All posts by ann888

Instinct …

…. an
inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species – 
a natural or innate impulse, inclination, or tendency – a natural aptitude or gift: such as 
an instinct for making money –  natural intuitive power

Our innate instincts create our feelings about things including people. We are all born with innate instincts and when we listen to them they will usually serve us well. Because they are ours and are usually looking out for our well-being.They are our connection to the divine source.

Our instincts lead to feelings and then onto emotions and these things will guide our lives to either good or bad choices.

When you are honestly connected to self and your divine inner guidance, your instincts will usually be on target. If you live in denial, delusions, stress,fear, lies, or are addicted to substances that distort perceptions of self and others, your instincts can get tainted even shut down.

Cons, manipulators, those that want you addicted, that wish to influence, that wish to control you, want you separated from your innate instincts and will try to distract you from yourself. They want you to be cut off from your divine inner knowing. They want you to believe and to think that ‘they’ know better than you do about what is good for you, your life, and what you should or shouldn’t be doing. This can be a love interest, a friend, a group (news media), a government, or a church.

Have you ever had someone tell you that they know you better than you know yourself? Well, that person is trying to cut you off from your instincts. This is a person to be leery of and to watch with suspicion.

We have a human instinct to be free and those that wish to control and oppress will try to curtail your human instinct to be free. They will try to make you ‘believe’ and to ‘think’ that you need them and again that can be a love interest, a friend, a group (news media) or a government.

Your instincts can alert you when someone ‘pretending’ to be good but is really bad. Your instincts can lead you to turn one direction instead of another, and by so doing, you may miss having an accident, or you may meet someone special.

Do you listen to your instincts? Are you aware when they are shouting at you? Are you aware when they are whispering?

Most people will say after some bad situation.”If I had only listened to my instincts.”

Always, but most especially, in our world today, it will serve us well to listen to our instincts. Instead of the noise around us, listen to your inner knowing… not the news, not the government, not the leaders, not the politicians, nor the Hollywood dribble, or marketing and advertising promotions and scams, or anything else. Oh, it’s important to be aware of all these things, but for decisions  and choices in your life listen to your instincts.

Step out of your busy lives and come into your quiet calm knowing and give yourself time to reflect… when you do, you will find peace, answers, and your instincts will be more easily revealed and heard. 

When you eat healthfully, sleep deeply and enough, get physical exercise, relax, and have enjoyment is when your instincts will be sharper.

How do you know when your instincts are talking to you? What are the signs? With me, I actually feel it in my gut. I can be somewhere in some environment, or meet someone,  hear someone talk, and if I become uncomfortable because the person isn’t good for me, I feel it instinctively in my gut.

How do your instincts speak to you? And when they do, are you confident enough in yourself to listen? Or do you defer to those trying to separate you from yourself and your innate instincts? Think about this one hard…

What could ever be more important to you than your own instinct?

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What’s your favorite comfort food?

You know when you need something to just make you feel all cozy inside?

One of my fav combos is Campbells’ tomato soup topped with grated cheddar cheese and broken up potato chips.  

Eating this combo makes me feel all cozy and filled-up with the essence of me, as a child, in my parent’s home, where everything is safe and taken care of and will always be okay.

Sometimes, we all need to feel comforted…

They may be plain, simple, or ordinary, but what foods comfort your spirit and cozy you up inside?

Explosion of Jealousy, Greed, Lust…Immorality!!!

Why is there so much jealousy, greed and lust in this world with some wanting what others have and actually even wanting to be another?

Some want to take from others that which is not rightfully their’s. WHY?

I did a recent blog asking if you would exchange your life for another’s and most responded, NO!  Would you exchange places?

Of course, WomenExplode readers are way above the norm…

So, who are these people that want to take from others and why would they?

We are all born into circumstances and situations that are uniquely our own. Our genetics, our family lineage, our talents, our lack, our looks, our intelligence are ours at birth. It’s what makes us who we are.. we are individuals placed in varying circumstances. What we do with what we are given is up to us!

Because what may APPEAR wonderful is actually not and what may appear LACKING is actually not… People observing others don’t and can’t know what is behind the obvious nor should they… they need to focus on their own life not someone else’s….

We are not all the same and never will be and no one can make us so. Not even Obama. I write this Obama statement with sheer disgust. This man and his agenda disgusts me as no other.

Some of our leaders are playing on the collective jealousy, greed, lust…immorality… to try and make the ignorant and empty of spiritthink’ they we can all be the same and that immorality doesn’t matter. That if you take from the rich and give to the poor that this will make equality. No! What that is, is stealing.  

Immorality weakens people and makes them easily controllable and led onward to their own destruction.

There is a big con going on in this world and the ignorant masses are falling for it. “I want me some a dat.” Has become the mantra of ignorance.

We are different and we are different for reasons. We all have different struggles in this life and they are unique to us.

Races are not the same.
 They have different strengths and weaknesses. They are different. They are made different. They look different. And in each race are individuals! If the races were meant to be the same, they would be! We are different colors and look differently because God made us that way.

Who we are is unique to us. We are individuals born into who we are and placed where we are in our own uniqueness to live the lives that God gave us. And it is up to us, individually, to learn, strive, develop, overcome and to be the best that we can be within the perimeters of who we are and our circumstances… family helps family, friends help should they choose, but the government should BUTT OUT!

Government needs to butt out of the natural division that God has created for our growth and development.

The Government needs to stop trying to play God… and I will emphasize that with Obama, Oprah and others that actually have no real caring for mankind, but are spreading their agenda-filled propaganda to line their pockets and to glean personal power and control over the masses and this is of their ego and it is of evil not ‘good’ as ‘they pretend’.

If you choose to follow one of  these fake, media created and sustained, mortal Gods or idols watch and be very careful where and what you are being led into….

The media, the gossip mongers, the Hollywood BS has made many think that what is displayed and talked about is the way to live. That you need the ‘bling’ and should have it because others do and you can live immorally because others do. It is a disastrous example.

Things that should be left as ‘adult’ entertainment have been exploited by greed and are being shown to our youth and it is corrupting our whole society.

Many of our youth without the proper guidance, ‘think’ that they can live for example, like Angelina Jolie, having children out of wedlock and this ignorance is ruining lives.

Look at the example of Charlie Sheen…an immoral, drug and alcohol, promisuous, probably severely mentally ill, made wealthy by the viewing audience,  idiot blabbing and exploiting and being exploited by the media about his sick twisted slant on things. And some pathetic young people will see this as the behavior and life to model. Look at this Lady Gaga freak show… she admits to doing drugs… and she is blasted all over the airwaves as such great entertainment.

Jealousy, Greed, Lust, Immorality… where does it stop? Does it stop when it gets so out of control that the evil of what it is turns to implode on self then explodes into the whole of society as hungry, jealous, greedy, lustful animals looking for their next fix as many are led to the slaughter of their souls and that of others.

It’s individual disapline, refinement, gratitude, morals, values, honor, respect and truth that will guide us to a better world and it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNMENT and certainly not with this current administration which is Anti-Christ and pro-immorality.

It is not collective salvation.. it is individual and it is an individual CHOICE not a MANDATE.  What do you, will you choose?

As it’s freedom to choose.. we choose what we watch on TV. We choose how we live, what we put into our mouths, on our bodies, what we read and what we buy.

Use your individuality to be whom God meant you to be, not what Oprah, Obama, Sheen, Lady GaGa, The View, or anyone else models, or tells you that you should be or want…

Jealousy, Greed, Lust, Immorality leads to destruction of self…

The Insecure Woman….

    by Ann
… is not good for her friends, her husband, her children, or herself… and I am not
talking about that occasional insecurity that we all feel at certain times.

I am talking about the blatantly insecure woman. She comes in many forms, but some of the ways to spot her are… her lack of insight towards self and others. Her insecurity makes most everything all about her… either she is a victim, or she is the one victimizing…
But  no matter what occurs, she will view herself as a victim most all the time.

Her insecurity makes her emotions unstable…ups and downs are the norm, but she will probably deny it if you confront her about it. Deny, deny is part of her game.
She is quick to anger and holds grudges. And she may be bossy in her attempt to cover-up her insecurity.

Because she is jealous of her friends, she is catty, many times sarcastic, gossips and is usually talking behind others’ backs. She doesn’t have the confidence or security to say it to the person’s face. So she back bites, while she might be smiling innocently and sweetly when she is around the people that she is scandalizing.

She is usually the one complaining about others. That ‘they’ didn’t notice ‘her’. That she is not being treated correctly. That they are ‘mean’ and she is sooo nice. Well, she isn’t nice… she is an insecure disease. 

It’s usually someone else’s fault, instead of hers, when things fall apart, or go wrong. Blaming others is one of her activities. 

She doesn’t enjoy being alone. So, she may wrap herself in a group of less accomplished, or less attractive friends, whom she arranges just so, so that she recieves their praise. Her friends feel lacking in the friendship, but don’t quite comprehend why.  They may even be tied together by their ‘in common’ insecurity.

Insecure women don’t like secure women. And will try to bring the secure woman down to their level. If they can’t, they will try to alienate or attack her her in some manner. The attack will be covert because these women can’t do things overtly. Many times, an insecure woman is sneaky, plotting and planning in her mind and actions about how to make sure she ‘gets’ others, or to make certain that she is continually ‘praised’ in some manner or form.

The insecure woman either blames her life on her children, hides behind them, or promotes and pushes them to live out the dreams that she is, or was too insecure to pursue herself.  Or she may sabatoge them out of her innate insecurity. She does similar things with her husband. She is proud of him, but doesn’t like his success or happiness, while at the same time, she will brag about his accomplishments as if they were her own. She must identify with someone and live through them or she feels even more insecure.

She may stay in an unhappy marriage or relationship way too long because she is too insecure to get out of it and make it on her own.

She is the one that is glued to shows like the ‘reality housewives’. She may even find her complete identity in public personas. She dreams of being a sought after ‘star’ herself.

Husbands and children feel lacking, but don’t understand exactly why? They also feel stressed and drained because the insecure woman sucks their energy without them even being aware.

She can’t take constructive criticism. She looks at it as insulting. She is too insecure to work on herself. She can’t see who she is because she is too insecure in herself to see herself. She needs to feel ‘right’, on top of things, and will rarely admit that she is wrong.

She doesn’t give compliments easily, but she must have them for herself. She isn’t truly generous or caring, unless she can brag about it to others.

She can dish it out, but she can’t take it. She runs from confrontation. (drives off in her pink Barbie car)

Many times, she uses her sexuality for attention and to ‘get’ men. Her over focus on sexuality is a cover-up for her feelings of unworthiness. She may be addicted to liguor, the must have a glass of wine while cooking. Concerning working out, she must be thin and trim or she gets depressed. She is obsessive about her appearance, her weight and clothing and little is done for fun, while she is always looking to have fun!

She must stay distracted from herself. Given too long to think and she will become depressed and may turn to alcohol, drugs, shopping, or sex to lift herself up.
She may at times, even act arrogantly or boastful, as this is part of her cover. But she isn’t secure enough to talk and to confront to resolve any conflict.

She is easily offended, overly sensitive and fragile. She takes things incorrectly as to intent and misunderstands conversation and intentions. (think Camille Grammer on the Beverly Hills Housewives. I watched that show in total about 30 minutes and Camille’s behavior was obviously that of blatant insecurity.) 

If you remark to her, “Don’t be insecure?” She will anger up and slam back, “I am not insecure!” She might even say… “It’s you who’s insecure, not me!”
Projection is her best friend because she can’t and won’t look at herself honestly.
You see, an insecure person needs to think of themselves as secure. And this is one key sign of deep insecurity.

She may be beautiful, accomplished and appear to have it all, but something innately deep inside herself makes her feel insecure. She lives a distortion.

A secure person can admit when they feel insecure and will usually readily cop to it and examine it when called out, because they are secure enough to see self clearly in most aspects. Nothing is wrong with feeling insecure at times, we all do… it is part of being human.

And when you have two insecure people in a marriage… oh my gosh! The Insecure Man

Do you have insecure people and friends in your life and how does this affect you and manifest in your relationship with them?

Blame! Where is responsibility?

I am so sick and disgusted with people placing blame on anyone and everyone, but where the blame actually belongs….

This actually happened to me.  I was in a place of business and there were sturdy appearing glass shelves in the room. I placed a baggie holding a sandwich on one of the shelves and the shelf fell. It startled me, but I picked the shelf up and placed it off to the side of the room. Thank God, it didn’t break. Thank God, it didn’t fall on me.

The owner came in and asked what happened? I responded that the shelf fell. He slammed back, “Did you put anything on it and I stated. “Yes, this.” as I held up a baggie holding half a ham sandwich and some napkins.

To which this man responded. “Then it’s your fault because this shelf has been up for a long time.”

To which I replied. ” Why are these shelves here if they can’t hold something that weighs next to nothing? It is dangerous and deceptive. You should remove it?

His reply.”It was fine until you put something on it.”

He never asked if I was hurt, or apologized for this occurring to me. He had no concern for anything, but placing blame on anyone but himself for having a flauty, deceptive piece of furniture in a public place.  And there was no sign that said, “DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON THESE SHELVES.”

This kind of ‘placing blame logic’ is what is ruining our country. It’s sick. It’s twisted! It’s the Obama logic, as in his continual blaming of Bush, Republicans, conservatives, tea partiers, or anyone else that he ‘thinks’ can help to take the eyes off his bad, inept, corrupt self. Of course, this lowly behavior doesn’t work for long and benefits only the one doing the blaming, but only temporarily.

Blaming is a seemingly quick fix
and those who do it are trying to hide their own incompetency, ineptness, ignorance, lack of character, and inablity to learn. Being around ‘blaming’ people make me feel sick down into my soul.
Pass the buck, blame anyone that you can, instead of taking responsiblity yourself is the behavior of a person with no character.

We have created one messed up sense of how to live among some today. What a bunch of whimps we have among some in our society. What a bunch of losers! Where are honor, personal awareness that creates responsiblity, the ‘let’s fix it’, ‘are you hurt?’,  or ‘can I help’ people with real spirit that made this country great?

And I am going to say it loud and clear most of the time the blame game is being played by minorities and illegal aliens. 

In my neighborhood, an East Indian couple dug up all the shrubs in the beds of their townhouse and left them out on their yard in 100 degree heat and all the plants died. Their yard looked like hell and they did nothing about it. This is against the rules of the HOA. Because homeowners must get permission to change landscaping and have it approved by the board. Therefore, this couple was fined and incurred the expense of replacing what they destroyed. Their response, “The only reason that you are doing this to us is because we are foreigners.”  No! the reason is because they broke HOA rules and destroyed the property of the HOA.

It is like because they are minorities, or from another country that they don’t think that they need to play by the rules of common sense, decency and the well-being of others. They ‘think’ that they deserve ‘special’ treatment. And I am sick of hearing it and sick of their lame excuses and blaming.

America is being destroyed by its catering to minorities and letting them get away with dishonoring America and its people by their poor pity me. I blame you.

We have an ‘affirmative action’ President ( and this is the only reason this inept man is President, and he is a media creation with a ‘strange’ past and few accomplishments) and what does he do? Plays the blame game while bad mouthing America.

Where is the sense of responsiblity? Where is accountablity? Where is honor? What changed our country into this ‘blaming’ society?

I say catering to minorities that care about no one, but themselves, and care nothing about America even as they want all that America has to offer is going to destroy our great county.

Also the blame game has been contributed to by many of our leaders and those in the public eye with their lack of character on display. They are ruining our country with their lies and blaming of others.

We need to teach and model for our youth that taking responsiblity is better than momentarily getting away with something.

This blame game must stop!!!  Because it is a game with no winners.There are only LOSERS in the blame game because it’s only losers that play this game.

How about take responsiblity when you mess up and correct it easily and gently. Apologize and fix it! How about being a person of character instead of a spineless, whimpy blamer.

What makes you HOT???

Okay ladies and gentlemen…

What is that certain chemistry between two people that just creates HOT? 

What is it about that certain someone that just curls your toes?
That makes you want to just really get into it! That makes you want to drag them off to the bedroom…and ravish them from head to toe…

That you can’t keep your hands off of them… that you burn with desire just thinking about them… that the anticipation of seeing them creates passion that fills you up to overflowing…and that must be released…

What is it???

Signs that you are dating a sociopath…

by Donna Andersen

We all want to be loved, don’t we?

Well, no. There are people in the world who don’t care about love. They don’t even know what love is. But they do care about power, control and sex.

These people are called sociopaths. The media would have us believe that a sociopath is a deranged serial killer. This isn’t true. Sociopaths know exactly what they are doing, and most of them never kill anyone. But they are social predators, who exploit just about everyone they meet. They have no heart, no conscience and no remorse.

To meet them, however, you’d never know it. They’re fun. Charming. The life of the party. They sweep us off our feet. They specialize in the whirlwind romance. Unfortunately, sooner or later, the whirlwind turns on us.

You’d think that by a certain age, we’ve already seen everything and met every type of person. But it’s possible that we’ve never before been targeted by a sociopath. If we find ourselves widowed or divorced after a long marriage, however, it could happen. All of a sudden, after many years as half of a couple, we’re on our own—perhaps with a home, a business, an inheritance, and a big, fat retirement account.

We are ripe to be plucked. And believe me, because of my website,, ( ) I’ve heard some truly heartbreaking stories of newly single women who have given all their assets to beaus who appeared out of nowhere. I’ve been contacted by the adult children of these women, who are positive that the guy is a con artist, but Mom is in love and won’t listen.

We’re especially vulnerable if we’ve had a good marriage. We naturally assume that the next man we meet will be as considerate and reliable as our husband was. It could be a very dangerous assumption.

If your new romantic interest exhibits all or most of the following behaviors, be careful. He might be a sociopath with a hidden agenda—taking you for all you’re worth.

1. Charisma and charm. They’re smooth talkers, always have an answer, never miss a beat. They seem to be very exciting.

2. Enormous ego. They act like the smartest, richest or most successful people around. They may actually come out and tell you that.

3. Overly attentive. They call, text and e-mail constantly. They want to be with you every moment. They resent time you spend with your family and friends.

4. Jekyll and Hyde personality. One minute they love you; the next minute they hate you. Their personality changes like flipping a switch.

5. Blame others. Nothing is ever their fault. They always have an excuse. Someone else causes their problems.

6. Lies and gaps in the story. You ask questions, and the answers are vague. They tell stupid lies. They tell outrageous lies. They lie when they’d make out better telling the truth.

7. Intense eye contact. Call it the predatory stare. If you get a chill down your spine when they look at you, pay attention.

8. Move fast. They quickly proclaim that you’re their true love and soul mate. They want to move in together or get married quickly.

9. Pity play. They appeal to your sympathy. They want you to feel sorry for their abusive childhood, psychotic ex, incurable disease or financial setbacks.

10. Sexual magnetism. If you feel intense attraction, if your physical relationship is unbelievable, it may be their excess testosterone.

Donna Andersen is the author of Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan. ( ) She is also the author of, a website that teaches people how to recognize and recover from sociopaths. (

Would you exchange places…

with someone else? Would you exchange your life, your past, your family, your genetics, your individuality, your soul for another’s? No matter how wealthy, attractive, talented, or priviledged that you ‘think’ that they are, or how lacking and wanting that you ‘think’ you are, would you really want to exchange who you are for their set of circumstances?

Think about this hard and sincerely then tell …

And if you would, what kind of person or whom would you exchange yourself for?

What makes an opinion worth something?

What makes yours or anyone’s opinion worth something if anything? Is it experience, character, conviction, or just media creation?

Why do you listen to people and to whom do you listen to and why?

Think about this… what makes Oprah’s opinion worth something, if anything? She went to Rev. Wright’s church of hate America, yet she makes millions off the American public… isn’t that a bit suspicious??  She gives away products to promote companies, yet takes most of the credit herself. Isn’t that a bit suspicious? So, who in their ‘right’ mind would listen to her agenda-filled opinion??? 

What makes the loud, sickening women ( I guess you can tell my opinion about this show) on ‘The View’s’ opinions worth listening to? What makes Jesse Jackson’s opinion worth anything? How about Howard Stern, Barbara Walter’s, Bill Clinton, Ashton Kutcher, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly or anyone else’s. Why listen to any of them? Why do you listen to them?  Is it worth anything really? How do you decide?

Why is some movie star worth listening to concerning anything? Just because someone can sing, and you enjoy their music, is their opinion worth anything to you? If someone can act, does that make them have worthwhile opinions and if so, why?

Why do you listen to some ‘politician’s’ opinion? Is it how he lives his life, his character, or is it just that he knows how to make you listen to his opinion by his delivery learned by Hollywood guidance and practice at persuasion. Is it just the media hype?  Is that why you listen? Is it because their opinion is rammed down your throat continually on TV or radio?

Obama has stated repeatedly, “Repeat it often enough and they will get it.”
He is a ‘community organizer’ and that’s what they do, ‘persuade for agenda’.

Obama’s spiritual advisor for 23 years was the hate America, Rev. Wright. Gadhafi is tied to Rev. Wright. So who exactly is this man leading America and whose opinions are making decisions for our country?

Why would someone like Obama be someone that anyone would listen to, especially in America?

What makes some network’s opinion worth listening to? What makes some radio show’s opinion worth listening to?

What is your opinion worth? What is anyone’s opinion worth?
We all have opinions, but what in your opinion makes some worth listening to and other’s not?

Why do we have all these opinions flying around the airwaves?

Might I suggest that you look at where and from whom the opinion is coming from and be discerning about whom you listen to and why…

It’s my opinion that character, experience and agenda count. If I catch someone in a lie, their opinion becomes worthless. Obama’s continual blatant and obvious lies make him and his opinion worthless. It’s actually humourous watching him, were he not so dangerous. The way that Obama lies and circle talks makes his opinion worth nothing.

Clinton is a blatant liar, also. He was caught red-handed and this con lies right in America’s face. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” And besides, he’s a whoremonger and lies to his wife. So, how could his opinion ever matter? You think he’s not lying to you to get you to follow his agenda?

Listen to my opinion or not. It’s up to you. Your own opinion should be the most important. 

Whose opinion is worth something to you and why? Ever really thought about it?