Category Archives: Women In Real Life

When someone tries to ‘tell’ you how…

Memorial Day 2‘good’ they are … and that you can ‘trust’ them. Watch out!  This is something that is displayed and shown by actions, not said, ‘told’ in words….

When someone tells me these things, my ‘suspicions are alerted’ that they are quite the opposite and I am usually correct…that they are anything but good…and trusting them is the last thing that I, or anyone should do…

Agree or not?

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What’s your favorite household chore?

Most usually, I enjoy keeping up my house. Sure, I get tired of it at times. But I am house proud. I like things clean and organized.

I love to do the laundry. I really enjoy clean crisp sheets and I like to vacuum  and do so often. I can’t stand anything on my carpets. I am not obsessed, but almost. I like clean floors and organized cabinets. And bathrooms must be clean and fresh. And kitchens MUST be clean and organized…I can’t stand dust or grunge on anything…

My closets can get messy at times, and this frustrates me and I do have a chair in my bedroom, where I can let a couple of sweaters pile up… but other than that things must be shipshape or I feel like something is off…

I have had large houses and housekeepers… but even when I did, I would still clean and organize…as my stepdaughter commented. “No one cleans like you do, Ann.”

I guess, I can really get after it when I am in the mood.

I can’t stand being in a dirty house or an unorganized one. It gives me the creeps…and if a house has any kind of ‘odor’ about it I am out of there.. as in musty, old, smells like pets, etc.

It’s great to used vinegar and water to mop floors as that will not only clean but will freshen the air in the house.

I adhere to the belief that if you live in an unorganized environment and one which is dirty that you are probably that way in your head and your life, as in your hair and your body…

Years ago, I was seeing  a man who was wining and dining me. He was very successful and was trying to impress me. We went to one of his homes after dinner and I went into the bathroom and it was filthy. I mean FILTHY. I never went out with him again. I couldn’t get that dirty, nasty image out of my head and that is how I think of him to this day.

Also cars… if a person drives around in a messy car that is filthy… in my opinion, it shows who they are, how they think and how they live…

As you prepare for the holidays, what is your favorite household chore? Do you enjoy cleaning or dread it? Do you appreciate a clean home and strive to keep it that way? Or does it not matter to you?  And do you have any household cleaning tips or great products that you want to share?

Cleanliness is next to Godliness…

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Chasing the thrill of the first encounter….

52Seasons8 Ever done this in some regard, about something, some experience, or someone?

Is this ‘chase of the thrill’ what creates ‘addiction’?

Your first bite of pizza tastes sooo good that instead of savoring it, you eat two pizzas ‘hoping’ to ‘regain’ the pleasure of that very first bite. The first sip of cold beer on a hot day tastes so wonderful that you drink a case looking for the same blissful rush of the first….

You feel the excitement of the first blush of falling in love, but when it subsides, you exit, off on the hunt to regain the thrill of the first encounter with someone else, instead of appreciating what you have….

Why is this the nature of many … to be on the hunt for the thrill of  of the first encounter and of what ‘usually’ can’t be recreated?…

Might I suggest imprint the thrill of that first encounter on your being and savor it slowly… and forget chasing what is illusive and to realize that you might lose all you have and even what you are in your attempt to recreate it…

Addictive people are always chasing something… ever noticed that? They are chasing and searching for what they don’t have in themselves. They are looking to ‘feel’ something or to ‘sedate’ themselves with food, drugs, sex, being overly religious, shopping, or to have some excitement or thrill in anything that they ‘think’ will do it …

Savor the magic of the first encounter, but forget trying to chase it because if and when it comes again, it will arrive when you least expect it. It’s not something to chase. In fact, chasing it could very well diminish it.

What does this mean to you?….

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Texting…the distance in communication…

Texting can be the laziest form of communication and especially in courtship. Far too many women mistake a series of texts for a relationship. Men who text too often and too much are a turn off …( also, a sociopathic/psychopathic ploy is to tie you to your phone, also it’s the MO of a ‘player’.)

Sure, texting can be used as a tool for quick communication and that’s just my point… it’s quick, thoughtless and cheap. A man or a woman can be texting many people, at the same time, to keep them on the string. When I’ve dated, if a man texts me in the first few weeks of meeting, I usually never see him again. If he emails or texts to make a date… his worth in my eyes drops rapidly. I ‘might’ take the time to suggest that I ‘prefer’ the phone, if I kind of like him. But then, if he continues too much lazy communication ‘texting and emailing’… He’s put in the position of ‘friend’ or gone from my life. If he is lazy communicating, he will be lazy in bed. Lazy in life. Lazy in attention. Lazy in fun. Lazy in adventure. And who wants that?

Nothing is more un-sexy or unattractive than a lazy communicator… hence a ‘textor’…

I once interacted with a man in California and after a few phone conversations, he began texting me daily, if I had time, I would respond, ‘if I had nothing else to do’, ( and this is key. Get it? I only respond if I was in a lapse.) as he was ‘fairly’ interesting. I didn’t hear from him for a month and then he texted. My response was. “Who are you?” He reacted terribly offended. He apparently ‘thought’ that we had ‘some sort’ of a ‘real connection’ from a few texts. Ridiculous! I didn’t even know who this man was and a few typed words meant little to nothing. This man would text that he missed me, etc. and all sorts of nonsense when he never even met me. Idiocy!

Texting is an additional tool to aid in communication and great in a pinch… nothing more… and should be used as  such.

Romance and relationships are built eye-to-eye. Face-to-face.

If running late to meet for lunch, sure texting is fine, but so much better is to pick up the phone. Technology has made many lazy and very poor communicators…

I have written about Leviathan many times…the devil of communication… more communication with less meaning and with so much of it that few will be able to discern the truth. That is what is happening today with all the cell-phoning, texting, emailing and media BS. There is no journalism… it is mostly about as meaningful as a text. Lots of useless information and words that convey nothing, just take up the air space.

So, let’s take the ‘Leviathan spin’ to personal friendships and relationships. A person can text many and have allegiance to none.  Face to face is how a real connection takes place and is nurtured. Phoning is one step removed and texting is yet another step removed. Emailing has replaced letter writing. We may communicate more and faster and to more people, but it is less meaningful… in fact, much of it means nothing.
Many children these days communicate continually and almost exclusively by text. I have a young friend of 12 (actually god-daughter) who sent something like 1000 texts in a two week period. I inquired. “How did she have time to sleep and go to school?” She shrugged with a smile.

She had a sleep-over with ‘one of her best friends’ and they were sitting on her bed, backs to one another, and both texting. How not fun! How not connected! How not connected can you get to a ‘friend’?! What kind of marriages, friends, interaction with their children will this generation have if they get used to communicating by text?

I was in the grocery store and several people almost walked right into me while looking down at their phones.

In a restaurant, people sit together at a table and all looking at their gadgets reading and texting away.

People text while driving and this can have disastrous results.

Why can’t we pay attention to the activity that we are doing, to the people that we are with and put the technology away more often than not?

 Where is the human interaction and real connection these days? Technology may be doing  more harm than good, if it is allowed to take over our lives, our communication, our ability to really communicate, face to face, eye to eye, human being to human being…

It’s the human voice that matters. The human touch. The being there and on time. It’s the face to face communication that builds friendship, affection, trust, respect and bonding through real communication. Our spiritual connection to another happens and deepens in person.

It’s as if people have become attached more to these technical gadgets than to people. How about leave it at home, turn it off and don’t use it for a few days and definitely when you are with another human being, put it away, and see how much better you feel. You may have ‘withdrawal’ for a bit, but after that, you will feel free.

In my opinion, technology is a tool that when used inappropriately is doing more harm than good…. and that’s what the Satans of technology and Leviathan spinners want. Think of the money that is spent on all this technology lining these people’s pockets so that they can created more ways to control you! The more disconnected people are from one another, the more easily that they are controlled by the government. Technology can appear to connect many and in ‘ways’ it does and can, but it can also keep us separated individually and apart from real human interaction.

We are creating technology drones, with few human skills, who are losing the need and desire for real human interaction, are unable to commit to one activity, much less one person… and none of this is good for humanity…

Human interaction is a basic need… babies will die without it. So what are we creating here? Aa society of needy people… a society of unsociable, lacking in social graces, with no ability to really connect monsters…?

So texting… BA HUMBUG!!! How about use technology appropriately?!

And what’s ‘appropriate’ is another soapbox of mine…stay tuned…

Enough about politics, let’s talk men and sex…

What makes a man ‘worthy’ of having sex with a woman?…Ever thought about it? From what I am hearing… not many men are…. and this makes ???????????????????????????????me want to EXPLODE!!!

Example: A man has never met a woman and he emails her this…”Here is a question we can discuss on the phone. What are your feelings about being bestfriends in addition to a quality love relationship? That means different things to different people. We can discuss that.”

What??? How can you be lovers if you can’t be friends? This man must be emotionally stunted somewhere in his psyche. He’s an older man and not 16. HA and oh, really!? How presumptuous that he dictates what can be discussed in their ‘first’ conversation. Clearly, a control freak and control freaks aren’t sexy and don’t make good friends or lovers…

Another man inquires in the second hour of a first date. “Are you a good kisser?” Then a bit later asks, “Are you passionate? Then before, she answers, he states, “I can tell that you are.” So, if the guy can tell this, why did he ask?

A really sensuous and passionate man doesn’t need or even think to ‘ask’ these kind of stupid and premature questions. He gets to know the woman and let’s it unfold at her pace… And if he is sensuous, he can sense her as she reveals herself (should she choose to) and this occurs as she gets to know him and feels trust and security are established and this does not occur in the ‘first’ meeting or date. It occurs with time spent together and different experiences and consistency in his attention towards her. Otherwise, a wise woman leaves him in her wake because he’s not worthy of her…

Besides, what would a person answer, when asked, “Are you a good kisser?” NO!?! HA! Why can’t men see how ridiculous these kind of questions are and how useless and stupid.

Men like this are of course, ‘trying’ to turn the direction toward sex… when it is premature and doing it in this manner is a turn off to a sensuous woman. Now maybe, whores, and sexually promiscuous women respond to lame attempts. But that is another topic… or is it? Are some men treating all women like sluts because of the behaviors of ‘some’ or even ‘most’ women these days? And the example shown in movies, the media and on slimy talkshows.. ‘Sex and the City’ has done much to destroy respect for sex…

A man also stated, “I think I ‘should’ kiss you.” to a woman on a first date.What? Ha!.. Interpretation…I ‘want’ to kiss you….and don’t really care if you are interested in kissing me…
again he’s testing the water to see if he can get laid on a ‘first’ date. She responds. “I don’t move this fast.” His come back. “I am in sales. I like to make the close.”

HAHAHA! Well, buddy, she isn’t buying what you are selling… and how insulting was his comment? He came right out and told her that he was trying to close the deal. And he also is showing that it’s not about her, it’s all about him. He is not worthy of having sex with a ‘quality woman’… He has no respect for her or the act of sex… he is about satisfying ‘his selfish and immediate’ needs…

A real man, a ‘gentleman’, will ask if he ‘can’ kiss a woman… not ‘declare’ that he ‘should’…
And any man who??????????????????????????????? says something like, “You have a really good body” on the first date or meeting… Well, what is this? It’s a man looking to get laid. It’s one thing to say you are pretty or you look fit, but to say, “You have a really good body.” is objectifying and marginalizing a woman for their sexual needs, desires and purposes.

The ‘real war on women’ is led by ‘some’ men.. who think it’s ‘manly’ to focus on sex, or they are so needy that even at mid-age they are still ‘thinking’ with their penis. And men like this are a waste of a ‘real’ woman’s time…
And men like this are not worthy to have sex with a real woman…

Okay women, what sickening things have you heard from a man ‘trying’ to be seductive, to seduce you, or to ‘appear’ sexy?

And men what’s your opinion and why do ‘some’ men say such stupid, tasteless and turn-off comments?

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If little is the new big, when will this translate into…

Fat pig…backsides? ((What is going on with the size of rear-ends these days? I have never seen such humongous ones and weirdly shaped ones. It can actually be scary… while trying to maneuver around one at the grocery store or somewhere else where there are crowds like at the theatre…

I ‘hope’ (you know, the Obama word) this doesn’t offend anyone, but can we talk about the issue of big butts?!

When did rear-ends start having this shelf-like appearance? I don’t recall seeing this until recently…do you?

So what is causing this trend of huge butts and unusual even strange shaped butts? Is it JLo, Kim Kardashian or what?

Now, while these women are shapely and voluptuous and their bodies are in proportion… it appears to me that the ‘war of the butts’ has gotten way out of control…

Turning it into a derriere nightmare… of enormous portions…

I have always prided myself in keeping my body in proportion… my rear-end by today’s standards is small… but I used to think that it was large…

Seems people used to be thinner and butts not near the size that they are today. I was, at one time, considered shapely, but now I would be considered on the thin side. So what in the world is going on with butts?? Why are they taking over  all public places even the world???

And what is the deal these days with so many having small upper bodies and huge lower?

I think your butt and the way you display it, or not, reveals much about a person…do you?
Shapely is great! Sloppy is scary!!!

I also noticed that those of the ‘large butts’ are oftentimes pushy, grumpy, overly-sensitive and even rude and cruel… does this temperment go along with having a large rear-end? Then those of the ‘large butts’ walk so slow. Being ‘behind’ one tries my patience as I walk at a fairly quick pace moving precisely and with purpose… might be because of my ballet background or it’s just my nature. I like to move and enjoy working out and if I gain a few pounds, I feel physically sluggish. Therefore, I take the weight off. I prefer to feel sleek, trim and able. I like for my butt to feel taught and tight, not flabby and loose, but soft and subtle… and in ‘proportion’ with the rest of my body…

I wonder how those of the ‘big butts’ feel? Do they feel sluggish and out of sorts and is that why they move so slowly and are irritable? Or are their backsides large because they move slow? Do they stuff food in their mouths because they are unhappy and irritable? Are they stuffing down their frustrations and pain with chips and sweets then sit around watching TV, ‘reality’ and otherwise to get a glimpse at how other people live? Then they are angry that they don’t have the lives that they ‘think’ others have so they stuff more junk in…’junk in the trunk’ The shopping carts of these people are usually filled with junk … in my opinion…

I can eat junk with the best of them… but only, at times, because if I do it too often, my stomach gets upset…and I don’t like this feeling.

Are the big-butted just not in tune with their bodies, ignore their bodies’ signals, ignore their emotional sides and it’s being reflected in their backsides?

People seem to be getting bigger and bigger and butts larger and larger… and it actually frightens me…

Of course, we have the ‘politically correct police’ who will come in and comment, ‘Everyone should be happy with who they are.’ or ‘that I am a hater’ or a ‘racist’ for commenting about large butts. HA! Yeah right!

I think that we should make the best of what God gave us, accept who we are… as we strive to be fit physically, emotionally and spiritually. And why is it that we can comment that someone is fit, but can’t comment that someone is fat? Why is it okay to ‘judge’ someone as beautiful, but ‘politically incorrect’ to deem someone ugly? Is avoiding calling something exactly what it is assisting to create this epidemic of huge butts?
Butt : Beautiful ass of young woman over dark background
In my opinion, this is a great butt. But what’s your opinion concerning butts these days?

Next, should we discuss arms, stomachs and breasts… wanna know what I think about these?

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A true heart and a worthy soul can’t be purchased…

???????????????????????????????so are you either born with them or not?

As they are a down payment on forever…

But your perceived power or monetary position on earth will not, cannot, either ‘buy’ or ‘command’ that you have a true heart or a worthy soul…

How you ‘use’ your earthly ‘power’, God-given talents and resources display what kind of a heart and a soul that you possess. It’s not the words that you speak … it’s your actions and behaviors that show the quality of your heart and your soul…

While on earth, we are given the ‘opportunity’ to heal, expand, attain worldly knowledge, be tested, be tried and to display who we are under all sorts of circumstances and trials. And this is done in ‘every’ interaction with our fellowman, not just the ones, that we ‘think’ matter, but in all of them as all are seen by our maker. How we deal with ourselves is known by the ‘Almighty’…

You may ‘think’ that you are getting away with ‘something’ as you sneak around in the dark of night.. but in the light of Heaven it is being seen…

All that we do and all that we experience is imprinted upon our soul and in our heart to carry with us forever…perhaps, even from many past lives into the future … who really knows for sure while being on earth?

Because all of what we do is seen and all of who we are is known… not just some of it.

What if, what we do on earth is a down payment on forever…

What do you have, if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul?

What makes you want to pull out your hair?…

???????????????????????????????What about someone turns you off and away?

What are the major flaws that make you alarmed or even crazed?

What about a friend will make you decide that they are a friend no more?

What is it about a family member that will make you decide that it is better to not ever be around them again? That they are too toxic for words…

What is it about someone that has you pulling out your hair and to finally realize that it is not worth your effort and, maybe, it’s to your harm, even detriment to associate with them any longer?

I am seeing and experiencing that many people these days are cutting their losses with people and cutting people out of their lives that aren’t good for them, are hurting??????????????????????????????? them and who have the potential to even be disastrous to their well-being. Many these days seem to be saying I am not putting up with it any longer… I know I am.

I only want people of like mind, morals, values, ethics and standards in my inner circle. Anyone else is not for me…

Liars, adulterers, cons, bullies, the falsely ‘religious’, the greedy, sociopaths, etc… BA BYE!!!

So what is it that will lead you to make the decision to cut someone out of your life? What are the flaws major or otherwise that you will just plain not tolerate any longer?

What would you say about a psychologist…

???????????????????????????????who did ‘marriage counseling’ and had an affair with a man who was seeing her for marriage counseling? And this ‘psychologist’ had a pattern in her life for having affairs with married men….

What would you say about a married President who had an affair with an intern and had affairs all his married life?

What would you say about any married man or woman who cheats on their partner?

How about that they lack integrity… adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

So why would anyone ever believe them again? People who do things such as this are not thinking about others, or about what is right, they have no personal integrity. They are morally vapid and they do not change their colors. They just tell you that they have and hope that you will believe them… so that they can keep on being their corrupted selves. They lie about lying and they lie about not lying. They will lie about any and everything. They are corrupted. THEY ARE DISHONEST!!!  They have proven who they are, so believe them…

And what are they showing to their children? What do affairs do to the children in the marriage? Even if the parents don’t ‘think’ that the children know … many times, the children do know on some level or another, and many times they literally find out…

So what is being displayed to our children, when their parents cheat… when professionals cheat… when the President of the United States cheats on his wife? What is being shown to our children regarding integrity?

Because when someone cheats on their husband or wife, they are also cheating on their whole family. It’s a betrayal to them all…

It’s a lack of integrity all around to everyone concerned…