Category Archives: Women In Real Life


???????????????????????????????If you date, marry  or stay with a cheater be prepared to be cheated on because, if they cheated once, they will again.

Cheating is the behavior of those with a serious character flaw. A cheater has no respect for commitment either to a person, or for commitment that a person makes to another. And ultimately they have no respect for themselves. If a woman spreads her legs for someone who is married to another, she doesn’t respect herself, the man, or the woman he is married to and she certainly has no respect for marriage or commitment.

If a man sticks it in another when he is committed or married to someone else he has no respect for women, men, commitment or himself.

People who cheat in relationships are just as despicable in other places in their lives. They are at their core liars. They cheat and cheating is a lie and most continue to cheat one after another. Foremost, it is a lie to their self for their justifications and reasons for cheating…. then their self-lie vomits damage onto all the others they draw into their equation of deceit and betrayal.

When I discover a man or a woman has, or is cheating on their committed partner, I lose all respect for them and get them out of my life. Some people place no value on honesty, integrity, commitment or fidelity and this is destroying love, commitment, the sanctity of marriage and the integrity of family and it’s destruction to the children brought into these unions. It is a blight on respectable society.

Children reared in a cheating relationship are taught by example that respectively men, women and ‘commitment’ to love have no value. Therefore, they grow up fragmented in this regard … and either recreate this kind of behavior in their lives, or try very hard to not be involved in this type of experience. But the imprint on them from the example in their childhood may create blinders where they may very well choose exactly what they don’t want.

My first husband was a cheater, an alcoholic, a gambler and a fraud to everyone he interacted with. I vowed to never marry a cheater or an alcoholic, but I blindly married exactly what I never wanted. I was reared by functional alcoholics and a father who cheated on my mother. He thought I didn’t know but I always did. I heard him talking on the phone to a woman when I was a teenager and my friends saw him out with women at local clubs and told me about it. When I got older, I took it upon myself to meet one of his women even as I tried to block this knowing as it repulsed me to my core and I vowed I would never have this in my life, but I did.

Later in his life, my father confessed his cheating to me and told me that he wanted to leave my mother several times and wished now that he had. It was strange to hear this from him as previously when I confronted him, he denied what he was doing. Denying is the main tool of a cheater. They deny and deny. Keeping up their image is important to their identity… trying to think and give the ‘image’ that they are a ‘good’ person, when they aren’t. Because what they are is a cheater and a liar. It would have been better in some regards, had my father been honest and left my mother, instead of living a lie that I had to endure.

When someone is cheated on, it is about the cheater. It is their immoral, corrupted character and the only thing to do is to get away from people like this because these people very rarely change. They are corrupted in their souls. They have a lack of respect for others in their souls. They steal, lie, and cheat. They are looking for something outside themselves to make themselves feel better and it doesn’t work so they just keep it up… just like an alcoholic, or any person who is addicted.

This behavior also spreads venereal disease…and oftentimes to the innocent victims of this sin. Cheating is a vile and corrupt character flaw and there is no excuse for it.

Bill Clinton and his debacle with Monica … put cheating on the forefront … when he stated that oral ex wasn’t sex. HA! And to ‘some’ he made ‘cheating acceptable’. What a rank man this slime is and for Hillary to stay with him after such blatant cheating, is a horrible example for women and society … and we all know what liars, cheaters, corruption even murder these two have inflicted upon society. As I have written before, I met the woman that Clinton had a long affair with while married to Hillary. This woman is a singer and she was preforming at a party I attended.  I spoke with her before realizing who she was. She had cold empty eyes and appeared needy and cheap in my estimation. Then a friend informed me of her notoriety… She has written a book about her affair with Clinton….. how tacky can one get?

Cheaters are at their core cold, unfeeling people because to cheat on someone or to cheat with someone when they are in a committed relationship is a self-serving act and to do this a person is cold and places no value on what they are doing to others.

Years ago, I was asked out by a famous actor who at the time was separated, but still married, and known for his womanizing.  I turned him down flat. Much later, he is in the news for having throat cancer and he attributed this to his having had oral sex with infected individuals.

Wake up world! The spreading of venereal diseases is a symptom of a corrupted society.

Cheating isn’t exciting or glamorous… it’s skanky! And those who participate in it are of low moral character and nothing about them is sexy, attractive, loving, sensual or desirable .. they are a disease and blight on society.

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If you value something, it’s because you make it so…

???????????????????????????????What you value and prize is your decision and choice. Haven’t you observed someone value something like an art object and you place no value on it? Or someone likes someone or something so much and you place no value on them or it…

What you value and think of as special is individual. Value comes from how you were reared, the importance placed by those around you, those in your world, the society at large and what comes to be meaningful to you and it comes down to individual choice. It’s guided by your individual value system.

Couples or friends won’t stay connected if they don’t have pretty much similar values on the important issues in life. Our values and what we ‘prize’ define who we are and each seeks their own level.

I value honesty, morality, cleanliness, love, romance, body-mind-spirit connection, health, purity, monogamy, punctuality, manners, commitment, simple style, art, beauty, quiet, good teeth, good food, preciseness, creativity, intellect, sense of fun, fine things, education, continual learning, the ability to enjoy and appreciate, a sense of order, quality, physical fitness, the American way, the constitution, freedom, human life, Christ and my connection to God…. not necessarily in that order….

So someone who doesn’t share or meet with most of my values or agree and honors them, I would not want to be around, nor them me… as we would clash and conflict…

When we care about someone, we respect what they value.

What we value defines who we are. What a society values defines how it lives.

Have you thought about what you value and how it defines you and your world?

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Exploding about…Entertainment, Entertainers, Escape…

Entertainment is for amusement, escape and ‘occasionally’ education. It is fun and healthy to be amused, to laugh, to explore creativity and to enjoy the talents of others…

But entertainment does not stand on its own as something good in itself. It is only a means, a means to a higher end and purpose. Recreation and exercise as a means to better health? Great. Vacations and sports as a means of relaxation? Fine. Movies and the performing arts taken in for pleasure… excellent.

But as soon as entertainment goes beyond that, as soon as it becomes an end in itself, as soon as sports, games and hobbies, etc. consume us, then we abuse God’s gifts and our lives are not lives of balance and moderation, but rather of excess and imbalance. Most of the emphasis in our society these days seems is about having a good time and being entertained.  It used to be that after work was completed then there was a time to relax and to be entertained.

Today, each child receives an award just for participating, not for achievement. It used to be awards were given for actual achieving and it gave a child something to strive for and a sense of pride in the actual accomplishment. But today it seems to be all about the feel good of the award instead of what it takes to do something.
Fun and pleasure are great to experience…. it’s a wonderful part of living, but when…
everyone ‘needs’ to have fun most all of the time and to always feel good rather than achieve, stretch to meet goals and accomplishments then forgotten is the truth that God has put man on earth to achieve in order to grow and sometimes that means sacrifice, discipline, doing without and hardship. Now it seems man works as little as possible in order that he play. Life is viewed as a playground rather than a place to achieve. And today the younger generation is all about being entertained and playing and not only the children but many adults.  It’s party – party…escape and party as much as you can into food, video games, TV, the Internet, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc. and this creates a lazy, fat, slothful, slovenly, promiscuous, non-thinking, lack of common sense and decency society.  Just look around. What do you see but mostly fat, slovenly, sloppy, promiscuous examples, both in life and as displayed in the areas of entertainment and the public.   

Sex is not entertainment. It is for expressing affection and love between committed individuals.. sure it is pleasurable and fun, but it is a private expression. Hugh Hefner was one of those who turned sex into an accepted form of entrainment and made it ‘look’ cool to do so… and nothing about him is ‘cool’… it’s lowly and and skanky… but some people model his lifestyle and choices…

Paul writes in II Timothy 3, “Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,” and so on. And, “They shall be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.” The Christian is a lover of God. The unbeliever is a hater of God and a lover of pleasure. And as that love of pleasure develops into pleasure-madness all around us, this constitutes a peril. These are perilous times for you, me and our children.

A lover of pleasure is a hedonist. Our society has become thoroughly hedonistic. 

Hedonism is the moral philosophy that pleasure and happiness are the chief goal of
human lifeLook at the example of the Obama’s with their parties and vacations. The Obama’s hang with ‘rappers’ and entertainers, vacation continually on America’s dime and time. The Obama’s are hedonistic. And put on the political scene by an ‘entertainer’, ‘a living in sin ‘talk-show yakker’, Oprah, who attended, along with Obama, a ‘church’ promoting hate and it’s been said a place that matches up gay men with ‘acceptable wives to create a front of respectability… what is this mess of sin exactly?

Hedonism is the ‘religion’ according to which most people live to today. The rightness or wrongness of some activity is determined by whether it results in pleasure or in pain. If you get pleasure from something, do it; it’s a good thing. If it causes you pain, or discomfort, avoid it. Do you see the peril of being surrounded by people of that philosophy and outlook? Of living in the midst of such a perverse generation? It creates liars, deflectors, blamers and those of no character or morality.

And many today get their news, morality, standards and life views from ‘so-called’ entertainers. Public figures are ‘famous’ for doing nothing as in the Kardashians… and their lives are that of immorality… children without marriage, children with one man while still married to another, sex tapes… excessive flaunting and pleasure with no regard to the the example they are setting.  Why would any thinking moral human being want to model their life after that used for entertainment… as this example is destroying the morality of our youth and therefore our society.

Politics has become ‘entertainment’. Look at the example of Anthony Wierner.. despicable behavior and this lowly perverted man, married to a Muslim who works for Clinton is running for Mayor of NY…

Many people appear to think they are living in some movie or on some reality show of nothingness. It’s all about escape and primarily escaping anything real, any real emotion, or feeling, any real responsibility, accountability, commitment or morality. It’s all about the fun and escape and what you can get away with. And if it doesn’t feel good enough then off to another ‘something’ to make the high – higher… then more is needed for the next high.

Entertainment and entertainers are most times very poor examples of how to live life. And what a person chooses for entertainment speaks volumes about who they are.

It used to be that society knew the difference in what was real life and reality, and what was for only for entertainment, but now it appears more and more that they are one and the same and this is destroying many from having a wholesome, moral and productive life.

There must be a balance in life… work, pleasure, joy and pain, striving and relaxing based in morality and standards.. too much of anything is not a good thing.

Hitting the medical wall – dark days and nights…

One step forward – one step back…recovering from the accident where I fell on an unmarked wet floor in a restaurant has been a Spring and Summer of hell …

For months my left side was not able to function, both my left leg and left arm out of commission…

I made great strides as I focused so intensely on learning to walk again along with learning to use my left arm while trying not to lose my smile in the process.

But first, I needed to not use my left arm and leg at all… as the surgery on my elbow healed, along with not putting any weight on my left leg, so the hairline fractures in my sacrum, tailbone and lower back would heal properly. Then after three weeks of sedentary torture, the cast was removed from my arm and I am told that I must break through the scar tissue, in order, to be able to use my arm ‘normally’ and at full range, while at the same time to strengthen the muscles in my left leg, so that, I will be able to walk without assistance and in my normal gait.

I worked diligently and hard everyday in rehab, and also on my own to gain full range of motion in my elbow and to strengthen my leg.

During this time, I would have nightmares that I would never be able to walk normally again and, of course, this freaked me out and made me work even harder.

I progressed from crutches, to a cane, to walking very slowly as I tried to make light of it all and have as much ‘fun’ as possible in this very trying time, as it hurt terribly to walk and I had overwhelming fear that I would fall again.

Emotional trauma makes an imprint on your brain just as  physical trauma makes an imprint on your body and it is difficult to deal with and takes time to release. And I was dealing with both.

Adrenaline coursed through my body as I worked so very hard to regain what I had lost as I tried to remain positive that I would be able to, and as of now, I have regained most of it…

But, I have hit what’s termed a ‘medical wall’ … after so much stress and intense effort, I am emotionally and physically drained and exhausted. I am tired and when I say tired…  I mean tired!

I still have pain in my elbow and the left side of my tailbone, but I am walking fine and have 97 percent range of motion in my left arm. But I need to keep strengthening my left leg and rebuild more, so the muscles I lost in my left arm will be as they were before the accident.

I can be walking at my normal pace, then I come across a concrete floor and panic internally and feel intense fright as I recall how quickly I fell and how horribly it hurt when my left side slammed into the wet concrete.

I am still hesitant to push up with my left arm, which is what I am needing to do now, while I will state again that I am tired… exhausted on a level that I never recall being before.

This healing and rehab after an accident is a full time job that shakes and takes a person to their core, in order, to not only call on all of their internal and external resources of strength, but that they call on God’s divine assistance and grace…

Everyone remarks about my ability to smile as I go through this ordeal. So I will reveal that I have had some very dark days and nights of the soul… when I ask why!

All my life I have tried to be careful and to take very good care of my physical being. I eat healthfully most of the time, except when I don’t, HA! And I have always worked on and guarded my physical self and fitness. I have worked out all my life in some manner and form.

Then wham! An irresponsible, unconscientious restaurant and I am damaged physically and from no fault of my own as I was  even wearing rubber soled shoes an still fell because the floors were so wet. I went from fit as a fiddle to broken, sedentary , operated on, in bed, in rehab, and now, this medical wall of complete and utter exhaustion…

I ask why?

Was it so that this particular establishment will be more careful in the future? How irresponsibly negligent that they leave a floor wet in a darkened area that is the only path to the restrooms. I was fit and agile and look what the effects of their negligence had on me. Think about how much worse this would’ve been on a more physically fragile person … it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Did this happen, so that I once again learn what I am made of… not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually?

Because now that I have most of the physical aspects conquered, I find I am dealing with a deeper emotional and spiritual wound…

When the doctor told me, you are healing great… I felt a momentary surge of relief  then cratered into some kind of a release of letting go of all that energy in the adrenaline surge that it took to help me heal and I feel into complete exhaustion.

Healing is such a multi-level, deeply internal process coming from the inside out, and ‘we’ humans are so very fragile as well as resilient…and just when you think it is past you, it’s not.

So, my hat goes off to those going through any kind of trauma…as compared to many, mine is not so much… but it was allot to me.

And now, I have collapsed into exhaustion…and praying that I will recover soon…

What is all this pain on earth for… the physical as well as the psychological? Then add to the trauma of the accident, I am still mourning my Dad who died almost one year before the accident occurred….


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Happiness is a choice…

???????????????????????????????It’s when you accept and process all if your emotions, both the positive and the negative that you can arrive at being happy most all the time.

Evil hates happiness. Evil wants to destroy happiness. Evil is attracted to happiness because it’s
elusive in regards to them and they want it, but can’t attain it because their heart has been corrupted by the seven deadly sins… so they seek out happiness for the sake of its destruction.

Evil is envious and out of that envy seeks to destroy smiles that come from a pure heart.

Happiness is a conscious choice we can make. We all have the opportunity to choose to live happy. But no one is happy on a continual basis because all emotions need be felt, accepted and processed to arrive back at happiness. Stifling unpleasant feelings and emotions and ‘trying’ to ‘fake’ happy may work for awhile, but ultimately faking it will not work. And it can cause suppressing emotions that explode into frustration, anger and even violence.

Material items can provide a ‘momentary’ sense of happiness but it’s fleeting. Those of a corrupted heart count on  material things to filled then up but it does not work.

Happy people have the belief that they can feel happy most every day, while the unhappy, those who stay in a corrupted heart, believe they ‘need’ to have certain material items, levels of achievement or power to be happy. For example: some unhappy people feelthey can only feel happy, if they lose 20 pounds, win the lottery or purchase that new car. But why wait years from the present to be happy when you can have happiness in the now as you work towards your goals…

Genuinely happy people tend to do these things:


– They Make an Effort to Surround Themselves with Others who are Happy and Uplifting…

Happy people avoid being around negativity, or they address and confront it for what it is.  Happy people make a conscious effort to engage with other happy people so they have healthy and positive friendships and relationships. Happy positive people can lift the vibrations of those in negative moods and when happy people associate with other happy people they rub off on each other. ‘Sometimes’, if you ‘act’ happy, you will become happy!

 – Happy People are Not Jealous or Envious…

Happy people do not waste their days being envious of others. Happy people have no need to desire what someone else has. They are content with their individuality, their uniqueness, and their own life. They don’t need to compare their lives to that of others because they love the life they have. Happy people know that jealousy is a destructive waste of time and energy.

 – Happy People Take Time for Themselves…

Happy people understand that taking time for themselves each day is imperative for well-being. Meditation. exercise, beauty treatments, massages, just relaxing, healthful meals, restful sleep, etc. are things practiced by content individuals because to do this is reduces anxiety and stress.  Happy people make sure to put aside time each day for themselves because they know how important it is for stress reduction and general well-being.

– Happy People Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…

Happy people do not allow minor issues to overly trouble them, or they address them immediately and get them out of the way. They know they can overcome most obstacles that life presents and they do not put themselves through unwanted stress over issues that can’t be solved. So small problems stay small and larger issues become manageable.

– Forgiveness is a Fact of Life…

Happy people tend to find it more easy to forgive and move on. They realize the damage of holding onto anger and how it can affect their general health and quality of life. A happy person knows it’s better to forgive others, in order, to release it from themselves.

Happy people usually make sure they do things wholeheartedly, fully and with great effort. They smile often as they are the passionate people that can be observed living their lives to the fullest each day.

Guard and protect yourself from evil so that your heart will be pure. Live in truth and speak the truth.

A smile doesn’t cost a thing and is readily available.
Smiling can raise your spirits and that of others.

A genuine smile comes from a pure heart and a pure heart comes from forgiving, internal peace, fully striving and by the grace of God…

So most of the time… Don’t Worry! Be Happy!!!

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I am back!…

The other day, I was running errands and had the wonderful realization that I was irritated at how slowly the people in front of me were walking…
YES! I am back… walking quickly and becoming more my usual  ‘irritating my friends with my fast-walking self’ everyday… YAY!

 I have been released from rehab. My arm, at this time, is 97 percent back to normal range and I am quickly building back the muscles in it. And as stated, I am back to my quick gait…

It’s been a rough haul these past three months, full of pain, stress, working hard to regain what I’d lost because of my accident of falling on my left side on an unmarked, wet concrete floor.

I was fortunate to be led to one of the finest orthopedic trauma surgeons in Texas…Dr. Blake Sanders…to fix my elbow fracture…

Then to the Edge Physical Therapy …
I entered rehab, eight and a half weeks ago on crutches, in pain, and unable to bend my left arm. Today, I walk most all the time, my usual walk… and have 97 percent range of motion in my left arm with most of the time, little to no pain.

I knew ‘this truth’ my whole life that movement is key to engaging muscles and to keep the physical body at maximum health and performance and this accident has only served to reinforce ‘this truth’…

Jody – PT, Marina – PT tech and Gaye – PT along with others at The Edge, made rehab as fun, entertaining, efficient and effective as it could possibly be…

Thank you! And YAY! I am back!!!

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Do you own more than you owe?…

???????????????????????????????Would you rather have a $250K house that is paid for or a 1.2 million dollar house that you owe over a million on?

Would you rather have a 2005  Lexus that you own, or a 2013 BMW that you lease, or owe 40K on?

Do you pay cash for food, gas, and clothing, or charge them on credit cards?

If you can’t pay cash for something you want, do you wait until you can, or do you charge it and pay if off monthly as interest accrues? So that you end up paying as much as twice for what it’s worth, or its original price.

Do you buy at point of need, or point of desire? Do you purchase things to make you ‘appear’ like you have more money than you do? Do you flaunt what you don’t own? Putting something on credit doesn’t make it yours… it is owned by the bank, the credit card company, or which ever lender has the note…not you!

I knew a woman who had every designer purse and outfit there could be. Everyone envied her attire as it was amazing. Sure, her husband was wealthy, or gave the ‘appearance’ of being so … So we just ‘thought’ she could have everything she desired. Until, he lost his high paying job and come to find out she owed 300K on credit cards. Then it was all over… all those ‘fine duds’ were just that ‘duds’ and worth little to nothing compared to what she paid for them.

Do you have a savings account that you put money into each month? Or do you spend every penny to keep up ‘appearances’?

Do you owe more than you own?

The way you answer these questions reflects your financial health and also your ’emotional’ health and whether, or not, you are financially responsible, and if you have the possibility of eventually going bankrupt.

The way our country answers these questions reflects the financial and emotional health of our country.

Our government, under the Obama regime, is an example of very poor financial decisions and health… spending money it doesn’t have and buying things it doesn’t need. Our credit rating has been downgraded.

The Obama’s and their regime are the worst managers of America’s resources that we have ever seen. They, themselves, waste money on parties, travel, (tacky,  distasteful) clothing…  then tell us to cut back…

By Obama’s lead, the government is spending our country into debt and bankruptcy as they laugh and enjoy themselves all the while. When they leave, it will be the American people left with the debt. The Obama regime is a terrible custodian of America, its wealth, its people and its resources. They are wasters, depletetors, ‘spend thrifts’ of the worst level and variety. They are on the path to destroy our home, ‘America’, and its sound financial integrity…

Our country should be run like a financially sound home… instead, of like some teenager on Spring break with Daddy’s credit card enjoying a spending spree that they will not be and can’t pay for.

Spending and buying doesn’t fill you up… it empties and bankrupts you…

Spending and borrowing will and is weakening our great country.
Just like spending and borrowing will weaken a home…

The way to take over a country and lead to its destruction is either by war or financial ruin.

And that temporarily well-dressed friend, I used as an example, got a divorce and lost everything. But for a ‘short while’, she was dressed well and ‘appeared’ to have everything… when what she really had was nothing. It was all a facade… just like the Obama regime.

Do you owe more than you own?

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???????????????????????????????It has arrived! We have lost our freedom of speech. The thought police, speaking police, writing police and expressing police with the you must ‘like this and dislike that’ police are on it with the media and social media enforcing it. The first amendment is being destroyed along with America’s whole Constitution.

I was banned from FB for 12 hours for the article I posted on race. While, it got many many likes and comments from those who agree and from all races, I ‘suspect’ that some ‘defensive and ‘threatened’ liberals’ reported it as offensive .. causing me to be banned.

FB is an arm of the Obama regime just like most the media is. So, why are we on it?But if they chase us off, ‘they’ have won in their game of intimidation and censorship.

Seems everything ‘offends’ the agenda of the liberal, progressive, atheists, Muslims, blacks and gays. They are all trying to shut-up the whites, Christians and Jews, heterosexuals, and non-perverts, etc. ‘They’ are only interested in the rights of the Muslims, the gays, the minorities, the perverts, and the atheists, etc.

And it is going to get worse — soon anyone who mentions the words “husband” or “wife” will be ‘accused’ of ‘hate speech’ against gay people.

A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant. Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive, and often misleading terms for things the user wishes to dissimulate or downplay. Euphemisms are used for dissimulation, to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, excretion, and death) in a polite way, and to mask profanity. The opposite of euphemism roughly equates to dysphemism.

Euphemisms may be used to avoid words considered rude, while conveying their meaning: “Kiss my you-know-what!” instead of the more vulgar, “Kiss my ass/arse“; the expletive sugar to substitute shit. Some euphemisms are so commonly used as to be standard usage: “pass away” for “die”. Over the centuries euphemisms have been introduced for “latrine”, and themselves replaced as they came to be considered unacceptable; “toilet”, once itself a euphemism, is often euphemized as “bathroom”, “restroom”, etc. Euphemisms are used to downplay and conceal unpalatable facts, as “collateral damage” for “civilian casualties” in a military context, and “redacted” for “censored”.

‘Political Correctness’ is an euphemism  – something you say to make something appear better and different than what it actually is. ‘Political Correctness’ is the euphemism for censorship. Political Correctness is making censorship appear better than it is. Political Correctness is going to be the death of America and freedom of speech and all individual expression.

Because nothing is good about censorship… NOTHING!

We have truly entered a hell of censorship along with immorality, perversions and depravity. The seven deadly sins are taking over… hidden in and behind euphemisms.

Don’t let evil sneak up and take over because that is what evil wants…to take over every human and take it down to its level.

Evil is trying to make good wrong, individual thought and speech wrong, individual likes and dislikes wrong, (as it hides in the lie of making ???????????????????????????????everyone ‘equal’) morality wrong…and to make that which is evil appear good.

We are living ‘a’ and ‘in’ an Euphemism.

What’s next a firing squad for those who won’t, or don’t conform? And ‘getting rid of those who won’t conform and undesirables’ will be an euphemism for killing, execution, and murder.       

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What does it mean to be a parent?

???????????????????????????????I have no natural children and I always thought that I would have. It was my dream as a young woman to be married to the same man all my life and to have many children. You see, I love children. I love working with them, teaching them and relating to them. I am a giver to children and a lover to a man. But you can’t be a lover to man, if he doesn’t know how to separate being a father and being a husband, or if he isn’t a ‘real man’.  HA!

I always knew the relationship begins and ends with the man and woman(husband and wife) that children are secondary to this relationship…as in this observance is one of the most powerful and influential ways children learn to relate and especially to that of the opposite sex.

Fortunately, early on, I realized that if I was unhappy in a marriage with a man whom I came to lose admiration for, came to loath his habits, his character, and his life-style, that this was not a man whom I would want to have children with. So, I didn’t. I got out of the marriage, instead of bringing a child into it. Unlike some women, and also some men, who ‘think’, if we have a baby, it will make everything better, as this rarely is the case because a child’s needs only serve to make things more obvious and extreme. Therefore, in many cases worse, and I instinctively knew this. 

I had a stepdaughter, and have assisted in rearing two young boys into young manhood, of a man I dated at length. And I have taught children and volunteered in positions where I interacted with many. I get along with children and relate well with them. They usually respect and love me. Might it be because I treat them as children? I don’t use them, lean on them, have them fill-up some gap in my life, or have them take over a place, some lack, or issue in my life where children do not belong.

I have friends who treat their children as something else other than children. A friend, I have known for 25 years has told me repeatedly how she can’t stand her husband and wants out of the marriage. She had a young son, when we first met, then later had a daughter. Her husband is emotionally abusive. I have listened repeatedly for years then advised that she leave him. As I would have left this man immediately and certainly not had children with him. Yet, she stays with him and states it’s ‘because of the children’ that she does. Now, she says that once their youngest gets out of highschool she will leave. But, she said that about her son then went onto have another child. Now, her life is centered around her daughter as this is her ‘excuse’ for staying in a terrible marriage. She uses her daughter to fill up her emotional emptiness.

But recently, her daughter said,”I will never get married. I think you should leave Dad. He is mean. I hate being around him. Don’t leave me alone with him.” So clearly the example being set by this marriage staying together at all cost …is not serving anyone. Is my friend afraid to leave? Does she stay out of ‘duty’? Does she think she deserves the abuse? Who knows? She’s the breadwinner in the family and she for the most part is a great mother. All the husband does is to criticize and fight. The marriage is a farce, the children know it and the observation of this dysfunction, disordered, abuse along with my friend’s inability to get out, has damaged the children’s take on what healthy relating is between a man and a woman.

I have another friend who ‘lives’ for her children. Her husband is a great provider and she walks through the motions of being a ‘wife’, while her life is really only about ‘her kids’. It’s all she talks about. She hardly ever talks about herself. I have asked her many times about her goals and her life and all she does is talk about her life lived through her children. And listening to her makes me sad and I actually find it pathetic and a horrible example for her children.

I have met men who ‘spoil’ their children rotten. Then wonder why, they fail classes, have no ambition, don’t take care of their belongings, talk back to them and get into all sorts of trouble. It seems obviously clear to me, the why of it.  Sure kids should have their goodies and have fun. But ‘some parents’ today, ‘think’ their ‘ego-pride’ of showing the world how much money they have and what they can buy for their children is more important and valuable than teaching their children values and setting the standards to develop their children’s character. They let their children run the show, pull them this way then that, while they stress and wonder why their children are the way they are and wonder why they show them little to no respect. The truth is the children do not respect the parents because the parents let them walk all over them. These particular parents may have grown up with lack, so they want to make sure that their kids have everything that they didn’t… things.

I know women who treat their sons as if they are their ‘husbands’ relying on them way too much for their emotional needs, if not entirely. It’s children who deserve and need your support. Parents are there to ‘support’ and to ‘nurture’ children first and foremost, instead of the other way around. They don’t need your immaturity, emotional lack and your trauma being put on their backs to carry as they are growing, learning and ‘trying to mature’ into adults.

Immature parents create children who don’t mature, who escape into drugs, Internet games, sex and other negative activities. This is so obvious that it shouldn’t need to be said, but unfortunately, it does.

Some people have children only so that ‘they’ will have someone to ‘love them’. How twisted is that? You should not have children, until you are prepared to love, nurture, guide and support them. And if you can’t do that for yourself, how do you think you can do this for a child? The obvious point is, you can’t! So, why are you having children? Do people even ‘think’ now days about what the responsibility of having a child is and  what it really means?

Then the men who state, “Well, ‘she’ got pregnant.” As if they had nothing to do with it. Men who make comments such as this disgust me beyond belief. They take no responsibility for any of it. They are the ‘child-men’ of this world… the non-men.

Then we have this kind of a situation…  My ex-husband treated his daughter, before I met him, like she was an adult. When she was a toddler, he took her to business dinners, even formal ones, and talked with pride about how adult she was.

My own Father hearing him brag of this told me it’s not right for the child. It is putting too much pressure on her. He is using her like a date, or as if she was a woman. And my Father was correct. My ex-husband could relate more to a child than he could a grown woman and as this became clearer to me, I exited…

It can seem easier to the emotionally immature to fulfill a child’s needs then to interact and deal with a grown woman. I have observed some men who put all their relating into and onto their children and use them as an excuse… how sad for all concerned. Men who do this are usually afraid of real intimacy with a woman. Once, I had a man tell me he needed to ask his daughter if he could take me out. HA! Idiot man! Then throughout the years, I have listened to men tell me that they can’t do this and that because of their kids. They seem to ‘think’ that catering to their children makes them a ‘good father’ … When it makes them a fool and is detrimental to their kids and what they observe.

And it’s interesting, my stepdaughter wanted to live with me after the divorce and not with her Father, or her Mother. And the reason was, perhaps, because, I treated her like the child that she was. I didn’t put ‘me’ onto ‘her’. I set boundaries that I expected her to live by and she thrived, even though she fought and balked at first and even told me, I was mean… she came to love it. Sure, I wanted to be the loved stepmom, but I cared more for her than me. So, I stuck to my guns. When I met her, she was a spoiled rotten over-indulged and overly-doted upon child and I assisted in taking that burden off of her. She could be a child with me without the weight of the issues of her parents. So, she felt free, instead of weighted down.


If you drink, then tell your children not to drink..
If you are promiscuous, then tell your children not to be…
If you are a liar, a cheat, or lazy, then tell your children not to be…

It just doesn’t play…

Children see who you really are and that is how and who they model and learn from. It’s not what you say, it’s how you live, what you do each, and everyday, the choices that you make, the real you is how and where the imprint is passed from you to your children…

Now, some children as they grow and mature, will attempt to choose the ‘opposite’ of who their parents are and what they model, if they felt abused or harmed, but even in so doing, they ‘may’ still choose the same, as it’s their imprint that guides them. But, at times, observing what you don’t want will enable a person to choose differently to create what they would rather have…

It’s all individual… and children deserve to be their unique self as much as is possible without the baggage of their parents weighting them down.

Clearly children observe and learn from who you are, not who you ‘pretend’ to be, not who you ‘think’ you are, but who you really are.

In my opinion, rearing a child is the most important job in the world. It’s a sincere, deep and profound responsibility. One that seems to be taken way too lightly today. Either that, or some parents use their ‘child responsibilities’ as an escape and excuse for not having a relationship with an adult partner and not ‘growing up’ themselves. Preferring to interact and wallow in their issues and neediness of the imprint from their own childhood, or what they can’t look at in themselves. Therefore, they project their damaged and disordered imprint onto their children…

After all, it’s easier for some men and women to relate to children than it is to relate to an adult partner.

In my opinion, children need to be treated as children, not adults, and certainly not like a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or to take up the emotional space of a spouse that is no longer there.

Adults who are emotionally needy children, ‘need’ to stop having children, out of irresponsibility, or the desire that the child fill them up, or to heal themselves in some regard.

I have no natural children, but in ways, I have had many…and I can see and observe their hearts, their wounds and their sensitivities, etc.

A parent’s positive and negative traits are what a child breaks against to become who they will eventually become…

I know that’s what I did. And oftentimes, it takes most of a lifetime to realize, and to process into awareness the realization of what was imprinted on you as a child, then to be able to stand back and outside of it, in order, that you see your parents as people, so that you become whole and able to choose freely.

It takes a Mother and a Father to rear a child. It takes the example of the male and the female… to create healthy wholeness in a human and in humanity…

On this Father’s Day… how about think about how you relate to your children and what kind of an imprint you are making on them and what they will carry from you for their entire life.

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Like swimming in Champagne…

???????????????????????????????Lunch and shopping at Neiman’s is a ???????????????????????????????Texas tradition’ for ladies ‘in the know’…. in the know, of what is relaxing, pampering along with a touch of Texas class and elegance. The food is superb especially the popovers with raspberry butter…make sure to take some home….

Today, I enjoyed this adventure with my ‘crazy’ Russian friend, Lara, and I state this with sincere affection because we have known each other for over twenty years….even though she ‘really is crazy’, but in a ‘good’ way, most of the time, anyway. HA! And she will say the same about me. Only, it’s not true about ‘me’. Really! It’s not!

But okay???????????????????????????????she takes pleasure in telling the story of how we met… a Russian alteration lady from Calvin Klein in HIghland Park (it was on the corner before Chanel) called Lara crying … “There is this lady and I cannot please her. Would you see if you can?” Yep that was me, the not-pleasable-lady.  Lara owns an excellent alteration and dressmaking shop and she has been pleasing me for over 20 years. She is a real craftsman with an ‘eye’. Lara has ripped apart and redesigned many of my designer duds… Armani, Klein, Karan, etc. over the years. Once standing in my bathroom, she cut a Calvin Klein dress right down the front and we redesigned it and made it totally fab!???????????????????????????????

On our excursion today, Lara ordered a scrumptious shrimp salad, while, I got the Tuscan chicken sandwich with french fries, and, of course, we shared.

FYI, a well-kept Dallas secret, only a very few know…  Neiman’s has fab fries. Shhh! Now, keep that to yourself, ya’ll…

And we consumed every tasty morsel…

Then a bit of exploratory shopping amongst the??????????????????????????????? goodies with help from the staff of utmost service and excellence.

It’s like swimming in champagne on a toasty summer day in Texas, lunching and shopping at Neiman’s… while, all we actually sipped upon was refreshing sparkling water.

It’s just that Neiman’s affect, ya’ll.  The magical, fantasy, elegant world that Stanley Marcus created for excellence in the art and experience of shopping.

I had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Marcus and he was one class act, a humble, perfectionist, appreciating the unique and the best… just like his store…

And just like me. I have worked in the finest of the ‘carriage trade’ and this assisted to define my appreciation of the finest quality… maybe, even to over define… HA!

I worked part time, while in college, at Miss Jackson’s then onto Le Marquis, owned by Joanne Skelly .. of the Skelly oil family who brought fine china, crystal and other fine art objects to Oklahoma and Texas from the greatest of the European craftsman…  Waterford, Galway,
Wedgewood, Lalique, Limoges, Baccarat, Tiffany …to name a few. I came to know Mr. Marcus during this time frame.

Compare the fine European craftsman to the junk from China that you find at places like Walmart. Sure, they are different shopping experiences and both have their place and of course…???????????????????????????????

saving money is great. I love to! But on some things, it’s worth paying the price and the wisest seasoned shopper knows the difference… when to splurge, when to save and  when to cut corners..

Neiman’s is much more than ‘Needless Mark-ups’. You will find the unique, the finest and the exceptional offered with the best of service. And great service is what we need more of as this is the American way…

Neiman ‘s … a magnificentTexas tradition…

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