer too far from their innate moral adjuster, they feel horrible inside… and it shows in their eyes, their mannerisms and their voice as their light becomes dimmer…

Some are able to lie, con, kill, rape and corrupt, etc. They may be even proud of their ability to con. Others use them for their ability to do these dirty deeds. They are sociopaths, or psychopaths set on an agenda and they can and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. They are able to fool many, but not the wise… not the ones in tune with their internal moral adjuster…

Those with a corrupted moral adjuster will use manipulation, fear, repetition, coercion, any and everything that they are able to, or think that they can get away with…

Some people have no conscience at all. It’s my personal opinion that Obama and others like him, do not. These people are so warped that they have the ability to say and do anything to achieve their goals. They have a total disconnect from their internal moral adjuster. Or perhaps, they were born without one… born of evil… some are you know…

Many as they age, experience, and live realize what they may have done ‘wrong’ and wish to make amends and atonement. As some get closer to death, they may want atonement… because nothing you gain in this world will matter, if it was gained by ill-will, lies, con and harm to others. Nothing on earth matters as much as what you have in your soul… as you guard it, ‘if you are wise and listen’, to your internal moral adjuster…

Many as they grow, mature, age and gain wisdom wish to clear their conscience, so that they may have peace in their soul. They want to live by the Golden Rule… ‘do unto to others as you would have them do unto you…’

This Golden Rule is what makes America what it is. And make no apologies America is great! Is it a great place to live. It is a country of compassion, strength and goodwill towards man… and we are being taken advantage of by those with a corrupted moral adjuster. 

Our next President ‘hopefully’ will live by the standard of the Golden Rule…rather than the Mafia Edict, “I reward my friends and punish my enemies” as the Obama Regime does…

Using your instincts when observing a candidate can tell you much, if you are in touch with your internal moral adjuster… If you are in touch with yours, you will be able to more clearly see theirs…

Observe not only their words, but their eyes, their voice tone, their mannerisms, along with that ‘undefinable’ something that reveals their true nature and character… not what they are ‘trying’ to be, or to ‘sell’, but who they really are. Do they have a light in their spirit? Are they true to their moral adjuster, or are they a con unto themselves and therefore to all others?

An individual in tune with their moral adjuster will work hard to do right by mankind in honesty and truth. It is not about rewarding friends and punishing enemies as the Obama Regime spews. It is not about their personal power … to rule, dominate and control others…

It’s is my opinion that Bill and  Hillary Clinton  have no conscience.

It’s about the internal moral adjuster as it relates to the Golden Rule…

God guide us and help us to select an honorable person to lead and people who surround them with a strong internal moral adjuster…God Bless and Protect America!