She was fired from her position in the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry into Watergate for lying and unethical behavior. FAILED to pass the bar exam and then married Bill and moved to Arkansas.
Let’s not forget the “Whitewater”, “Travelgate”, “Filegate”, and “Chinagate”…. all scandals the Clinton’s masterminded that ruined people lives and even got some murdered.
I’ll skip over the Bill Clinton presidential years and his subsequent IMPEACHMENT and scandalous infidelities which any sane woman would have divorced him for. But let’s face it, Hillary married into power. In a nation with more than 150 million women, it ought to be possible to find a president who got there on her own merits and not owing everything you have to your husband.
Other than being an elderly drunken crone, Hillary really has no accomplishments as her time as a slacker senator in New York either. It only proved that her success was accomplished by just showing up.
And her infamous “we’re broke” claim. Okay, there are dozens of ridiculously-talented, hard-working people who’ll never set foot in a mansion… but Hillary buys two and weeps. Estimated between $25 and $50 million, all from speeches and ghostwritten books, her personal wealth is arguably her only accomplishment.
Before there was Brian Williams, there was Hillary. She infamously claimed in 2008 that she landed under “sniper fire” in Bosnia, which was refuted by video evidence of the incident. However, that is not the first time that she has been caught telling untruths. In 1995, she claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach Mount Everest’s summit. However, he did not do so until 6 years after Clinton was born, making it unlikely that her mother would be familiar with him at the time.
“Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” ~Hillary, June 2014
This shows again why she is not fit to be President. If she has a place to fill, the more fitting venue would be a prison cell, lest we not remember who she really is.