Category Archives: Health

When this fully kicks in, will all hell break…

loose, or will we be living in hell?…. 

Will we be living in an America, where we have no choice, where human life is only worth what it produces for the government? Where when you are old and ill, the government has control over whether you get treatment or die and they can confiscate your property for their use?

What Nancy Pelosi didn’t want us to know until after the Healthcare bill was passed. Remember she said, “Pass it and then read it!!.”


The mostegregiouspages of HB3200 especially reference to pages 58 & 59JUDGE KITHIL wrote:

Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to
all non-U.S. residents
, even if they are here illegally.
  (Remember when Obama was called out as being a liar about this and the man was chastised for doing so, well he was telling the truth? Obama as usual was lying!)

Page 58 and 59:
The government will have real-time access to an individual’s bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as theAssociation of Community Organizations for Reform Now–  ACORN). 

At age 76, when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer
see page 272

Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

Page 241 and 253:
Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors’ fees. (Socialized Healthcare)

Page 272. section 1145:
Cancer hospital will ration care  according to the patient’s age

Page 317 and 321:
The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception. 

Page 425, line 4-12:
The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an “end-of-life planning” seminar every five  years. (Death counseling – Death panels)

Page 429, line 13-25:
The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order. (Death panels)

Judge Kithil then goes on to identify: “Finally,it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already
exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick fix’ to make the plan financially sound for their future.”

If the government wouldn’t spend our funds on providing for Illegal immigrants and all ACORN members, they might be able to do a better job for those who actually deserve to have it spent on them.

But Obama and his ilk reward their friends and punish their enemies and the old people are their enemy, since they do not bring in as much in taxes for government use and most of them see through the con of the Obama regime.

The ‘government’ helps illegals, (but we aren’t supposed to call them ‘illegals’ any longer because they are Obama’s ‘friends’) so ‘they’ can get their votes forever, so ‘they’ can stay in office.  Plus, they will be a fresh and longer source of future tax revenue. Therefore, the government caters to them, at least, for now.

The government can raid citizens assets, when they get ill, as what they have saved, earned and worked for all their lives, become a piggy bank for government use. This so-called ‘Healthcare Bill’ is not about health, or life, it’s about government control of your life. It’s about taxes and confiscating resources from the real American citizens.

Once the older generations have passed on (the Obama Regime wants this to happen sooner rather than later) America as we know it, will cease to exist. It will become just another socialistic/communistic country full of people controlled in every aspect of their lives by the government regime.

This is exactly what our forefathers warned us about and why they set up government checks and balances to avoid and to curtail. But Obama and his ilk are ignoring our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and destroying everything that made America free… And America is the home of the ‘brave’ and the ‘free’.

This ‘Healthcare bill’ is not about health. It is about control, death and a power grab of the assets of private citizens…

ConstitutionSo thanks to Pelosi, Obama and their ilk, our Healthcare is being destroyed, are rights taken, choices gone, and our property seized.

I believe it fully kicks in 2014. It’s implementation of the NWO.

So will all hell break loose, or will we be living in a hell of the Obama regime and those who back it and pull its strings, making?

Sacred space…de-stress, laugh and have fun!

by Ann and Reanee
During the holiday season, the greatest gift to give yourself and others, is to take care of yourself. When you feel centered it flows out to everyone in your world.

That’s why Reanee and I decided to share some yoga poses, fun and wisdom from our years of collaborative experiences.

I drive towards MOVE STUDIO, in major holiday traffic, and call Reanee to inform. 

Ann: I’m on my way, but am so needing caffeine. Only, maybe not so good to have before yoga.
Reanee: Me too. Let’s be in the moment. We want it. Let’s have it. Let’s meet at Starbucks.

Caffeine drinks indulged. We begin de-stressing. 

Reanee: Restorative Yoga helps get me through the holidays. It centers me. Asanas = poses (Sanskrit is to yoga what French is to ballet) 

Legs up the WallViparita Karani – some yogi’s believe this pose may cure what ails you…also equal to great nap time and great for circulation of the legs. Butt against the wall, legs up, arms to the side. The goal is to stay in this pose for 20 minutes, breathing and relaxing. If your legs get tired… you may lower them, bottom of feet together.
Yoga teaches non-attachment to people, outcomes, things, etc. When you take the time to pull into your sacred space, whatever that may be  (and yoga is a wonderful choice), but for you it might be walking in the park, listening to music, etc. We each know and have those places, and if you don’t yet… give yoga at try.

Yoga stops the mental chatter, releases the need to worry about things out of your control, and refreshes and reconnects the body, mind and spirit.
The Child’s PoseBalasana – is Restorative – body at rest in stillness, helps with complete
relaxation. Twisting, whether seated of standing, Ardha Matsyendrasana – promotes massage of the internal organs (digestion) and wakes up the spine and ribs.

Warrior PoseVirabhadrasana – great for balance and strength.

Was it the caffeine? I’m not sure!? But things got a bit ‘playful’ towards the end…

Reanee is an accomplished and knowledgeable  yoga instructor. We have known one another for about 20 years and over these years have taken all sorts of and varying workouts in facilities all over the Dallas area.
Reanee teaches yoga at MOVE STUDIO and has a class this Saturday, November 27th, 10:10 – 11:20 … join her for the perfect complement to your holiday weekend.



by Ann
Conflict seems to be instilled in human beings. Conflict arises when a perceived dominance or peace of mind is challenged.


We all want to believe that we are right, better than, correct, have a handle on things and when we don’t feel this or feel threatened, we enter into conflict.


Dominant personalities find it difficult to accept that they may be wrong, hence conflict. They may not be able to arrive at resolution as easy as others. They may turn their head, try to ignore it, or try to make the other person bad, shamed, or wrong, to avoid admitting conflict in themselves.


People are drawn to conflict. They like to take sides, protect and cheer for the underdog, or cheer and side with the winner. It’s just good old competition.

Take the arena of sports… the conflict is exhilarating to some. Others don’t like it as much. Some don’t like it at all. But it’s certainly been around, in some form, forever.

If there was no conflict, there would be no need for peacemakers.


Conflict helps us to define and sort out who we are. It is like a rock that breaks us, rocks us, splits us apart, to either mold, hide our heads, pushes us to growth, or pushes us away.


Conflict is a part of life. There is a reason and purpose for it. Accept, learn and grow from it, or deny, run from, or sneak around it, but it will always be there.

In your lifetime, you will be both a spectator of and involved in conflict many, many times over. It’s called being alive. The tension from conflict is what keeps our world moving.

 Wheels need tension to get down the road. Too smooth is not always all that good.

Have you ever thought about or or defined your conflict style? We all have one. Awareness of your style will help you to understand yourself and others. Admit it or not, you still have one. How about sharing it with us for the purpose of discussion?

FEAR! What’s your deepest fear?

By Ann
My fear is to go blind. And recently, I had an eye scare! It felt like I had something in one of my eyes, all the time. And I was seeing out of the corner of that eye a kind of a web like mess. It felt like a piece of my hair from my bangs was in my eye, but I would check and brush my hair back and the feeling was still there. I cleansed my eye, rinsed it out. Looked into it with a magnifying mirror and went without eye make-up. Then the feeling would come and go. I was beginning to FREAK OUT! My eye! My eyes! Not my eyes!

I told all my friends and asked their opinions. They all had suggestions and had experienced similar things. And they comforted me telling me that it was probably nothing…

BUT!  it wasn’t going away.  My eyes! My eyes! My fear is to go blind! I love to read, I love to write! Oh no, not my eyes!

I scheduled an eye exam with my doctor, hadn’t had an eye check up in about two years.

At the examination, I shared with Dr. Brooks, my fear of going blind. While examining me, she told me that her fear was flying.
I said well, imagine how you’d feel getting on an airplane because that is how I feel right now. My stomach hurts. I feel sick and calmy… I…

Dr. Brooks: I don’t get on an airplane anymore. I just won’t! I will check your eyes out thoroughly. Just relax.

Easy for her to say! 

After the examination and all the tests, the result is that I have a floater. It looks to Dr. Brooks like it’s detached which is good. Other than that my eyes are very healthy.

WHEW! Thank you GOD!!! I go back in a month for a follow up….

So, I have revealed my scary, deadly fear and Dr. Brooks revealed hers. What is yours? We all have them.

FEAR is not an enemy. It can be our friend. It warns us when we need to act, change directions, check something out, or maybe, just run away from something or someone. FEAR is a normal reaction and it’s instinctual.

If we act, address, confront, or figure it out, then the FEAR is released as the action, we take or information gleaned creates awareness to understanding.

Deny your FEARS and you deny a piece of yourself. Of course, it’s wise, not to let fear paralyze us, or to make us paranoid, or to make us sick from worry. Worry can be fear’s partner in crime.

Address your fear in every way possible then you are more able to release it. Admitting fears can be the first step to dissipating them.

So, what is your FEAR? Are you brave enough to admit it to yourself and to share it?