Tag Archives: Journalism

Progressive = communism, Political Correctness = censorship…

???????????????????????????????Truth is lie. Lie is Truth. You are being told what and how to think. You are being advertised to, brainwashed and bullied continually  by the media, the government, politicians and social media, all for their agenda to control your life, what you think, what you buy and how you live. Our children are being brainwashed in schools instead of being taught how to think for themselves. They are being manipulated for the agenda of rule, dominate and control.
FB is an arm of the Obama regime and the progressive movement with agenda to weaken the US, insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.. and first thing they do is to flood our country with immigrants refugees, illegals that have no allegiance to our country and to shut all others up, if and when they protest, call them racists, haters, bigots. It’s all an agenda-filled con of progressive/communism. 
BarackObama betrays Americans…
 FB outsources monitoring to Tunisia. So we are being monitored, banned and ‘punished’ by Muslims for stating our opinions, as they curtail freedom of speech and punish those who do not go along with their agenda. Islam is communism with a so called  ‘god’ that rules, dominates and controls every aspect of lives  Islam is a political ideology not a religion. Communism and Islam are the same.
 FB makes revenue off advertising to Americans who made them the money they have and are worth, just like politicians pandering to Americans, pandering for money, sucking private sector money, living off private sector money while they create and build nothing then tell the private sector what to do as they try to take away more and more of our American freedoms, bastardizing our Constitution, letting Sharia Law seep in, ignoring terrorist growth, trying to tamper with our gun laws, censoring us with politically correct propaganda and it’s time for it to stop!
I am blocked from facebook for 30 days for posting that Sharia Law is not compatible with our Constitution.

Clever technique used by a particularly dangerous Islamic supremacist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. They call it “civilization jihad,” a term that describes how the Brotherhood is aiming at, in their words, “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within.”

Here are some of the ways the civilization jihadist leaders are stealthily trying to take us down: Islam5

  • Islamists are placing Muslim Brothers into positions as advisors to and, in some cases as employees of, our government – placements that facilitate their insidious influence operations.
  • Islamists seek to prevent our free speech – particularly the kind that might allow us to understand and effectively counteract their secretive assaults on our country and its institutions.
  • Islamists are trying to use the “Common Core” curriculum – our children’s textbooks – to promote Islamic supremacism in our academic institutions.
  • Islamists are working to insinuate Shariah into U.S. courts and establish their own parallel “Islamic tribunals” to subvert our rule of law and Constitution.
  • Islamists are using our immigration system – especially our refugee resettlement program – to engage in what the Islamic supremacists call the hijra, a Muslim colonization of America.
  • Islamists enlist leaders of other faiths through so-called “interfaith dialogue” to obscure and enable what is fundamentally a subversive political, not a legitimate religious, agenda. And,
  • Islamists use what is known as “Shariah-Compliant Finance” to penetrate our capitalist system.
 Our government, media, social media are complicit in this destruction of America as they all are vying for their place in the NWO.
The government works for us. The agenda-filled propaganda media makes money when we watch them with their goal to brainwash the masses to think as they are told to think.  It’s time to turn them off.
The government is trying to control us with and by our own  money.  We, the American people,  pay their salaries and benefits. So how about we turn it around on them and demand that they work for us. All their salaries need to be cut and most all fired. They need to be turned loose in the private sector to do what they are telling others to do. They need to get real jobs and get off the government gravy train. Let them live under the oppressive rules they are trying to create.
We are being led into Communism. The lying conning leaders of evil have just changed the names of things to create confusion and to make it appear more palatable.. like ‘fair’… like they will take care of everyone… like they will take care of the world. .. and this is all con  and lies to keep ‘them’ in control and on the gravy train of wealth and power paid for by the American people.
Perfect example: ‘Climate change’ … the climate always changes. These con artists, lying, manipulating, government thieves and I include the UN, have come up with the idea to tax, create regulations, and authoritative rule over the people for acts of nature. It’s the con of the century. The climate always changes and nothing can control it.
Human beings are being taxed for living, but only those in civilized countries. Those who work to attain,  according to the corrupted government, are  supposed to take care of all others, but only if it’s funded through them to create for them  organizations and bureaucracies in and from which they hide and launder money as they suck off of  donations and resources,  creating wealth and benefits for themselves.  A little bit of good and a whole lot of something else.  They create for themselves wealth, power and authority  for no reason other than for telling us what to do.  This is called Communism. They are calling it progressivism but it’s COMMUNISM and this corruption does not work, never has and never will.
Hillary+Clinton+caricature+webTwo clear examples: 1. The Clintons, they live in wealth attained from the government by telling others how to think and how to vote.  They have done nothing but take from others. They say they have given but what have they given? Bill Clinton served in public office while screwing everything that walked by, while he attained power, influence and wealth doing his backers bidding. then they create foundations to suck more money into their coffers. It’s the crime of communism, lying and conning the people for their gain. 2. The Obama’s are worse. Obama is a puppet who has never done anything but talk. He’s a snake oil salesman of the highest order with agenda to rule the world. The Obama snake is shooting now to be Secretary of the UN.
So put it together, flood the US with immigrants, illegals, refugees, destroy allegiance to America, insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.  Then we have the likes of the Obamas, the Clintons, etc. ruling over the world.
We must stop this corruption NOW! We must have a government that adheres to the Constitution, does everything to protect the US, to build strong the US and that means getting out of our private lives, our businesses, our healthcare, etc. Creating a strong military so we will not have to use it. That the world fears the wrath of America, instead of their intimidating us and forcing us out of our benevolence to destroy ourselves for their benefit.  We must force the media to report the truth instead of opinion and agenda. Journalism is ‘supposed’ to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government. At this time, we have no journalism,only bought and paid for whores of progressivism.
Obama-Lies-SCWe must bust this corruption open, boycott those who stand with progressivism/communism, censorship, gun control, etc. And support those who stand with our Constitution and if they lie about this to gain office, they need to be arrested and removed. 
My explosion for today!… Look to the left and click to follow…

To take over a country control the media. Control the media, you control their minds.

Pullinghair2Bought and paid for media whores…
 We have a corrupted media. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government instead we have a corrupted bought and paid for media of whores covering up the corruption and spewing agenda-filled propaganda.
To take over a country control the media. Control the media, you control their minds.

The media, a bunch of sensationalists, bullies, gossip mongers, racists, liars, biased, agenda-filled, self-promoting puppets bought and paid for by those who want the public to believe as ‘they’ tell them to. So, they repeat, repeat and repeat just like the dictator Obama does  who actually said, “Say it often enough and they will believe it.” Obama is a bully… so ‘his media’ follows his lead.

That’s how Obama got to where he is with this lying, liberal/progressive media cover-up and onslaught. 

Media control is the tool of dictators and Obama along with Oprah, Soros, Muslim owners, etc. and other’s help are going at it strong to promote their self-serving agenda.

I have grown to detest the media. There is no journalism. It is opinion and agenda-filled propaganda. I have no respect for them. They are about ratings, not truth… about agenda, not truth, while promoting and selling their books. They are all corrupted…

If we allow the corrupted media to choose our next President, we are done for as a free society…

If we follow and buy into the bought and paid for ignorance of the media, we are brainwashed fools. The current media is an enemy to all Americans… and needs to be removed and replaced with real reporting… real journalism, and brave, honorable people unafraid to tell the truth  with the integrity not to be bought off. This is what news programs should be… the search for truth, not the vilifying of some and the covering-up for others.

Then the incessant repetition on all channels of the same story repeated ad nauseam.

What we have now is a bunch of talking heads like on some continual idiotic lame talkshow… some try to be cute and funny, some try to show conflicting ideas to be ‘fair and balanced’ and I find it mostly to be ignorant entertainment pandering to fools.  It’s an Oprah, ‘The View’  trend of idiocy. It worked for them so they all follow suit.

Obama is taking apart America one freedom at a time. Progressive equals communism. Read about Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, NWO under the rule of the UN. 1st thing they are using is the con of global warming, the EPA is being used to implement rules, regulations, and taxes to put all resources under the rule of the UN and the NWO. This is the big news. So why isn’t the media talking about it continually?  It effects everyone of us and will lead to America’s destruction, to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN.  They are using the US as an income stream to fund this con.. Why isn’t every news program in America reporting this?

The media  people are working for Obama and the progressive agenda, not the American people. It’s all slanted for the agenda of the progressives as they attack real Americans on all fronts.

Oh, but when Obama starts to fall down  some will swing and shift to protect themselves, but will always be for their hidden, but not so hidden-agenda…

The media is sick, distorted and appears terminal.

All the talking heads giving their opinions…blah! blah! blah!  Telling Americans what they ‘should’ think and why. How insulting and hateful these media bullies are I know, I am insulted.  Who are these people really? Who put them where they are and why? None of them impress me. In fact, they bore me, irritate me and strike me as hollow, scripted puppets..

Their slanted BS polls used to try and get the sheeple to think that everyone feels one way or another, so they will want to be like the rest or turn against others. It’s all orchestrated talking points. They report a poll that deems those who like Trump are uneducated. What a lie, agenda-filled propaganda. Who takes these polls. Who creates them and who do they poll?

Actually those who support Trump are the most educated, and successful in their lives and don’t want or need government hand outs and freebies. They are the energetic people who control their lives and don’t what others to dictate to them.

 Polls, media sound bites, who they attack, what they attack, what they repeat, is all done for their agenda to brainwash to get the masses to do as they direct, think as they tell them to and believe what they say.

It is up to us to hold the media accountablebecause of their cover-up and protection of Obama, we have the worst, most corrupt, traitor to America, now in the position of President.

 If we allow the corrupted media to choose our next President, we are done for as a free society…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Exploding! Shrink the government …

BLue explosion 5For any business to survive and be profitable, the fat must be cut with loyalty, efficiency  and competence from employees. Can’t keep a bunch of no good, lazy, stealing, lying people around and have a company thrive. It must have a profitable bottom line. Any competent businessman knows that. No one running a business that is in trouble goes on extended expensive vacations. They take no vacations until there is prosperity and all is well.

Anything the government touches turns into a fat, bloated, wasteful blob of incompetency ,which has now under the Obama regime, turned into massive debt, a weakened military, a wasteful, lying deceitful administration, a disrespectful, hate America organization of corruption, traitors, cover-ups, making bad deals, squandering money while lying to the American people about their deeds and agenda while they become wealthy.

They all need to be fired! Is Trump the one to do it? Could Barackbe, not sure yet. But we must have people of integrity, common sense, business sense, can’t be bought off, wisdom about economics, world affairs, love of county with faith in God, honor, truth  and the American way, which is to strive for excellence.  We must have a military so strong that we will not need to use it. The three branches of government are how America is run, not by executive order by some dictator with a ‘pen and a phone’.

ATT00001The Muslim political agenda, Sharia Law, is not compatible with our Constitution. We have freedom of religion in America. Islam is not freedom and it is not a religion. It is a political ideology like communism which rules every aspect of lives. It is oppression, torture, murder and death. A woman covered in the way of Islam, Sharia Law, and all Muslims are under Sharia, is not freedom, is not American, it is oppression. This is not the American way and it is not compatible with our Constitution.

Immigrants must go through the legal process to become a citizen, learn about our country, adhere to and respect our ways, speak our language, which is English or not come here. They should not get any benefits just for being in our country. Only our citizens receive benefits.

Progressive is communism just with a different name which brings me to the political correct propaganda and agenda of changing words to hide the truth of what something is or to try and brainwash and control thought and expression for the agenda of progressivism. Political Correctness is an euphemism for censorship.  

Progressive equals communism.

Progressives  are in both political parties and they are a blight on freedom. They are leading us into Agenda 21, Agenda 2030,  NWO under the rule of the UN. They have made the US an income stream to fund the UN. They want America weakened to be inserted in the New World Order which is the concept of elites and slaves. A hierarchy and a slave class. Where the ‘government’ = NWO controls all earth’s resources, when they can be used and by whom, while the elites live in extreme over-abundance and waste with the masses living by and under their rules, their dictatorship. It is Satanic. It is making them gods who rule the earth with regulations, rules, taxes, laws, and control that benefits only ‘ruling class’. It is what the founders of America fled  from in Europe.  NWO is earth worship. It is a lie, EPA, global warming, climate change, whatever it is they are calling it now, is a con to implement regulations, taxes and rules to suck off of and to control the masses and to control industry and progress.

The media has turned into a circus, propaganda for agenda, bought and paid for puppets of con and lies. Journalism is supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupt government.  We need to get back to real journalism. It’s not entertainment . Entertainment is something  else. We must stop confusing the two.

America has been infiltrated by those that wish to corrupt us, take us down to size, deplete and destroy us.  They want a dumbed down, controlled populous that follows their rules and regulations with no freedom, prosperity or choice. Communism.

The US government was created for the people, by the people. The people run and rule America not the government. The government serves the people, not the other way around. 

Didyoukn8We must have a new administration that will trim the fat, shrink the government, get back to the rule of the people, prosperity, let the creative genius and spirit of the American people flow and have freedom of choice, so we can live again the American way one people under God.

We need a government to create a strong military,  infrastructure, a wall to define our boundaries, rules for outsiders to become citizens, a minimal tax structure. The free enterprise system is for everything else. We, the people are America, We are who make America what is it. We are leader of the free world and why foreigners want to live here.  

The government SERVES US, not tells us, what to do, how to live, what to say, what to believe, who our doctor is, our medical treatment or anything else.

America is the home of the free and brave.  As our forefathers warned, we are allowing foreign influences to diminish and destroy us making us something we are not, threatening our happiness,  safety and sovereignty as a nation. 

Look to the left and click to follow…