Tag Archives: Fraud

Fraudulent bizarre advertising…must STOP!

Oct10Stop9I called Weight Watchers and told them to get Oprah’s lying ugly fat head off their ads, that I change the channel every time she comes on. I don’t watch OWN and never will and don’t appreciate seeing Oprah’s face and hearing her voice continually in ads while I am watching a movie.  I don’t watch OWN so I don’t have to see or hear Oprah.

Oprah has been on diet after diet for decades and is still fat. She’s had private trainers, personal chefs and is still fat.

She pulled a Oprah thin1wagon out on a stage with the amount of fat she lost when she shrunk down to thin after one diet but then she ballooned  back to fat. Oprah fat3

Oprah is the worst spokesperson for a diet that anyone could have.  But I heard she bought 10 percent of Weight Watchers, so now, we have to endure more of her telling everyone what they should do diet BS. Add to that she went on a program in England and stated. “All old white people need to die.”
After Oprah said that, kids were playing the knock out game to harm and kill whites and others. Oprah should be arrested for inciting murder.  She should never be a spokesperson for any product much less a diet.  It is offensive to me that Weight Watchers uses an over-weight racist, who wants older white people to die, in their ads. So which is it Oprah, die or lose weight and make this the best year ever? What a lying duplicitous, self -serving con artist Oprah is.

Is Oprah spewing through the platform of Weight Watchers that only young non-whites should be on their plan?

If Oprah does lose some weight using Weight Watchers, she will put it all back on as she has done for decades. Oprah fat I don’t believe in dieting or any of these diet program. It’s portion control, exercise and it’s a lifestyle not a diet.  Appears to me Oprah has no self-control Oprah fat1even after all her shows about loving self, ‘living your best life’ and ‘that you are responsible for your life’. HA! When Oprah can’t even control her ‘own’ weight. Oprah fat 5She needs to practice what she’s preached/preaches for decades. Can you say FRAUD, USER and CON! She gets wealthy off America while attending a ‘hate America church’. 

A Weight Watcher dweeb on the phone told me I should be more professional. HUH?  Me, really? When they have a fat racist as spokesperson. It’s Weight Watchers that should be more professional. Peachrehab9Seeing Oprah in ads offends me since I am an older white person and she is calling for me to die. And I am physically fit, never been fat and never dieted.  This is Weight Watchers number if anyone else wants to call and complain, 800.651.6000,   What a bunch of conning freaks. Might I suggest everyone call and complain about Oprah and her fat A$$ being used in ads for dieting. I am so sick of seeing Oprah’s face and hearing her con and lies.

 Weight Watchers has a fat, racist as spokesperson.

I guess Planet Fitness that ‘non-judgmental’ place to workout, should use Obama as spokeObama workingoutsperson since he is such an example of fitness and the way to workout .. .see video below.


Government Give-Aways…

the new game/talk/propaganda/variety/greedy government show.. produced by Big Fat Greedy Oprah starringoprah_new_beetle.top.jpg Obama…

Cash for clunkers, redistribute the wealth, government knows best, we must go green, or
“If you love me, pass my bill!”

Obama…the star of the show … tax tax, I need more taxes! I want your money! I need your money! I know how it should be spent not you…

What or which ever trick, or phrase I need to repeat, repeat then repeat again and implement in order to suck the cash and energy from the ‘folks’ in the private sector to give more and more…to those who will vote for me and keep me in power…

I will choose what to spend your money on not you…I know best… I am OOOOObama! I operate the ‘Chicago way’… bully, lie and con… reward my friends and punish my enemies…

I give to those I choose to, so that ‘Government Give-Aways’ will hook the masses into my Government Give-Aways Game Show for life. The show that sucks the money outta everyone in the private sector then gives it away to whoever it wants to, rewarding friends and punishing enemies, or wastes it, spends it on themselves and some stupid business, or cause that kisses my butt then asks for more. Then we go back to you for more, more, and more… Why should I care?  I just organize it … my community game show give-aways… while my wife travels all over and wears designer duds…

“If you love me, pass my bill!” My bill that screws you over, over and over again. Don’t worry about that. It’s not for you, but for me, me, me, let me make it clear.. it’s for me.. because I,  I,  I,  I am OBAMA!

Soros, Buffet, Gates and the others who back me, well, they get wealthier and attain more power while ‘pretending’ to be
so ‘good’, ‘caring’ ‘wise’ and ‘knowing’… but they know nothing, but lies and control…they are out for themselves… alittle bit of ‘good’ and a whole lot of something else…

It’s the show, Government Give-Aways, popular with those who want to destroy freedom, America and the free-enterprize system… in order, for the New World Order to take over the show Government Give-Aways, so it can take over the entire world … Live off the Government programs and be enslaved, so those in ‘charge’, the elite, the ‘community organizers’ dole out what they know you want and what they think you should have when we think you should have it or not. 

Greed, Green Al Gore, let me say it again… Green Greed Gore.. make me wealthier… Hey you! Watch your carbon footprint while mine is as big as my belly… Obama funds my projects even if they don’t know what they are doing and if they waste and lose the money. Well, so what, we can get more from you. Your money isn’t yours, it’s ours…

Big Greedy Fat Mouthed Michael Moore… thinks he knows best about everything as he gets wealthier and fatter off his spewing… the perfect example of bloated greed..conning the people… big fat greedy Michael Moore…

Michelle Obama weight gainMichelle fat butt Obama thinks she should be ‘the one’ telling everyone what and how to eat…

Who are these fat, ‘know it all’, people, fat Oprah, fat, Michael Moore, fat Gore… and where did they come from and who are they to tell the American people anything?

Obama, Oprah, Moore and Gore… their names together and it tells the story…

They are some of the big winners in the Government Give-Aways Game Show… they promote and ‘say’ that they are giving, but really they are a taking. They are liars, false in their agenda. They are the ones eating all the time, flying around in jets, traveling, getting wealthier, on the tax payers dime… as they tell the tax payers what to
do, how to live, what to buy, what to think and how to vote…

Appears to me like the Government Give-Away Game show is a game of FRAUD AND CON… but that’s just what little ole me thinks. What do you think?…