Tag Archives: NWO

Orchestrated opposition…

Created opposition for agenda with purpose of confusion to implement ultimate control – when behind the scenes both sides have ‘similar, even the same’ agenda. Creating an opposition serves the ability to guide and implement a deeper, fuller, all encompassing control of all and everyone.

As in Devil’s advocate – some may not even realize or be aware of how they have been sucked in – until they do. Some may be blackmailed, threatened, hooked in by their ego. Insecure – ego-driven, power  hungry men are the easiest to suck in and control because they are all about self – about their weak, insecure fragile self-ego, as they try to create value and importance, trying to negate, prop-up, do anything rather than deal with their internal insecurity – thinking that control over others on earth, and or, having wealth will give them power almost equal to God and for all to see. Everything they do is fear-based, fear-driven. As in Satan desires to enslave humanity in any and every way possible with the endgame being to takeover & steal souls. Fear is Satan’s biggest and most favored tool.

Orchestrated opposition creates cognitive dissonance in those held captive by it. ‘They’ do not/cannot believe that it’s true – that ‘the one’, they believe/believed was telling the ‘truth’  – ‘the one’ who is/was for them – fighting for freedom, was actually all the time part of the plan to implement control and enslavement. And was only coming from the opposing angle in order to capture more followers – and those not as easily led – being of two minds coming together for agenda.

It’s the internal moral adjuster in any human being that ultimately decides their proclivity and limit for engaging and doing evil. This internal adjuster decides when they must cease, in order to regain their internal moral balance.  And of course, some men have little to no internal moral adjuster. They are the ones without conscience – those without healthy ego-balance along with the ability to do any and everything to attain for the sole purpose to sooth their weak, insecure selves, which fuels their self-serving agenda.  Some men seduce and lie, but will not rape. Some men will steal, but will draw the line at murder. It all depends on their internal moral adjuster and level of internal desperation and need to feel powerful – to have the ability to overpower those whom they deem weaker or less than, even if it’s only for a moment.

Wasn’t it foretold that God’s most special/beautiful angel – didn’t have a secure enough internal moral adjuster to be satisfied with self – even while being God’s most special, he still felt less than and desired more – so he  desired to be equal to and have the same power as God? He therefore, had to defy and challenge God’s power – so that, he was able to ‘feel/ believe’ that he was equal to, or even more powerful than God, in order to satiate his envy and ego-driven insecurity.

Is perhaps, Satan versus God, the ultimate and most final orchestrated opposition?  This challenge for power over God’s greatest creation – ‘made in his image’ – that of the human being.

For Satan’s disobedience and challenging of God, God threw him out of  the heavenly realms down to earth to crawl on his belly for all of eternity. Oh, and how these snakes do crawl…

If you gain the whole world, but lose your soul – what do you actually gain?  All you have is the ‘temporary’ power of Satan. And for those not able to know God/Christ that is all that they ‘think’ there is.

Men-of-morality – men-of-God know intuitively, instinctively and internally that there is more – that they have a God-given soul – that magnificent spark that ignited their flesh to come alive. And that they take off their garment of flesh when they leave earth but that spark lives on.

Men-of-the-world – men of things – men of worldly power – men of money – men who are followers of Satan – followers of evil – of the ‘any-ends-justifies-the means’ – to which the end is always ego-driven, self-serving-biased – greed and envy, without empathy to, or for their fellowman. Unless, it is the ‘facade’ they use, behind which lies their ego-driven agenda of evil – of rule, dominate and control.

Evil is ego-driven, ‘pleasure & power-hungry by any and all means’.  It’s their arrogance which will do them in. In that, ‘they think’ they are so above all others – above all of God’s human beings’ & belief in goodness.  Evil ‘thinks’ it’s wiser, higher and more cunning than all.  When it’s driven by their feelings of deep-seated insecurity which results in envy – envy of God.

Another God-created opposition is that of emotions & intellect which drives the human experience.  Stuck in emotions, and intellect will be hampered – possibly dulled. Stuck in intellect, and feelings/emotions can be stunted, even done away with into complete blockage. When both flow in balanced opposition – there is wisdom.  Therefore, the opposition of emotions and intellect give the opportunity to further define the human being into a deeper awareness and understanding of their own humanity, of others, and their soul’s purpose.  Times of perfect balance – is to think through your heart.  Male traits being primarily of the head/intellect and female of the heart/emotions  – gives even more interest to the opposition/connection/attraction – as in God created male and female as the perfect complement.

Is this perhaps, from where the orchestrated opposition idea and theory arose? The battle – the opposition between good and evil – between emotions/heart, male/female, intellect/head orchestrated perfectly by God.

We all ultimately have a choice driven by our God-given, earthly defined internal-moral-adjuster, guided at each turn by our emotions and intellect into the choice between that of good and/or evil. 

God grants us choice. Satan/evil grants us nothing –  with evil there is no choice.  God/good is freedom. Evil/Satan is control. Evil/Satan captures souls. God/good sets souls free.

The friction created by and in the opposition might very well be what keeps this place rockin’ and rolling – what keeps human beings striving and evolving  – what keeps the earth revolving/evolving.

It’s up to each of us on the physical, mental, emotional and soul level to discern, use critical thinking, gut instinct and soul level discernment to become….  

The dark defines the light. Lucifer’s definition is ‘bringer of the light’.

Violation of First Amendment Rights…

Facebook – and others are censoring conservatives at their whim and at rapid pace for doing little to nothing. Some in social media do not want the truth out or any differing opinions that do not support their communist/progressive, NWO agenda. Therefore, ‘FB jail time’, blocking and banning are happening more and more often.

FB put me in jail for 30 days for a post that I wrote years ago and it was not anything but my opinion about how ‘some’ homosexuals behave which is my right to have and to express. So now, FB is going back in time to find anything that they can to shut  up conservatives, Christians, white people  and heterosexuals.  Anything  against DACA, Muslims, Sharia Law, illegals – post anything about an aspect concerning gun control, homosexuals, transexuals, women’s march – women who wear vaginas on their heads – being in support of President Trump – anything against Hillary, Dems, progressives, NWO are deemed as going against ‘FB community standards’. While FB allows verbal abuse of conservatives from terrorists,  gays, dems, muslims, lib/dem/ progressives, etc.  and allows them to post horrible even threatening things and not be censored. FB allows all sorts of perversions to be displayed and if you are against them – you are thrown into FB jail and ‘punished’ – censored – as if you are some school child.

Censorship for agenda must be stopped. It is against our First Amendment Rights and is why our forefathers stated it as such – in order to curtail censorship for agenda before it begins and to allow freedom of speech for all – not just a few.  When people are not allowed to express differing opinions then we are under a communistic rule and dictatorship coming from some in the social media, etc. 

Political correctness is nothing but Censorship.  ‘PC and so-deemed hate speech’ are being taken way too far and being used as control of free expression and free speech.   It’s for the evil agenda of perversion and control of the masses.  FB  even wants an app for children – so their agenda can be imprinted as early as possible – so addiction to technology and  that brainwashing can begins earlier and earlier – the sick twisted desire of rule, dominate and control to implement their agenda over the masses.

FB should be cited, sued, fined, etc. for curtailing freedom of speech and expression.  According to Zuckerberg, FB was started as a place for people to communicate and share expression. Now, it’s become a place to promote Zuckerberg’s agenda as he censors anyone against it –  curtailing FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS for those ‘they deem’ going against ‘their agenda’. FB is un-American, about control and about ‘their’ agenda while they make money off ‘everyone’ who uses their communistic-run site. People are punished at FB’s whim without due recourse or way to communicate. Those in protest are not even listened to – I have contacted FB hundreds of times, after I have been thrown in ‘their FB censorship jail’ and no one  ever responds.  zuckerberg resolution 2017 mark 5 1500x1000Being on FB is like North Korea –  being on there, we are under the dictates of a  wimpy little dick-ta-tor of control, arrogance and agenda. Zuckerberg is now creating a household computer- ‘butler’- like robot and he has made it so that it only listens to his voice and not his wife’s. This man is an out-of-control dick-ta-tor and needs to be thrown in jail for being a traitor to American freedoms.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are a menace to a free society. He curtails freedom of speech and freedom of expression and uses his site to promote progressive communism  to try to weaken America, flood her with illegals, muslims  and refugees who hate our country, in order to created chaos – thus enabling  the progressive agenda of control to insert a weakened America into the NWO under the rule of the UN – where all rights will come through them and they have control over all earth’s resources, land, property and people.   Completely against freedom – all about the evil of control. 

Globalists- NWO – UN – many in our Government ….

and media around the world  who are aligned with this manipulative, corrupt, evil, ‘destroy America’ movement  are the biggest racists that exist. They  want to rule over the  world with all others beneath them in servitude; as in Al Gore, Soros, Clintons, Buffet, Obamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Rothchilds, some of the Bushes, etc. – to name a very few. Their goals are to control all the world’s resources and assets, including all property rights. They want to weaken America  and take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. Under this rule, the masses will have no freedom.  It will be an illusion of ‘being taken care of’. All will be ‘considered equal’ according to the edit of the few who rule over the masses. So what better way to do this than to flood America with illegals, refugees and others that don’t want to assimilate, but instead want to drain, destroy, change, rule over and conquer the USA.  

President Trump is trying to expose and to  bust this up. This group of  self- anointed  elitists are greatly threatened and in fear of him and what he is doing as it goes against their destructive evil agenda for America.  While they appear that they wanted ‘equality’ for all – this is only a facade – what they want is control. That is why they are after Trump so intensely. He is exposing them and will continue to do so. He sees right through them and has for years. If you listen to his interviews, from decades ago, he even says so then and that he knows their agenda.

Only the ignorant are buying into the chaos and division that ‘they’ are instigating, triggering and promoting concerning race, etc. Tearing down statues and monuments is destroying our history. History is ‘what it is’ – it can’t be changed and it is to be learned from. To tear down, destroy, hide  or try to recreate history is control for agenda and of evil.

‘They’ own most the media. So ‘they’ imprint in the minds of fools that which they want them to believe. They know most of the populous will believe what they are told because they don’t/won’t/can’t think for themselves and are easily brainwashed to believe that these manipulative elitists care about them and their miserable lives. ‘They’ think as advertisers do – repeat the promo – the lie – promote – repeat – promote –  continuously repeat –  and  the masses will believe what they are told to believe and buy what they are told to buy.

They want the American people weak and fighting one another. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

They want the government to replace God…. they want the world broken, fractured, fragmented, perverted, confused and under their Satanic-based control.

Cut to the chase – we are on the planet of dualities – good versus evil.

Evil hates the good, just for their being the good . Therefore, Leviathan fog is spread over all communication and  used for manipulation, control and corruption.

Their weakness is their arrogance – that no one can see what they are doing and that they ‘think’ in their distortion that  ‘they’ are all powerful. Just like Satan thought he was better and more powerful than God.  So God – ‘good’ – threw evil out of Heaven and  down to earth.

Evil is not more powerful than good.

God is freewill. Evil is about control…

What you get in discussion with a lib/progressive…

Pullinghair2if it can even be called a discussion…

Lib/progressives are self-righteously angry now that ‘their candidate’, which actually should have been in prison, instead of running for President, lost.  Any exchange with a lib/progressive always succumbs to them calling names such as racist, homophobic, bigot, etc. when this is not even close to subject, in fact, their comments are way off topic.  Because they can’t comprehend enough to stay on topic. They deflect, lie and circle-talk to avoid dealing with facts, common sense, accountability and reality…rebellious  teenager-like in response and behavior… no reality, self -delusional, illusions of whatever fantasy occupies their brain. They continually ‘judge’ others while screeching that they are being ‘judged.’ So child-like they are, that’s it pathetically  humorous were it not so harmful.

I began this site with a ‘friend’ who is a liberal. I didn’t realize her political leanings at the time because eight years ago, politics was not as up in your face as it became when the lowly traitor to America, Obama, ran for President. Barack But as the election got heated, her ignorance and delusions were made clear. She could never be on time. She wasn’t true to her word. Her brain full of ‘I don’t know what?’ …High heels, designer clothes, fairy tales ??? Her voice began to sound like finger nails on a chalk board… as she rambled on about nothing. She is the reason, I got on Facebook, in fact, she put me on it, for benefit of ‘our’ blog. She had been an intern on the Hill for some liberal and she had been well indoctrinated. She had no common sense and the fact that she could be up to an hour late meeting me for lunch didn’t bother her at all and she didn’t understand why it should bother me. She only thought about herself while trying to ‘appear’ that she thought about everyone in the world. HA!

Another interesting example of our innate and inherent respective conservative, liberal differences could be seen even as children when we tried out to attend the same ballet school. It was a highly thought of, exclusive, with acceptance limited to ability, school led by two professional dancers that were once with  Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. I auditioned and became the youngest member of the corps de  ballet.  Her acceptance was declined since she treated the ballet practice barre as if it was a jungle gym. She and her mother were asked to leave.

She was full of the typical lib/progressive delusional BS even as a child.  Of course, we soon parted company. With her driving off in her pink Barbie car… her exact words and her calling me Cruella Deville… the usual lib/progressive name calling child-like tactic. She referred to the girls that cleaned her house as ‘Cinderellas’ … so perhaps, her head really was  stuck in a world of fairy tales… like most all Lib/progressives.

Well, that was my first up-close and personal interaction with someone so off in their head that it was impossible to communicate in reality and with logic and truth with their expectation of full entitlement with no consideration to others.

Pullinghair3Lib/progressive idiocy only grew as ‘Obama world’ took over. Those who follow Oprah like everything this woman spews is worthy… the ‘those’ who can’t think for themselves. Oprah fat1 Booing God at the DNC convention. Their God is apparently’ earth’. Their cry, save the earth, save the earth. Which is where Satan rules. While God tells us in the Bible that the earth will always regenerate and be able to self-cleanse.

Idiotic destructive protests and looting with no regard for human life and other’s property as they express their out of control emotions about injustices that they can’t even articulate.

In exchanges with lib/progressives, I have been called old as dirt, a transvestite, etc. and these are the kinder names.

Obama-Lies-SCOne only need listen for a few minutes to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or Obama, etc. to realize the dysfunction of the lib/progressive brain… as they spew idiocy, call for others to treat everyone ‘right and fairly’ while, they, just like Hillary, call everyone that disagrees with them things such as “deplorables” as they suck money and power for their own benefit and use.

The mind set of lib/progressives is full of  hypocrisy, illogical conclusions, immaturity, illusions, circle-talking, deflecting, name-calling ignorance. They are followers of ‘whomever’ like the wind, with no internal core of ethics, morality or standards. They respect no one, including themselves but expect to be treated with kid gloves and high regard for doing and saying nothing of any consequence. They spew and project their inner conflict outward calling names, devaluing those who don’t perceive in their distorted way… deeming them uneducated… when most those voting for Trump are the higher educated, those with real-life world experience and common sense.

Lib/progressives are a blight and disease on a society. sorosAnd those like Soros, (Soros is a war criminal that should have be imprisoned decades ago and he backs Obama, Clinton and the likes while instigating and bank rolling the lowly lib/progressives to riot and destroy) Obama, Clintons and others behind the scenes who are pillaging, manipulating and riling these fools up for their personal and NWO agenda to control, reap power and wealth from America and to weaken us and eventually take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN… where there will be no rights but those deemed by the Godless ‘elites’ on earth. With their agenda of no property rights and they will have control of all earth’s resources.

While the destruction of our way of life, rights and freedoms are slowly and more quickly under the traitor Obama taken from us, loony Lib/progressives are more concerned with their pets, saving the animals, unisex bathrooms and climate change. HA!

Therefore, dim-witted lib/progressives are literally rioting, and protesting for their own loss and demise. Truly a level of ignorance that is unfathomable.

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Why does Hillary always have that smug smile plastered on her face…

hillary-smiling-2like she knows a secret or that she has already won the election? Because the corrupted progressive bought and paid for whore of the NWO media is protecting her with agenda-filled-propaganda to brainwash the masses.

They think if the say  something often enough that it will be believed. This is not journalism because most are completely biased and all they do is push the progressive agenda which is communism. They do not report facts. They put opinion, agenda and emotion into their words and this is not journalism.  It’s bought and paid for talking heads with agenda.

They repeat the same things until it’s obscene while leaving out real news. It’s slanted and done to imprint what they want on the minds of what they deem are the ignorant masses. But the deal is many of us see right though their agenda, turn it off, and demand that it stop.

Journalism is supposed to be without bias and agenda. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. Today Journalism is dead. It is of the corruption and something to fear, turn off and not to believe.

As well as most of the polls which are orchestrated, false and hyped to sway those that they can and  manipulate to think and to vote like the majority. Follow the group kind of mentality… sheep led to slaughter or…

You know about that nice NBC/WSJ “poll” that shows that Hillary is up 11, right?

Well, CTH deconstructed it.  It wasn’t very hard to do, and it showed the usual media bias in the sample, which is a problem standing alone.  But then we get into why the bias existed, and it’s not so simple as it first appears.

What CTH managed to find is that the organization that ran the poll is an organization run by a man who currently is a SuperPAC operator for PrioritiesUSA in support of Hillary Clinton, and was involved in a similar one for President Obama.

In other words the so-called “media poll” wasn’t actually run by NBC and the WSJ, it was run by a SuperPAC dedicated to Hillary’s election.

The reason for the intentional bias in the poll’s sample is now obvious — and ought to have been reason enough for both NBC and the Wall Street Journal to refuse to run it at all.

But it gets better — Hillary’s campaign paid this organization over $200,000 in September alone!

If you watched the second presidential debate, you witnessed Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper and their blatant attempts at skewing hard questions, avoiding policy discussions, and their flat out contempt for Donald Trump.

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell immediately took the screen on Fox Business Network’s Varney and Company (V&Co.) to expose the moderator’s slant as a recurring, predictable tactic of these so-called “journalists,” describing the debate as similar to “the vice presidential debate where the Republican was consistently challenged on his position while the Democrat was given a free pass.”

Moderators should never show bias.   Our media is corrupted.

clintonsClinton had an affair with an intern, fathered a baby (possibly more than one), abandoned him, accused of rape by more than one woman. Link about Clinton’s illegitimate son:  http://www.snopes.com/bill-clinton-illegitimate-son/

Had multiple affairs while married to Killery. Hillary defended a child rapist, harassed and slandered the women that Bill raped sexually harassed, and had affairs with, had people killed in Benghazi, deleted 33k emails on her private server,  created a vacuum for ISIS to  be created, armed ISIS, 6 billion dollars unaccounted for as Sec of State, runs a corrupt Clinton Foundation, stole money from Haiti. ( Bush Sr and Bill Clinton did the Haiti charity fund raising together, millions turns up missing) Calls law enforcement racist. Accepts money from countries with no rights for women and this is only the tip of it.

Trump said something 11 years ago in a private conversation (leaked by a relative of the Bush family) and  the media goes crazy.  Media hypocrisy is astounding!

“Without the media Hillary Clinton couldn’t be elected dog catcher”–Donald J. Trump

Obama-Lies-SCThe only way Obama was elected is because the bought and paid for progressive media whores created a rock star out of this inexperienced, without quality, teleprompter reader, traitor to America, community organizer who couldn’t run an ice cream stand and the dumbed-down- entertainment-tonight masses bought into it hook line and sinker. hillary-and-barackObama is a NWO puppet of the globalists just as Hillary is, along with all progressives and much of the media. If Hillary goes down so does Obama… so they are thick as thieves.  All in it together as they threaten, pay off, bribe or even kill anyone who gets in their way.

Their agenda is to lower the standard of living in the US as they use America as an income stream to the UN. Flood America with immigrants and refugees, have no borders, create chaos in US, then reorganize under the guise of ‘good’. But nothing about this is good for the US or any of her citizens.  It’s blatantly evil. Alinksy’s, Rules for Radicals, dedicated to Satan… 

hillary-smiling-3Their agenda is to  get rid
of borders as
Hillary stated very clearly in a leaked tape from one of her Wall Street speeches. She says one thing in private and quite another in public to get elected. Her public persona is false and her agenda is to lead America into the NWO under the rule of the UN.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization…

Clinton’s plan for the future revolves around maintaining political power while working to create an “unaware” and “compliant” citizenry.

The same as Obama, Soros, Buffet, etc. and the  progressive propaganda media  are whores of this agenda.  Control the media, control their minds.

Low information voters, uneducated, ignorant. those dependant on the government are who the progressives/Clintons are after and appeal to, or those who want to make the world and all it’s resources its slave… those of the Satanic godless, immoral people.  It’s the educated those with higher IQ and independant, believers in God that stand with Trump.
Our media is a bought and paid  whore of the elite globalists that think they know better than us what is good for our lives. They want to control all of earth’s resources and only allow us what they deem necessary while they live large on what we produce.

In both the Democratic and Republican parties, all  progressive/communists are in on this. Progressive equals communism. 


Trump2This is why they are so against Trump and why progressives in the Republican party are also against him. He is not one of them and they know he will come in, expose them and tear their plans apart, putting them and their agenda out on the street.  He will strengthen our military so we won’t have to use it and pull wealth and jobs back into our country.

What these corrupted progressives are doing is trying to keep their cushy government positions and world-wide  investments while telling the public what to think and do, putting regulations and taxes on individuals and businesses so they themselves can gain more power and wealth. They think of the masses as their slaves. It’s Agenda 2030… their goal is to have it all in place by then.

Trump’s goal is to make America strong, solid and great again and this goes against their plans for our weakening and ultimately our destruction.

With Trump we can hold onto our American Sovereignty. With Hillary America will be sold to the highest bidder and enslaved to the NWO under the rule of the UN.

Along with the corrupted media we, also have voter fraud…. the only way lying puppet cons like Obama and Hillary can win…

As Leviathan spins the web of fog to blind  people to the truth   Good is seen as bad,  bad is seen as good, truth is seen as lie,  lie is seen as truth, because that is the way and agenda of Satan’s destruction.

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UNFCCC – this seemingly ‘good’ treaty will destroy the US economy

Eggplantfall2Treaty – The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was opened for signature at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro (known by its popular title, the Earth Summit). On 12 June 1992, 154 nations signed the UNFCCC, that upon ratification committed signatories’ governments to reduce atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases with the goal of “preventing dangerous anthropogenic interference with Earth’s climate system”. This commitment would require substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (see the later section, “Stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations”)

Article 3(1) of the Convention[8] states that Parties should act to protect the climate system on the basis of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, and that developed country Parties should “take the lead” in addressing climate change. Under Article 4, all Parties make general commitments to address climate change through, for example, climate change mitigation and adapting to the eventual impacts of climate change.[9] Article 4(7) states:[10]

The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments under the Convention will depend on the effective implementation by developed country Parties of their commitments under the Convention related to financial resources and transfer of technology and will take fully into account that economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country Parties.

CathieAdams2Cathie Adams of the Eagle Forum has been watching this develop and attending meetings since 1997… she is readying to attend the meeting in Paris after Thanksgiving.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization.

Link to Cathie Adams article … 2011…http://www.eagleforum.org/un/2011/11-11-29.html

“We’re all going to die in five years” unless a legally binding framework to cut greenhouse gas emissions is accepted by the 192 parties attending the United Nations’ confab in Durban, South Africa. That is how a question was couched to a group of environmental extremists who claimed that the United States, Japan, Canada and other developed countries are roadblocks to a “progressive and aggressive solution,” thus turning the annual UNFCCC meeting into a “traveling circus that cannot decide.”  Fifteen thousand attendees are expected at the Climate Change meeting representing 192 parties, 191 representing countries plus one for the European Union, assembled November 28 through December 9. 
FYI… the UN uses the US as an income stream to fund its programs. Climate change is a hoax to implement rules, regulations, restrictions, taxes and control.
They are using the EPA  ‘Climate Change hoax to implement a NWO under the rule of the UN.

According to founder of  Weather Channel, global warming is about as true as Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi testimony. He called out climate alarmists with a barrage of facts based on actual science and not wishful thinking. As it turns out, if you chart global temperatures back into the ’70s, there are absolutely no signs of global warming.

Convention on Climate Change admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not  to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

A meat tax?…  this climate change hoax is about taxes, regulations, rules and control of the world’s resources to be in the hands of a few.

A London-based think tank that supports slashing meat consumption is calling for the radical diet change to be “high on the list” of strategies studied by world leaders gathering in Paris next week to discuss global warming.


Total enslavement of the planet

by 2030


As the UN document says, “We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030.”

If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you’ll quickly realize that this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected. Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator. Even the so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.

 UN never met a problem it couldn’t tackle without calling for a new tax. Over-dependence on fossil fuel? There’s a tax for that. Inequitable distribution of global wealth? There’s a tax for that. Climbing obesity rates due to our fondness for junk food? There’s tax for that, too.

Now the UN has decided such piecemeal slugs aren’t enough to underwrite its grand plans to save the world from itself. So hide your wallet. The UN wants all you’ve got and then some.

December convening of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP21, in Paris. Warming dogmatists demand, a legally binding & universal agreement on climate change with fixed, binding global payments & wealth transference from developed countries to those it deems most in need.

Bible says the earth abides forever. Global warming is a con and hoax. The “end” is the end of the rule of Satan, the god of this world. Global warming hoax is implemented for, taxes, regulations, rules and control. Control of all earth’s resources by a certain few. 

Obama is a traitor. He stands with those who wish us dead.

Eggplantfall5Referring to the attacks on Paris Obama minimizes them calls them ‘setbacks’  but when referring to gun violence in US, he maximizes it in order to implement his gun control agenda. Everything Obama says, does and why he lies, is to harm the US, to escalate Muslim influx, to weaken America and to empower those who wish us destroyed. He wants Americans disarmed while he allows refugees, illegals, and immigrants into our country. Obama has indebted us more than any other president. Financial destruction is one way of Jihad.

Obama avoids calling out Muslim terrorists which is exactly what they are because he stands with them. ISIS was created because of Obama. He allows them to grow, become stronger and to infiltrate more of the world including America as he allows refugees to enter even after the attacks in Paris, when there is no way to vet these people. We are being set up for attack by Obama.

We have fought Muslims for centuries and will be fighting their evil cult of hate and death forever and under the Obama regime, this evil has been given more power than ever before.

Obama & Democratic/Progressive/Communist Party are doing the equivalent, of introducing an invasive species, Muslims -‘illegals – refugees, to an area of world where they do not exist. It’s the equivalent of the situation with the Asian carp in American rivers and streams, it has taken over it eats and consumes the eggs and babies of the natural species there, this is the type of warfare the American people are up against.

This is not some plan of a buffoon or idiot, this is strategic analytical and criminal attempt and effort to kill the American people and their children here in America. What was once the Democratic Party, is now a Progressive/Communist cancer to the American way of life.

If Congress does not immediately pass a bill, that states you must be a legal citizen of the United States of America for no less than 18 years to be eligible to vote and you must have a photo ID to vote, they are working against the best interest of the citizens of America creating a catalyst for Civil War. That is their intention, to create chaos, to destroy, kill and disrupt the lives of all Americans with the intention of the destruction of the American/Christian/Judeo way of life. To destroy our Constitution, insert America into the NWO under the rule of the UN to create a one world religion and government where there is no choice or freedom. This is exactly what our forefathers warned us about and why they created the three branches of government as checks and balances. Obama’s dictator rule with his pen and phone is not how our government works. Obama is a bought and paid for puppet placed for America’s destruction and any media outlet or others who cover up for this evil are complicit.

Democrats blocked Cruz’s bill to revoke citizenship from Americans who join ISIS.

The free world will be at war with Muslims forever as we have been for centuries and Obama and his vile regime has put America in danger like never before.
Mosques are where they prepare for war. There are no moderate Muslims. There are those who terrorize and those who stand by and watch. They are all in it together with agenda to kill the infidel, to destroy the Western way of life and once they do, they will kill one another. Islam is a cult of hatred and death.
One Muslim being truthful and stating their intent. “It’s our obligation to implement Sharia.”
Islam means submit and you will not be killed. It does not mean peace.
Muhammad sent letters to kings & leaders of surrounding countries & tribes, inviting them to surrender to his authority & believe in him as messenger of Allah. He always ended his letters with the following two words: “Aslim, Taslam!”. Although these two words are derived from same infinitive Salama which is the root of Salam, i.e. ‘Peace’, neither one of them implies‘peace. The sentence means ‘surrender & you will be safe’, or in other words, ‘surrender or face death’. So where is the meaning of ‘peace’ in such a religion that threatens to kill people if they don’t submit to it?
There is no practice on earth that is more Antichrist and will use force than Islam, they have never been a friend to the church and have killed and imprisoned the saints.

He will be duplicitous, and initially will appear as a man of peace.  The Antichrist will preach to the masses in the large sports stadia that were constructed in recent years.  During the 3 ½ years of the Tribulation, his true evil character will be revealed.  He will be the worst tyrant the world has ever known, specifically persecuting Christians. 

Exploding! Shrink the government …

BLue explosion 5For any business to survive and be profitable, the fat must be cut with loyalty, efficiency  and competence from employees. Can’t keep a bunch of no good, lazy, stealing, lying people around and have a company thrive. It must have a profitable bottom line. Any competent businessman knows that. No one running a business that is in trouble goes on extended expensive vacations. They take no vacations until there is prosperity and all is well.

Anything the government touches turns into a fat, bloated, wasteful blob of incompetency ,which has now under the Obama regime, turned into massive debt, a weakened military, a wasteful, lying deceitful administration, a disrespectful, hate America organization of corruption, traitors, cover-ups, making bad deals, squandering money while lying to the American people about their deeds and agenda while they become wealthy.

They all need to be fired! Is Trump the one to do it? Could Barackbe, not sure yet. But we must have people of integrity, common sense, business sense, can’t be bought off, wisdom about economics, world affairs, love of county with faith in God, honor, truth  and the American way, which is to strive for excellence.  We must have a military so strong that we will not need to use it. The three branches of government are how America is run, not by executive order by some dictator with a ‘pen and a phone’.

ATT00001The Muslim political agenda, Sharia Law, is not compatible with our Constitution. We have freedom of religion in America. Islam is not freedom and it is not a religion. It is a political ideology like communism which rules every aspect of lives. It is oppression, torture, murder and death. A woman covered in the way of Islam, Sharia Law, and all Muslims are under Sharia, is not freedom, is not American, it is oppression. This is not the American way and it is not compatible with our Constitution.

Immigrants must go through the legal process to become a citizen, learn about our country, adhere to and respect our ways, speak our language, which is English or not come here. They should not get any benefits just for being in our country. Only our citizens receive benefits.

Progressive is communism just with a different name which brings me to the political correct propaganda and agenda of changing words to hide the truth of what something is or to try and brainwash and control thought and expression for the agenda of progressivism. Political Correctness is an euphemism for censorship.  

Progressive equals communism.

Progressives  are in both political parties and they are a blight on freedom. They are leading us into Agenda 21, Agenda 2030,  NWO under the rule of the UN. They have made the US an income stream to fund the UN. They want America weakened to be inserted in the New World Order which is the concept of elites and slaves. A hierarchy and a slave class. Where the ‘government’ = NWO controls all earth’s resources, when they can be used and by whom, while the elites live in extreme over-abundance and waste with the masses living by and under their rules, their dictatorship. It is Satanic. It is making them gods who rule the earth with regulations, rules, taxes, laws, and control that benefits only ‘ruling class’. It is what the founders of America fled  from in Europe.  NWO is earth worship. It is a lie, EPA, global warming, climate change, whatever it is they are calling it now, is a con to implement regulations, taxes and rules to suck off of and to control the masses and to control industry and progress.

The media has turned into a circus, propaganda for agenda, bought and paid for puppets of con and lies. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupt government.  We need to get back to real journalism. It’s not entertainment . Entertainment is something  else. We must stop confusing the two.

America has been infiltrated by those that wish to corrupt us, take us down to size, deplete and destroy us.  They want a dumbed down, controlled populous that follows their rules and regulations with no freedom, prosperity or choice. Communism.

The US government was created for the people, by the people. The people run and rule America not the government. The government serves the people, not the other way around. 

Didyoukn8We must have a new administration that will trim the fat, shrink the government, get back to the rule of the people, prosperity, let the creative genius and spirit of the American people flow and have freedom of choice, so we can live again the American way one people under God.

We need a government to create a strong military,  infrastructure, a wall to define our boundaries, rules for outsiders to become citizens, a minimal tax structure. The free enterprise system is for everything else. We, the people are America, We are who make America what is it. We are leader of the free world and why foreigners want to live here.  

The government SERVES US, not tells us, what to do, how to live, what to say, what to believe, who our doctor is, our medical treatment or anything else.

America is the home of the free and brave.  As our forefathers warned, we are allowing foreign influences to diminish and destroy us making us something we are not, threatening our happiness,  safety and sovereignty as a nation. 

Look to the left and click to follow… 

I am exploding because the real haters are…

Bushsfault1Obama recently said in one of his usual lame speeches in his fake Southern drawl accent, “Now, don’t you Republicans be a ‘hating’ let’s get some work done.” Then he left for another of his tax-funded expensive vacations.

Who but a teenager, a liberal or a progressive even uses the word ‘hater or ‘be a hating”?  It’s lame.  It’s immature.  What president ever has used such insulting, lame,  juvenile communication? It is laughable were it not so insultingly pathetic.  It’s a well-noted fact, the age when someone becomes addicted, their maturity stops, explains much concerning Obama, and, of course, many others.

Those who call others ‘haters’ are only ‘projecting’ because they are the real ‘haters’. Obama hates Conservatives, Americans, Christians, white ‘folk’.  Obama hates America. Obama stands with those who hate America, namely ‘terrorists’, and he lies, cons, deflects and spins to do so,  while he squanders America’s money on everything he can think of including himself and his indulgent family. Everything Obama does shows what a ‘hater’ he  is of America and her people.  It’s the same con as calling someone a ‘racist’, if they don’t like Obama.

Obama and his ilk play juvenile word games to try and enforce through their creation of what’s ‘politically correct’, or not,  control of American’s thought processes, while it’s they who are the racists and the haters. It’s called brainwashing propaganda. Shaming one group while praising another, when the one being praised is the one that should be shamed. Good is bad. Bad is good. Right is wrong and wrong is right. We are living in the time of Leviathan… the evil that wraps an over abundance of communication in a fog of confusion and deception in which dirty deeds are implemented.

Obama whines if someone is a clown at a rodeo using his persona.  He’s a whiny, thin-skinned dictator. Now that most people see through his lies and con, he calls people haters.  It’s all the perverted, juvenile , crass, deceiver Obama can do, call names like some school-aged child.  While he uses his dog and pony show to deflect and take eyes off of the incredible damage that he is doing to the United States of America and all its people.
For example:  This is overt action by Obama to put the UN in control of the US… It’s called Agenda 21.. NWO to be all under the rule of the UN… http://online.wsj.com/articles/u-s-army-in-europe-to-get-german-chief-of-staff-1406819694

This guy Laubenthal is going to be Chief of Staff (a secretary) to General Campbell,  not a commander of US troops. This about Campbell: http://www.eur.army.mil/leaders/USAREURCommander.htm

This from Army Times (no mention of Hussein): http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140731/NEWS08/307310070/

Obama is weakening our military as fast as he can.

Oprah stated, “All the old white people marinated in racism need to die.” This statement is about as full of hate as any statement could be.

So who are the real haters? Obama and his ilk … all of them are trying to transform America into their image and that my friends is an ugly, ugly thing.  They are weakening, shaming, blaming, lying, deceiving every real America while they suck her resources for themselves or  give them away to our enemies, as they allow illegals, terrorists, and anti-Americans to enter and to govern us.

So I say Obama, Oprah, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of you are the haters
(I can’t believe I am even using this lame juvenile word but the ‘president’ does) who want to destroy America and make it like some form of a ‘hood’, turning us into a ravaged third world country How about getting out of America… you lying, stinkin’ America haters…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Agenda 21…

???????????????????????????????I was inspired and informed to hear Cathie Adams, the 2009/2010 Texas Republican Party Chairman, one of the top Republican influential people of Texas, and now, the International Issues Chairman with the Eagle Forum speak at the Frisco Tea Party on Agenda21… 

Cathie has been attending UN meetings since 1995.
Which began at the 1972 Earth Summit, where it was decided, that a tree has the same rights as a
human being.

The UN met again in Rio, led by Maurice Strong (Capitalism is good for him, but he promotes Cap and Trade, Socialism and Eugenics for the masses. He is a Marxist.), then again in Rio in 1992.  Cathie was at the meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002. It will be held again in 2012, in Rio, ‘Rio + 20’, with the aim of producing a legally binding document. The UN has three branches of government, now it only needs a funding stream and all the pieces will fit together.

This funding is planned to come from Global Taxation… as laid out by the EPA… the ‘Green Agenda’. Soros is already backing the taxing of International Air Travel and is working on taxing all International shipping.

Their Religion is ‘Earth Worship’ …  Liberate the Soil – Un-dam the Rivers – Free the People – Unplug the Empire… 

Gorbachev stated that it would be ‘global warming’, the ‘EPA’, that would lead to the ‘New World Government’.

When in, actuality,many scientists state that global warming is inconclusive.

But if you say a lie often enough ‘most’ people will believe it. “It’s a web of lies.” (this is what Clinton calls it) to promote their agenda… Agenda 21…

This ‘Green Agenda’ is just that, an ‘agenda’ to control everyone and everything in the world. Their agenda is to control all land, all resources and what humans can and can’t do. As you all know, Al Gore is leading the way…as he conveniently is set up to benefit financially…an inconvenient truth about ‘his greed’….

The UN is making ‘rules’ that we cannot get out of, as there is no voting… no argument or debate… It is all decided and spread by grants. They are going for government control of all land. You can own it, but the government tells you what to do with it.
Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right? Until you scratch the surface and find that ‘Agenda 21’ and ‘Sustainable Development’ are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21; Private Property ownership, Single-Family homes, Private car ownership and individual travel choices,  and Privately owned farms. Freedom of choice is at risk in just about everything…

The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property. For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land; Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, and therefore, contributes to ‘social injustice’; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved, if land is used in the interest of society as a whole. But who decides who has what?… And it’s interesting that Soros, Clinton, Gore, Oprah, Strong, Rockerfeller, Rothchilds, Kennedys, etc, all own huge estates, even more than one, and travel in private aircraft.

They want to shred the Constitution and create new ‘rules’…. and these new rules create an ‘elite class’ and a ‘slave class’, doing completely away with the middle class…
(Obama continually ignores even laughs at the Constitution)

They want to totally do away with Suburbia and have all ‘workers’ (the masses) living in high rises. So, that there is open land for the ‘elite’ to enjoy, while they protect all animals and other species. ‘They’ are about themselves, the earth and no one else matters.

Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.

There are more very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it.

In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project. We all know by now that Obama is the puppet of Soros.

America’s appreciation of freedom and self-determination is one that needs no explanation and is seen as a problem by the UN. So, Obama was brought in to nail the coffin shut on America’s free enterprize system under the guise of ‘change’.

This type of global plan could not be implemented without a large and well-funded group pushing through its priorities. For that, Agenda 21 has the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). And ICLEI is deeply entrenched in America.

Over six hundred cities, towns and counties in America are members of ICLEI? They enter communities with ‘green ideas’ and grants for innocent things like bike paths and green zones which sound good, until it’s realized that they are under UN regulations.

This agenda is spread by Federal grants. Do you support your local government agreeing to rules and regulations set up by a UN-based organization that wants private property transferred to government control? If you would like to see if your community is a member of ICLEI, you can visit their website.

In this, the government decides which companies will receive tax breaks and are allowed to stay in business.  In light of this realization, the cozy relationship between the current administration and GE (a company that paid no tax in 2010) should raise eyebrows. As should the relationship of  Soros, Buffet, Gates, Oprah, the MSM and many others that stand to benefit and rule over the masses.

The seeds for Agenda 21 were planted back in 1987 when the writings of Gro Harlem Brundtland (a woman who was first Vice-President of the Socialist International) caught the eye of the UN. Dr. Brundtland wrote a report for the UN called, ‘Our Common Future’ eventually got into the business of environmentalism as a tool to control all the people of the world and establish a global government. For a better understanding of Agenda 21 and ICLEI … The American Policy Center offers a one-page primer on Agenda 21.

Obama signed on, 6-9-2011, an executive order, EO #13575, that gives the government the rights to take over all land. 

So, if you look at what ‘they’ did with the housing industry … it will make more sense as to ‘their agenda’. Obama is trying to do away with real-estate deductions and tax further personal real-state sales. This is hidden in ObamaCare.

The ‘so-called’ Smart meteors are used to further manage, report and limit electrical usage.

Obama is investing tax payer’s money into companies that promote the ‘Green Scam.’ Why should he care if the money is lost? He wants America on its knees.

Everything that is being done is to further the implementation of Agenda 21. To put everything under the control of the UN, Agenda 21…and to create a NWO… for the elite to utilize the earth and all resources as they see fit and to have everyone else as slaves to their wishes. It is clear that America needs to withdraw from the UN as it is doing nothing, but to enslave us to it.

The questions to be asked of the next President are: their stance on global warming, the EPA, Agenda 21 and if they think it is in America’s best interest to withdraw from the UN.

Cathie Adams, International  Issues Chairman…Leading the Pro-Family Movement Since 1972 … www.EagleForum.org