Tag Archives: con

Fraudulent bizarre advertising…must STOP!

Oct10Stop9I called Weight Watchers and told them to get Oprah’s lying ugly fat head off their ads, that I change the channel every time she comes on. I don’t watch OWN and never will and don’t appreciate seeing Oprah’s face and hearing her voice continually in ads while I am watching a movie.  I don’t watch OWN so I don’t have to see or hear Oprah.

Oprah has been on diet after diet for decades and is still fat. She’s had private trainers, personal chefs and is still fat.

She pulled a Oprah thin1wagon out on a stage with the amount of fat she lost when she shrunk down to thin after one diet but then she ballooned  back to fat. Oprah fat3

Oprah is the worst spokesperson for a diet that anyone could have.  But I heard she bought 10 percent of Weight Watchers, so now, we have to endure more of her telling everyone what they should do diet BS. Add to that she went on a program in England and stated. “All old white people need to die.”
After Oprah said that, kids were playing the knock out game to harm and kill whites and others. Oprah should be arrested for inciting murder.  She should never be a spokesperson for any product much less a diet.  It is offensive to me that Weight Watchers uses an over-weight racist, who wants older white people to die, in their ads. So which is it Oprah, die or lose weight and make this the best year ever? What a lying duplicitous, self -serving con artist Oprah is.

Is Oprah spewing through the platform of Weight Watchers that only young non-whites should be on their plan?

If Oprah does lose some weight using Weight Watchers, she will put it all back on as she has done for decades. Oprah fat I don’t believe in dieting or any of these diet program. It’s portion control, exercise and it’s a lifestyle not a diet.  Appears to me Oprah has no self-control Oprah fat1even after all her shows about loving self, ‘living your best life’ and ‘that you are responsible for your life’. HA! When Oprah can’t even control her ‘own’ weight. Oprah fat 5She needs to practice what she’s preached/preaches for decades. Can you say FRAUD, USER and CON! She gets wealthy off America while attending a ‘hate America church’. 

A Weight Watcher dweeb on the phone told me I should be more professional. HUH?  Me, really? When they have a fat racist as spokesperson. It’s Weight Watchers that should be more professional. Peachrehab9Seeing Oprah in ads offends me since I am an older white person and she is calling for me to die. And I am physically fit, never been fat and never dieted.  This is Weight Watchers number if anyone else wants to call and complain, 800.651.6000,   What a bunch of conning freaks. Might I suggest everyone call and complain about Oprah and her fat A$$ being used in ads for dieting. I am so sick of seeing Oprah’s face and hearing her con and lies.

 Weight Watchers has a fat, racist as spokesperson.

I guess Planet Fitness that ‘non-judgmental’ place to workout, should use Obama as spokeObama workingoutsperson since he is such an example of fitness and the way to workout .. .see video below.


How low can Pelosi go?…

“Newt will never be the Republican nominee. I know ‘something’ about him and it will destroy his chances. The Republicans may choose him, but he will not win.” this woman says with a ‘glint’ in her eye…

Oh really, Miss Nancy!? How about spitting it out then… Newt challenged you to do so… ‘Put up or shut up’… or something to that effect.

Now really, isn’t this woman’s ‘threat’ more like that of a child? “Nanny nanny boo boo, I know a secret!”

Kind of like pass the healthcare bill to find out what’s in it….

What kind of idiocracy is this?  New word IDIOCRACY… not DEMOCRACY… We are under an IDIOCRACY under OBAMA…

Are they so threatened by Newt that this woman pulls these things out of her witches hat? Do they want Romney to be the candidate so badly. So that, Obama can play his ‘class warfare’, using Romney as a punching bag because Romney is wealthy… and reported paying capitol gains taxes on money, he had already paid ordinary income taxes on… no one tells the full tax story.. only a part of it for their propaganda, ‘raise taxes on the wealthy’, agenda…

The Obama propaganda always ‘conveniently’ misses points, facts, truth and everything else. Gee! I wonder why?

Pelosi didn’t properly vet Obama and I wonder why again? HA! She wanted her ‘precious’ puppet to push through all those bills that she had waiting, such as the healthcare bill…that Bush refused to do…

Oh but, she is so ready to give us the goods on Newt. So come on Pelosi…spill the info. Or are you going to ‘wait’, until he ‘is’ the Republican nominee then tell us?

Only isn’t she violating some kind of ethics with her snide little threats?

Except, the Obama Regime doesn’t play by ethics, only Mafia Rules abound in this group…

So, Nancy baby! Spill your secret about Newt…

Now, if we had a real media, some journalists… who would get to the bottom of Nancy’s threats, they would hound her and pursue her, until she told them. But we have no longer have journalists, or a real media… we mostly have the Obama Regime Propaganda Machine…

That’s why this mouthy airhead can spout off like she does… so stupidly…
because no one calls her on her BS….

So, I challenge some network, or journalists to really confront this threat from Botox Brain Pelosi… any takers???

What a despicable woman…beyond vile, beyond gross and beyond the help of plastic surgery, filler, or botox…. Hey Nancy! You appear very desperate…. VERY!

Hypocritical, Despicable Main Stream Media…

???????????????????????????????Hey Media! Stop forcing your propagandized agenda down our throats and just report the facts…

I have been writing about this for ages… but in the Republican debate it ricochet off the rector scale. It was so great how Newt nailed the media… And he is dead on correct…

The MSM attack and vilify Conservatives repeatedly, on all levels, and viciously, while protecting their liberal/progressive agenda. And definitely protecting, even covering up for their ‘precious’ Obama.

Obama gets away with all sorts of gaffs, mistakes, radical associations, immoral behaviors, accusations, threats and withholding information from his past (male lovers, attending a hate America church, being a member of a gay men’s club in Chicago, lies, changing stories and agendas on and on) and this is all played down even ignored by the MSM.

Why doesn’t the MSM interview the three men, maybe more, who claim to have had affairs with Obama? (But I think most of them are dead… murdered?) Why hasn’t Obama released his school records? Did he get a scholarship as a foreign student? Why are most all of Obama’s friends and associates radicals or criminals? How did Obama finance his house in Chicago, with whom and why? Obama’s connection with Acorn, voter fraud, and the Black Panthers? Obama’s many social security numbers?  Fast and Furious… can you imagine if a Conservative administration had this kind of a situation? The MSM would be all over it… but they give the Obama Regime a pass….

Michelle Obama’s ‘unusal’ placements on hospital boards in Chicago? Why don’t they interview Bill Ayers? Why don’t they interview Soros and question him extensively concerning his interaction with Obama and Clinton? How come it is that, Soros, a man who destroys economies and is actually a
‘war criminal’ associates so closely with Clinton and Obama? Who are Frank Pearl and James Johnson as related to Soros?

Here’s a lead for some reporter: Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London “City”, in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment stay concealed.

What about interviewing Obama’s drug dealers? How about interviewing Obama’s girlfriends before Michelle….were there any? Then, we go to the birth certificate debacle? The expensive trips that the Obamas take when our economy is bad…How about the foreigners that back Obama? Why did a Saudi pay for his schooling? How did a broke, druggy, street kid get into Harvard? How did he afford to travel internationally? It goes on and on and the MSM gives Obama a pass. They even try to convince us that Michelle Obama is attractive and stylish… Ha!

The MSM sells the agenda that they want to, or were given orders to do… as they annihilate Conservatives …

The MSM promotes an anti-Christ agenda. They are religious bigots. They ignore Obama’s Muslim roots… Obama’s statements about standing with the Muslims. Obama’s connection to Odingo, his cousin, who kills Christians… Obama campaigned for him in Kenya…

Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA….

But, the MSM is more concerned about Newt’s ex-wife of over a decade ago…. Pretty lame!….huh?

Hey MSM…here is a good story idea…

Or how about this: Obama would rather America be beholden to Moslem oil, have higher energy prices and fewer American Jobs than to do what’s right about The Keystone Pipeline! Obama kills around 300,000 jobs with the stroke of his Marxist pen!

Or how about:  http://www.coachisright.com/will-jan-26th-be-%e2%80%9cthe-night-the-lights-went-out-in-georgia%e2%80%9d-for-obama-and-his-27-socsec-numbers/

Didn’t he swear an oath on the Bible that he has never used an alias or had another name??? It’s pretty bad when foreigners have to provide the information that we have a potential fraud in office before our courts will take it seriously. They’ve been intimidated….by what??? He was asked time and again as a candidate the first time, to make full disclosure so the people could cast informed votes without reservation……..yet, he’s spending over $1 Million yearly with several law firms to keep all his records locked up and out of reach. If this was about a GOP candidate, the blogs would be buzzing at a deafening level.

http://www.exposeobama.com/2012/01/22/video-obama-summoned-to-appear-in-georgia-court/I would think anyone of these subjects would make a great story for an investigative reporter…  a ‘good’ reporter who investigates and reveals the truth about Obama should win a Pulitzer… but no, they cover it up, ignore it… and instead, attack Conservatives…

It is clear that the media has been given their marching orders and those orders are to protect and to push forward the liberal/progressive agenda. and to protect the Obama Regime, no matter what they say or do. This is an un-American agenda, a tear down America agenda. The MSM is un-American. They are propaganda pushing socialists…and worst…

Our media is corrupted. Too much of it is owned by those with a liberal/progressive agenda and by foreigners (Saudi Arabians, Soros, etc.) and this is disastrous for our country.

We have no journalism. A journalist reports facts, truth, instead of slanted propaganda. All the MSM does now is to push their personal agenda, the Obama regime, or that of their ‘owners’…

When we have more agenda-filled propaganda, than real factual news, we are in a dictatorship. ‘They’ know that to control the information stream that they can control the minds of the ignorant masses.

They are ‘trying’ to ‘tell’ the masses what to think, how to think, what is good for them, and what isn’t. The MSM treats the masses like they are children as does Obama. Obama talks down to (actually repeatedly lies) to the American people, like they are children in kindergarten, or even younger, or are idiots with the need to be told what to do. Obama acts like he knows what is good for us and we don’t.

Who is this ‘community organizer’, really…? He’s a nobody, do nothing, ‘former’ druggy, marxist… a bought and paid for puppet who is a bit black, mostly Arab and white who plays the ‘race card’ continually for effect and agenda…

As we get out from under the Obama regime, we need to also over-throw the propaganda media.

These ‘talking heads’ with their bought and paid for agenda are despicable and vicious and need to be taken down. And they all protect one another… what is this BS? Are there none who can REPORT AND REVEAL THE TRUTH??? Are there any who are ‘real’ Americans?…

How did this character, Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama, get to where he is?… With the help of Oprah, the MSM, and his radical backers who wish to do America harm and the harm that is done, we will hold them responsible for…The media has become America’s enemy…The media is responsible for Obama…

We need to bring back, ‘demand’, real journalism… real reporters… real fact and truth seekers.

The talking heads kissing the butt of the liberal/progressive agenda, especially the Obama Regime, need to be discarded.
They do more ignoring and covering up then investigating and any real reporting…

Thank goodness for Newt’s ability and courage to do what any and everyone with a brain was thinking and wanting to do…Bravo Newt!!!
Drop Dead MSM…. either become professional and without agenda or go away!

When a selfish lover says, I love you….

 ???????????????????????????????what they are saying is, I love the way that you make me feel, or worse, they are saying, “I love you”, to try and ‘get’ something from you. Selfish love recognizes certain needs must be met in order to maintain its happiness. Real love is free of these restraints and demands.

Love is not ‘perfect’. Demands bring obstacles to love. Unnecessary expectations about love make it rigid and inflexible. We all change from birth to death, and if we are not willing to accept these changes and grow with them as both an individual and in love relationships, then we are neither ready, or worthy of love’s full attention.

Love and relationship offer the most intense and rewarding place to grow and to learn about yourself in relation to another…some are afraid of this intensity and growth and have fear of learning about self…

Love is about giving…not about what you can get…

Love just is…when you ‘really’ feel it, you just know…

But some are not capable of love….only its imitation….so they correlate love with what they can get in its name…

Are you capable of love, or are you looking for what you can ‘get’ in its name?

Have you every felt really loved and if so what does it feel like? Have you ever really loved and what does it feel like?…

Think about it…

Look to the left and click to follow…

Interview with a never married 50 plus-old-man…

???????????????????????????????I wanted to interview a middle-aged man (pictured,but hidden. He asked repeatedly to be on my site.) who has never been married and has no children. I wanted to ask him questions in person, and he answer, but he ‘insisted’ that I write the questions down, so that he had time to ‘think’ about his answers. Bad sign right there…

My other interviews with men have always been me asking questions in person and they answer right there. They didn’t ‘need’ the time to ‘orchestrate’ their answers.

This man’s fully orchestrated ‘for effect’ answers reveal a man who has little to no connection to his heart, is in his head and without the ability to really connect, or to see himself in relation to another. He is ‘mother-controlled’ and looking for a woman to take care of him. I almost didn’t even put this up because I found it so trite and mundane, but then realized, it is great for awareness.

???????????????????????????????I have known this man for 14 years, so know what’s real and what’s BS. I have written what I know to be true in parenthesis, to reveal the self-delusional pretense in the blah, blah, ‘politically correct’ BS that he ‘thinks’ a woman ‘wants’ to hear. He ‘tries’ to be so ‘correct’ that this man doesn’t live fully and certainly doesn’t know how to love, or what love even is. He is looking to ‘feel good about himself’. So ladies, if a man gives you these type of BS answers run away. And men, if you identify with this too much, you are conning and fooling yourself…
1. Why do you think it is that you have never married?

Extreme financial instability for one and all that encompasses. I’ve had a lot of terrible luck with career layoffs and I never wanted to burden a woman with that. (When I first met him, he told me he had a significant amount of money. So, a con right off the bat and plenty of poor people are married. So, what kind of an answer is this really?)

I’m very independent and never really felt a need to get married during my youth. (He told me he was engaged when he was in his twenties and the woman cheated.) Having children wasn’t important to me either. (He told me he didn’t want kids then that he did. I think he got some woman pregnant, but she miscarried and, even then, he didn’t marry her. From what I observe, he is too self-centered to have children.)

Also, continually spending too much time with women who I knew were wrong for me early in the relationship, expecting circumstances to change. (Why spend time with women, he knew were wrong for him? Because his intentions are usury, not honorable. I wonder does he think about the woman’s time he wasted, if he ‘knew’ that they were ‘wrong for him’?) I am also guilty of not putting forth enough effort, not dating more, and that is my fault. (In the 14 years, I have known him, he is usually ‘hooked’ into some woman, then they break it off and he whines about something that was wrong with ‘her’. It was her family. She had cats. He hates cats. So, why date a woman with cats? She spent too much money on her horses, or something else that he found so distasteful.  He dated a woman that leased a Ferrari for him. I inquired, if he liked her. He shrugged, stating, “Not really.”  So, ummm, why was he with her? Then he will date older women who have money and when they break up, he will state that she is stuck up and too old for him.)

???????????????????????????????2. Do you want to marry?

Yes, as long as there is a healthy balance in every area of our lives, emotional, financial goals. (Ladies, this is a man that is after a woman to support him both financially and emotionally. He has no idea how to ‘support’ a woman in anyway. He is emotionally stunted and may very well have some severe personality disorder. Such as narcissist depression, bi-polar, narcissist/avoidant/borderline disorder). He is always all about himself. Something is always wrong with the woman and he doesn’t look at what is wrong in him. He is cheap, pessimistic and negative in his outlook and depression runs in his family of origin. Truth is, if anyone has never married and they are over 40, they are usually hiding something about themselves, have an inability to love and commitment or have personality disorders or all three and from my observances through many years, this man has all many defects both able to be seen and that he tries to hide from others as he tries to create a nice guy facade. “Hey nothing is wrong with me,  it’s the women.”

3. Why do you want a woman in your life, or do you really?

Men and women ‘should’ both bring positive influences to each other. I want to bring uplifting experiences to a woman, it ‘should’ be the same for her. I want to give love and receive it. Once again, if there is a healthy balance there, I think marriage would be great. I’ve been a very independent man. I don’t need a woman to make my life happy, I want one to ‘enhance’ it, as I would hope to hers. (This answer reveals it all… ‘politically correct BS’.  Wanting and doing are two different things.  Also this man has depression. He is negative and little about him is positive.)

4. Do you think after being single all of your life that you would find it difficult to adapt to being with a woman in a marriage?

Of course, some fundamental challenges like sharing the same space and becoming used to having another personality around would be the biggest. We are all creatures of habit, therefore, a period of adjustment involving each others daily routines would have to be addressed. A strong bond would make this period go smoothly rather than being a struggle. Small, quirky things would work themselves out as long as both are dedicated to the success of the marriage, that’s the easy part. (Easy? How would he know?) The honeymoon period would involve allowing for each others needs, their likes and dislikes, and making changes with respect and love. Sure, the daily interaction would be an adjustment at my age, but, that’s what the dating period is for: to see if it’s a good fit for both. (BS answer. He has revealed to me that he goes through times that he can’t stand being around people. He gets so depressed that he prefers being alone, so his answer here is politically correct lies including downright lying.)

5. Do you respect your mother?

Yes. She is a very caring person, was a wonderful wife, and an extremely hard worker during her career. She has her quirks like anyone else. (He has told me repeatedly that he hates his mother and his sister. He is jealous of how close they are and from what he says about his sister, he is jealous of her. She is married, successful and has two children. She is everything he is not. He gave this answer because he ‘knows’ having a ‘good’ relationship with his mother is the ‘politically correct’ thing to say. In my interaction with him during the years, I will say that he basically hates women and just uses them for an ego boost or to pass the time.)

6. What about a woman attracts you?

Emotional stability,(He often flips into deep depression. I have seen him throw tantrums when he was jealous of what another man has, or if he can’t get what he wants.)  financial independence, (He has financial issues, is cheap, and fearful.Any woman with him would have to support herself in all areas, financial and emotional) a confident attitude, a caring soul. (He is so insecure that he needed time to think about these answers.) A woman who is as comfortable in a bathing suit as she is in a Chanel dress. (Chanel ‘suit’… is that what he means?. He doesn’t even know what Chanel is. He said this to ‘appear’ sophisticated. He often dresses inappropriately and he wants a woman who is comfortable in Chanel.  I have never seen him in a properly worn suit and tie. This statement is laughable. What he wants is a woman who can buy these kind of clothes for herself. He takes a woman for burgers and to the movies. Where would she wear Chanel with this guy?)

A best friend as well as a lover. A big sense of humor. (He is usually droll, depressive and negative.) Someone who is relaxed and takes life as it comes. (He can’t handle the simplest of tasks as in picking up the correct thing at a grocery store. He is looking for someone to keep him lifted out of his depression. So, is this a man who would be there during some real life tragedy or trauma?)

7. What about a woman does not attract you?

Narcissism. Someone always thinking of herself before anyone else. A player. (He is the narcissist. Everything is always about him. All he ever thinks about is him self. He whines, He is depressed and negative. He plays at life and relationships. Example: He watches NIP/TUCK and identifies with Christian the playboy.) Confident women scare him. So, he calls them narcissists. It’s classic projection. He wants a woman who will put him first, like a mother would a child and will be there when he wants her to be. He cares little about what she would need or want).

8. What do you think that you have to offer a woman?

A warm heart, a trusting personality, ‘a giver of what he can’, (This is a big clue. Ladies, get it?) a good sense of humor. I am far from perfect, but as long as a woman respects me,( as long as she can’t see through his BS) I’ll do anything for her and do what I can to make her happy. (He has an ego as big as the world. So, he needs a woman to ‘make him’ feel good about himself and to continually fan his fragile ego.)

9. What do you want a woman to bring to your life?

To be a partner in every way, through the good times and bad. (He has never sustained a relationship through bad times. He has never sustained a relationship. At the first sign of stress, change, or trouble, he shuts down or runs or the woman leaves him because she realizes he will not be there for her but he expects complete attention to his issues.)

10. How do you think your life would change were you married?

I believe that finding the right person would positively enhance my life. I really want that bond and special friendship that comes with a terrific marriage. Too many couples allow other things to tear them apart, children, relatives, money, jealousy. I would want to keep my marriage strictly between my wife and I, not allowing anything or anyone to come between our personal relationship. Friends that share selflessly, lovers with a deep, respectful, passionate connection: that’s my idea of marriage. (This answer is all blah blah. He has no idea, but ‘tries’ to appear like an authority. He has no a ability to have this kind of relationship. He is emotionally fragile, weak and fake.)

This man re-connects with me after failed situations with women. He shares all that is wrong and how he ‘was’ going to marry them…blah blah. All BS, he will never marry. I told him this 14 years ago and 14 years later he is in the same place, only with a heart condition, overweight, depression, aging rapidly and only God knows what else? As I inquire about his relationships, I realize, they weren’t even anchored in reality. It’s like women date him between their real guys. My gut tells me that they all leave or break up with him.

This man doesn’t have the ability to connect and to endure the good, the bad, and the in between, in a long term, committed relationship. He rushes in, thinks this is it, then quickly pulls away, shuts down or the women dump him. He likes the rev up, but can’t, or doesn’t know how to sustain reality.

So, I wondered what makes a man remain single until 50-plus, while ‘claiming to want’ to be married. I wanted to investigate it  and be able to reveal more insights, but… as you can see…the man is a wall of BS. HAHAHA! But is this the real insight?

I have encountered several never married men and many playboys and they all share commonalities and traits very similar to this man.  Only this man is one of the worst concerning fear of commitment… never married, no kids, never even owned a house, except to redo and turn it for profit. After his mother died, he moved into her house. An isolated, dingy, depressing place, that looks like a grandma’s house and he is making it his own. He even drives the car that she drove.

For more insight into this type of man…


Love, relationships,  and marriage are messy, with up and downs, highs and lows. It takes self-evaluating and secure people to commit and to sustain a real relationship. And sure you need to be wise when choosing a mate, but if you never choose, or really ever commit….ummm…what does that say about you?…

So, from how this man answers, can you see who he is and what he is hiding from himself, what he is trying to hide from me and others, what he is afraid of, and what he is revealing with his trite, ‘politically correct’ answers? Have you interacted with similar men?

This man is now approaching 60 ,still never married, and still going from woman to woman… He rarely has photos of himself with these women or photos of the women. He told me none of them like photos. When it’s him that dislikes photos. He dislikes himself and has no ability to genuinely love another. I am wondering if  most of ‘his women’ aren’t all in his head.

(FYI…I have been married, divorced, had stepchildren, been deeply passionately in love and been hurt to my core and being around a man who has never risked for love, never really been committed is like being with an empty vessel of nothingness, a vapid void… They are always looking and never find. Always criticizing the women and even friend’s marriages. I got this man completely out of my life. I got tired of hearing his whining and knew none of my advice was being absorbed. It was a useless, empty interaction.)

Obama, “I punish my enemies and reward my friends.”…

Obama’s friend Warren Buffet made his ‘original fortune’ on the backs of regular ‘Joe 6-packs’. He made billions because of the “DEATH (Estate) TAX” and the need for regular Americans to have Life Insurance to meet the demands of it.  Many have to take out insurance policies just to pay the taxes on their family, or businesses and estates, so that their family farm, businesses and wealth can pass onto their heirs, instead, of being eaten up by Government by taxation which allows the Government to take this privately earned money and assets for their use and distribution to whomever they want. Oh yeah.. it’s Buffet’s Rule

Also this irritating ‘Bump it’ woman is the face of Progressive Insurance
 (A liberal/progressive Peter Lewis started Progressive and I was informed that Soros is the money behind it )company…think of how often this irritatingly dumb commercial is on and you will get an idea of how much money it is making. I’d steer clear of this company, if you don’t care for Obama, his buddies and the NWO…

So, Buffet is promoting that the ‘rich’ pay more in regular, capital gains and estate taxes, just as he makes money off of these policies. Even as his company owes a large amount in back taxes. Also Buffet takes his income in ‘capital gains’, not ‘ordinary income’ like his secretary does. Therefore, what Obama and Buffet are saying about Buffet’s secretary paying more taxes then Buffet is a down and out lie!  Buffet is benefiting both ‘coming and going’ as ‘Obama’s friend’. Buffet Rules!

Then we have Jeffrey Immelt of GE…GE owns NBC and Obama gives his precious friend the business of making of all the light bulbs that he is FORCING us to buy for the the ‘green BS’… and Immelt sends our jobs to China..and GE paid NO TAXES in 2010…ARE YOU GETTING IT YET?

But it just can NOT be true, that this Obama appointee is the CEO of a corporation that posted a 14.2 BILLION profit last year, yet paid ZERO taxes? No way! Obama has promised, among other things to,”cut all corporate tax loopholes” so, how is it possible he would appoint someone to create jobs who runs a huge corporation that pays ZERO TAXES? Wait! It gets better, they also were given tax CREDITS in the BILLIONS, ensuring they will not pay taxes again. Wait! Better yet…they also posted a huge profit in 2009 and paid. C’mon, take a guess…give up? ZERO TAXES! Had enough? Wait, there’s more! They were confronted on this and announced that it is true, they paid zero taxes 2 years in a row, but, their financial arm GE Capital recorded a loss. Oh gee! This  doesn’t quite explain it. but, OK. Only wait! Isn’t this the very same GE Capital that received a huge bailout check? Are you freaking kidding me??? It’s good to be Obama’s friend… huh?

Solyndra  Taxpayers are unlikely ever to see any of the $535 million lost when solar panel firm Solyndra went bust amid accusations of fraud, Rep. Cory Gardner, a member of the House Energy Committee tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. Read more on Newsmax.com: Rep. Gardner: Many Unanswered Solyndra Questions

Fast and Furious… Eric Holder… Obama protects him… Holder protects Obama…

Oprah … God only knows the depth of what she is doing for him and Obama for her… He certainly ‘owes’ her, doesn’t he…And Oprah’s network OWN is NWO backwards… what ‘they’ are after is the media sphere of influence to further brainwash the masses…yes, those ah ha moments… HAHAHA!

Rev. Wright… what transpired between these two, only evil knows…10 years of Obama attending the preaching hate America ‘church’ with several accusations towards Obama of homosexual affairs, even a book written, and one accuser turns up dead. Rumored that  Rev. Wright introduces gay men to one another. Sooo????  Gay Bath houses… on and on…

Elena Kagan… protects Obama on the birth certificate, eligibility issue then she is appointed to the Supreme Court…

Soros… Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil in order to give them a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama’s largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Pet rob ras).

Tait Trussel writes, “The Pet robras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil , but it is a bad deal for the US . The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the US could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence. Soros backs (OWNS) Obama for President and to usher in the NWO as he gains more power and wealth…

I wonder do the protestors, the Acorns, etc. on Wall Street realize all this…? HAHA!

And it goes on and on and on…

Government Give-Aways…

the new game/talk/propaganda/variety/greedy government show.. produced by Big Fat Greedy Oprah starringoprah_new_beetle.top.jpg Obama…

Cash for clunkers, redistribute the wealth, government knows best, we must go green, or
“If you love me, pass my bill!”

Obama…the star of the show … tax tax, I need more taxes! I want your money! I need your money! I know how it should be spent not you…

What or which ever trick, or phrase I need to repeat, repeat then repeat again and implement in order to suck the cash and energy from the ‘folks’ in the private sector to give more and more…to those who will vote for me and keep me in power…

I will choose what to spend your money on not you…I know best… I am OOOOObama! I operate the ‘Chicago way’… bully, lie and con… reward my friends and punish my enemies…

I give to those I choose to, so that ‘Government Give-Aways’ will hook the masses into my Government Give-Aways Game Show for life. The show that sucks the money outta everyone in the private sector then gives it away to whoever it wants to, rewarding friends and punishing enemies, or wastes it, spends it on themselves and some stupid business, or cause that kisses my butt then asks for more. Then we go back to you for more, more, and more… Why should I care?  I just organize it … my community game show give-aways… while my wife travels all over and wears designer duds…

“If you love me, pass my bill!” My bill that screws you over, over and over again. Don’t worry about that. It’s not for you, but for me, me, me, let me make it clear.. it’s for me.. because I,  I,  I,  I am OBAMA!

Soros, Buffet, Gates and the others who back me, well, they get wealthier and attain more power while ‘pretending’ to be
so ‘good’, ‘caring’ ‘wise’ and ‘knowing’… but they know nothing, but lies and control…they are out for themselves… alittle bit of ‘good’ and a whole lot of something else…

It’s the show, Government Give-Aways, popular with those who want to destroy freedom, America and the free-enterprize system… in order, for the New World Order to take over the show Government Give-Aways, so it can take over the entire world … Live off the Government programs and be enslaved, so those in ‘charge’, the elite, the ‘community organizers’ dole out what they know you want and what they think you should have when we think you should have it or not. 

Greed, Green Al Gore, let me say it again… Green Greed Gore.. make me wealthier… Hey you! Watch your carbon footprint while mine is as big as my belly… Obama funds my projects even if they don’t know what they are doing and if they waste and lose the money. Well, so what, we can get more from you. Your money isn’t yours, it’s ours…

Big Greedy Fat Mouthed Michael Moore… thinks he knows best about everything as he gets wealthier and fatter off his spewing… the perfect example of bloated greed..conning the people… big fat greedy Michael Moore…

Michelle Obama weight gainMichelle fat butt Obama thinks she should be ‘the one’ telling everyone what and how to eat…

Who are these fat, ‘know it all’, people, fat Oprah, fat, Michael Moore, fat Gore… and where did they come from and who are they to tell the American people anything?

Obama, Oprah, Moore and Gore… their names together and it tells the story…

They are some of the big winners in the Government Give-Aways Game Show… they promote and ‘say’ that they are giving, but really they are a taking. They are liars, false in their agenda. They are the ones eating all the time, flying around in jets, traveling, getting wealthier, on the tax payers dime… as they tell the tax payers what to
do, how to live, what to buy, what to think and how to vote…

Appears to me like the Government Give-Away Game show is a game of FRAUD AND CON… but that’s just what little ole me thinks. What do you think?…

Do You know Truth When You Hear It?

 ???????????????????????????????Leviathan is a three-headed devil deriving from the ocean and rules over twisting the meanings of words, so that nothing can be clearly understood in order to create fog and confusion in the world.

 Do you know truth when you hear it? With all the spin going on in our world today, it is making it more and more difficult to discern the truth. Twisting and spinning in the media, changing meaning, slanting outcomes, not reporting what actually occurs, but instead reporting what furthers ‘their’ agenda, seems to be the action of most in today’s world. It hits us from all sides, the TV, computer, radio and the Internet. Daily, we are bombarded with the fog of continual spin.

Obama and his administration are even trying to tell us how to speak, ‘changing’ the meaning of words, as in, what means what… as he tries to ‘change’ how we refer to, for example: ‘terrorists’.  Who are the ‘terrorists’? Obama and his administration are trying to rename patriots as ‘terrorists’ … Anyone that doesn’t buy, or is against the Obama spin is deemed a ‘terrorist’, instead of the ‘real terrorists’ being deemed as such. Obama and his administration are proving by actions and words to be the real terrorists.


We are being told not to refer to things as they really are and to not hear and see what we really see hear, or feel. We’re to believe what ‘they’ tell us to believe, instead of, what we know to be true. Just forget what’s true and believe ‘them’ instead. But they can tell you anything, and until you believe it, it’s not true.

Obama used the word ‘hope’ when he campaigned to get where he is. Hope?! Obama is taking away hope and in its place he is putting control over every aspect of your life.
It’s like a playboy trying to seduce his prey. He will compliment and tell her any and everything to get her, even “I love you.”
But once seduced by his spin, she is screwed, and he is on his way. That’s what is being done to America. We are being seduced and spinned. So, we can be screwed.Bill Clinton


Speaking of playboys…Clinton for example: Remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal? And Clinton pointing his finger at us through the TV screen as he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” When obviously, he did. And most all of us knew that he did and knew that he was lying. But lied, he did, and he lied as easily as he opened his mouth. Then impeachment hearings were started and that’s when Clinton stated. “It depends on what the word ‘is’ means?” A Leviathan master at work.

Now, Clinton is caught up in another scandal. That he told a man to step out of a political race to let another win in order to suit ‘their’ agenda. Clinton, of course, ‘denies’ doing this. And others deny it to protect themselves from the light of the truth. Liars always deny. How can anyone ever believe Clinton? He has  proven to be a blatant liar. Yet, he is still supporting candidates and blabbing spin in the media. It’s Leviathan at its finest.

 Look at Obama and Pelosi… they contradict themselves even in the same speech. Truth seems not to matter to these people and they must think that the masses can’t see through their lies, Leviathan spin, and self-serving agenda.


Anyone with a brain knows that we can’t give better healthcare to everyone at a lesser cost. It’s impossible. It’s a lie. It’s Leviathan. It’s twisted logic. It’s twisting words to lead astray. This bill is to enslave the people to the government and it is of pure evil.

Oh, it’s a lovely idea and hooks fools into ‘believing’  that’s it possible, but it can’t be done and it won’t be done. It’s only a ruse to take more of your rights and freedoms away and to give more control to the government.

Anyone with a brain knows that you don’t pass bills and sign them without reading them. Anyone with a brain knows that you don’t continue going into more and more debt to balance the budget. Anyone with a brain knows that what works is a smaller government that serves the people not the other way around.

 Leviathan seems to be getting stronger and stronger. This word spin devil causes confusion, twisting, spinning words and meanings, so that little truth is heard, and confusion abounds. The more confusion, the easier it is for people to be led to distraction then destruction. Many politicians and much of the media are in collusion with the devil Leviathan. 

Especially this current administration is counting on the inability of the people to discern truth as their Leviathanian tactics get stronger and stronger. ‘They’ think that if they say it often enough, spin it enough that the people will believe it. 
This exact statement has come out of Leviathan-controlled Obama’s mouth.

Obama denies that he knew what was being preached at Rev. Wright’s church and those caught in the Leviathan spin spell, believe him.


There are liars everywhere these days. Truth is the rarity. And when the truth is spoken, or revealed the Leviathan spinners come out to try and make the truth appear the lie. It’s spin, twist, deny and confuse.


We must get back to the truth of the constitution. Our founding fathers created checks and balances to curtail a take-over by liars. The founding principles are sound and have made America and its people the finest and greatest in the world.

One of the most important issues is that we be governed by natural born citizens. There sure is alot of smoke about this issue, even more than around the Clinton-Lewinsky cover-up. Where there is smoke, there is fire. So, ummm… is Leviathan spinning or what?

We are being led astray by many in the international field that want to weaken America for ‘their’ benefit and Obama’s backers are leading the way to the biggest push ever to this goal.

 America is founded on Judeo-Christian principles and there is a reason for this and this is the reason that America is what it is. THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE!


The Seven Deadly Sins are running rampant in our country and it is time to reveal them to the light of  TRUTH!  Instead of the Leviathan spin, that it’s okay to live this way.We’ve been led astray by the  evil Leviathan spin to believe that morals, standards, truth and honor don’t matter, when they are all that really does matter.


How do you discern the truth from all the lies? I say listen through the words, watch the actions and agenda, and how it feels to you deep down in your spirit.  If your spirit is true and you are true to your spirit, you will be able to discern theTRUTH!

And when someone shows you what a Leviathan they are BELIEVE THEM as in CLINTON!

Come back to your innate God given instinct of discernment.  We must hear through the evil of the Leviathan twist and spin to bring our country back to the truth.

‘They’ are afraid that we will see the truth. That is why they twist, churn and spin.

Wake up people! Hear through the spin and lies!  Hear the TRUTH!

Traits of Dictators…

and dictatorships are similar. First, their leaders are all dicks. Ha!HA!

Some like the color gold and many dress costume-like. 

They shout! They scowl. They raise their arms around and in the air allot.

They make outrageous and impossible promises to the masses. They promise change and a new wonderful world of prosperity. But their change is and brings destruction. And dictators keep the money and prosperity for themselves, their friends and family.

They vilify and create wars even amongst their own people. Religious, race and ethnic cleansings are usually part of their favorite activities.

They enjoy instigating, harming even killing their own country men.

They take from the ‘have’s’ and redistribute to the ‘have nots’ making sure to keep the bulk of it for themselves, their supporters and friends.

Redistribute is one of their key words… along with ‘hope’…

But the truth is that they take control of all resources and businesses for their benefit and use.

They dress garishly… and spend much on their apparel. They live lavishly and travel much. They have everything first class, while the masses do without, or starve.

They steal, lie, con, and divide to conquer. They imprison, torture, maim, and ravage a country and its people.

They grow the government and create an army that is ‘theirs with allegiance to them instead of the country or the people’. They build ‘infastructure’… prisons, bridges, train tracks, etc. They have the masses even building their own prisons and digging their own graves.

They destroy the private sector and take all wealth from the people. They convince that everything is better run in government bureaucracies … and in their hands.

They treat the people like children.

They are all Narcissists and sociopaths…

They punish their enemies and reward their friends….

And as you view these idiots, don’t you wonder how in the world they got into power and caused so much harm and destruction? They look like freak shows, so how did they accomplish what they did? By brainwashing, false promises, lies, cons, circle-talking, Leviathan spin, getting in front of the masses as much as possible, if not all day. Taking over the media, the education and minds of the children and youth, while making promises that they had/have no ability or intention of keeping.
And well, some, have really bad taste in clothing….
no matter how much money that they spend, they still look bad.

Wearing really bad prints and fabrics must be one of the traits of dictators. Can you think of others?…