Chasing the thrill of the first encounter….

52Seasons8 Ever done this in some regard, about something, some experience, or someone?

Is this ‘chase of the thrill’ what creates ‘addiction’?

Your first bite of pizza tastes sooo good that instead of savoring it, you eat two pizzas ‘hoping’ to ‘regain’ the pleasure of that very first bite. The first sip of cold beer on a hot day tastes so wonderful that you drink a case looking for the same blissful rush of the first….

You feel the excitement of the first blush of falling in love, but when it subsides, you exit, off on the hunt to regain the thrill of the first encounter with someone else, instead of appreciating what you have….

Why is this the nature of many … to be on the hunt for the thrill of  of the first encounter and of what ‘usually’ can’t be recreated?…

Might I suggest imprint the thrill of that first encounter on your being and savor it slowly… and forget chasing what is illusive and to realize that you might lose all you have and even what you are in your attempt to recreate it…

Addictive people are always chasing something… ever noticed that? They are chasing and searching for what they don’t have in themselves. They are looking to ‘feel’ something or to ‘sedate’ themselves with food, drugs, sex, being overly religious, shopping, or to have some excitement or thrill in anything that they ‘think’ will do it …

Savor the magic of the first encounter, but forget trying to chase it because if and when it comes again, it will arrive when you least expect it. It’s not something to chase. In fact, chasing it could very well diminish it.

What does this mean to you?….

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When a good man loses and an evil man wins…

Seeing the faces on the people in the Obama crowd was telling. Most were young. They looked brainwashed and like they were at a rock concert, not a serious presidential election…

In my opinion, we are under a dictatorship… And the election was rigged and Romney never had a chance.. ‘they’ used him as someone for evil to run against… to make evil ‘appear’ like it won fair and square.

We have a corrupted media.

If Obama is allowed to continue his backers agenda, America will be no more.. He will continue to weaken America in every way possible to insert us into the UN and the NWO…

Our dollar will continue to be devalued… our small businesses will fail.. our healthcare will be destroyed…

“America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.” Khrushchev 
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not proper”. – Romans 1:28

He Who Endures To The End

Matthew 10:21-22

Jesus said, “Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:21-22).

Hated By All – Did you ever feel like you just could not win? You tried live right and do what the Lord wanted, but somehow, it just seemed like everyone was on your case. Jesus said there would be days like that and we need to have the faith necessary to deal with it.

Hated by Family – There is nothing which hurts worse than to have those we love turn against us. It is often the case that children who are attracted by the world find it difficult to be submissive and obedient to their parents who are trying to teach them to way of the Lord. Paul said, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise” (Ephesians 6:1-2). At other times, family members are turned off because one of them calls for authority in some matter and believes some pet project of the others is unscriptural. Whatever the cause, families are destroyed because some stand with the Lord and others do not. A little later in this chapter, Jesus quotes the prophet Micah (7:6) saying, “A man’s foes will be those of his own household” (verse 36).

Hated by All Men – Everyone wants to be liked. However, it is axiomatic that not everyone will be your friend, if for nothing more than just a matter of personality. This is especially true for those who have real convictions. If you stand for nothing, then you can agree with everyone. If, on the other hand, you believe the word of God to be the truth and stand for its premises, many will be your enemy. Your very presence will be a constant reminder of their sin. They may try to get you fired from your job. They may threaten your good name. They may make every effort to take what you have. Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

He Who Endures – Since Jesus has overcome, it is possible and necessary for us to overcome with Him. John said, “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10). It is sad for us when family and friends turn against us. It is necessary, though, for us to continue in our determination to be and do that which the Lord teaches. We may lose for the moment, but we will certainly be victorious in the final outcome. (See Romans 8:18 and 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8.) May God give us the strength and faith we so desperately need in such an hour.

Be careful who you let into your life…

???????????????????????????????…in these times, there are more and more wolves in sheeps’ clothing….  as the seven deadly sins get more prevalent and people become more desperate… there are more predators than ever before.

When ‘some’ people become more fearful, threatened, insecure, unhappy, frantic concerning what is happening in the world … they will turn on their fellowman, their friends, their families, even their children, anyone whom they ‘think’ that they can overpower to ‘try and help them to feel’ more powerful and ‘in control’ to ‘try and alleviate their feelings of helplessness and fear’.

When this kind of personality ‘feels out of control and full of insecurity’, they will ‘threaten’ to harm and actually will do harm to others to make themselves ‘feel’ temporarily in control…and ‘temporarily powerful.’

When they never were and aren’t in control, God is… but they are unable to ‘understand, or to really get’ this… even as they might try to ‘appear’ that they do.

The Seven Deadly Sins are….

PRIDE –  excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. (just look at Obama)

ENVY – the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation. (look at Obama’s platform, it is based on envy)

GLUTTONY –  an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. (observe all the obesity and consumption of material goods, the drug usage, prescription and otherwise, etc.)   

LUST – an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. (the over-focus on sexuality, even in our youth, the objectifying or subjugation of the feminine, more rapes.)

ANGER –  manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. (physical, emotional, and mental abuse of others is becoming more and more prevalent.)

GREED – the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. (the turning from God by many with focus being on the physical plane of how much they can acquire on earth)

SLOTH – the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. (Government dependence while people squander their gifts, drink, do drugs, etc. Many are turning away from God.)

People who have been overcome by these sins are dangerous to self and society… for they have lost their connection to all that is good, precious and Holy…They have lost their connection to self, to their soul and to God…

They threaten. They kill. They lie. They cheat. They lust. They rage. They envy. Their bodies are bloated and swollen as they try to stuff their pain and feelings of loss, hurt and anger, their minds corrupted, their agenda’s self-serving.

They are the opposite of everything that is good and Holy…

With the offer of help… they may do the opposite… They are the cons of the world and will take advantage of any and all opportunities to harm for their gain. Satan is the great deceiver…

When desperation sets in, a person’s true character is revealed and if they are on the side of sin, it can push them over the edge to evil.

Those who turn to God and the sweet, kind forgiveness and connection to their God nature, will not only help others, but will thrive in their being lead by the purity of their soul.

Luke 21:16
And ye shall be BETRAYED both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.

All that glitters isn’t gold…Are most people only ‘nice’ to money?…

???????????????????????????????Are most people only ‘nice’ when they think that they can ‘get’ something, or ‘benefit’ in some way from knowing you?

Remember in the movie ‘Pretty Woman’… Richard Gere tells the Julia Roberts character, “People aren’t nice to people. They are nice to money.”, when her character can’t get waited on in posh Rodeo Drive shops because of the way she is dressed. But then, Roberts ‘character’ is a hooker…. so she should know that, right?

HA! Corny, delusional movie, but fun to watch…

Many years ago, before that movie, I was looking for a house with my then husband. We were young, had come in from the ranch, were dressed casually in jeans and driving a Jeep. I had on no jewelry . We entered a house to look at and the sales people paid us little attention focusing on another couple dressed better and driving a Mercedes Benz.

The next afternoon, we went back to look at the same house. We were dressed up. I was wearing jewelry and driving a Mercedes Benz. The same real-estate people were falling all over us. Following us around the house, giving us their cards, asking our tastes and preferences, etc.  I don’t think they even recognized us as the couple that was there the day before… (stupid sales people), but of course, we were the same people and, both times, looking for a house with the ability to buy.

The way I was treated in that experience taught me something…

And today, it seems to be getting worse … that people are only nice to others for the gain of money or something that benefits them.

They are only ‘attentive’ and ‘nice’ to those who ‘appear’ to have money and resources. When a person can be carrying a Prada bag, wearing designer clothing and driving a new expensive car and they don’t ‘actually’ have a dime to their name, money to invest, or to spend. They are charged to the hilt on their credit cards.

While another person can be wearing jeans and a tee shirt, carrying an ordinary purse, driving a dated car and they may have a ton of cash… This is the result of the ‘credit card’ world that we exist in… and America’s debt is a symptom and example…

Appearances can be very deceptive… and because of the lack of real values today…people are nice to the ‘appearance’ of money and
power…  So people charge on credit cards to ‘appear’ to be something that they are not.

People are ‘trying’ to ‘glitter’ … because they feel like they don’t shine internally…

The Obama regime is the personification of this. Everything about this man is fake and contrived and he acts as if money, human beings, life, debt, etc. have no value… everything he does reveals this. All he does is try to ‘glitter’ to suck people in, to be ‘attractive’ to the easily fooled. There is no substance to or in Obama and he knows that ‘glitter’ is what many people attract to now.

But without substance it matters not how a person ‘glitters’… and if you attract to this facade… you will soon be disappointed.

It shows the real character of a person, if they are nice, caring and compassionate to those who can do nothing for them.

A person can have lots of money and dress like they don’t.  One day they may dress in workout clothes, or sloppily and the next dress like a million bucks…and in both instances they are the same person internally…

The character of a person is in their walk, their face, their eyes, their actions and their behavior…

It’s the person wearing it who fills the clothing … the clothing doesn’t make the person. And in this world today… it seems many have this completely turned around… and it’s become very convoluted…
manifested on all levels into our world and to the complete fraud that we have in Our White House.

People ‘think’ if they carry a designer purse and wear Jimmy Choo’s that they are ‘somebody’ … when a ‘person of character’ knows ‘affectation’ means absolutely nothing…and with experience and wisdom they can see right through it…

It used to be that paying cash and owning what you have was a prized way to live… leasing a car was unheard of…

I say, if we get back to these values… not only individually, but our whole country will be much better off…

When people know what real value is in themselves, they will be able to see that in another… I believe the reason a fraud like Obama is where he is, is because people can’t recognize value any longer and go for the ‘promises’, what they can ‘get’ and the ‘glitter’.

Are you only nice to those who can ‘help’ you in some way, give, or get you something, or are you nice and kind because that’s who you are?

The affirmative action, ‘President Obama’, ‘experiment’ has been a complete failure…

And for best acting in a fraud on all Americans…

Obamalies2I asked my broker, “Should I move to precious metals, foreign currency or what?”

His response, “If the current President is in office much longer, canned goods, water and ammunition are probably your best bet.”
ObamaFactsQ: What’s the real problem with Barack Obama jokes?

A: His followers don’t think they’re funny and….
the rest of us dont think they are jokes.
When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I’m beginning to believe it. ~ Clarence Darrow

If an unqualified nobody like Obama can become President then truly anyone can and I don’t think that is such a good thing… how about you?

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Hugging… the human touch…

???????????????????????????????Hugging reveals much about a person…

Some people hug the air and won’t let others get too close… others give a warm hug that lasts a bit. Some people, while hugging feel cold and hard to the touch, it feels like you’re hugging a tree. Some fall into your arms. Some give a good, warm hug that fills you with good feelings. Some is stress and pain will fall limp into your arms. A child will do this… Most children instinctively know that the human touch is necessary for survival.

Some huggers are withholding. Some people won’t or can’t hug. Some hug many and often. Some will hug no one…

The human touch is healing… hugging is a way to feel the warmth, or lack of it and the energy, or lack of it, in, and of another human being…

And if you will allow yourself to truly feel another in a hug… it has the possibility to heal conflict and allow forgiveness. Most people aren’t all bad… although, of course, there are those few who are… and this can be felt in a hug for those who are perceptive…

Some people are ‘afraid’ to hug another… they ‘know’, have an awarenes that who they are can be revealed in this closeness…

There are some people who will/can have ‘sex’, but have trouble just hugging and being emotionally/physically close to another human being…

Some people can hug a stranger and others can’t/won’t hug their own family members…

I will hug those who ask, in need, or who offer…because I think hugging is an emotionally healthy endeavor…

Hugging heals not only the person in need of a hug, but the one giving the hug…

Hugging is a gift to be given often…if someone offers you a hug, they are offering you a gift…the gift of human warmth and kindness.
… not to accept it or to pull away or to be cold in its acceptance is what?…

What kind of a hugger are you… ever thought about it?

Is there anyone you won’t hug? Do you like to hug?

Which type of hugger do you think is the most internally well-adjusted?

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Women! Are you attracted to this?…

Men! Do you think women are attracted to this?These men look like they are nine months pregnant. In my opinion, they look repulsive.

What woman would want to be with these men…? And these are not the worst of them…

Many wear big tee shirts over baggy shorts or pants and look like huge blobs. What must one eat, drink, and how much of it, to manifest a body such as this?

Fat_people : fat man eating hamburger seated on armchairCan’t you just envision them sitting on the sofa, a beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other? Shouting at the TV, burping and cussing…
Or in some over-worn leather chair with the remote near by as they munch and drink, maybe, even smoke…”Hey babe, could you get me another cold one?!”

“No! Get it yourself you fat slob!”

Sex? Is there a woman who would want to have sex with one of these visions of masculinity? Visualize them nude…NO! Wait! Don’t! It will make you sick to your stomach and your eyes will bleed. With a fat, bloated body could they really have much sensuality or sexual awareness? I bet most don’t and most are frustrated and blocked in this area and that’s one reason they look as they do….

Health? No man with a body like this is healthy physically, emotionally, or mentally. I gain three pounds and can feel it on my body. So someone with a body like this has little to no physical self-awareness. Also, most men with a body like this, I have encountered are either rude, or arrogant, or both…  They may ‘appear’ like jolly fat  or ‘nice’ guys… but ‘eventually’ they  will ‘try’ to throw their weight around…literally.

Remember, body, mind and spirit all go together…

A bloated and fat body is an eating or drinking machine… trying to stuff feelings and deny emotions…

So men, what if your lady looked like a fat blob, would you want her?
Men who look like this often lust after the beauties who keep themselves in shape and looking good… and they want one on their arm and ‘a few’ even nab one…

They may look at beauties on the internet and in publications… while wanting them and hating that they want them at the same time, because they know most women would not look at them twice.  Actually, can men this fat even ‘accomplish’ the act of sex?

I have never seen so many unattractive, out of shape, gross and sloppy men these days? What in the world is going on?…

And spare me with there’s more to a person than their appearance… of course, there is. And sure there are a few people with ‘disease’ (dis-ease) that keeps them overweight…

But why not look good on the outside, if you are wonderful inside…

I have a suspicion, in most cases, that how people appear on the exterior is pretty much always a reflection of how they are and feel on the interior… It shows their mental and emotional health…and is also how they will eventually treat others and you…

How a person treats themselves is how they will treat others…

Okay ladies, is there any one of you, who would want a man who lets himself go like this?

My personal taste… I can’t stand facial hair on a man. It’s my opinion that only a few can carry it off… ‘one of them being Rhett Butler’… Ummm… come to think of it, right now, I can’t think of another. Do men, perhaps, think or hope, a mustache averts eyes away from their fat bellies and sloppy attire???

Killing truth. Killing beauty. Killing peace. Killing good.

???????????????????????????????Killing morality. Killing health. Killing smiles. Killing intellect. Killing common senBarack Obama dressed as a Muslimse. Killing freedom. Killing free enterprize. Killing choice. Killing joy. Killing the private sector. Killing the honor of the feminine. Killing morality. Killing refinement and manners. Killing hope. Killing families. Killing creativity. Killing freedom of expression. Killing God. Just plain Killing life…

We must vote out the killing of America!!!

We must vote for joy, independence, God, morality, strength of the traditional family, freedom, health, honesty, life, strength, beauty, intelligence, refinement, manners, morals, choice, the private sector, freedom of expression, the free enterprize system and free speech. We must vote for freedom! We must vote for truth. We must vote for life! We must vote for American values!

Each man has their moral adjuster that defines them and what they will and won’t do… this is expressed in their lives, by their choices, by their associations, actions and deeds.

No man is perfect, but some reside mostly in evil…it can been seen in their faces, their eyes, their very movements. It can be ‘faked’ for a little while, but the truth is always revealed…by what they strive for and towards…

grimaceEvil is shrouded in mystery, fog, confusion, killing, deflection, perversions, avoidance and lies…Evil thrives on control, threats, lies, fear and killing.  Evil loves to kill that which is good.

Obama divides, lies, hates and envies. Obama kills the spirit of good with his ‘rhetoric’ of ‘hope’ because all he is, is ‘rhetoric’.  Obama is a walking lie.

Good is just what it is, plain and simple… out there, honest and true. Goodness thrives in freedom! Freedom of choice! Romney carries no envy and no hate. Romney speaks from his brain through his heart…

“Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction. The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints-the Elders of Israel-will step forward to its rescue and save it.”

Socialism works on you, Capitalism works for you! Obama is a Socialist and tries to hide it. Romney is a Capitalist and is proud to share it!

Vote for Freedom!!! Vote for beauty, honor and truth! Vote for life and freedom from government control! Vote for the American constitution!

It’s our only chance to take America back to what it was and what it is meant to be! FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION!!!

We must vote in morality, the free enterprize system, sanctity of life, marriage, family, the will of the people, borders, freedom and the American way!!!

Biden is the worst example of a vice-president there could ever be… he is a foul-mouthed drunk, a laughing, grinning, lying, rude hyena, a rude, interrupting, arrogant buffoon. We have got to get these clowns out of our White House….

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Slang for Liar is Obama…

Obama-Lies-SCObama = liar. So instead of calling someone a liar.. just call themBarack Obama Obama For America "30 Days To Victory" Fundraising Concert In Los Angeles an ‘Obama’… When you catch someone lying… instead of saying, you are lying, just say…”You are Obamaning!”

When you catch someone in a lie… say, “Hey, you just told an Obama!”

Biden = imbecile … so instead of calling someone who is clueless, dumb and says stupid things, an imbecile… just call them a ‘Biden’…

I know that calling someone an ‘imbecile’ isn’t PC….but screw PC… because it is destroying us. Is Biden even human? Because he looks like he is held together with glue… kind of like a ‘caricature’ of a human being…

Sometimes, calling something what it is… is the wisest thing to do!
Pretending something or someone isn’t what it is can be lethal to everyone concerned…
A ‘Romney’ is a handsome, moral, successful businessman, husband and father… 

A ‘Romney’ is a man who has it all…and his life together…
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Okay women! What do you want in a man?…Bad boys, or good?

???????????????????????????????I get many inquiries from men who are apparently frustrated concerning this issue. They state women ‘say’ that they want a nice, kind, sensitive, and caring man, but are attracted to and choose the mean, irresponsible ones who treat them badly. Men are commenting that women say one thing, but really want something else… the ‘bad boys’…

So, I will state ‘some’ of the things that attract me to a man, but not necessarily in order of importance. And these things ‘attract’ me, but if he doesn’t stay this way… he will lose me fast…

He puts me first in his life before work, sports, hobbies, his buddies or anything else. That he genuinely likes me, ‘gets’ me and respects me even when we have our differences. That I feel ‘beautiful’ around him even with dirty hair or after working out, or if I have a cold… I never get colds, but if I did. Or okay, if I am feeling under the weather, grumpy or fat…

That he be punctual, has his life in order, knows what he wants and where he is going. No addictions, as in alcohol, drugs, etc. That he keeps his body in shape… likes to have fun, laugh and play like a child, but can also be serious, intellectual and deep.  That we have a similar sense of humor and style…

That he makes me feel treasured, valued, cared for and safe… that he respects what I offer him as a woman and values my femininity.

That he respects women in general and shows this by his actions, not just ???????????????????????????????words…lip service sucks.

That he be romantic. I am a flowers, jewelry kind of girlie type, but am also athletic and a ‘Tom boy’. He appreciates my moods and all my dimensions and realizes that I am ‘one of a kind’. That he has morals, standards, ethics and self-awareness. That he is true to me and only me and values the sanctity of a relationship.

That he is sensual, sexy and passionate and knows what this ‘really’ entails. He knows sex (he’s a grown up, not a boy in this regard)is only ‘one’ way of expressing affection…an important one, but if other aspects aren’t in place… it will die a certain death.

That he is physically active in some form and energetic… that he respects that I might dislike some of the things that he enjoys and that’s okay with him. That we have time alone and together.  That he recognizes that I am an individual and so is he… we are not joined at the hip, but bonded out of love and commitment.

He has manners, is well-spoken and has good teeth. He is successful in his life endeavors and career. He is financially successful enough for me… I don’t pay for dates or financially support a man. In my opinion, any man who expects or allows this is not a man…

That we share some life goals and he is supportive of mine…

While we all have our particular likes and dislikes concerning the opposite sex…. this is a bit of what I appreciate in a man..

But none of it matters, if the chemistry isn’t there. Chemistry is key and  the glue that holds it all together…

A personal story: I was once married to a man… where I put most all the deposit down on our house that was filled with mostly all my furniture. I cared for his young daughter, cooked, worked-out, ran errands, planned entertainment, decorated, ran the house and made his life good. I stood by him during a lawsuit from his ex. That he won because of me and what a great step-mom I was. I gave up our honeymoon so that he pursue protecting his child. He did not buy my clothing or much else and all he did was criticize me. He didn’t want me to workout or to work and he sabotaged anything that I wanted to do. Nothing I did was good enough for him, while really, truth be known, he wasn’t good enough for me… if you get the drift? He was controlling. He was arrogant, lazy and all about himself. He was fearful that he would lose me and he did.

???????????????????????????????We divorced. And I was so happy when he was out of my life. You see, he tried to diminish and control me all the while I was being kind as I cared for him and his daughter. Instead of supporting me, while I supported him, his work, his daughter and his life…he put me down…

But I ‘wonder’ what he (lied) told other women about me after the divorce? Get where I am going with this??? He ‘thought’ he gave me everything and he gave me nothing. I felt alone the whole marriage. After he won me over, put a big ring on my finger and we were married … the fun and attentiveness stopped and he became a jerk. And I stopped caring about him and getting away from him was all I wanted…

If a man doesn’t enhance my life and make it better… why would I want him? I wouldn’t! I don’t!!! I am the prize and if he doesn’t feel that way then why would I make him ‘my’ priority? I wouldn’t and don’t…

So men… are some of you, perhaps, at times, misreading and mis-telling how you interacted with your lady that you ‘now’ complain, you gave so much to? HUH? Really think about it honestly!

Okay women! Let’s tell men what attracts us to them and keeps us happy and content. Apparently, many men don’t know and would like to understand…

To sum it up… I like a good guy with a little bit of ‘bad’, enough to make it interesting… HA!

And I come first and if I don’t l am gone…

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