Category Archives: Women In Real Life

Revealing or Hiding the Truth of ‘Your’ Being…

???????????????????????????????Anyone can pretend to be indifferent, or project an illusion of themselves that hides the truth of their being. It takes a helluva lot more strength and conviction to be real and risk pain than it does to hide and be safe, or rather be what you ‘think’ it safe.

We’ve all been hurt, disappointed, or made mistakes in some way and in varying degrees, but it is how we process that hurt that either clears us, or blocks us further. These are our lessons to be experienced here on earth…

So many of us are walking facades, hiding behind our job, our car, our clothes, our shoes, our title, our anger, our ‘religion’, in addictions, etc…. pretending what we ‘think’ we ‘should’  be…  that word ‘should’.. bad word. And all of this is temporary and of this earth…all we really have is our soul…

I have shared and exposed myself on my site for the purpose of awareness for others. I am an open, giving person and people like me put ourselves out there and sometimes it can be hurtful. Some have attacked and criticized me for my forthrightness and sharing. Instead of seeing the strength and courage it takes to be real, they twist it, in order, to suit their needs…???????????????????????????????

I am an upfront, tell it like it is, woman and sometimes this has gotten me ridiculed even attacked, but I am always true to me and what God guides me to be…It’s as if I was born with this gift, or curse, depending on how one looks at it and what is happening at the time and in any given moment. I have friends who tell me that they come to me when they want the truth. I have been told that I tell it like it is and they like that about me even though it ‘smarts’ at times. This is something that I have grown to be proud of about myself…

When I am not being ‘real’  and true to myself… I feel false and I ‘detest’ that feeling. It feels plain terrible to me…it makes me feel twisted up internally…

Others don’t and won’t stop me from being the real me and hopefully won’t stop you from being the real you… living in your truth. When you can acknowledge who you really are, is when you are set free. It may not be easy, but freedom of the spirit is the only way to really live.

We will always have our blind spots as human beings who live on earth, but the more we can live and be in the truth of what God meant for us to be individually by our genetics, personality and circumstances, the more truthful we will be to ourselves…

Here’s to the courage and conviction of being true to yourself!

Look to the left and click to follow …

Liars, cheaters, cons, fools, hate, perversion…

???????????????????????????????II Timothy 3:1-5,7  “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

This passage was brought to my attention recently and one l have referred to in other articles… and I am seeing it more and more in the world today, are you?

Marriage counselors who have affairs with those they are counseling… Politicians who wouldn’t know the truth if it came up and bit them.  ‘Family’ men promoting that image who cheat on their wives.  Babies born without even knowing who their father is… born and used for government pay- outs. Sexual perversions promoted and encouraged. God taken out of  schools. Anti-Christ movement… those with the pretense of ‘Godly intentions’ using them for self-promotion and gain. Bastardizing of scripture to mean what ‘they’ want it to for ‘their’ agenda.

Sisters being hateful to sisters. Family members unable to even hug another as their heart is so cold and hardened.  Possessions more important than people. Hate, jealousy, envy, gluttony… look around you… look at what so many have become and how they are behaving… look at their bodies, their faces, their eyes…

People will turn from truth and only see what they crave for their pleasure…

Alcohol, drugs, entertainment, loud music with vile content (example: Lady GAGA), with escape more important than being and communicating with people. Parents who stare at the TV rather than talk to their children. Children on their hand-held gadgets not communicating with peers and family.  In the end of times, communication will be fast and abundant, but few will be able to hear the truth.

Fathers obsessed with sports and games ignoring their families and loved ones…escape… escape… escape…

Rule, dominate and control are what so many are obsessed with…

Sex without love…

Power and money on earth may equate to nothing on another level, or plane…it’s the soul the matters…

Look into the eyes of those you interact with… is there a soul in there?

Do their lips smile, but their eyes don’t? Are their eyes dead? Are they cold and hard to the touch with no ability to really express love and giving, even as they may ‘talk’ about it?  How a person hugs another can tell you much. And a warm hug, where you can feel the other’s energy, has the potential to heal a wounded heart…

People who think that they are ‘safe’ because of their so-called power, possessions, or money will find that they are not…

Frauds are everywhere… Cain did not kill Abel because he was evil, but because he was good…

The eradication  of good is becoming more and more… Evil can’t stand good…and evil is hiding more and more in the ‘pretense’ of good…

Be aware of whom you associate with and where you may find yourself in your town or city. Look around and be aware…

Guard your heart. Guard your soul. Do not be deceived… as deception becomes more intense… Stand clear and strong in the Lord.

Cattiness! Okay, concerning women who take…

???????????????????????????????jabs at their friends. Ever been around this? No matter what you say, do, achieve, or try, even if you are down in the dumps, this friend takes a ‘jab’ at you…

They aren’t genuinely happy for your successes and not encouraging of your endeavors… they seem to want to pour onto you that you aren’t ‘good’ enough on some level. And it is ‘sneaky’ how they do it. Because it’s a bit of love, and friendliness then wham.. a bit of kindness then wham! It’s a hug, then a punch, then a jab… then a smile, then a snide remark…

Sure, most all women can be catty, at times, but being catty is not in my nature and I don’t pull it out, until I have been punched so often that ‘finally’ I react. And when I finally do react … I can explode either small or large… so watch out….

So, what makes one person ‘think’ that they can treat a friend in this manner? What about one person makes them do the jabbing and the other, ‘the one being jabbed at’, react, or try to ignore it for as long as they can?

Is it ‘the jabbers’ insecurity, their need to control, their need to feel good about who they are, because for some reason they don’t? Is it that they have little awareness of what they say and do? Is it that they don’t respect themselves, so they don’t respect others?

Okay, let’s go deeper here. As I have lived and experienced much, I have come to a realization that ‘equals’ … those of ‘like kind’ usually make ‘better’ friends… in that, if one friend has few resources, the one with less, might be secretly angry at the one with more. And this has become really apparent in this day and time.

Addictive people, alcoholics and druggies don’t mix well with those who do not have these addictions. Liberals don’t usually mix well with conservatives, insecure people feel more comfortable around those who are insecure. Secure people attract to one another… so on and so forth… (And this can bring us to another topic, then why is it ‘promoted’ and are we ‘expected’ to tolerate and ‘like’ everyone as in PC? Because it just doesn’t work.)

I am not saying we shouldn’t leave others alone and let them live as they wish. I am saying, ‘like kind, likes kind’.. this is even stated in the wisdom of the Bible…

“Whoever touches pitch gets dirty, and whoever associates with a proud person becomes like him. Do not lift a weight too heavy for you or associate with someone mightier and richer than you. How can the clay pot associate with the iron kettle? The pot will strike against it and be smashed. Sirach :13…  If you read though Sirach, there is much wisdom concerning things such as this…

But then opposites also attract. I enjoy people from all walks of life. I do not judge someone on appearance, or what they have or own…  I like them for who they are and what their interests are, their heart, or the gleam in their eye… many different things attract…

When I was 12, one of my sisters accidently knocked my two front teeth out with a miniature golf club. At the time, the dentist put silver crowns on my two front teeth. (stupid dentist, but that is another story)… So for a year, I had to endure these sliver things and I also had thick wavy hair. And in that time, it was the blond, straight look that we all wanted. When the weather was humid, my hair took over the world. So, here I was 12 with two silver teeth, thick wavy hair(which I had no idea how to control and there were not products then as we have now) and thin as a rail. I felt like I was the ugliest girl in the world. So, I GET IT and am sensitive to others when I sense that they have low-self esteem, or are going through ‘rough’ times and I would never want to intentionally cause them distress…

Today, I know how to manage my hair, and what I once thought my worst attribute, has become one of my best. Now, my teeth are perfect. So all that was terrible, has turned out fine. But I can recall how badly I felt about myself during that year, that impressionable, insecure year. Kids bullied and laughed at me and some even called me fat when I was thin as a rail. I was a ballet dancer and obsessed about my weight. It was a terrible time in my life. So, again I state that I don’t ever want to intentionally harm another who is going through a rough and insecure time… as we all have them…

I have had resources and I have been completely broke… and it didn’t affect who I was. I was still me. Money does not make you who you are… but some seem to have ‘their identity’ tied to it… and they jab at their friends who have more, or attain some success, or they brag if they have more than others, or they can’t be happy for others when they attain something.

Seems fat people are jabby at the thin and fit. While a thin person is expected to encourage and be kind to an over-weight person (kind of like the race thingy today, whites ‘must’ treat blacks with kid gloves, while blacks ‘apparently’ can treat whites anyway they want).

The less attractive jab at those who are more attractive … calling them ‘narcissistic'(one of the more over-used and misused words today) and this has become rampant from those less fit and less attractive.

Unhappily married people are jabby at those who date and have freedom. Single people jab at those who are married… Some even try to steal spouses.

Some people are continually and always trying to ‘one up’ others, bragging and trying to ‘prove’ (to whom, I don’t know?) that they know more, have more, are more….social climbers, social braggers. It’s all so stupid and inane. Just sit back and observe someone who does this. Don’t get hooked into it, just listen and watch and you will be chuckling in internal amusement at their insecurity and pathetic lack of self-awareness…

Why aren’t more people content where they are and have the self-awareness to see themselves? Sure, we all have our blind sides at times. It’s human and part of the process to growth and it’s self-awareness to uncover deep seated issues. Some are on that journey and some are clueless….And sometimes, the ‘once’ clueless are made aware by life circumstances that change and give them the opportunity to become more … and by more I mean ‘better’ people into the core of their being.

My soul is the most important part of me…I care for my physical self as God gave me a body to live in and to care for… but it’s my heart and soul that matter most, in that, I try to live honorably. I know when I am off my course and it troubles me until I get back on it. Just like I know when I have eaten something, or too much and my body feels out of sorts.

I try to live by the ten commandments and to not be addicted to chemicals that can distort my mind and body… and ultimately my soul…

Are the seven deadly sins running rampant today? Becoming more and more prevalent and intense. Is this what is going on? Is it jealousy, envy, greed, lust, gluttony, etc. Others think, if ‘they’ have it, I want it, too!…And they try to take whatever it is from others and try even to corrupt and to snatch your soul…

Are so many so eaten up inside with evil that they can’t appreciate where they are, the choices that ‘they’ made, the genetics that ‘they’ were given…the circumstances that ‘they’ were born into… that everyone wants to be someone else, or to take from another anything that they can.

I have been jabbed when I was a gawky, insecure child and I have been jabbed when I looked fab and was on top of my game. Just jabbed for different reasons… jabbed because ‘they’ could sense my insecurity then jabbed to take me down a notch…

I have been jabbed by alcoholics because I prefer, at times, to drink water. I have been jabbed for working out by those lazy and overweight. I have been jabbed for not smoking. I have been jabbed for not doing drugs… I have been jabbed by all my sisters, friends, husbands and enemies.

And as painful as it’s all been, I still remain true to myself… and I have even been jabbed for that… as unhappiness loves company… 

I have rambled on a bit… so back to topic… why do some so-called friends ‘jab’ at others? Ha!

So, in your opinion, what is this about? What makes some women so catty?

The look on a woman’s face reveals…

???????????????????????????????“The look on a woman’s face reveals how well she is loved and how she is being treated. This can be the love from a man, her family, her friends, or how she loves and cares for herself. A wise man will both, want and enjoy, seeing his woman glow because when she does, it spills onto him and to all those in her presence then out into the world. This is the magic of the feminine and it can empower the world to joy and peace.” Ann Dillard

This is the mission and goal of  that women glow in their power, glory and the truth of the feminine…and are always free to do so…Look to the left and click to follow and to subscribe…

Friday April 13…watch…

To hear about what it is like to live under the rule of communism… forced to flee in fear of your life and to find freedom…
I was on the show with a longtime friend from Russia who has lived in America for 20 years. She shared her experience as did many others who came from communist, dictator- ruled countries. You will find their stories captivating… 

I was one of the few born in America on the show. I used to feel safe in America, but now I am feeling as the people shared on the show about how they felt in the countries that they left.

Our freedoms are being diminished daily, government control is taking over our lives. There is class warfare, race warfare, our media is corrupt. It’s agenda-filled and full of propaganda. We have no journalism. Our children are being brainwashed in school… they are being taught to believe in government and what they are told, instead of how to think for themselves. Capitalism is being vilified. Those who worked for and have success are being vilified.

People are being pented against one another… morals, values and standards being diminished. God is being diminished. Anti-Christ sentiments are infiltrating everything, privacy lost, freedom of speech controlled and agendafied…. all this and more is how a country is taken over with all individual rights taken and all freedoms are destroyed…

Nothing is really redistributed to the people. That is a fallacy that they ‘use’ to con. It is kept under the control of the ‘government’ and those who rule.

Truth is lie and lie is truth…for the purpose of rule, dominate and control by those who are in power….

An exceptional show… full of clear insights, information, and warnings as to what they experienced, and why they escaped to America… and sadly what they see is happening in America right now…

If America falls to socialism/communism… under the rule of a dictatorship… where else is there to go?

The show is Friday, April 13th, 4:00 central time on

It’s a must see and a good show to be viewed by those who can’t, won’t, or who are unable to see the truth in all the lies.

Sex Explosion!!!

 Annredchair02Okay, why this over the top focus on sex?

Because anyone who has sex ‘before’, they get to ‘know’ someone is a fool.

It’s my opinion that, ‘before’ you have sex with someone, you should have spent time with them doing many different activities… Dinners, lunches, movies, sports events are fine… but how about grocery shopping, chores, working out, meeting their friends, family, etc.?

If you don’t want to spend time with someone, how about ‘not’  having sex with them. If you don’t want them to meet your friends and family, or ‘you’ don’t want to meet their friends and family, you might not want to have sex with them. Ever think of that?

Having sex ‘before’ knowing someone and spending time with them is putting the cart before the horse… and it usually ends badly…

And this seems to be what way too many are doing these days…

Sex is not something you do on the first date, or in the first few times of interacting. Sex is not just a handshake and oral sex is sex. Oh, yes it is! It really is, Bill Clinton…

Sex is what you advance to, when you want a relationship, a commitment to go to the next level. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves, is a player, a sex-driven fool, or even a sex addict who thinks that interacting, male/female, is about sex, instead of feeling, emotions, caring, love, commitment and responsibility.

How about we get back to solid, conservative standards and values in this area. If we do, there will be fewer unwed mothers and ‘baby daddies’ (Geez! I detest that term) in the world, and less dependance on the government by these irresponsible, misled, sex-driven, immature people. And there will be less disease, disappointment and fewer broken hearts…

And why are children even having sex? It’s stupid. They would be better served thinking about school, hobbies, sports, exercise, and developing their talents and their desires for their future. They have plenty of time to be interested in and to focus on sex…so why begin so young?

Self-control is the hallmark of maturity and success on every level… and an out of control, promiscuous sex life is the sign of a weak-willed, emotionally sick, addictive, immoral person and this spills out into society.

Children mimic adults… so the example that you, we, and the world sets is what will be imprinted upon our youth…

Agree or not?….

Blown away by the way ‘some’ men…

Blackwhite24talk to a woman…
Okay… what would you think and do if a man solicited your attention repeatedly to offer his services in a business interaction. And finally, you respond because you ‘think’ that you ‘might’ have an interest in his service. It’s what he is offering you, you did not contact him. He sends you his resume and some samples of his work which appear fine.  

The first conversation with him is informative and interesting. But in the next phone conversation, he makes continual references to your body as being voluptuous. It could ‘sort of’ be excused, in that, you are talking about a character in a book. But he says your body is ‘voluptuous’ about six times and he asks personal questions. (red flags) And then in the next email, he writes that for his ‘pay’, he asks only that you marry him and never leave him… he also writes that you are beautiful and have a certain glow about you…

He also writes in an email that he showed your photo to a kid that lives above him and this kid said that you are ‘hot’.

You write back that this is sweet, but you are only interested in the  business project…besides, why would he show your photo to

His reply. “Dear, don’t nag.”

Your reply. “Excuse me?”

His reply. “Excuse you? Why, did you burp?”

Having experienced quite enough, you write back that you are not interested in any association with him and that you don’t appreciate him continually referring to your body.

Indignant, defensive and patronizingly, he replies that he was only being friendly. That you are being arrogant and you need to get over yourself because you are not all that attractive… and that ‘you’ need to apologize to ‘him’…because he was only sharing a ‘story’ about the kid, and that you are being too sensitive. And that you shouldn’t kick a ‘gift horse’ in the mouth.

HA!… soooo…Whew!  Yes… this happened to me and this from a man who has commented repeatedly for months that he enjoys my writing, agrees with me and my site. So, he ‘should’ know what I am about, or he ‘thought’ he did, or he doesn’t know how to conduct business, or he is a stupid oaf, because, if this had occurred in an actual place of business, his words would be considered sexual harassment.

So, over the Internet in a ‘business’ interaction this man disrespects me, comes onto me and when I call him out on it, instead of apologizing… he ‘tries’ to point the finger at me, put me down and patronize me. And he was the one continually talking about my appearance not me…

Also, when he first talked about my body, of course, I was offended, but I let it slide to gather more info, since I am becoming more aware everyday that ‘many’ men are ‘completely ignorant’ about how to talk and interact with a woman. Some seem to think that saying things like this man said to me are ‘compliments’. But what it does is to make a woman feel objectified and this is insulting on every level. Was that his intention? To pull some kind of ‘male dominance.’

Do men these days, because of movies and the way, in some cases, we see women being portrayed and disrespected and the way many women disrespect themselves, ‘think’ that they can interact in this manner?

I have never seen anything like what I am seeing today…sure there have always been the jerks and always will be. But the lack of manners, juvenile behavior, low respect level, and ignorance of ‘some’ men these days, goes beyond the pale… and it blows me away in shame for them. Are they so insecure and needy that they will take any and every opportunity to objectify, try to stick it to and take a woman down to their lowly level?

What do you think? Do you agree or not? And what would you have thought and what would you have done?

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What a man really craves…

???????????????????????????????is EMOTION. Emotion that he can’t find in himself. Emotion that will make him feel like a whole man… a fulfilled man…a complete man…

A man may talk about what he ‘thinks’ of as “drama” in a woman — but emotion is something completely and entirely different than drama.

Emotion, ‘expressing emotion’, is the missing piece for a man. And many tie this craving and need to sex… because sex ‘temporarily’ helps ‘some’ men to ‘feel’. It’s allows him to lose himself…And sure some emotionally dead/damaged men and women can have sex without feelings, emotions, or much anything else… other than temporary escape.

But what they are really looking for is to feelto feel emotion… to experience those intense feelings that fill you up with emotion…glorious emotion. But it isn’t sex that does it… it’s the feelings, the emotions connected to the heart through sex that ‘can’ do it… And when you are in love, it can be emotionally bonding, otherwise…not so much.

When a man exclaims, ‘I had the most incredible evening with a woman’. He is ‘usually’ talking about having what ‘he considers’ great sex… and, or that the woman ‘touched his emotions’ That place in him that feels… and transcends himself… that makes him feel like more of a manmore whole and complete and in touch with his heart and soul…

Sex is a part of it, can be a part … but it is ‘only’ a part…

Some men, think it’s all sex and so do some women, especially, these days, when ‘some’ women are ‘acting’ and ‘behaving’ like men…and it’s allowing for no one being really ‘connected’ to anyone…including a connection to themselves… so the emotional connection to self and others is being further diminished… and there are more lost and desperate people roaming around looking for a place to connect. Hence all the ‘sexual promiscuity’ and ridiculous emphasis on sex when it is premature to the nature of the relationship or interaction. The needy and emotionally stunted put sex first before any connection because they are unable to make a deep, real connection…They can’t connect through real emotion so they connect by sex.

Males are looking to get out of their heads, into their hearts, bodies and into the emotion that they crave…

Emotion is what connects… the sharing of emotion and most women have it innately, unless they ignore, deny it, or have been damaged in some way.

The emotional connection is what a man craves…

Do you agree?…

Explosion concerning scents, smells and perfumes…

Recently, I’ve exited several places because of someone’s perfumery…

In a full theater, we’re munching popcorn, enjoying ourselves and  just as the movie begins, a woman sits in front of us and as soon as she does her perfume permeates heavily in the air. Several people begin coughing and looking in her direction.

I begin to feel as if I can’t breathe. I hope the smell will soon dissipate, but it doesn’t. My eyes begin to sting and I begin to feel dizzy. We get up and leave, as do several others, in close proximity to this overly-‘perfumed’ woman.  We toss our snacks into the trash. Get a pass from the theater to come back at a later date, then rush out to sit in the fresh air. It takes me almost an hour to get the pungent perfumery chemicals completely out of my system.

A few days earlier, we were in a restaurant enjoying our meal and a group enters, sits at the next table and the chemical perfumery overwhelms all those nearby. We leave as do others. 
What is wrong with people who douse themselves in these chemicals? Can’t they smell? Are they covering up ‘something’ and what is it? Body odor? Didn’t anyone teach them how to apply?  

Nothing smells better than a clean body… even a clean healthy perspiring body smells good and certainly better than acidity, pungent chemical odors. Have you ever worked out near someone who is wearing lots of cologne who begins to perspire? P-EEE-UU! Oh my gosh! Stinky to the max!

So, what is the deal with all these people who soak themselves in these gaggy chemical odors?   

Perfume reached its peak in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. All public places were scented during Queen Elizabeth’s rule, since she could not tolerate bad smells. It was said that the sharpness of her nose was equaled only by the slyness of her tongue. Ladies of the day took great pride in creating delightful fragrances and they displayed their skill in mixing scents. In those days, there was stench to cover up. People didn’t bathe as we do now and there was stench in the streets.

Today we have soap and water and nothing smells better than a freshly bathed body. The French have a saying, ‘the body has a natural colette (I think I spelled it correctly.. I had years of French, but) that is sensual and enticing’. So, why douse chemicals all over it?

As with any industry, perfume under went a profound change in the19th century. Changing tastes and the development of modern chemistry laid the foundations of perfumery as we know it. Alchemy gave way to chemistry and new fragrances were created.

At one time, I enjoyed the classic fragrances such as Chanel… But to me, the fragrances seems to be getting worse and more intense, instead of better. 

And those plug in air fresheners, in my opinion, are vile.. and also have been proven to be carcinogenic. Also, scented candles can be toxic, cause allergies and aggravate asthma.

Sooo why do some people continually ‘over do’ on these fakey, stinky fragrances? What are people trying to cover up? Why don’t they want to smell like themselves? 

I can’t imagine anything worse than snuggling up to a body doused in chemicals.
After all, the scent of our loved ones is apart of the attraction and allure.. so why cover it up with chemical junk that is continually marketed to us…?

What’s your opinion concerning this smell, odor, perfume topic?

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What is it that you do that is a bit decadently crazy weird?…

 ???????????????????????????????Me?… Well, when I have an iced, ‘glazed’ donut, or sweet roll craving which is rare, but when it does occur, it can be quite intense….

I will lick, or bite the glazed icing off  munching just the crusty cake part that is closest to the icing then toss the rest away…

There is something about the fried taste with the sweet sugary glaze that just calls my name about once a year…

And when it does, I do it over and over again… eat and lick, eat and lick… doing this ‘satisfies’ me without all that dough stuff filling me up …

Donut holes are my best choice, less dough, don’t you know…

So, what is it that you do? It doesn’t have to be about food…. just about ‘whatever’, or anything…

We all have strange, ‘weird’ even a bit ‘crazy’ little things that we do. That well, ‘maybe’, we don’t really want others to be ‘privy’ too… and we ‘certainly’ do them in private…

I certainly wouldn’t do this lick, munch and throw away donut thingy in front of anyone….

Soooo what’s yours? We won’t tell anyone. Really, we won’t!!!
And don’t tell anyone about my donut glazed icing fetish… Ok? Okay!!!

So tell us … Tell! Tell! Tell!… and you don’t have to use your ‘real’ name…

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