Category Archives: Men

Memories of my Dad that fill me with his love and…

A2AC1define my worth and character forever, no matter what happens in my life. In my early twenties,  I was getting ready for a formal evening out, designer dress, the works. While getting out my attire, I realized that my satin evening purse had a busted chain… not only that, but it was broken in a way that… Oh my gosh!  I thought could never be repaired and certainly not in time for  my date. It was the only  purse I had that would work with my dress and I just had to wear that dress with that particular evening purse!

Because I had chosen this particular dress just to go with the evening purse my Dad had given me for Christmas which had been his perfectly selected  gift wrapping for his generous Christmas check.  My Dad had shopped for and selected this elegant designer purse just for me and I liked it so very much for just that reason.

I rushed into the library where Dad was watching TV and in the brokenhearted frustration drama only a twenty year old preparing for a black tie affair with her beau could create,  held up the purse that was destined to  ruin the whole evening.

“Daddy can you fix it? Please can you?! I got my dress just to go with the purse you gave me. Please Daddy, I have to take it tonight. I just have to! But I think it’s broken for good … Daddy, what do you think?”

He turned from the TV with a slightly  amused but concerned smile as he took my purse from me and said. “Go on and get ready. I will see what I can do.”

Feeling better that my Dad was on it, I showered then rushed into  the kitchen to see my Dad at the breakfast counter with his tools out working on the chain of my purse.  There was also a needle and thread involved.

I observed Dad’s work table as I thought, Daddy can sew?… “Daddy, how’s it coming along? Do you think it can it be fixed?”

Dad glanced up at me and said. “Don’t you need to be getting ready. Your date will be here soon.”

Okay… Daddy, okay … I am. I will.” As I rushed back to my dressing area and proceeded to do my hair, make up, etc. I was frantic. I had no other purse that would work with the dress that I so wanted to wear.

I walked into my bedroom to get my dress and there on my bed sat my purse.  I held it up and I couldn’t even tell it had been broken. I quickly put on my dress and finished  getting ready, putting my lipstick, hairbrush, etc, into my treasured Dad given, Dad repaired purse.

Then, the doorbell rang.  I hurried down the hallway to the entry hall to find Dad talking with my date. Dad smiled in pride when I entered…. his eyes lit up as they always did when I entered a room. “Dad, you did it, you fixed my purse.” I gave my Daddy a big hug. “Thank you Daddy! I love you.”

Dad’s reply. “You’re welcome honey. You look beautiful. Have a good time.”

On the arm of my date, as I stepped out the front door wearing my poofy black satin dress with my treasured Dad given and repaired evening purse over my shoulder, I turned back to smile at Daddy, our eyes met in our special love,  my knowing of his pride in me and my respect  for and trust in him.

My Dad has been gone four years, memories often come to me of all theDadandmemahog special ways that he treated me that instilled his pride, love and created my self-worth as a woman. That imprinted, taught and showed me how I want, need, must be treated by any man and most certainly ‘the special man’ in my life.

Those moments of love, respect and pride that my Dad instilled in me created my worth. My Father,  a master engineer and builder who built the Valdez terminal in Alaska, refineries and nuclear power plants around the world, this former Navy man, pro-baseball player, pilot, yachtsman, golfer, intellectual giant, leader in his industry, accomplished masculine towering man, sat in his kitchen late on a Saturday afternoon foregoing sports on TV,  with tools and a needle and thread Daddy at pooland worked on my purse, until it was fixed perfectly for me, his precious blessed to be his daughter, because this man of so many worldly accomplishments knew his most prized and devout duty was that of being a Father.

Recently, I reconnected in friendship with my first college boyfriend and he told me how the talks with my Dad and the way in which he observed my Father treating me, molded him as a man throughout his whole life. That he observed a man protective of his daughter and that he knew, that I knew, my Dad, while being tough on me in order to stretch and to build my character, at the same time, would always protect me.  He recalled that even as immature as he was at nineteen, that when I took hold of his arm, even though I was strong, independent, out going and capable, that I expected him to protect me. And I do recall, this young man did protect me. He also told me after knowing me at eighteen, nineteen and not having seen me since I was twenty… and us now meeting up again decades later… that my Dad would be impressed and proud of the woman I have become. That I have femininity filled with my Dad’s strength of character and intelligence. And that he knew in a relationship that I  must feel safe with a man because I felt safe with my Dad because that is the world he created for me.  What a compliment and a blessing to have him share this with me.

On the flip side of this…My Dad wasn’t perfect and he also left negative imprints for me to see clearly, to break against, understand and to grow past. Because of his perfectionism and great accomplishments, while feeling loved,  I also had the imprint on me that if I wasn’t perfect, I was not worthy of love. Dad was tough on me, and held me accountable and would turn cold even harsh and withholding, when I displeased him and when those times occurred, I felt rejected, ugly, dumb, and unloved. So all my life I have been dealing with this imprint. Interesting, huh? As much as my Father’s imprint on me was that I was protected and loved…there was also the imprint that if I wasn’t perfect, I was not worthy of love.  Part of the duality on this planet and my growth to  recognize  and overcome to achieve wholeness.

As I have grown into life and full awareness, everything my Dad was as a Father, role model and teacher continues to incorporate fully in me and my psyche… both the positive and the negative. And I am fortunate that the tough way he dealt with me, at times,  and the way that he held me accountable, created  strength in me enough to have the tools to grow past his negative imprints. When you recognize the humanity in your parents is when you heal your wounds. What a blessed gift.

A Dad leaves his mark on the world by the love he gives his children along with many others as this gift floods out into the world.

A Father creates self-worth or not, in his children in everything that he does; by example, by actions, by words, and by unspoken looks.

Dad&Annbday2My Father was the example of a fine, great, generous, provider, a giver, a protector and even a fixer of chain woven with satin on a purse that created a memory in my heart that will last forever.

In the later years of my Father’s life, he shared  many deep feelings with me about his life, his choices, and about his love for me that revealed clearly his deep love for me, so that could release more of the pieces of that imprint that I am not worthy of love unless I am perfect.

Happy Father’s Day to my Father who is now in Heaven looking over me. Thank you for the gift of you in my life.

Ladies, don’t ever settle for less than your worth… Every woman, if  she was fortunate to have a good Father, deserves a man that treats her accordingly.  This is the blessed gift of a great man and Father, he knew in his soul the worth of women.

Also, the way a child observes the way their parents treat one another provides the standard with which they either will emulate or break against in their own relationships .

Ephesians 5:25-29 

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church,

Ephesians 5:28 

In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Genesis 2:24 

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

—The way a man treats women defines his character, his soul, and his life.

Jesus loved and respected women.

We are all perfect in God our Father’s eyes.  As our Fathers on earth  define and polish us, in some people’s eyes, their Father on earth defines how they think God deals with, or thinks of them, defining  spiritual connection of peace, worth and security in self.  And this is another reason the Fathers of this world are so important.

Happy Father’s Day to all you great men in the world!

The needy self-absorbed man…

self-absorbedI have a male/acquaintance/friend who is in his 50’s and very ill. He has spent his life as a playboy being obsessed with how a woman looks and sex. He’s never married, laughed at it and put it down. He is  now alone and lonely. Parents are gone and friends off with their lives. He’s pathetic. I feel sorry for him, always have. He called me last night whining that he has no one to talk to. He is alone and can barely take care of his own needs. He needs assistance to shower, etc. 
He has only cared about himself and his needs and wants. He doesn’t even listen when you talk with him. I have talked about God.. but he laughs at me. He doesn’t think there is a God.
Men need women for much more than sex and how she looks. A man who objectifies  women usually turns out like this one … alone. I have seen it happen many times. When they get old or sick, can’t rockin’ roll and their resources dwindle… they are left alone with nothing. The women that he chose for her looks, only wanted him for what he gave her as in excitement or gifts while he only wanted her for her body and how it temporarily made him feel.
Men if you are fortunate enough to have a woman love you, you might want to cherish her for all her gifts. It’s been proven that a man needs a woman more than she needs a man.
Women alone live longer than men alone. Why is this? A woman assists a man in processing his emotions. She cares for and nurtures his needs. When he provides, commits and protects this creates a great balance. But when he doesn’t… it falls apart… the balance never occurs.
When a man is so needy that he is driven to suck off many women with no commitment, he is really cutting himself off from what he really needs, but this kind of man is too insecure, can’t allow vulnerability or be real within himself, so he distances emotions and feelings for the temporary charge and escape of sex and being in control and in the end he loses big time!  
Women can do this for themselves. They process their emotions more easily, so why would any sane woman want to take on the neediness of a man without his full commitment to her and respect of her whole self? Women who share their bodies with a man without the wholeness of commitment are fools. They are fools looking to temporarily escape who they are in reality and wholeness and it is a big fail in the end for both. 
The real deal with the ‘never married man’, forty and up, is they can’t commit, are afraid of failure and real intimacy. So, they objectify women and diminish marriage and commitment to make themselves feel better about their inability to commit, to choose, and to make long term relationship decisions.

“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

Oscar Wilde

Watch out men… I’m exploding! Women, can you relate?

???????????????????????????????Many men are tiresome, insecure and soooo needy these days. Actually, I have never met one lately that wasn’t on some level. Maintaining a man’s ego can be like a full time job on many levels and ways…

They need to be reassured sexually, work wise, job wise, achievement wise, weight wise, fitness wise…that they did a good job, that you are satisfied…. on and on and on.

Did they touch you like you like it in bed? Was is ‘good’ for you? That is a question it seems every man asks… and women, of course, sigh ‘yes’… even if it wasn’t and they needed to fake an orgasm to get it over with…

Many men it seems need to have continual affirmation that they are ‘manly’, ‘good’ guys and the best at whatever they do, or try… even when they are anything, but…

A man’s ego.. it’s either in their pocket, or their pants… money, ‘power’, or sex…

Now, this is not always a bad thing… in that, the ‘best’ of men are successful in their choice of profession, adept as lovers… and have a degree of power in the world, or ‘in their’ world… in that, they are in control of the direction their life and it’s not in control of them…

But as I observe men recently, I believe their egos are more fragile than a woman’s…

Was it always this way? I don’t recall that it was so intensely so, until the last couple of years.. maybe always so… but just not so intensely so….

A man’s wife cheats on him or he’s rejected and it cuts them to their core and some men seem never to recover…

While most women emote and can get past it…

Men, it seems are the weaker of the sexes and it seems to only be getting worse…

So many ‘talk’ about sex and it’s such a turn off.. it’s almost like they think that if they ‘talk’ about it that it will happen. Well, guys NO!… Only losers ‘talk’ about sex in this manner…

Sensual and sexy men do not disrespect a woman in this way.

And the dweebs who ask, “Are you a good kisser? Do you like sex? Do you have orgasms?” Hey dummies, this is not something you ask…

You get close enough to kiss and find out… You get close enough and in a committed relationship then find out if she likes sex, etc…

You don’t ask, you invest the time and energy to find out…

And that’s another gripe … how come so many men have so little energy these days? They whine about their diets while they sport large bellies… and expect a woman to be fit and voluptuous…

Instead of getting better… many men seem to be falling down the worm hole to nothingness… Why?… I would like to hear both from men and women…

I can think of few men I admire these days. One I admire is Romney… and some others in the older generations…

If a man shows disrespect to women, is promiscuous, arrogant, etc., I have no admiration… or need for them, even to see them,  hear them, or to be around them. And the ones who talk about sex all the time, like some needy penis and make flip remarks… such as, Bill Maher, in my opinion are rodents…

Even that Anthony Weinie is still being considered for anything… shows the state of men and our society today. Most of them are dang Weinies!

That’s my explosion for today!

Hey men! How about getting a clue and becoming ‘real men’!

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What would your take and reply be…

birthdaypresent9to a man who stated more than once, “I am the boss in bed.” And also that he likes to throw a woman around in bed. And also that sex isn’t worth it, unless it culminates in orgasm…???

Is he a control freak? Does he dislike women? Does he like to dominate in bed because he feels his life is out of control elsewhere? Is he a ‘soon to be’ abuser? Is he a sex freak? Is he just plain freaky? Is he unable just to enjoy touching without the ‘goal’ of orgasm? Might he become cruel and dangerous in the bedroom and elsewhere? Is he all about ‘sex’ and not about feelings, caring and love? What might he be afraid of? Why would any man be afraid to let a woman have a say in the bedroom and take the lead at times? (unless, he’s a Muslim, Ha! Now, that is one practice that is clearly scared to death of feminity, a woman’s power and their desire for her.) Might a man who says such things be of a similar mindset? A fearful, internally weak male, too insecure to enjoy a woman taking the lead, or being ‘equal’ and in control of her own body and what happens in the most intimate of times of physical sharing.

birthdaypresent1Sure, we, women, like it when a man is assertive and takes charge in bed, by the way he holds, supports, and knows his way around a woman ‘s body with sensual technique… but sharing control in the bedroom is what’s sensually fair and actually exotically arousing… and what ‘real man’ with the emphasis on ‘real’, wouldn’t ‘enjoy’, instead of being ‘threatened’ by a few surprises from his lady? None, that I know of…

And while rowdy rambunctious sex can be fun at times, also is slow and sensual … it just depends on the mood…

So, what would be the mindset and internal story of man who makes such statements?…

After all, sex is a shared activity of pleasure… sure games can be fun… but a man who ‘announces’ he’s in control… instead of showing his lead… umm… what is that really?

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Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply?…

???????????????????????????????Can you love? I am talking romantic love here, the love between a man and woman.There are different kinds and levels of love.. friendship, parental-child, love of God… 

But do you know what real love is… the love that can only be experienced between a man and a woman in a romantic bond and enduring love because of the nature of their beings and their respective bodies?
A man gives and a woman receives

Love is deep affection and caring for another. Love is to care and nurture for the well-being of another. Love is kindness, consideration, respect, trust, compassion, forgiveness, sharing, understanding, tolerance, commitment, awareness of needs and desires.

Love is not sex. Sex is not love. Sex can be and was meant to be an expression of love in the physical body… to bring pleasure and release and in that closeness and release it’s possible that another human being be created. A child created out of love is a blessing from God.

Sex ‘can’ be an expression of love, but sex in itself, is not love

If you think sex is love, you are lost. Mistaking sex for love can lead to much unhappiness, frustration, loss, pain and despair.

Love endures… being able to dislike the person you love, be irritated by them, argue with them, see them through their ups and downs, help them and, at times, put their needs before yours, is what love is about… but only if this is done in return… as love is a circle.

Love makes you vulnerable and many are too weak to allow themselves to be vulnerable.

When you are emotionally intimate, you share your wounds, your pain, your vulnerabilities and if that love is shared with an equal, one who has the ability to truly love, they will protect you in this regard. But an insecure, weak, immature, manipulative predator will use your vulnerability against you to their advantage and gain.. and this is not love, and should be seen for what it is and gotten away from as quickly as possible.

It’s my opinion, that until a man has a child, he may not even have a real knowing of what love is. Because until then, many men mistake sex for love, and behave accordingly and when the rush of the sex excitement diminishes, or wears off, they think that ‘love’ is gone… when it was never there in the first place.

Then the children born from a love, or children in the home, should not be put before the love between the man and woman. Children learn how to love by observing their parent’s love relationship. The bond is clearly between the two adults with the children being just outside that circle to observe and learn with the reflection of the love bestowed and showered onto the children. This observance is what makes a child feel really loved,secure within and with the knowledge of how to express love, give love and live with another. The parental example and modeling imprints a child for their whole life.

Love really begins to grow when sex takes its proper place and perspective in the relationship…

Love is commitment, honor, respect, trust, enduring, pain, happiness, joy, friendship,

perseverance, growth, communication…And it is not for the immature or insecure because they can’t handle it, nor do they deserve it. Immaturity and insecurity wreck havoc in the love relationship. Love and relationship are for the mature and secure… those with the capacity to become aware, grow, learn, accept and reflect.Love endures. Love is making a life together where both are satisfied and honored with the room to express themselves, together and individually.

A man protects. A woman nurtures.. A man creates a safe place for a woman and she blossoms. Together with their strengths and weaknesses, they thrive in joint effort and creation.

Jesus treated His mother and all women with the deepest respect. We honor all women by showing them the same love and respect that Jesus showed to women.

Women have been abused and put down by men–sometimes very crudely and cruelly. But Jesus is the perfect man, the man God wants every man to emulate. This is the kind of man God wants every woman to know in her life.

The highest reach of what love is on earth ….the merging of the male/female… 

Do you agree or believe differently?
Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply? I know I do.

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Hysterical…the stories I hear from women about men…

???????????????????????????????A woman told me that she was interacting with a man over the Internet… and they had communicated for about a month. That he was planning on moving to her area and wanted to meet her. He sounded fairly interesting to her, although physically, not all that attractive, but she was open to meeting him in person to see further.

Several times, during their phone conversations, he said things that she questioned… that came across a bit insulting, or as if he didn’t know how to talk to a woman and she wasn’t sure why. So, she confronted him and he would say he didn’t mean it, or ‘she’ took it the wrong way, that she didn’t understand his sense of humor, or that he was ‘tired’. At times, he mumbled, talked fast and stepped on her words when she was talking with him…

She asked him if he dated often because he appeared to be working all the time and  seemed to be awkward in his communication and he talked fast almost like he was out of breath, at times … and she wondered if, perhaps, he was just nerdy, nervous, or inexperienced with women. He responded that he dated some… and one person in particular, but that it was ending.

She inquired, “Why is it ending?” While thinking, if he’s dating someone, why is he pursuing me?

His answer, “I don’t trust her and it’s a long, complicated story. I will tell you about it later.”

She then wisely asks, “Are you having sex with her?” He replies, “Yes.”

She: “Why?”

Him: “It’s convenient.”

She continues. “So you are having sex with someone you  are ending it with and don’t trust because it’s convenient, while pursuing me. If we meet and like one another, will you be having convenient sex with this woman, you don’t trust? And does she know you are pursuing others? As she ponders, so this man thinks of sex with a woman as a convenience. How disgusting and he is actually saying this to me…

His response. “She is, too.”

Her come back. “Oh I see. Are you hearing what you are telling me?”

His come back. “I am tired. I don’t do well when I am tired.”

She: “How would you feel and what would you think, if I told you I was having ‘convenient’ sex with someone.”

He: “Umm…. well … that would be your business.”

She: “I don’t have convenient sex. So why don’t you go have your ‘convenient’  sex with that woman you don’t trust. I am going to pass on meeting you.”

What would you think and what would you have done?….

The man is the frame and the woman…

the work of art that fills up the frame…Or the woman is the picture that the frame surrounds and displays…

A frame standing alone is empty and rather uninteresting, isn’t it? But add a piece of art and it shines and is defined….as both are enhanced and displayed…

Of course, it’s nice, if the frame and art complement one another, or actually they may contrast. It all depends on the taste level and desire…  as they define one another in one aspeView of Mount Marseilleveyre and the Isle of Maire, c.1882-85 Giclee Printct or another. The right frame can make a work of art stand out and the right piece of art surrounded by the complementing frame allows the frame be noticed and succeed in what it’s been created for and to become more than it is as it supports, protects, and displays the work of art…when otherwise, it wouldn’t or couldn’t….it would just hang, or sit there empty and not fulfilled, possibly barely noticed….

A picture can stand alone without a frame… but to anchor it to the room, or the environment, it is better protected and displayed surrounded by a complementary frame. The ‘right’ frame can even propel it forward to become all that it is and could ever be….

Alone they are fine, but together they have the opportunity and potential to shine, enhance a space, even to glorify one another….

A frame can be put around a mirror, a work of art, a piece of junk, or a prized possession A modern frame can be around a Renaissance piece and an antique frame can surround a contemporary, or abstract work of art. It all depends on the environment and the desire behind what is to be accomplished in the goal of their mating and partnerships. … it’s a marriage of art and its display.

Now to frame a mirror is quite interesting in that it reflects all that passes before it…

If a frame is cracked, damaged, or becomes weak in its joints and even falls to the ground, the art may be damaged….

But the art can be damaged and if the frame is sturdy, the piece can remain in tact… until, the frame is changed to another more worthy work of art.

A frame can almost be like an accompanying work of art itself, but if it over powers the artwork its purpose will be flawed. Where as a work of art has less of a chance of becoming a frame because that is not its purpose and it might tear it apart, take away from, even destroy its beauty to try to be something that it is not…

Frames are a dime a dozen… a work of art rare… 

When a frame finds its work of art… it is best served to hold it strongly, wisely and with honor… and when a work of art finds its complementing frame … WOW! as there is nothing better than a perfectly frame work of art. It’s magic!  

A man is the frame and the woman is what fills and fulfills the frame. A frame needs its work of art to become and a work of art needs the support of a frame to shine…and just like with a man and a woman, the art is what is more readily observed and admired not the frame…

Ever realized or noticed that people always look to the woman first in a couple and then the man. They first view the woman then look to the man to see if he is worthy of her. Does she have the right frame?…

Think about it…
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(And yes, I understand men that a man can be observed and it can be wondered what is he doing with that woman…)

A man is born to take care of a woman…

Abackbed02cSo, ladies make sure you put your head on the right pillow…

Because a man who doesn’t acknowledge this truth is not worth being with…. all the real men know it and act accordingly…

Sure, with youth (there is growth, hope and awareness), but the foolish, self-centered men never grasp this concept and for this they end up the losers in the love and the relationship area… ever searching, always blaming, never really attaining…

Also a man who doesn’t recognize that this is what he was born to do, is not worth much in other ‘real’ men’s eyes (no matter how much they may protest). A man is not worth much in his own eyes, either, if he doesn’t follow the laws of nature and God… causing them their escape, addictions, over-emphasis on sex, violence, objectifying and oppressing the feminine. Because it’s their need and desire of her that they fear…

Men admire other men who provide well and take care of their woman …and families…

In most all instances, the look on a woman’s face will tell you much about the man in her life…

A woman desires to see a reflection of…

???????????????????????????????appreciation in a man’s eyes… and a man desires even ‘needs’ to see a reflection of appreciation in a woman’s…

This is the ultimate balance of the male and female and what most all desire, wish and strive for… to have stimulation, excitement, comfort and wholeness… but most of all appreciation…

When this is achieved and balance is there, at least, most all of the time… respect, trust, peace and a true contentment can be experienced through security of both…

A woman’s ‘base need’ is security and that is achieved through respect and trust.. that she is loved for herself and appreciated and admired for who she is along with her innate nurturing abilities. When she feels secure and appreciated, she is then safe to become more of who she is… to be all and bestow her gifts on her man.

A man’s ‘base need’ is to be ‘the hero’ … a protector, in charge and in control of his life’s direction… and to know that he is appreciated for his efforts. When he does this and feels appreciated, he is then free to achieve and be more of who he is…

As in this balance of the innate male/female needs and desires being achieved …. contentment is not only possible, but from which derives joy and bliss.., and when there, nothing is better …

The feminine and masculine in their highest purpose are the perfect reflection of one another..

Agree or not?

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