Category Archives: Politics

Orchestrated opposition…

Created opposition for agenda with purpose of confusion to implement ultimate control – when behind the scenes both sides have ‘similar, even the same’ agenda. Creating an opposition serves the ability to guide and implement a deeper, fuller, all encompassing control of all and everyone.

As in Devil’s advocate – some may not even realize or be aware of how they have been sucked in – until they do. Some may be blackmailed, threatened, hooked in by their ego. Insecure – ego-driven, power  hungry men are the easiest to suck in and control because they are all about self – about their weak, insecure fragile self-ego, as they try to create value and importance, trying to negate, prop-up, do anything rather than deal with their internal insecurity – thinking that control over others on earth, and or, having wealth will give them power almost equal to God and for all to see. Everything they do is fear-based, fear-driven. As in Satan desires to enslave humanity in any and every way possible with the endgame being to takeover & steal souls. Fear is Satan’s biggest and most favored tool.

Orchestrated opposition creates cognitive dissonance in those held captive by it. ‘They’ do not/cannot believe that it’s true – that ‘the one’, they believe/believed was telling the ‘truth’  – ‘the one’ who is/was for them – fighting for freedom, was actually all the time part of the plan to implement control and enslavement. And was only coming from the opposing angle in order to capture more followers – and those not as easily led – being of two minds coming together for agenda.

It’s the internal moral adjuster in any human being that ultimately decides their proclivity and limit for engaging and doing evil. This internal adjuster decides when they must cease, in order to regain their internal moral balance.  And of course, some men have little to no internal moral adjuster. They are the ones without conscience – those without healthy ego-balance along with the ability to do any and everything to attain for the sole purpose to sooth their weak, insecure selves, which fuels their self-serving agenda.  Some men seduce and lie, but will not rape. Some men will steal, but will draw the line at murder. It all depends on their internal moral adjuster and level of internal desperation and need to feel powerful – to have the ability to overpower those whom they deem weaker or less than, even if it’s only for a moment.

Wasn’t it foretold that God’s most special/beautiful angel – didn’t have a secure enough internal moral adjuster to be satisfied with self – even while being God’s most special, he still felt less than and desired more – so he  desired to be equal to and have the same power as God? He therefore, had to defy and challenge God’s power – so that, he was able to ‘feel/ believe’ that he was equal to, or even more powerful than God, in order to satiate his envy and ego-driven insecurity.

Is perhaps, Satan versus God, the ultimate and most final orchestrated opposition?  This challenge for power over God’s greatest creation – ‘made in his image’ – that of the human being.

For Satan’s disobedience and challenging of God, God threw him out of  the heavenly realms down to earth to crawl on his belly for all of eternity. Oh, and how these snakes do crawl…

If you gain the whole world, but lose your soul – what do you actually gain?  All you have is the ‘temporary’ power of Satan. And for those not able to know God/Christ that is all that they ‘think’ there is.

Men-of-morality – men-of-God know intuitively, instinctively and internally that there is more – that they have a God-given soul – that magnificent spark that ignited their flesh to come alive. And that they take off their garment of flesh when they leave earth but that spark lives on.

Men-of-the-world – men of things – men of worldly power – men of money – men who are followers of Satan – followers of evil – of the ‘any-ends-justifies-the means’ – to which the end is always ego-driven, self-serving-biased – greed and envy, without empathy to, or for their fellowman. Unless, it is the ‘facade’ they use, behind which lies their ego-driven agenda of evil – of rule, dominate and control.

Evil is ego-driven, ‘pleasure & power-hungry by any and all means’.  It’s their arrogance which will do them in. In that, ‘they think’ they are so above all others – above all of God’s human beings’ & belief in goodness.  Evil ‘thinks’ it’s wiser, higher and more cunning than all.  When it’s driven by their feelings of deep-seated insecurity which results in envy – envy of God.

Another God-created opposition is that of emotions & intellect which drives the human experience.  Stuck in emotions, and intellect will be hampered – possibly dulled. Stuck in intellect, and feelings/emotions can be stunted, even done away with into complete blockage. When both flow in balanced opposition – there is wisdom.  Therefore, the opposition of emotions and intellect give the opportunity to further define the human being into a deeper awareness and understanding of their own humanity, of others, and their soul’s purpose.  Times of perfect balance – is to think through your heart.  Male traits being primarily of the head/intellect and female of the heart/emotions  – gives even more interest to the opposition/connection/attraction – as in God created male and female as the perfect complement.

Is this perhaps, from where the orchestrated opposition idea and theory arose? The battle – the opposition between good and evil – between emotions/heart, male/female, intellect/head orchestrated perfectly by God.

We all ultimately have a choice driven by our God-given, earthly defined internal-moral-adjuster, guided at each turn by our emotions and intellect into the choice between that of good and/or evil. 

God grants us choice. Satan/evil grants us nothing –  with evil there is no choice.  God/good is freedom. Evil/Satan is control. Evil/Satan captures souls. God/good sets souls free.

The friction created by and in the opposition might very well be what keeps this place rockin’ and rolling – what keeps human beings striving and evolving  – what keeps the earth revolving/evolving.

It’s up to each of us on the physical, mental, emotional and soul level to discern, use critical thinking, gut instinct and soul level discernment to become….  

The dark defines the light. Lucifer’s definition is ‘bringer of the light’.

Becoming aware…

At church yesterday, I sat in a pew behind a family of grandparents, parents and a sweet little four-year-old girl. During the church service, the  four-year-old would move from one side of the pew to the other, sit by her mother, then snuggle into her grandfather, look through the hymnal, play with her little pink purse, open and close it – sit still for a moment, then begin her exploration and movements all over again. She was a well-behaved for a four-year-old – quiet, sweet and would sit and be still as long as she could, when one of the adults would suggest that she do so. She was perfect in her development and behavior for four.
But what if she was still behaving in this manner at the age of 16 – at the age of 30 – at the age of 50? If she was, then we would look at her with pity – concern and wonder why she never grew past the developmental age of 4. Is it a mental disorder – was she not reared properly – does she just like to be an irritation to others – is she selfish and spiteful and just not want to fit in?  Does she like to cause disturbances? Was she not taught manners, patience, respect, empathy responsibility, accountability?

This example is an exaggeration because should an adult move about as this child was – clearly something would be terribly wrong. Only today, so many adults are walking around with the internal developmental age of immature children,  self-centered, selfish, no accountability, lack of manners, lack of responsibility, etc.

They may on the outside ‘look’ like adults, but inside they are stuck at some underdeveloped developmental stage. I am not referring to our keeping our inner child alive – so we can, at times, run and play and keep our child-like curiosity that keeps us vital though adult life. I am referring to inner turmoil and dysfunction, either because they are weak, were never taught, had dysfunction modeled for them or were not imprinted with the attributes that lead to true inner awareness and maturity to be able to adapt, develop mentally and emotionally to live a fully responsible life to self and others.

They are the adults walking around who ‘look’ the part, ‘dress’ the part- even have a job  that ‘appears’ the part, but who are not genuine. They are frauds unto themselves and others and live in internal misery and harm many others along the way.  They are addicted to things, to substances, to sex, to using others, to creating a false image, to staying immature, selfish and all about self.
“Me, me, me  – it’s mine – I can do what I want to. Leave me alone!” –  are a few of their outward or inward cries. They are stuck in a developmental stage of childhood with no awareness of self in relation to others or even to what they are doing to themselves. They are ‘play acting’ the part of an adult. Many are referred to as narcissist, pathological, dysfunctional, cluster-B’s, depressives, etc. They use people, institutions, positions, things, substances – any and whomever they can, to try to keep their adult in-control facade in tact.
The lack of maturity, accountability, responsibly in many adults today is astounding.  They are depressed, anxious, addicted, power- hungry without self-control, hoarders, materialistic,  control-freaks, stuff themselves with food, drink, etc. immoral – self-serving – selfish, etc. 

Lib/Dem/progressive/ NWO globalists are prime example of developmental dysfunctions. They want everything given to them – power and control over others, just because they say so and think they ‘know’ better.  Think the developmental stage of the know- it- all teenager or even the NO! of the toddler.  The ‘I want it all for nothing’ – think the toddler to age of five stages. It’s five or six when many of us learn to share, to have empathy, to put others before ourselves, to have genuine compassion. Then there are those trying to be  in complete rule and want complete control  over the the masses – the little dictator-stage of the two-year-old –  and those being controlled want everything for nothing – just like little dependent children.

 A world of toddlers stuck in – “NO NO  NO” –  Three-year-olds – “It’s mine!” –  Six-year-olds “Leave me alone!  – Teenagers – “I will do what I want to! Stay out of my room!”  As a society and as individuals, if  we do not develop properly, we create a world of hell and as individuals we will live in internal hell.

God and an upbringing in the ways of the Bible and Christianity define and create a practice of self-awareness to become responsible, accountable for our actions that leads to an internal mature and developed life. Without this development,  individually we will  live in pain trying to fill the void in ourselves up with things that will not ever spiritual satisfy us. And as a world, we will have what we are seeing in many people now.

It all begins with self and the developmental stages of childhood. this is why the NWO progressive/globalists want control of  our children younger and younger to imprint them with controllable dysfunction even perversion, with lack of boundaries for their use and benefit. A person who stays forever a teenager or young adult with no accountability and responsibility to another, who can’t put others before themselves and have empathy and patience will not be a whole, internally satisfied human being. There will always be the unrest of the four-year-old inside. Sure, there is a positive side to being a child-at- heart then there is a very negative almost demonic side to never maturing properly.  

Nurturing and caring for our inner child and being mature and accountable to others is an internal balance.

‘Acting’ the part isn’t genuinely being or living the part.

Bring a child up in the ways of the Bible. church/God and it will serve him for all of his days.
A tool to assist in awareness DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help.

God/good is freedom Satan/evil is control….

Ever think that Biden respects no one’s boundaries because in addition to his perverted behavior of over-stepping personal boundaries is that in the NWO progressive globalist’s agenda everyone is considered their prey? And also part of the indoctrination into the NWO is that your personal boundaries are crossed making you prone to addictions – sexual perversion and more easily led into more and further perversion. The whole deal is to blur boundaries between you, them and others.  Biden’s behavior reveals how he’s been imprinted. People always behave as they have been imprinted – until they become aware and heal. Biden was/is a blatant alcoholic. There are videos of him during the Obama campaign so drunk that he could barely speak or stand
When something feels and appears creepy – that is usually what it is. Don’t be brainwashed into thinking it’s not. You aren’t crazy for seeing the truth of what something really is and what is really going on. The manipulating, narcissistic sociopaths just want you to feel wrong and crazy – so they can control you.

The NWO considers people their resource to manipulate and do with as they desire – brainwash, control, use – you name it. Just as they want to have control over all land and resources on earth for their exclusive benefit and use. Crossing individual boundaries – sex-trafficking – corruption and perversion of our innocent and helpless youth is just part of their indoctrination into the acceptance of  being manipulated and controlled.  Step by step little by little until, there are no boundaries left – just a blur of the masses into one lump.

Along with the murder of fetuses,  late term abortion and even murder of recently born infants – it all leads to the acceptance that human beings are nothing and should and can be perverted, used, manipulated and even murdered at whim with their organs harvested and bodily fluids used by the so-called self-deemed evil elite.

They are going about it – by their edicts such as  in – ‘The Green New Deal’ blurted out by their bought and paid for by Soros idiot-like scripted Manson-eyed – horse-mouth puppet Chihuahua AOC. She is being used to state it out loud – even in its absurdity – then it will be slowly or as quickly as they can implement by slight of hand – secretively or even blatantly just as fast or as quickly as the brainwashed masses will accept, until it’s forced upon all. As even in its absurdity including the destruction and harm it will create and cause – it’s their ultimate agenda.

The NWO globalist agenda – ‘once referred to as Agenda 21 – now called Agenda 2030’ – is complete control of the planet and all its inhabitants by 2030. Thus, the time frame given of 12 years.  NWO progressive globalists have no regard for human beings, unless it is for their benefit and use. The use of all and everything is meant for a limited few with the rest of humanity considered and treated as slaves of the NWO – which is founded and based in control, manipulation, evil and ultimately destruction – hidden in and behind their false facade  of caring for humanity and under the guise of ‘saving the planet’. This whole agenda will be implemented and coated in the evil intent of control of everything. They are imprinting upon the masses to look to them as the complete authority.
When actually, it’s God who is in control – not some group of self-serving humans on earth. But as the story goes. even from the very beginning – Satan ‘thinks’ he is more important, in control and powerful than God. The dark has intent, goal and agenda to block then destroy the light. Satan/Evil is about control. God/Good is about freedom.

It’s the wise, aware, able to process, in control of their emotions which gives them the ability to discern truth behind the agenda-presented facade that will save this world from the evil agenda of the Satanic intent of the NWO globalists.

Look at how Christians are being murdered around the world. But America – the land of the free –  is ‘supposed’ to allow in and tolerate Islam, etc. which is the opposite of Christianity. Islam is a ‘political practice’ about control of every aspect of everyone’s life and if not adhered to – then there is extreme and inhumane punishment, execution and slaughter – just as the NWO globalists are looking to implement.  America has allowed those of this practice into our governmental systems and look at the nasty things coming out of their mouths concerning Jews, our President, etc. They are out to destroy the American way of life and put it under their control of perversion and evil.

The media is being used to encourage & foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits & view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Example: Lady GaGa paraded around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’  Look at Miley Cyrus and her nudity and wrecking ball display – then Beyonce’s lyrics, costumes and gyrations – to name just a few of the display of perversion. Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music & entertainment are slowly altering psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit &  your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except from a ‘privileged’ few.

We are living in the age of Leviathan – the devil deriving from the ocean that puts a fog around the over-abundant – coming at you fast information – making it difficult to discern what is lie and what is truth.

A world where lie is deemed truth and truth is deemed lie is a world turned upside down and steeped in evil intent and destruction.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines & humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda want to take away choice & freedom –  in order, to rule over Earth and all its inhabitants.  Example Facebook: ‘supposedly’ created to bring people together for community – appears a noble endeavor and purpose – except that personal information and identification are being used for product advertisement. They implement infiltration and brainwashing by censorship for their political NWO progressive globalist agenda of control. When you are on FB – you are under their control and surveillance.

When you turn and accept others as your authority other than self – you will easily be manipulated and led astray.

Become aware and full of your humanity – feel all of your God-given emotions. They are your God- given guidance system and the key as to what is real and what is not – what is good and what is of the dark. Evil does not want us to see truth. Evil is the master of illusion. Narcissists/sociopaths/ psychopaths want us all under their control surrounded, manipulated and controlled by their facade of lies.

The way to the freedom of the light is to feel and process the negative emotions, in order to have the ability to allow in the light of peace, love and joy. The negative emotions of fear, insecurity, anger, hate, anxiety, etc. must be processed, so that you can arrive back at peace, love and joy!
It’s clear that many in the masses are stuck in pain, negative emotions, even being out of control in their emotions – leading to addictions and harmful behaviors to self, others and out into the world. This is what the NWO progressive globalist, narcissists want  and are counting on – that the masses will be imprinted by the media, the entertainment arenas, the corrupted educational systems, the agenda of the corrupted control of gov. to be stuck in neediness, fear, addictions, with inability to think or discern, full of perversion and self- destruction with their individual boundaries breached. This is the way to all levels of control – crossing boundaries  – that way people are easy to manipulate – creating a need to rely on and look to the government for guidance concerning everything in their lives – even to worshiping the government as their Lord and Savior instead of God. God and Christ are threats to the agenda of control and evil. Evil wants people to be in a distortion of their humanity and in fear. God wants people aware, whole and in joy!

They are flooding our borders with needy easy to manipulate foreigners with promises of stuff and some who are part of  their agenda of evil and destruction – for votes to further implement their  plan. They want America over run with world power, sovereignty, financial power, Constitution, rights and freedoms destroyed. They want God and Christ out of our country. They want to take away our position as the hope and light of the world because America is in their way of completing the NWO agenda which is the enslavement of every man, woman and child on earth.

Free thinking and aware people look to the God of light and choice for their guidance – they process emotions – have healthy boundaries, both physically and emotionally – know right from wrong – truth from lie – real from conning bullshit.  They live morally with standards and manners. They take care of their body, mind and spirit. 

A tool for healing:
DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help on Amazon, etc. come into awareness – process your negative, limiting imprints, emotions and beliefs – so you are able to see, process and think clearly – with body, mind and soul fully intact and connected. Live free!


Gaslighters – are predators who prey on susceptible, needy, fractured, lost people who are ripe to believe in their false altruism, affection for them and promises for protection to get their needs/wants met.

Example: progressive/globalist NWO agenda pushed by Pelosi, Schumer, most all Dems, NWO progressive globalists, etc.  who ‘pretend’ to care about those trying to enter America illegally – when actually their agenda is onlly for votes, to weaken and eventually destroy America  by overwhelming our systems and allowing for drugs, terrorists, sex exploitators and criminals to infiltrate our country to forever change the atmosphere of the society that we live in All done for their self-serving agenda – to insert the USA into the NWO under the rule of the UN – where all rights, freedoms, the free enterprise system,  property rights, etc. are taken away. Their gaslighting goal is to suck from hardworking Americans to give to those who hate America. Their promise of  giving and protection to those undeserving is only to get votes and support which ultimately will lead to the demise of a healthy economy and lifestyle for everyone in America giving the gaslighters complete control. This is the gaslighters’ goal  – COMPLETE CONTROL AND POWER along with economic gain – with goal to destroy America and suck all resources, which will lead eventually lead to the horror that Venezuela is experiencing now. The only ‘winner’ in a socialist/ communist regime are those in control – the gaslighters.

Gaslighters are ‘most successful’ when they believe that they cast themselves as ‘caring and dutiful protectors’ who are unconditionally invested in defending and protecting their ‘gaslight victim’ – when nothing could be further from the truth. Their ‘act’ is only to extract what they need and want from their victims for their self-serving agenda.

Simplistic example: the player who professes love and caring for their victim only to extract sex, gifts, money, affection, manipulation, energy – narcissistic supply, etc. then when their goals are accomplished their real agenda is revealed which is that of power and control over their victim – nothing to do with love, caring or protection. Then they drop their victim on their head as they move onto their next victim.

Superficial charm and lies are what they rely on and hide behind. While those fractured, lost, uneducated, uninformed and needy, etc. cannot see behind the gaslighter’s facade. A gaslighter preys on the deaf, dumb, blind, lost, needy, weak and ignorant, etc.

Pelosi, Schumer, the corrupted, propaganda media, etc. pander to this level.

Example: THE VIEW – their gaslighting idiocy could only be listened to or believed by those who are emotionally and intellectually blind, needy, weak and stunted – the ill-informed, uninformed and ignorant, etc.

Socialism does not work. You can’t give everyone everything. You will run out of other people’s money into a disaster.  There is no economic sense behind  socialism. It’s a house of cards.  It’s done to suck resources away from those who earned then and give power to those in control as they temporarily make promises – giving false  hope to the needy brainwashed masses. The goal of government is not to ‘give’ or provide for the populous everything they need to live as a parent would do for a  dependent child. The government is not parent to the world. The masses are not children of the government to be instructed about how to live and to be given to with every need met. But the socialist, progressive, globalist agenda is to make the masses totally dependent on them – as if they are the parents and everyone else are children.

Anyone who falls for this sociopathic gaslighting is falling for a distortion – a lie – a con that will eventually end in their destruction possibly even their demise and certainly for America.

We cannot allow all undocumented illegals into our country as if we are some kind of a dumping ground – to do so and we will have more crime and an unbearable sucking of our resources that will weaken us into a lowly weakened status. We should only take legally documented  people with talent, education and skills who wish to adapt to American ways while making their own way in our country – those who will make America strong, prosperous and great.

Nancy Pelosi has made a fortune off the American people and our government – she is a gaslighting self-serving, narcissistic sociopath. If she genuinely cares – why doesn’t she give some of her ‘own money’ to those in her district in need – by building homeless shelters, etc. Why? Because she is a gaslighting sociopathic lying, self-serving greedy pig – a NWO progressive globalist – hell bend on destroying America.

As in Facebook – gaslighting Zuckerberg stated his agenda was for people to have a place to meet and share – an ‘online community’. But he censors those who do not think like his agenda and sells private info to businesses. He is a blatant gaslighter.

Wake up people because you are being gaslighted by the dem/progressive/NWO globalists for their agenda to weaken and  take over America – the country you live in.

NWO progressive/ globalist gaslighting goal is to take away everything from you – your freedoms, your rights, your guns, your resources, your house, your property rights, your freedom of expression and speech, your right to decide your healthcare choices, etc. and insert them all into the NWO globalist agenda under the rule of the UN. 

Social Norming…

People assume then come to believe that a behavior is ‘normal’, the more they are exposed to it even if it’s bad/negative, immoral, or detrimental to their life – mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

It’s the affect/effect of hearing and seeing something repeatedly – it becomes ‘imprinted’ upon/in an individual’s mind and they may even carry it in their innate energy to forever change them.

Children from 0 – 7 are the most impressionable – followed by teenagers and young adults. This is why advertisers and those wishing to brainwash, focus on these age groups. Repetition of propaganda imprints people and has the possibility to change who a person naturally is – to even hate themselves and their life and what they believe –  as that may be the very goal. Once a person hates themselves then they are easily manipulated to do as directed by government – advertisers – self-serving interest groups – the medical and health fields,etc. because they have been made weak, easy to manipulate and more willing to give their self-identity and self-authority over to others.

People who have been fractured – have been abused – have never developed a strong self-identity – whose boundaries have been crossed and negated – are uneducated – ignorant of facts – who feel lost and like they do not fit into society, or perhaps, even to be on earth –  and some don’t even feel like they fit in their body that God created for them – fall prey to ‘Social Norming’ more easily than a self-confident – emotionally intelligent , self-aware and secure person with clear mental, physical and emotional boundaries.

Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Family makes a big difference in the security of an individual – that a mother and father are both present – that a family unit is intact.  Education that teaches an individual to think instead of brainwashing for agenda – religious/spiritual training and education that stresses the Ten Commandments – that an individual spends time reading instead of mostly watching agenda-filled TV programs, movies and listening to soul destroying music full of negative messages and words; such as rap some rock, etc. The energy in music can either lift a soul up or tear it down. Music carries a vibration and can be very harmful to body, mind and spirit when discordant and disruptive vibrations are listened to and felt too often.

Sexuality is being introduced to children way too soon  and this is to pervert the child – have the child indulging in sexual activities before they even realize, or understand what it is. Sex is sacred and to introduce a child to it too soon is to pervert the child – crossing the sexual boundaries of a child is a sin and it weakens them to be further taken advantage of.

Leviticus 19:29 – Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.

We as a society need protect our children from viewing violence, sexuality and other forms of depravity .

Matthew 18:6 – But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

3 John 1:4 – I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
Then comes the ‘political correct’ censorship to stop people from sharing their true and real thoughts. To fit in, you must speak and write the ‘accepted’ way or for example, you will be put in Facebook jail – or called a racist or homophobe, etc.

It’s all part of Social Norming…  to make the masses think, act and live as they are directed by those who will benefit from them doing so.

It’s the tearing down of society – the tearing down of morality, standards, values, health – mental, emotional and physical.  The drug companies and  medical field make tons of profits pushing drugs and tests, etc. Do we really need all these drugs or preventive tests? People need use their natural instincts to decide, instead of giving their power completely over to a ‘Doctor’. The Social Norming’s purpose is to override natural God-given instincts to make the person easy to manipulate and control. So pretty soon, ‘everything’ will be decided by the government, the drug companies, medical institutions, etc. – with the individual forced to go along with the ‘norm’.

Common sense, individual instincts, the ability to think – reason, morality, manners are falling to the wayside as  government control and the ‘facade’ of individuality takes over. Individuality is being pushed but it’s a false front for – you must accept everything even that which you detest in order to be ‘politically correct’. Therefore, in truth – your rights, freedoms and individuality are being hijacked by Social Norming.

We have a right to think as we choose and to like what we like and to not like what we don’t like. And we also have the right  to express as such. Taking that right away, unless you conform to Social Norming is nothing but complete control of your mind, body and eventually your soul. And that is what EVIL wants – complete control.
Good/GOD wants you free to choose… But the Social Norming is trying to get rid of God/Christ – freedom to choose – from society – to mesh us all into what ‘they’ want us to think, believe and worship. Social Norming wants us to worship government, to do as advertisers direct especially the drug companies and to turn away from family  and traditional male/female relationships bonding and commitment into sexual perversion, depravity, loss of morality, etc. Where our boundaries are crossed and broken to form a mass collective easily controlled by a few – the agenda of the progressive/globalist NWO. Social Norming is a capturing of souls – a true and certain hell on earth.

For awareness: Read DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help, available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and on this website to become aware of how imprints are instilled – including a process to assist in releasing them. Self-reflection is key to awareness and freedom.

The face of the Democrat/socialist/progressive party – the victim…

Image result for Photos of Christine Blasey FordDemocrat party is the party of victims, weak women – weaker men…

The democratic party – the party of man haters, women who hate men, think they are all liars and should die – especially, if they are old and white.
Actually – the lib/dem/progressive women, I do know and that’s very few – really do hate men and, or have children by them – never married them and the men do not take care of their children. Ummmm – I wonder could the women’s choices have created this and their hate of men – or is it actually their hate of self? Even the cool gay men I know are Conservatives, and of course, they love men, and women. Women – not so much – except for make-up. fashion tips, emoting and gossip. So that it’s the Dem Party – a party of man hating women and of course, those who are gay. Is Pocahontas gay? Does she hate men? We know Killery uses them or murders them and prefers women – wasn’t there a big ‘to do’ that she had a ‘thing’ with Okko Ono?

I have been a victim of sexual harassment – I addressed it immediately – took the man to court – he settled with me – I am not a victim. I addressed it – then released it and all the negativity that it carried from me. I am a strong Conservative Christian woman.

To remain a victim is to remain a fool – to remain tormented – wallowing in self-pity – eaten up with pain rather it be lies/fake/ or real – it’s a form of self-torment. It blocks happiness, joy  and the feminine glow from your face and body. The opposite of what ‘feminism’ is ‘supposed’ to stand for and be.

To allow others to victimize you – you are a fool – and not living in your power.  Isn’t that what the ‘feminist’  movement is ‘supposed’ to be about –  feminine power – equality – equal pay for equal work, etc. Instead, what I see is it  being  used as a victim movement.

I AM NOT A FEMINIST! I am an internally strong woman – processing life experiences and events  as they come and go in my life – then choosing what to keep and what to let go off.

In Part Four of my book DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – is a process explaining how to identify your feelings  related to imprints and beliefs and how to process through them – available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all the usual places.  Someone please – get this book to Blasey-Ford –

tImage result for Photos of Christine Blasey Fordhe big pathetic victim face of Dem/lib/progressive victims… whiny child voice so obnoxious – it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Democrat – the victim party!They live as victims, create and use victims for, and to implement their agenda of control. They divide to conquer for their agenda. They create victims – want to keep them  as victims  in order to use the hell out of them – blame, blame blame others – side step, lie, deflect, avoid responsibility – say you’re a strong woman while behaving like a weak whiny child…. and all those big bad white men did it.. BOO HOOO HOO!

Makes sense, doesn’t it that Obama was the first VICTIM president.

Satan uses PC to manipulate and pervert…

creating the atmosphere for good to be deemed evil and evil to be deemed as good.

Satan is the master of illusion – delusion, projection, manipulation and confusion.  The nature of ‘political correctness’ is not to call out something that which it actually is – in order to not offend. What this has led to is calling  evil good – so as not to offend evil and that which is perverted, banal,  lies, corrupted and of sin. So that the perverted, sinning, corrupted evil will not feel badly about itself concerning the evil they are doing or the lifestyle they have chosen to live. Because, oh my gosh! We wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of sin and evil that would be such a horrible thing to do. Good can’t ‘judge’ evil that would be so politically incorrect.  So instead, we don’t call it out for what it is, and either ignore it or deem it acceptable as we suppress that which is of good. Having good hang its head in shame for deeming evil for exactly what it is.

When good does call it out for exactly what is is – sin, evil and wrong, evil will point the finger back at good and loudly over shout – calling good a hater –  along with statements such as “Don’t judge me!” You see, evil must shout louder, be more seductive, offer more goodies and treats to those who succumb to its enticements. Evil will blocks and censors good – anything to shut good up – so evil won’t be called out and have to look at self and be held accountable for its evil deeds of corruption and destruction. You see, it’s much more difficult to be good than it is to be evil. Or so it seems – but actually goodness, internal peace and happiness go hand in hand. And this is something that irritates the hell out of evil…

So evil projects itself onto good to try and shut it up. Clever nasty evil knows what it’s doing. While good is being the good, not wanting to hurt feelings, many times will keep quiet or shut up – in order to be ‘politically correct’. You see evil is manipulative and cunning, While good is straight forward and working always on being good – evil is plotting and planning how to corrupt good for the benefit of evil.

One perfect example of evil projection are the Clintons:

Just look at this quote from Hillary. She is a liar and she pretends to be something she is not – yet she is stating that this is what the American people are doing.

Trump on the other hand just blurts the truth of what he sees  and feels right out. He knows he’s not a perfect man and  doesn’t pretend that he is and is not afraid to show who he is or to throw it in the face of evil.  And the evil corrupted media and those on the side of creating the ‘image’ – behind which lies delusions and illusion for the gain of evil and perversion – go wild with projection.  Evil hates good. Good understands the weakness of evil – and that weakness is being called out for what it is. Evil loves a fake image and a facade to hide its evil deeds and doings behind.

Good is choice. Evil is of control. Good is truth no matter what the truth might be or how difficult it might be to hear and know. Evil is lies, cover ups and facades. Good is continually looking at self to reevaluate and refine self and isn’t afraid of truth. Evil runs and hides from truth. Truth scares the hell out of evil! Hence the creation of political correctness. 

Evil  creates the environment where truth cannot be revealed much less told, where evil and perversion cannot be called out for what it is. It creates a playground of confusion – a marring of the lines between good and evil and it’s in this atmosphere evil is able to sneak in and tighten its grip on the innocent, the youth and to corrupt the souls of the weak, lost and wandering.

Leviathan is the devil of deceit, corruption and confusion. It’s tries to create a fog of confusions around everything and this is the time in which we are living in.  The corrupted media along with political correctness are Leviathan’s sharpest tools.

Good must STOP evil in its tracks! Throw political correctness to the four winds. Call out that which is evil, corrupt, perverted and manipulative – deeming it exactly what it is! Why should ‘good’ care if it hurts evil’s feelings? Evil has no empathy or feelings of care for the good. Evil wants the good to be corrupted then destroyed. Evil is happy when it corrupts an innocent child into sexual exploitation or perversion, Evil is happy when it addicts human beings to substances that harm the body, mind and soul. Evil is happy when it sucks resources and money from those who work hard for it. Evil is happiest when it gathers more souls into its lair of pain, depression and despair. Evil loves company.

I I say PC needs to die and evil needs to be left alone to wallow in its pain and isolation.


Censorship and bullying of conservatives by …

Facebook. Image result for photos of mark zuckerberg testifying

On FB lib/dem/progressives post horrible things about President Trump, our First Lady, members of the first family, etc.  And nothing is done. But if a conservative posts their opinion about Michelle and Barack Obama,  the Clintons and the way lib/dem/progressives  act and think they are censored and put into FB jail. This is unAmerican. It’s against First Amendment Rights and FB does this all the time.

Zuckerberg states that he created this platform for people to connect – well, it appears only if you think and post as the Facebook regime agenda allows you to.  FB is a socialist/communist/progressive site under the’guise’ of getting people to connect.  Actually, it is a site to implement their agenda, to brainwash and try, even force those who think differently to change and adapt to their bullying and censorship or be kicked off.

Here is the exact post I was put into FB censorship jail for 30 days:

Ayn Dillard

“Think of the progressive/dem/lib platform.. tear down and change for their use and gain from that which they envy and can’t be or become.That is a real hater – then they deem everyone else haters.. I have never seen or experienced such hate as when Obomo was in his tear down mode of America and all moral values. Africa is always having some civil war – gangs are always fighting.. that is how those of that ilk move through life.. Look at what Moooo is out saying now.. that she is the ‘forever’ first lady.. that is obscene and is how a dictator thinks and talks.. Obomo and Mooo are a stain on America. They are both evil and evil in their intent.. They are un- Amercan and should be arrested, imprisoned, executed or exiled with all resources taken – Same with Clintons – they all sucked money off the American people.. They are destroyers and takers.. the real ‘haters’ .”
This is how most all conservatives think. This post  was liked and shared repeatedly on FB. So FB decided to take it down and put me in their censorship jail for writing my opinion and what is actually truth. While at the same time, I get continual emails from FB asking me to promote articles and posts that are doing well – even for this same post I am put in jail for.

Hillary – the eternal victim…

Hillary played/plays the role of victim her whole life.

She tried to blame others – as in the ”great right-wing conspiracy” for the reason her husband, Bill Clinton, was outed for his sexual escapades – but oops!  His sexual crimes against women were/are true. BLAMING  and LYING were her tools used at that time, in order to play the victim. VICTIMS BLAME OTHERS FOR THEIR PROBLEMS IN LIFE.  They don’t  accept responsibility – they blame, project, lie and deflect! Hillary is a master at this.

The poor victim, Hillary, stayed with Bill during and after his sexual escapades were outed – with her complete and full knowledge of – so she could try to become the first woman president riding on his political coat tails.  BUT she failed at being elected president, not only once, but twice. The ceiling Hillary has busted through is being the biggest VICTIM on the planet – while truthfully it’s all her fault that she is such. She writes books about her victim position – asking WHY? WHY? WHY? She blames everyone and everything else – but not herself – as she lies, blames, manipulates and deflects.

She could have divorced  Bill and continued life on her own  taking responsibility making her a brave, strong, self-sufficient woman. Instead, she stayed with Bill and sucked off the American people even creating a ‘foundation’ which kept/keeps most the money for themselves and their over-the-top affluent lifestyle – as they con, manipulate, and suck off anyone they can find. The pretense is a bit of good which hides much deception, evil and greed – to feed and justify their victim mentality. She creates victims and preys on victims. She thinks she is a victim.

After Hillary lost the presidency, she could have gracefully accepted the outcome. Displaying responsibility  honor, integrity and grace (which we know from her previous behaviors, she carries none of these attributes in her psychological make-up.) Hillary’s psychological make-up is that of a victim to stay whining, blaming, deflecting, lying and manipulating  in order to stay in  the forefront and  she will not stop or go away. She will do anything even murder.

Victims never accept responsibility. Instead, they hide and dodge. Hillary has helped to create a herd of victim women followers who  follow her lead as they whine, blame, deflect and even wear pink vagina costumes. – looking not only the victims but the fools!

Victims are the greatest stealers of everyone’s energy – they want the whole world to feel pity and sorry for them – as they try to gain, take or steal any and every thing  they want or ‘think’ that they need to feel better about what they ‘think’and ‘interpret’ is their ‘victim’ status in life. Victims suck the life out of the room and everyone who surrounds them.  Their goal is pity as they seek even demand ‘power’ over others to give them undeserved gains on many levels.

Hillary promotes ‘women’s rights and equality’, while she lives  her life the exact opposite. She stayed with a womanizer, rapist, cheater and blamed the women who called him out for what he did. The women standing up to Bill Clinton were/are the strong ones – not Hillary.

Hillary Clinton is a self-made victim. Her personality is VICTIM! Everything that comes out of her mouth is victim driven.  Those who wear the cloak of victim try to use it  for their gain. They are actually weak, immoral, corrupted in their soul – real losers. Hillary Clinton is a self-made/created victim sucking off America and the whole world. Hillary is on a constant and continual victim tour. 

It would serve Hillary and her victim followers to read – 

Challenges, problems, losses, pain, disappointments help a person grow, become stronger, develop new skills and most importantly become aware. Without all these, there would be no growth. We are on the planet of dualities – good and evil. There will be challenges, problems and pain. It’s how a person handles issues in life that make them who they are – either to rise up, become aware, develop character, strength and knowledge, or to fall into being a victim, stuck in negativity, limiting imprints and negative emotions that block their growth, awareness and ultimately their happiness and peace. Victims easily fall into addictions and the repeating of WHY? WHY? WHY ME?!

So deemed ‘bad’ things happen to us all. It’s how we process them that make us either a victim or a strong, healed, self-actualize person. To assist to shift your awareness out of victim status — order. 


Useful idiots!

This is what the fake, lying ‘bought and paid’ for media wants and this is what it creates – people who can’t think for themselves and who ‘believe’ what they are told by the media and read on social sites that it is truth and fact when it’s  lies, fake and propaganda.

The creation of useful idiots is the reason lib/dem/progressive social media sites are banning and censoring conservatives – Christians – heterosexuals – and white people.  They don’t want the truth or opposing views to interfere with the propaganda and brainwashing of ‘their useful NWO – take away all rights progressive idiots’.

A perfect example of useful idiots is the women who march for women’s rights wearing pink – even with vaginas on their heads.linda-sarsour-anti-trump-womens-march-washington-dc-january-21-2017-hamas-islamic-terrorism They are also for more mooslems and refugees moving into America. Islam gives women little to no rights. Linda Sarsour marches for women’s ‘rights’ while wearing the oppressive head gear of islam – ‘Sharia Law’ –  promotes few rights if any and oppression for and of women. She has ties to the Islamic terror group HAMAS. Anyone who believes or follows this woman is being played big time as an ‘useful idiot’. The MO of Islam is pretend you  are for connection and the same life and rights, in order to infiltrate then take over, convert, take away all rights and destroy.

Another example –  lib/dem progressive homosexuals who promote and stand by mooslems. In islam homosexuals are tortured and murdered – often thrown off buildings.  So these ‘useful idiots’ are actually protesting for their own demise. Now there are some real  idiots for ya!

Image result for Photos of David Hogg protesting guns

Then the ‘school age’ kids who are protesting against guns and against the NRA – even blaming the NRA for the shootings. Some of these kids are ‘bought and paid’ for talking head – protesters. Paid  by those for the agenda of the NWO under the rule of the UN for the weakening and destruction of America.  NWO edicts – after taking control of the media to spew propaganda and brainwash –  next is to disarm. This begins with one kind of gun then onto another, until they all are confiscated.  Then the masses become sitting ducks easy to be taken over and completely controlled if not exterminated.  The NRA had/has nothing to do with the shootings. A gun is an object. It’s the person using it who makes it either used for good or for harm.

School children are being brainwashed instead of being taught to think and are being used as ‘useful idiots’ before they even know who they are or what they really think and they certainly don’t have any idea what life is about yet. This is right out of the communist playbook and is evil brainwashing control of  the youth.

Those overcome with ‘political correctness’ are creating censorship and are trying to curtail rights of all individuals to express themselves. They curtail the First Amendment for those in opposition to them – which is not the intention of this Amendment – which is equal rights for all. While lib/dem/progressives march, protest and whine for their free expression, they are trying to shut up anyone who thinks differently than they do – now, that is a real useful idiot of double standards!  Because as soon as their NWO regime is put into place no one including them will have any rights. Rights will all be under the rule of a few – NWO under the rule of the UN along with all property, resources, media, schools, etc. It will be hell on earth.

So if and when these ‘useful idiots’ disagree with the new regime – what they helped create – they will be censored and done away  with –  because then they will have no use any longer! By taking others rights away to implement their agenda – they have also done away with their rights and freedoms – truly idiots of the highest order. All dictators and those of communistic/progressive rule depend on the brainwashed, non- thinking useful idiots to do as they are directed and do lots of the indoctrination and work for them – while they sit back, make promises and live a life of freedom and abundance -while laughing at  how stupid are and how easily they were able to use – the ‘useful idiots’.  

The useful idiots created by the media, the social-unrest agitators,  the liberal educators, the dem/lib/progressives, the hate America, the mooslim influxors, the refugee lovers, the everyone is the same – there is no difference in the sexes propaganda and BS – are protesting and actually demanding their own demise and freedoms to be taken from them. But they are too much of an idiot to realize what they are doing, or to realize that – all they are is useful idiots!