Tag Archives: corrupted media

Radical Muslim traitors in our White House?

BarackWhy is Obama always so quick to jump to gun control? Why would he even suggest that we change our gun laws Muslims?
It’s our 2nd Amendment, we have a right to bear arms.  He should be telling  everyone to get armed, learn to use them correctly and to self-protect. Why does he refuse to identify Islam terrorists?
Why is he allowing Muslim terrorists into US, while trying to change gun laws?
BOWhy did he trade kguncontrolworksnown terrorists for one deserter?
Why didn’t Obama stop ISIS when they were his so-called JV team? Now they have grown and spread and Obama let it happen.
This bogus claim that the Oregon shooter was Tea Party and conservative is idiotic. Most Tea Party are Christian.  Tea Party is a group that believes in no taxation without representation and our Constitution. There is nothing radical about them. They are true Americans, kind, veterans, business owners, Christians, the people who love America and made/make it great.
It’s the Dems/libs/progressives that boo God and believe in all sorts of perverted lifestyles. They are radical and are destroying the US with their radical, perverted, bizarre, distorted, ignorant agenda of idiocy.
Global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Obama administration.
Why did the Oregon shooter identify and shoot Christians in the head? That is the way of Muslims and one of his two friends on social media was a radical Muslim. No Conservative, Tea Party person would knowingly associate with such.
On the radical edge, lost, mentally/emotionally troubled kids are the ones that are attracted to joining radical groups such as Muslims and who commit atrocious acts, it gives them a way to feel powerful as they think they will be known for their acts of terrorism  on their way to meet their ‘however’ many virgins… HA!
The Oregon shooter is the kind of kid Obama was and still is…Obama Fraudbi-racial, a druggie,  on the edge, a lost radical, bath house kind that didn’t fit in looking for anyway to feel important. The kind of kid easily manipulated because they do not have a stable core and that is the kind radicals and those on the edge seek and can easily convert with promises of power and money. These are the people that Obama identifies with as written in his book. Barry Soetoro traveled to Saudi Arabia as a college kid. Why and how did he get the funds to do so,  getting financial aid as a foreign student? Obama identifies with troubled kids, criminals, self-made victims and is a radical. He even suggested in one incident that the troubled kid could be his son.  
People like this are more likely to commit destruction in some form,  they hate themselves so project it onto others. This Oregon shooter shot innocents in classrooms. Obama is trying to destroy America. Dictators are like this Oregon shooter, they just climb to a larger audience. Hatred of the good, for being the good. Self hate turning into evil projected outward, that is the Oregon shooter and that is Obama.
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamic terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 “known/suspected” Islamic terrorists that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) refused last month to accept from the Federation due to its not being “politically viable in the present atmosphere”.
According to this report, the black-Islamic terrorist who committed this act of terror, Chris Harper Mercer, had previously been identified by electronic intelligence specialists within the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) as being an Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) adherent after he had attempted to gain passage to Syria via Turkey during the first week of September, 2015.
By the Obama regime refusing to accept this terror list from the Federation, this report continues, Mercer was able to accomplish his terror act when yesterday he killed 9 people and wounded 7 others at the Umpqua Community College prior to his being shot and killed by local US police forces.
We now have a corrupted bought and paid for media,  or they are being threatened, or in fear because they cover for this corrupted administration.
Journalists are supposed to be our first line of defense against a corrupted government, but what we have now are bought and paid for talking heads.

Hypocritical, Despicable Main Stream Media…

???????????????????????????????Hey Media! Stop forcing your propagandized agenda down our throats and just report the facts…

I have been writing about this for ages… but in the Republican debate it ricochet off the rector scale. It was so great how Newt nailed the media… And he is dead on correct…

The MSM attack and vilify Conservatives repeatedly, on all levels, and viciously, while protecting their liberal/progressive agenda. And definitely protecting, even covering up for their ‘precious’ Obama.

Obama gets away with all sorts of gaffs, mistakes, radical associations, immoral behaviors, accusations, threats and withholding information from his past (male lovers, attending a hate America church, being a member of a gay men’s club in Chicago, lies, changing stories and agendas on and on) and this is all played down even ignored by the MSM.

Why doesn’t the MSM interview the three men, maybe more, who claim to have had affairs with Obama? (But I think most of them are dead… murdered?) Why hasn’t Obama released his school records? Did he get a scholarship as a foreign student? Why are most all of Obama’s friends and associates radicals or criminals? How did Obama finance his house in Chicago, with whom and why? Obama’s connection with Acorn, voter fraud, and the Black Panthers? Obama’s many social security numbers?  Fast and Furious… can you imagine if a Conservative administration had this kind of a situation? The MSM would be all over it… but they give the Obama Regime a pass….

Michelle Obama’s ‘unusal’ placements on hospital boards in Chicago? Why don’t they interview Bill Ayers? Why don’t they interview Soros and question him extensively concerning his interaction with Obama and Clinton? How come it is that, Soros, a man who destroys economies and is actually a
‘war criminal’ associates so closely with Clinton and Obama? Who are Frank Pearl and James Johnson as related to Soros?

Here’s a lead for some reporter: Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London “City”, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment stay concealed.

What about interviewing Obama’s drug dealers? How about interviewing Obama’s girlfriends before Michelle….were there any? Then, we go to the birth certificate debacle? The expensive trips that the Obamas take when our economy is bad…How about the foreigners that back Obama? Why did a Saudi pay for his schooling? How did a broke, druggy, street kid get into Harvard? How did he afford to travel internationally? It goes on and on and the MSM gives Obama a pass. They even try to convince us that Michelle Obama is attractive and stylish… Ha!

The MSM sells the agenda that they want to, or were given orders to do… as they annihilate Conservatives …

The MSM promotes an anti-Christ agenda. They are religious bigots. They ignore Obama’s Muslim roots… Obama’s statements about standing with the Muslims. Obama’s connection to Odingo, his cousin, who kills Christians… Obama campaigned for him in Kenya…

Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA….

But, the MSM is more concerned about Newt’s ex-wife of over a decade ago…. Pretty lame!….huh?

Hey MSM…here is a good story idea…

Or how about this: Obama would rather America be beholden to Moslem oil, have higher energy prices and fewer American Jobs than to do what’s right about The Keystone Pipeline! Obama kills around 300,000 jobs with the stroke of his Marxist pen!

Or how about:  http://www.coachisright.com/will-jan-26th-be-%e2%80%9cthe-night-the-lights-went-out-in-georgia%e2%80%9d-for-obama-and-his-27-socsec-numbers/

Didn’t he swear an oath on the Bible that he has never used an alias or had another name??? It’s pretty bad when foreigners have to provide the information that we have a potential fraud in office before our courts will take it seriously. They’ve been intimidated….by what??? He was asked time and again as a candidate the first time, to make full disclosure so the people could cast informed votes without reservation……..yet, he’s spending over $1 Million yearly with several law firms to keep all his records locked up and out of reach. If this was about a GOP candidate, the blogs would be buzzing at a deafening level.

http://www.exposeobama.com/2012/01/22/video-obama-summoned-to-appear-in-georgia-court/I would think anyone of these subjects would make a great story for an investigative reporter…  a ‘good’ reporter who investigates and reveals the truth about Obama should win a Pulitzer… but no, they cover it up, ignore it… and instead, attack Conservatives…

It is clear that the media has been given their marching orders and those orders are to protect and to push forward the liberal/progressive agenda. and to protect the Obama Regime, no matter what they say or do. This is an un-American agenda, a tear down America agenda. The MSM is un-American. They are propaganda pushing socialists…and worst…

Our media is corrupted. Too much of it is owned by those with a liberal/progressive agenda and by foreigners (Saudi Arabians, Soros, etc.) and this is disastrous for our country.

We have no journalism. A journalist reports facts, truth, instead of slanted propaganda. All the MSM does now is to push their personal agenda, the Obama regime, or that of their ‘owners’…

When we have more agenda-filled propaganda, than real factual news, we are in a dictatorship. ‘They’ know that to control the information stream that they can control the minds of the ignorant masses.

They are ‘trying’ to ‘tell’ the masses what to think, how to think, what is good for them, and what isn’t. The MSM treats the masses like they are children as does Obama. Obama talks down to (actually repeatedly lies) to the American people, like they are children in kindergarten, or even younger, or are idiots with the need to be told what to do. Obama acts like he knows what is good for us and we don’t.

Who is this ‘community organizer’, really…? He’s a nobody, do nothing, ‘former’ druggy, marxist… a bought and paid for puppet who is a bit black, mostly Arab and white who plays the ‘race card’ continually for effect and agenda…

As we get out from under the Obama regime, we need to also over-throw the propaganda media.

These ‘talking heads’ with their bought and paid for agenda are despicable and vicious and need to be taken down. And they all protect one another… what is this BS? Are there none who can REPORT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH??? Are there any who are ‘real’ Americans?…

How did this character, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama, get to where he is?… With the help of Oprah, the MSM, and his radical backers who wish to do America harm and the harm that is done, we will hold them responsible for…The media has become America’s enemy…The media is responsible for Obama…

We need to bring back, ‘demand’, real journalism… real reporters… real fact and truth seekers.

The talking heads kissing the butt of the liberal/progressive agenda, especially the Obama Regime, need to be discarded.
They do more ignoring and covering up then investigating and any real reporting…

Thank goodness for Newt’s ability and courage to do what any and everyone with a brain was thinking and wanting to do…Bravo Newt!!!
Drop Dead MSM…. either become professional and without agenda or go away!