Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa .. Half discovered, half wild, fertile and naturally beautiful!
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe ..
Well developed and open to trade, especially for someone of real value.
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like Spain… very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40, a woman is like Greece…
gently aging, but still a warm and desirable place to visit..
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain, with a
glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Israel…. has been through
war, doesn’t make the same mistakes twice, takes care of business.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Canada.. self-preserving, but
open to meeting new people.
After 70, she becomes Tibet…Wildly beautiful, with a
mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages….. An adventurous
spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge.
Between 1 and 80, a man is like Iran , ruled by nuts.
Love Love Love…All we need is love…
But what is love?
One definition – An intense feeling of deep affection.
Have you ever felt really loved?
Have you ever been in love?
Have you ever felt deep down out of control amazingly wonderfully in love?
How do you know when you feel love for another?
How do you know when you are loved?
What makes you know that you are loved?
How do you know when you are in love?
Does everyone have the ability to love?
Do you have the ability to really love?
A few days ago, I walked out by front door to see a ‘neighbor’, (using that term lightly, since I have seen this man leave his dog’s mess in people’s yards…not so ‘neighborly, huh?’) allowing his dog to do his mess on my front lawn. To which I stated. “Please, make sure to clean that up.” The response from this ‘neighbor’ who appeared much older than me and had a belly that suggested he was carrying twins was, “I will, you old hag!”
I chuckled to myself as I replied. “Clean it up or I will contact the HOA!” Then, of course, I went into my house and out of a window watched to see that he did clean it up… which he did. I bet only because he could see that I was standing at the window.
Calling someone ‘old’ seems to be the ultimate insult these days. ‘old’, ‘racist’ and ‘hater’ just rolls off some people’s tongues ( mostly liberals). Being called a ‘racist’ is such political con … and you all know my opinion on that one, but that is another blog.
What is going on with the ease with which these kind of words are used? Instead of not using the N word… LOL! Here we go with the the ‘old’ word… Is it ‘politically correct’ to call someone old?
I wasn’t insulted, as I thought the man a rude fool. I am too polite to respond with what I was thinking, which was, “When is your baby due?” I have this thing about men with pregnant bellies. Can’t stand looking at them. But I would never shout it out as an insult. Why do that? What would it accomplish?
The woman that I started this site with, used to call me ‘old’, whenever she felt threatened, or insecure which was often. She had few manners, was always late, is immature, almost childlike, is full of sarcasm and talks behind people’s backs. (I will send this link to her. I don’t say anything that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face, maybe, that comes with old age and the development of character. Ha!) She used the words ‘racist’ and ‘hater’ often and gossips in a very negative way. She called many of her ‘friends’, a ‘hot mess’, while ummm… well, I wonder, should she have, perhaps, looked at herself? She is a liberal…. ummm.. I wonder? Is all of this fitting together in some way? Liberals… calling names…calling people ‘old’, as if so full of fear of their own aging. The ‘projection principle’ loud and clear…
UMMM… okay back to topic…
Why is ‘Agism or Ageism’ so prevalant today?
Ageism refers to stereotyping and generalising on the basis of age, typically old age, and is spreading to middle age as the boundaries of middle age move into what was once considered old age.
Aging is a natural part of living. We begin aging from the moment that we are born. I like my age and the wisdom and experiences that have carried me to where I am. I don’t feel old. I take care of myself and usually feel great. I workout for 80 minutes on my elliptical. And look better than many 20 and 30 year olds do in a bikini. And I hope to continue to age because otherwise I die!
Because of the life I have had, and experiences, I can talk with most everyone … except, maybe, with those name calling liberals. LOL! Those that call everyone ‘haters’ as a come back to any conversation that holds thoughts different from their own. As in the ‘neighbor’ trying to deflect an insult to me as I caught him getting ready to leave his dog mess in my yard.
Sorry! I can’t seem to stay on topic… Maybe, it’s my age? Maybe, I have become tangential in my ‘twilight, old hag years.’
Older people offer a world of wisdom from which to glean and many have a refinement and an intelligence well-earned from their years on the planet and I find this captivating. Why isn’t this honored instead of diminished? I enjoy talking with the elderly. They are much more interesting than the youth.
Why are we so obessed and fearful of aging? Why is to call someone ‘old’ considered and used to insult?
There is nothing more stupid and irrtitating than a teenager, or young person’s arrogance who ‘thinks’ that they know it all when they haven’t a clue. Perhaps, the real insult is to call someone…. ‘Hey, young, inexperienced one.’
These days, if you take care of yourself and partake of medical science, you can live long, feel good, and look youthful for many years while enjoying the wisdom and insights of a long life. And recall when you were a child, all you wanted to do, is to be ‘older’ so that you can do this or that. Then when you are older, society deems you too old for this and that.
There is nothing more stupid or insecure then a person lashing out to call someone ‘old’, ‘racist’, or ‘hater’…. especially when it doesn’t even apply and is more a reflection of the person doing the name calling.
Is all this name calling reflective of an immature, unintelligent, insecure, and scared to death, and of death society?
Why are some so fearful of aging, fearful of others’ beliefs and so immature these days? Too many liberals in the world? Or too many trying to hold onto the ‘stupidity’ of their youth… the ‘flower child’ mentality of immaturity, drugs, liquor and rampant, meaningless sexuality…
Off the topic a bit, but in my opinion, to call someone a ‘liberal’, or even worse that they ‘think’ like a ‘liberal’, is the height of an insult.
Perhaps, we should replace the words, ‘racist’, ‘old’ and ‘hater’, with LIBERAL! Wrap it all together in one ugly full of ignorance word… liberal.
I bet that overweight,old looking, big-bellied, rude man that leaves dog mess in his neighbor’s yards is a flaming liberal! Umm.. perfect definition of a liberal… out of shape, bloated, rude, name calling, deflector, leaving messes for others to clean up.
So bite me, if you call me an old hag!
I like being my age…old hag that I am… photo taken about 8 months ago…
And now this ‘old hag’ is going to workout!
by Ann
What are the elements that make or create a Bitch? We all know them. We cringe at what they say, how they say it and how they act. Their words are cutting. Their gossip severe. They are two-faced, witchy woman. We all have elements of the Bitch factor in us, at times.
Sometimes, being called a bitch is an insult and at other times, it can actually be a compliment.
bitch (bch)
“Sometimes, all a woman has left, is to be a bitch.” — What movie is this quote from? Hint: It stars an Oscar Winner.
What makes up a Bitch? When, what, or who makes your Bitch factor emerge? And how does it manifest itself?
Come on BITCH to me, baby!!!
I have PMS and a GPS which means that I’m a bitch who’ll find you!
Just because someone is talking…
doesn’t mean what they are saying is true…
Just because you read something that someone writes, it doesn’t mean that it is true..
Learn to discern!
Discern : to detect with senses
If someone tells you something, observe their actions and how they live, to see ‘if’ they match their words..
If you read something, before you believe it, sometimes, it’s important to take the time to research it for yourself.
Anyone can talk and write anything…
Agree or not????
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New Age Drivel…
by AnnIt feels like and seems like I have investigated and tried it all… Many years ago, I went to one of those psychics in those old houses that you pass on the side of the road… and she told me lots of BS, but two things that were accurate and I was hooked.
I am a Christian, was always a Christian, will always be a Christian, and have never lost site of this, but still…my search and investigation into the New Age drivel, spiritual world of the lost continued… as I read the Bible, the Koran, Urantia, about Hindus, the Kabbala, Buddhism… Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Robert Schuller, etc., the list is long. I read cover to cover and repeatedly. I took it all in, weighed it, and discarded most… not that there aren’t and can’t be insights and truths in everything… but soon most become empty… except for Christ.
A pure thought can easily become corrupted.
The ‘secret’ that if you just make a list and believe it strong enough that you can control your destiny is BS. The ‘pretend’ it until you make it…is just that pretending. Then if what you want doesn’t occur, it is ‘supposedly’ because you weren’t ‘clear’ enough, or didn’t want it badly enough. Well…BS!
The religion that teaches, if you kill those that don’t believe like you do and that you will be rewarded with virgins in heaven. Give me a break! Only an idiot could believe this…
It appears to me that most religions, ‘spiritual’ and ‘new age’ thoughts are more about ‘control’ than freedom…even though in ‘new age drivel’ freedom is talked about often. Actually, it appears, it’s more the way to morally corrupt and ultimately control the masses as it bleeds into politics and is used to make money, create followers and a profession. And it is mostly BS!
Some new age drivel states that God wants or expects nothing of you. So, you can do whatever you want. Anything! Have sex with as many, put whatever drugs you want into your system, and just do any and everything, break all the commandments and just plain do as you wish because God doesn’t care and it doesn’t matter…because you see, you are a god yourself. It’s love love love…when really it’s quite the opposite. That if you take certain drugs you will see clearly and find truth. Yeah! Right!… sounds like the ‘flower children’ mentality… also like Sodom and Gomorrah… and it’s BS! Who is this playing God and saying what God wants? Appears more to me like leading people astray… So, again give me a break … what arrogance and BS!
If a people lose their moral compass, they are more easily led into corruption then into disaster and a kind of slavery, as they have no character and stand for nothing…they become morally corrupt, weak, insecure in their direction and spirit, and all this ‘new age’ BS is doing just that!
This collective consciousness that Obama speaks of is corrupted… there is no collective salvation. Salvation is individual. And how utterly arrogant of anyone to think that they have control over so many. Who does Obama think that he is, Christ? When his administration is Anti-Christ at every turn… think about this one hard guys!!!
Anyone who tries to ‘play’ God, put words in God’s mouth, and, or tries to be your God or replace God as an authority… as in the government, or some ‘New Age’ Guru is trying to get you to dance with the devil … not good…
A real connection to the source of God is real freedom from all this BS! And it has nothing to do with covering your head at a certain time or attending some church to socialize. Not that doing this is wrong. It just doesn’t really matter. The focus on ritual is for distraction.
Meditation. I have known those that meditate and do yoga, etc. and I have done these also. And they also can be self-righteous liars. I have learned that those who lead with religion or some ‘spiritual’ practice are usually searching themselves, and, or trying to make money off of it, or trying to manipulate, and control others to make themselves feel like they are more than they are, and like ‘they’ know the answers and are in control, when usually they don’t have a clue.
Think of it.. Oprah, Chopra, and others.. how much money have they made off of their yapping about what they preach to others with their AH HA moments… again give me a break!
Chopra was Michael Jackon’s ‘spiritual’ advisor… umm…. pretty much speaks for itself, huh? It’s obvious that Jackson was one lost soul. He was very talented and could sing about some wonderful ideas, but apparently couldn’t bring peace into himself. It appeared to me that he didn’t really have trust in the Lord… that he put his trust in drugs, materialism and false prophets.
Astrology… now there may be something to this.. as it can be correlated to the Bible. The Wise Men were astrologers. I have studied it and found it to be a profound connection… but it must be from a ‘real’ astrologer, not some column in the newspaper, and not some BS that you call in and ask questions. All those call in psychics are just trying to make money off of the lost and searching. But as astrology can give some insights, nothing can really predict timing, because only God knows this. As the planets can shift and change with little to no warning, showing us that clearly there is an energy that can’t be predicted and that there is an energy and power bigger than us all.
And those that talk to the dead. Right! Why would anyone need to have someone be the go between … all of us can communicate with all diminisions, if we listen, and are connected to the real source of the divine and our divine gift within. It isn’t some ‘trick’ or something that you need to pay money to recieve. It is yours for the asking…and the connection is in your soul and your connection to God… the real God…
As my investigation continued…What I learned was to trust myself and my connection to God.
To trust God and the divine plan for my life. No one is between me and God and no one can tell me what God is, or has planned for me, or what my connection is… I was born knowing. It is imprinted in my DNA and my soul. It is a gift from God… a co-creation with The Almighty.
We all go through times of questioning and when we feel lost… even Jesus was on the desert for a lengthy time and he questioned. That’s, perhaps, a part of it all… the searching and feeling lost, and questioning, at times… is what can spark more awareness and can lead us deeper.
Careful not to give your individual connection and power over to someone else. We all have a interconnection to God whether aware of it or not. In my opinion, life… living… is to bring us more into our awareness…
My connection to God is divine and is a connection deep in my soul. No particular church, Pope, minister, preacher, book, person, or New Age Guru is the answer…
When you live as close as you can to the 10 Commandments and are honest within yourself… is when you will feel at peace. Remember the golden rule…”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
The answer is in your soul and you know it when you know it…. and some never do… and they use all that they can to capture others’ spirits…
Nothing is new… and no ‘new age’ guru, ‘new age’ government, ‘new world’ order, or ‘new age’ religion, ‘new age’ talk show host, ‘new age’ monetary system will make any difference or ‘change’ what is real and true.
All this ‘new age’ BS is being used to enslave some to others. It’s not to free your soul or for your salvation! It’s to confine you in their evil and under their control…
Be aware of false prophets…
We are on this earth, not of it….
When others talk…
do you really listen? Do you really hear what someone is really saying? Or do you hear mostly, or only what you want to hear?
If you REALLY listen, you have a chance to really comprehend what they really mean along with their intent. Really listen and you have more of a chance to discern lying and ill intent. Cons are counting on you not really hearing them. That’s why they talk fast, circle talk and repeat certain words. They are trying to manipulate with words and take over your thought processes. That way they can sweep in and have you signed on the dotted line, vote for them, buy their products, or let them into your life so they can manipulate you further…
Really listen and you can hear behind the words.
And if you are in the service industry, really listen and you will be able to preform your job more proficiently.
Try getting out of the chatter in your head, forget ‘your agenda’ and while someone is talking listen to theirs. When others are talking really hear what they are saying. Listening and comprehending are skills and they can be learned and refined.
Stop and really listen to people when they are talking. You will learn more about them and also more about yourself.
When has not listening messed you up? And when has really hearing what is being said saved you from heartbreak or trouble?
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Have you ever tried to fit in where…
you knew that you didn’t belong? But you wanted to be a part of some group. And because they seemed to not like you, or they ignored you, it made you want to fit in even more…
Like when I was in highschool, I was not in the ‘popular’ group. I was on the fringe of it. I was a ballet dancer and into health and fitness. I was unsual in the day.
I didn’t smoke, go ‘all the way’, or drink and certainly didn’t do drugs. So, I didn’t fit in with the fast and popular crowd. At that age, I thought that there must be something ‘wrong’ with me because I didn’t seem to fit in. And I had enough confidence and security in myself to not succumb to pressure ‘just to be popular’ or to ‘fit in’.
Except, I do recall, in highschool, going into the girl’s bathroom at noon and sitting on the floor to give smoking a chance, in order to ‘try’ and ‘fit in’ and be ‘cool’… Sitting there with the ‘cool’ girls, I coughed, got smoke in my hair, and clothes and I hated it…. So, I got up, left and never touched a cigarette again. I found and find it disgusting! Nothing about it was cool! I listened to myself, what I was feeling, and kicked to the curb the need to go against myself to be ‘cool’.
I was lucky to not fit in..
When I look back at who was ‘popular’ and where they are now and what they look like now… YIKES! And some are still in the same seemingly lame group. I certainly don’t ‘fit in’ with them now… Thank Goodness!!!
My friends and groups have changed and shifted as I’ve changed and grown throughout my life. Fortunate for me….very!
There are always times during your life, when you won’t fit in, and think that you don’t fit in and it may, at the time, hurt your feelings…
But when I look back over my life, those places that I didn’t fit, at the time, as it played out, I didn’t belong because they really weren’t up to my standards. Anywhere, I didn’t fit, I didn’t belong…and I was fortunate to not fit there… Even at times, when I was included in something that I thought I wanted, after being there, I realized I didn’t want it after all. It was either boring, catty, lowly and not up to the standards that I hold for myself. And I hold myself to high standards because I know that I am special to me.
This goes with men also. Throughout my life, I might’ve liked someone and he didn’t return the feelings. Or I enjoyed a date and he never called. So, at the time, I felt hurt and rejected, but as life played out… I usually discovered, WHEW! lucky for me that it didn’t workout with a certain man.
Even after serious relationships broke up or even marriages… seeing them again or hearing what they’d become.. I was so lucky not to be with them any longer…. sooo fortunate…
Many times, not fitting in is a blessing in disguise. Being an individual and sticking to your standards and where you want to go in your life is much more important than fitting in or staying in something that you will grow past, if you are fortunate in your awareness to keep growing…
What have been your experiences with not ‘fitting in’?
When is it time to bail out of a relationship?
by Sara Zimmerman
Relationships are a beautiful thing, but sometimes that beauty can turn ugly. You fight and fight, or maybe, you simply ignore one another.
So, when is it time to bail on a relationship? This is an area that I have given a lot of thought, not because I am about to pull a post runaway bride, or anything, simply because I have been in quite a few relationships.
Relationships are not something that we can control and this in itself is often the problem. No matter how disciplined you are, you are only half of the relationship. The other half is being controlled by someone else, your other half. If this is not the case, then you have a whole list of other problems to address. There is always a chaos factor and you have to prepare for that, but how do you prepare for chaos? Just don’t try to control it.
Most everyone who has ever been in a long-term relationship has had a point where they have said to themselves; “This is so sad, how did we get here? Can we get back what once was?” But how long are you ‘supposed’ to wait to pull out of the relationship rut? If this is an average rut and there is no violence, or abuse going on, then you have time.
All relationships go through their ups and downs. That’s just part of living and if you can’t survive some down time than nothing will last for you. Just sit still, gather yourself and say that you can live like this for X amount of time and commit to it. It usually does gets better.
But if it doesn’t and you find yourself miserable for an extended period of time, then maybe, it is time to revaluate the relationship. And yes, it is sad, but nothing is sadder then wasting years in a relationship that you don’t belong in. Besides, if you stick around too long, you’ll start to resent the other person, which may be why so many divorces are bitter and ugly. Rejection is never pretty, but resentment is worse.
Something to keep in mind while looking at a broken relationship, it is usually or almost never a one sided thing. If something is wrong, you both ‘probably’ played a part in it. Deferring blame is something that, we, as humans seemed to have mastered, but ultimately the deferment only hurts ourselves. Being unable to see our part in the failure of a relationship is increasing the odds that you will make the same mistake again and then wonder, why does this always happen to me? If it always happens to you, you might want to look at well, you.
Think long and hard about what went wrong, find your part in it, and address it in yourself. Hopefully, the relationship is salvageable, but if not, then you get to start the process all over again with someone new.
What about taking your share in the blame for those failed relationships, so you can heal and grow…
And what are your thoughts about when is the right time to bail?
What do you do under extreme stress?
Do you cry?
Do you rage?
Do you scream?
Do you laugh?
Do you freeze up?
Do you faint?
Do you sleep all the time?
Do you stay awake? Do you pace the floor?
Do you lose your appetite?
Do you drink too much?
Do you exercise?
Do you meditate?
We all do different things when stressed to the max… what do you do?
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