Category Archives: Relationships

The Power of Womenly Wiles…

Yummy feminine power…

Ah, the mystical power of the female over man. This strategy has been around since the time of Adam and Eve, when Eve convinced Adam to take a bite of the apple. The Greeks accorded this power to a group of women, the Sirens, who seduced sailors with their siren call and lured them to their deaths in the ocean. Many an author and poet have found feminine deceit their favorite theme. Some vestiges of these ensnaring abilities reside in most women even if it’s in a less dramatic form.

The very nature of men and women accounts for the success of feminine wiles – men tend to be easier to read, simpler in their machinations, and very physical by nature. Women on the other hand tend to be more complex, analytical, and more emotional. These differences set the stage for a very specific kind of dance between members of the two genders. Whereas men may simply need food, shelter, and a woman to sleep with, women want security, protection and admiration – and therein lies the great distinction and the basis for the game.

How It Plays Out

Take any environment in our modern society – a bar with a woman looking to meet a man that will offer to buy her a drink, a car garage with a female looking to get a deal on her car maintenance, a woman trying to convince a cop to not give her a ticket for speeding. These are some typical ways women might use their feminine charms to get what they want. Women can be more mysterious and strategic by nature, and men fall for this ploy hook, line and sinker. Almost every woman has this power within her, although she may not always be aware she is using it. Women have learned at an early age that a coy smile can get her something she wants.

This method of female persuasion might be viewed as a sweet way to obtain what you want, unless, perhaps, it is used cruelly. Some women have perfected this art and use it like a well-honed skill. It is one thing to flirt your way to a free drink at a bar when you have no intention of giving a guy your number, and entirely different when your teasing seductions have him cleaning out his bank account to please you with gifts, only to drop him flat on his face when he can’t afford to support your champagne tastes any longer.

Fortunately, most women have a compassionate nature along with their art of female persuasion, and while their flirting and smiles may make everyday life a little easier for them, most women have personal boundaries they wouldn’t overstep just to get something they wanted. In this regard, feminine wiles can actually be an empowering art, influencing people in charming ways that leaves both parties satisfied.

It’s in the Technique

For those women who may not feel that their feminine wiles are in full throttle, there are some simple techniques that engage your feminine power which men readily react to. These are things like a warm smile, good manners, a gentle voice, maybe even light touches to his arm to accent your voice. Being confident, passionate, and witty in the way you speak to him will definitely charm. But some women really aren’t aware of their own female power – just as other women exploit it to the fullest extent.

Both men and women have their own type of power, which they use every day in their lives to reach their goals. The power of feminine wiles might be the best ace up a woman’s sleeve, just as a man’s may be his strength and ability and how he flaunts it before women. A confident woman is aware of her feminine powers and uses them in a charming manner to get what she wants, all the while making the man feel appreciated and desirable. Knowing how important the male ego plays in the typical male’s sense of self-worth, makes this, perhaps, a pretty fair trade and balance after all!

And when the dance is balanced in the female-male interaction.. oh what fun and fulfillment are had by all!!!


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Learn from failure…

Falling out of love gracefully is about as good as a failed relationship, or marriage can get. In this case, the fights and cursing are brought to a minimum, and the couple just seems to accept their fate as another break-up, or divorce statistic. As easy and painless as it may seem, if these people do not take the time to learn from what has happened to this relationship, there’s a good chance it will happen again in a later one.

It would seem that your chances of a successful marriage decline as you experience more failure, suggesting that we don’t actually learn from these experiences much at all. Why is that?

Besides the fact that break-ups and divorce bring greater tension to future relationships, many people just don’t take the time to think about what they’ve learned. Studying a failure can reveal the patterns that might be leading to the unwanted situations, you find yourself in, but it’s up to you to do the dirty work to get to that point.

A quote: “Most people do not fail in life because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit!”  This quote reminds us that one of the main reasons so many relationships and marriages fail, is because we let them. Or that the relationship or marriage should not have occurred in the first place.

What can failure teach us?

Don’t Rush

Do you rush into relationships heart first and fail to read the obvious red flags? Many relationships can be prevented by noting any particular attractions you have that seem to get you in trouble, such as overconfidence, attracting those with addictions, or abusive traits, mystery, or the highs (infatuation) and lows (depression) of rollercoaster relationships, or those whom are actually setting out to con you. 

It’s Not You, It’s Me

Sometimes, relationships and marriages fail from our own blindness to incompatibility, but other times, it’s because we fail to exhibit sensitivity and tenderness towards our own partners. Some people grow up thinking life owes them something, and that’s how they treat their relationships. What should matter most, isn’t what your partner can bring to the relationship, but what you can bring to them.  Love is a team effort.

Take Action

Many relationships fail because we keep our heads in the sand and refuse to accept the fact that trouble is brewing on the communication and intimacy front. If you were to learn anything from your previous failures, the most important would be that failure is never final, until you have completely given up. As written previously, one of the main reasons so many relationships and marriages fail, is because we let them. Most counselors advise to take action at the first sign of trouble.

Moderation in All

To live a well-rounded life, you’ll need to satisfy many goals. For instance, those who focus on only their buzzing careers often experience relationship problems. Those who focus only on their relationships end up feeling unfulfilled as an individual. It may take a while to figure out your perfect balance in life, but it will be well worth it. In other words, don’t invest all your time on one area in your life, or you might find that once you have it mastered, you’ve already lost more than you gained.

Who’s in Charge?

Many relationships and marriages get off track when they become defined as a boss and an employee. You may think, you’re guaranteeing success in your marriage by giving your partner everything they want, but in fact, you’re only succeeding in losing their respect and respect for yourself, your identity, and the chance of getting your own needs met. Remember, relatonships and marriage should be defined as a union of equal partners, not as one of a tyrant and servant. Different roles and talents reside in each person and they are equal. Respect and love go hand in hand.

Putting a Failing Relationship and Marriage into Perspective

Failure is inevitable on some level in any relationship. The issue is, what we do with the failures once they present themselves. Many great people have failed multiple times before succeeding.

The art to learning from failure is understanding that failing is a form of testing ideas until you get the desired results. With enough self-awareness, effort, and insight, we all stand a pretty good chance of getting things right eventually.

If we learn from our failures, we can go onto success.

What have you learned from failed relationships or marriages? Share, so that we all may learn and benefit.

Give your woman what she wants…

Many men have a hard time reading women. This might be (in part) because boys haven’t been taught to read emotions as attentively as girls have been.

Because of this early training, men end up at a serious disadvantage when it comes to picking up on emotions and non-verbal clues and cues.

Reading emotions can be learned and improving skills in this area is a worthwhile investment. Cultivating your emotional acuity will improve your relationships and communication skills, not only in the bedroom, but to the boardroom. No matter where you are or who you’re interacting with, the ability to read non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, can create a more amiable environment.

But not all things need to be picked up on some are just a given. There are somethings that every woman wants. (And probably, most men want also) So, while you brush up on your people-reading skills, you can rely on this quick list to make it easy to let your lady know just how much you care.

She wants to be (feel) adored by you. Tell her you love watching her sleep. Tell her you love falling asleep next to her at night. Tell her you’re grateful she chose you.

Bring her coffee in bed. Call her when you are apart – even if only for a few hours – just to tell her that you love her.

Give your loved one little gifts at random. These may be trinkets that remind you of her, or a simple yet sweet action, such as drawing her a bath or rubbing her feet without being asked.

Your woman wants to be noticed by you. This means paying attention to her appearance. Compliment her on her choice of clothing. Tell her she looks beautiful, hot, sexy, gorgeous.

But be aware: most women do not want to hear “You look nice!” We want to hear “That looks AMAZING on you!” or “Wow! I love how you did your eyes tonight.”

She wants to be and to feel taken care of by you. Pay attention to her mood, as well as the surface beauty. Notice when the conversation shifts. Pay attention to her vulnerability.

Remember that your woman may not want you to be the “fix-it man” when she hits an emotional moment. Perhaps, there’s nothing that needs fixing! She just wants you to listen and be there to lean on, or to hold her.

When in doubt about what might be wanted or needed, ask. Asking  is a wonderful, caring, sweet way of taking care of your lady. Ask if she wants to be held. Ask if she wants to talk about it. Ask if there’s anything you can do to make it better.

Ladies! Anything you want to add???

Once a cheater, always a cheater…

Is this always the case? Many times, yes, but in some not. While individual studies suggest that two-thirds of cheaters become repeaters (serial cheaters), it’s important to note that the likelihood of a partner repeating infidelity depends on certian factors. These factors include maturity, influence, personality, acceptance of fault, regret, neglect, and the final outcome.


Age is a big factor in cheating. In fact, it could be said that infidelity and immaturity go hand in hand. A study consisting of 145 students (average age 23) found that nearly 70 percent had thought about cheating on a current partner, while 41 percent had completed the deed. Fast forward to age 27, and 54 percent reported being tempted, with 39 percent going through with the act. The magic age when men and women begin to settle towards a 25 percent infidelity rate is after 30. When young couples are pushed, they often try to avoid commitment by cheating, but this is often outgrown with maturity.


Studies show that there is some correlation between the types of friends a couple has and their likelihood of cheating. According to these studies, 77 percent of cheaters have close friends who are also engaging in some form of unfaithfulness to their spouse/partner. If you want a partner to stay faithful, it’s best to offer them the influence of other happy couples. You may not be able to choose your partner’s friends, but you can choose the couples you spend the most time with.


The avoidance-detachment personality describes a partner who is constantly pulling away, looking for ways to distance themselves from the relationship. This can occur when people are young and unprepared to settle down, but it can also be a sign of someone who is constantly afraid of intimacy and commitment. When one avoidance-detachment personality exists in a relationship, infidelity is usually not far away. Cheating can be one of their favorite ways to create a wedge between their relationships. If you find yourself in one of these situations, your chances aren’t good, unless your partner admits their problem and seeks help.

Acceptance of Fault

People often estimate the likelihood of an affair by the amount of charisma/attractiveness one partner either has or doesn’t have. Interestingly, 88 percent of all affairs occur with someone who is not any more attractive, charismatic, or sexy than the cheater’s current partner. Furthermore, most psychologists confirm that the reasons people cheat usually have more to do with how the cheater feels about themselves, than how they feel about their partner. In other words, it’s more them than you, so don’t let them tell you otherwise.


As many as 70 percent of affairs end with the cheater feeling sick with regret. In these cases, the cheater may be transformed (relationship rekindled) if the victim is able to bring themselves to forgive. Cheaters who are less likely to repeat show sincere remorse for their actions. Instead of excuses like “It’s your fault,” “It was an accident” or “It meant nothing,” they take full responsibility and express the need to prevent it from happening again. They’ll open up about their feelings, attend counseling, and do whatever it takes to regain your trust. In cases like these, it’s possible for a partnership to actually emerge stronger than it was before.


According to surveys, nearly 50 percent of cheaters cheat because they feel neglected by their current partner. This can either mean a lack of emotional or physical (sexual) support. In relationships where both partners feel loved and satisfied, the chances of infidelity decrease. Keep in mind that out of the remaining 50 percent, a good portion of these cheaters actually report being “happy,” so this is more of a preventative measure than a guarantee. (I think the neglect excuse is just that an excuse.) Get a divorce or end the relationship if you ‘feel’ neglected before you begin dating.

Final Outcome

Some researchers believe that another indicator of a serial cheater is the severity of the penalty with which it was received. Cheaters are less likely to fall off the wagon (so to speak) when they’ve had to work through hardships, including guilt, embarrassment, having their life put under a microscope, and attending counseling. Cheaters who get away without punishment will likely continue to cheat simply because they can. Cheating has become an unhealthy dynamic in their relationships. One that has gone on too long to be easily stopped. This is one reason why it’s important to act at the first sign of trouble and make it clear that such actions are unacceptable.

In summary, to avoid repeat cheaters, look at how each of these factors plays a role in your  relationship, and then weigh your love with what that little voice inside your head is telling you. You might eventually ‘forgive’ your partner for your own good, but don’t ‘forget’ and don’t be so quick to give them a second chance until they’ve earned it.

Even after presenting this…IN MY OPINION, there is no excuse for cheating except that it is pretty much a character flawGranted some may outgrow it with maturity, but most don’t. So, if you are with a cheater, it might be better to just get away. 

What do you think?

Okay Men! Questions! Dare you respond?

What do you have to offer a woman?

What do you have to give a woman?

What is it about you that would enhance a woman’s life?

What about you would make a woman desire you?

What do you want from a woman?

Why do you want a woman in your life?

Answer one! Answer them all! We, women, would like to know what you have for us….and what you want from us….

Why ‘bad’ boys and girls excite…

is used in commercials. It grabs our attention! We human beings have an animal reaction to sex. It is innate, a drive that allows us to propagate and survive as a race. We are attracted to that which promises the quickest and surest route to sex, driven by the tiny bit of our brain in charge of species survival.

So something overt and obvious such as when that hottie walks by and the mind takes a vacation and the endorphins start to boil and bubble, and before you know it, you’re raising an eyebrow with a “come hither” look in your eyes. You’re physically affected by just the nearness of this person even without knowing a single thing about them!

This can affect the choices we make in what to wear and how to wear it. We want to be attractive to potential lovers; however, this doesn’t always attract the type of person that will stay and build a “nest.” Or a person that is emotionally stable and mature enough to create and maintain an enduring relationship.

We do control our behaviors with our minds. Athough, it seems difficult to believe, at times.

The truth is that human beings are afraid of change, and some will continue in their rut until it kills them… but you don’t have to! Many thinking people overcome their fear of change and create new and happier lives.
“But old tapes” need to be replaced with “new tapes.” Wise people and those with with emotional wisdom control their thoughts and behaviors, instead of letting their emotions controlling them. 

beautiful brunett model in studio on light background ...Look at the marketing images used to attract. They are aimed at basHandsome : Man posing for the camerae emotional responses. See them for what they are – shallow images concocted by an advertising team, meant to control and manipulate.

Is that beauty in the ad really attainable for the average man?
Or is that ‘hunk’ what most men look like?

Cut out some magazine ads, put a label over the middle of them, and write “LIES” across them in RED. Now go through magazines and find images of people holding hands, healthy couples (not Hollywood versions) and other positive images, and begin to create a dream board.Married_couples : Woman reaching with her hand into the pan to taste what her boyfriend made Stock Photo Men : Portrait of a smiling elderly couple embracingThis is a poster board with images that you select and place on it, images which support your healthy change. Look at the board just before you go to sleep.

Let go of the need for the “sudden impulse” of attraction, and give yourself some rules to govern how you proceed. Sure there needs to be attraction, but that ‘overwhelming sexual draw’, many times, leads to nothing, but shallowness and superfical attraction. That sexual draw can blind you to who the person really is and distort real feelings. 

Here are some suggestions:

Don’t attribute personality traits to someone based on your physical attraction to them, wait to get to know them. If someone leads with their ‘sexuality’ ask yourself why? What’s their motive?  Most people who tend to do this, either male or female, are using their sexuality either to control, or to hide behind.

Six Week Rule: Wait six weeks of knowing, dating, seeing this person to decide if you even want to pursue the relationship further.

Six Month Rule: After six months, the “real” person will be visible. The false front or ‘act’, if there is one, usually can’t be maintained much longer.

Think before you give your heart to a marketing lie.

Now these are only ‘guidelines’… sure there’s that one in a million love at first site that lasts a lifetime..

What are some other methods for developing healthier sexual attitudes and relationships?

About love, sex, dating and marriage…

by Ann

More Things Men Might Want To Be Aware of…

1. Persistence is Flattering… Then it becomes annoying, and finally, downright creepy. Men don’t like to be considered quitters, but sometimes there’s no other option.

2. Women’s Lib Does Not Include Going Dutch. Most women still appreciate a guy to pick up the check. If she insists on paying half, let her, otherwise you’ll risk appearing inflexible, chauvinistic, and disagreeable.

3. Women Love a Man Who Talks About His Family. It means he is close to them and cares about them, and even more importantly, it means he might one day be into having one of his own. But don’t take this as an invitation to be a mama’s boy! ( too much talk about children or family or some weird connection to a child or mother is not a good thing)

4. Women Love a Man With a Plan… One who is not afraid to hold a baby, and one who can pull off wearing a clean white t-shirt.

5. Don’t Push Her Off of the Porn Train. Some women don’t like pornography, some do, and some feel left out (cheated on) because he hides it from her like some sort of dirty secret. Sometimes sharing is the best policy.

6. If She Cuts the Night Short… She might really need to cut something else. Men and women are both human after all, so if she calls the night short, don’t just assume she doesn’t want you to call again. Sometimes emergencies do come up.

7. Women Don’t Want Us to Solve All Their Problems… Sometimes they just want us to listen, repeat and understand!

8. If She Cheats, You Deserved It (In Her Mind). Cheating is shaky ground for any relationship, but research shows that women who cheat do so as a direct result of feeling unloved, unappreciated and entitled to happiness. Now, you know, and now you know how to do something about it.

9. Squeezing Her Breasts is Not Foreplay. Most women prefer a touch and gentle caress.

10. Women Have Hair in Strange Places. If your girl doesn’t have any of the signs of being a disciple of Bigfoot, appreciate the time she has spent to get rid of it.

11. She Knows You’re Lying. Women have the uncanny ability to read people, according to some research, which comes from the motherly necessity to read her baby’s needs by looking at facial expressions and vocal patterns. Women know when men lie, so why bother?

12. When She is Feeling Down and Irritable… Give her a big hug, rather than busting her hump for being grumpy. This is an instant invitation to her good side (assuming you didn’t cause the bad feelings in the first place).

13. Thank You Goes a Long Way. Studies suggest that in lopsided relationships, the overworked partner will remain satisfied as long as the other partner remembers to say “Thank you.” This isn’t about telling you how to take advantage of her, but rather about appreciating her for everything she does.

14. Women Still Like… Being asked on a proper date. Don’t get lazy in today’s age of information technology. Sometimes the best way to do things is the old fashioned way! (Pick up the phone! Texting and emailing are only to be used as additional ways to connect.)

15. A Woman’s Breasts Swell Up to 25% During Good Sex. This is her body’s way of seducing/attracting/urging the man to finish with a finale… so don’t disappoint her. Interestingly, some research also suggests the smaller the breasts, the more dramatic the size increase will be.

16. Don’t Mention PMS… Unless asking to buy her pads at the store. Don’t use her biology to explain her bad mood. This is just simple common courtesy. (men that refer to PMS, hot flashes or hormones need to go away)

17. Women Prefer Macho to Date and Sensitive to Marry. Men can actually dictate the types of women they attract by how much they express their masculine side vs. their sensitive. Who knew that dodging commitment could be so easy! ( women like a mix of macho and sensitive, too much of either one is a bore)

18. Women Like Spontaneity. Whisking her away on a weekend trip on short notice is spontaneous. Showing up fifteen minutes late and asking “So, what do you want to do now?” is not! (being late is a total turn off)

19. She is Less Excited About Receiving Lingerie Than You Are About Giving It. They say that women love shiny things, but when it comes to glimmering showgirl costumes, not all are as excited to climb aboard your fantasy train. ( women like to select their own lingerie, but the man can come along and pay for it0

20. Cleaning and Doing the Dishes… Is sexy. (helping with chores and being helpful is caring and leads to good, warm feelings.)

Agree? Disagree? Or anyone have anything to add?

Separate Beds…save your marriage?

by Ann

Stock Photo of Man giving a woman a...
Can sleeping in separate beds actually do good for your marriage, instead of harm? A group of British researchers has questioned the traditional view that married partners should sleep in the same bed, stating that there is no reason that a couple can’t cuddle and talk in one bed, and then move over into a separate bed or room to go to sleep. If they feel rambunctious during the night or morning, there’s also no reason why they can’t just hop over into their spouse’s bed for a little playtime.

Counselors say that it is good to fall asleep after making some kind of physical contact. This helps express mutual attraction and reduce feelings of abandonment or rejection, and in some cases can be a form of sexual release for a couple who’s too tired to actually do the deed. They also say that it promotes mutual feelings of closeness, which will allow a couple the chance to initiate deeper talks and have more opportunity to share intimate and personal thoughts before sleep, or immediately upon waking.

Marriage counselors say that sleeping apart pushes relationships towards the “roommate zone,” while researchers bring up the fact that it was the pre-industrial revolution that required couples to sleep together in the first place in order to save space. Today, with family homes stretching beyond 3,000 square feet, there is no reason that we can’t retire to our own sleeping quarters. Here are a few statistics showing the prevalence of couples sleeping in separate rooms.

• 1 in 4 couples will sleep in separate rooms (sofa, dog house, etc.) on occasion, due to an argument or disturbance of sleep in one form or another.

• 3 in 10 couples, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll, sleep in separate rooms the majority of the time.

• 40 percent of couples age 70 and older sleep in separate rooms in order to ensure the best night’s sleep possible. Researchers suggest that the security of these long-time relationships resists any feelings of rejection or loneliness.

• 60 percent of all new homes built in 2015 will feature accommodations for two master bedrooms, so that each individual in the relationship can retire to their own sleeping quarters at the end of the day. This statistic comes from the National Home Builders Association.

The final message here is that if your relationship is suffering from sleep disturbances, then sleeping in separate rooms may just save your marriage… or even your life! In extreme cases, where one individual is disturbing as much as an hour of sleep per night of their partner, their risk of stroke, heart disease, depression and even divorce can practically double.

However, with that said, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can solve other relationship difficulties by separating your beds. These might include loss of attraction, disinterest in sex or gradual feelings of falling out of love. These are quite separate problems in a relationship, which will only get worse if you turn away from your spouse. Separate beds are a last resort for couples having troubles getting a good night’s rest, but should never be a crutch for an already crumbling marriage.


What Secrets Does Your Man Keep?

by Ann

Continued from OUR WORLD PAGE…

Does your man keep secrets from you? And are they light secrets or serious, dark ones?

What are the secrets that men keep? What secrets might your man be keeping from you???? And if you don’t think that he keeps any secrets, well, think again…

Any idea???? HUH?

On Our World page is a related article to get your mind going, if you can’t think of anything…

Make sure to look to the top left of the blog page and click to follow or to subscribe.


by Ann
Why is it that if a woman doesn’t like what a man says or does, and calls him out on it and holds him accountable, that some men will call her a MAN HATER?
Or he may say that she is like a man, or that she needs a weak man, that she can boss around, or that she is too strong-willed. 

Like these are considered some sort of insults that as soon as a woman is called MAN HATER or designated these things, that she should curl up in a ball and shrivel up. Like WHY?

As the person usually a man, stating that she is too strong-willed, is just upset that they can’t manipulate her, in the way and manner, that he wants to. So, I say that’s a good thing.

Some men like a malleable, subservient women that they can manipulate and control. And some women make it a game to play these type of men. There is never any real or honest communication in this type of interaction. It’s mostly all placating, control and manipulation.

Some men deserve to be stood up to and called out for their abusive, manipulative, controlling, hateful actions, words, deeds, and behaviors. And the woman doing this is not a MAN HATER, but a lover of herself and that is a healthy thing. And controlling, manipluating, predators don’t like healthy confident people…they much prefer weak, insecure PREY.

And if or when they can’t beat someone down, they resort to what they ‘think’ are insults or name calling.

The use of name calling to control behaviors and to try and shame others has reached an all time high these days. It is almost laughable, except that those weak in spirit and will, often succumb to this type of obvious behavior modification and allow their behavior to be controlled. It’s as if they are being manipulated and name-called right out of their own beliefs, will, confidence, instincts and even existance.

At times, it’s just fine to be a MAN HATER! Because some men deserve to be hated, at certain times, because of their words, actions and deeds.

I say call me what you want. I know who I am! And if you call me a MAN HATER,  how about look at yourself to see why you think that you are being hated.

That is, if you are a strong enough man to do so…

OR might it be that persons and men that shout MAN HATER are really projecting their hate onto women because, actually, the truth is that they are WOMAN HATERS?  UMMMMM… something to ponder….

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