Tag Archives: America

Those who genuinely believe in Jesus Christ…

Have less stress – less mental and emotional issues – more peace – more joy – have more faith – love – contentment. Why? Because they know who they are and where they are going when they leave earth. Talking to Christ and listening with their heart through their mind’s eye, they also understand why they are on earth and their placement and mission and they go for it and live it fully. They are guided. They have more love – respect – kindness – generosity – acceptance – understanding – forgiveness of their fellowman.

They strive for ‘right’ living and following the ten commandments.

When they are in pain and going through the storms of life on earth, they hold quick and fast to the hand of Jesus Christ as their comfort and guide. There will always be trials and pain on earth – it is the planet of dualities – good and evil – that is what keeps this place rockin’ and rollin’.

I am not talking those who ‘pretend’ to believe because they think it’s the ‘thing’ to do or to make people think they are good, in order that they put one over on others. I am writing about those who really and genuinely believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  

They are not overly concerned with material things, their position or power on earth because they know all this is temporary. Sure, things of earth are fun and meaningful and for us to enjoy. Achievement and acquirement are meaningful here, but they are temporary and of earth. What is important and matters the most to the Christian is their soul.  

They will kindly give to others if they are able and even when it is difficult for them to do so. They respect themselves and others as Christ taught them to do.

Christ died for our sins so that we may have life everlasting, if we only believe in him.

May God bless you, America,  and may the world all come to know Christ.  It  is a peace that surpasses earth.

May you take Christ into your heart.  Live joyfully!

The adults are in charge now and can clean up the mess the children made…

Congratulations President Trump!  You worked amazingly hard and won!!!Trump2

With President Trump, America will reclaim and remain sovereign. We can dismantle the destruction and horror of the Obama debacle… the nasty, traitorous, Obama progressive legacy of America’s demise into  the NWO under the rule of the UN.

We can rebuild our military. Replace Obamacare, make the government work for the people effectively, cut the bloat, cut the government, cut the budget, pay off our debt and make America solid and whole once again, under God.

Properly take care of our veterans!

More jobs  and businesses in America  created. Keystone Pipeline built with other industries to make us energy safe and independent.

We must pull out of the NWO and the UN. We must remain a super power, so that we can lead the world. What is this world without America? Without America, it is lost.

Most of the media is disgusting! They are propaganda agenda- driven, bought and made for whores of the NWO.  They are trash and need to be dismantled.  They give their corrupted opinion and it’s not journalism.  It’s idiocy! 

I hope Trump prosecutes the Clintons, etc.

I can’t wait until I never have to see the faces of the traitors, Obamas, Clintons, etc. ever again. They have sucked off the US making themselves wealthy and they are traitors to the American people.

Now the Trump family can make the White House beautiful again open to the American people. After all, it is our house, the house of the American people.

The government is for the people and by the people and the people have spoken…

We  will have people of grace, elegance, hardworking, industrious with allegiance to America back in our White House and leading our country.

Trump and MelaniaMay God bless, protect and guide you President Trump and first lady Melania!

God bless and protect the United States of America!

I am exploding because the real haters are…

Bushsfault1Obama recently said in one of his usual lame speeches in his fake Southern drawl accent, “Now, don’t you Republicans be a ‘hating’ let’s get some work done.” Then he left for another of his tax-funded expensive vacations.

Who but a teenager, a liberal or a progressive even uses the word ‘hater or ‘be a hating”?  It’s lame.  It’s immature.  What president ever has used such insulting, lame,  juvenile communication? It is laughable were it not so insultingly pathetic.  It’s a well-noted fact, the age when someone becomes addicted, their maturity stops, explains much concerning Obama, and, of course, many others.

Those who call others ‘haters’ are only ‘projecting’ because they are the real ‘haters’. Obama hates Conservatives, Americans, Christians, white ‘folk’.  Obama hates America. Obama stands with those who hate America, namely ‘terrorists’, and he lies, cons, deflects and spins to do so,  while he squanders America’s money on everything he can think of including himself and his indulgent family. Everything Obama does shows what a ‘hater’ he  is of America and her people.  It’s the same con as calling someone a ‘racist’, if they don’t like Obama.

Obama and his ilk play juvenile word games to try and enforce through their creation of what’s ‘politically correct’, or not,  control of American’s thought processes, while it’s they who are the racists and the haters. It’s called brainwashing propaganda. Shaming one group while praising another, when the one being praised is the one that should be shamed. Good is bad. Bad is good. Right is wrong and wrong is right. We are living in the time of Leviathan… the evil that wraps an over abundance of communication in a fog of confusion and deception in which dirty deeds are implemented.

Obama whines if someone is a clown at a rodeo using his persona.  He’s a whiny, thin-skinned dictator. Now that most people see through his lies and con, he calls people haters.  It’s all the perverted, juvenile , crass, deceiver Obama can do, call names like some school-aged child.  While he uses his dog and pony show to deflect and take eyes off of the incredible damage that he is doing to the United States of America and all its people.
For example:  This is overt action by Obama to put the UN in control of the US… It’s called Agenda 21.. NWO to be all under the rule of the UN… http://online.wsj.com/articles/u-s-army-in-europe-to-get-german-chief-of-staff-1406819694

This guy Laubenthal is going to be Chief of Staff (a secretary) to General Campbell,  not a commander of US troops. This about Campbell: http://www.eur.army.mil/leaders/USAREURCommander.htm

This from Army Times (no mention of Hussein): http://www.armytimes.com/article/20140731/NEWS08/307310070/

Obama is weakening our military as fast as he can.

Oprah stated, “All the old white people marinated in racism need to die.” This statement is about as full of hate as any statement could be.

So who are the real haters? Obama and his ilk … all of them are trying to transform America into their image and that my friends is an ugly, ugly thing.  They are weakening, shaming, blaming, lying, deceiving every real America while they suck her resources for themselves or  give them away to our enemies, as they allow illegals, terrorists, and anti-Americans to enter and to govern us.

So I say Obama, Oprah, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of you are the haters
(I can’t believe I am even using this lame juvenile word but the ‘president’ does) who want to destroy America and make it like some form of a ‘hood’, turning us into a ravaged third world country How about getting out of America… you lying, stinkin’ America haters…

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