As I am out and about where I live, an upscale community in a great state and because of its economy has attracted many from other states and many – way too many, foreigners –
What used to be a refined, elegant – well-dressed and groomed community has been turned into a mess of too many different cultures and people with different values that do not mesh. Of course, people from other countries add texture to a community, but too many and those who do not wish to support our culture or align with our values – are here only to suck off of us economically can harm even destroy a community. They want what we have in America – in my state – our prosperity – our freedoms, while also wishing to and trying to change us into where they left or escaped from.
‘Tolerance’ has become the mantra and religion of the secular left/progressive/globalists – when nothing can be called wrong then nothing is right.
Suicides are increasing 64% among young people – because many are lost, have no direction – even concerning their sexuality. Immorality is the standard and when you cross those physical boundaries at a young age – you change a person forever – weaken their essence and that is what the left/progressive/globalists want — a weakened – controllable populous.
I see fat people at the grocery store frantic to buy tons of food – with their baskets loaded – ill-groomed with swollen bodies. Many people are not groomed properly – have no pride in appearance – are just looking to fill themselves up in some manner or way – in any way so they won’t have to feel the truth of self. I see frantic people searching for more stuff to buy to try and fill up the holes in themselves – their empty souls. The search for escape is everywhere.
A young girl with purple and pink hair practically walked in front of my car – causing me to slam on my brakes, in a parking lot because her brain was so fogged over that she was not alert to where she was walking.
I see a brain dead fogged over society searching for something outside themselves to try and find meaning in their empty souls – greed – money – things – escape – immorality – perversions, etc. are ruling the day – instead of mental health – fit bodies – alert minds – clear eyes- smiles on faces – human connection and interaction. Of course, there are the mentally/emotionally/physically well mingling in with these zombies – as we catch one another’s eyes that meet in our questioning, ‘Where in the world did these people come from? What is happening to our community – to our world?’
Christmas is a time for introspection – for honoring the birth of our Savior…
Food and presents are fun… and a part of it – but not the reason… or meaning…
I am tired of see foreigners in my community – and hearing foreign languages and accents…
We are America – sure, we are a melding pot of all countries, but we have allowed too many in who do not want to assimilate and have such different values and cultures that it’s very uncomfortable.
Manners, class, style, refinement, elegance are leaving us. Many of our youth haven’t clue what these things even are – it’s become all about acquiring things, greed, escape, sex, momentary pleasure, at any cost, no self discipline or delayed gratification or morality as these foreigners charge too much for services and products to suck and swindle the American people.
Fast food – swollen bodies – little no grooming – no pride, style or elegance in dress, baggy – ill-fitting garments – some look like they are wearing their pajamas – I guess, too fat to wear real clothing – unfriendly, dead faces as they hurriedly search for stuff to fill them up so they can get back to their sofas and idiotic brainwashing for agenda TV shows.
Men want to suck off of a woman’s feminine energy in any way he can without honor or commitment. Women hate men for who they have become – weak, feminized and useless as a protector and provider. Men then hate women because they have had to become masculine to survive without male protection. Sexes hating one another and some are so confused they are changing sexes… it’s hell on earth and not as our creator designed it. God created male and female. They are not the same but they are equal – both have their distinct purpose for being.
as I view the craziness and confusion in our world today. I pull into
reading the Bible – into quietness and solitude – physical movement for
health – focusing on positive up beat thoughts – instead of the darkness
that evil is injecting fast and furious into our world.
I pray for us all – God bless America. May God give us the power to take America back from evil. Merry Christmas to all!!
Excellent article and I agree completely. You always what so many of us are thinking. Love this site.
Man oh man I am with you lady. Well put! Sharing the ‘hell’ outta this. You go girl!
Build the wall! Build the wall!
Good article , sound principles.
Pertinent to what is happening. The destruction of morality, standard and principle into anything goes. Tolerate anything and everyone no matter how perverse, sinful and sick it is. We must bring Godly principle back into our society. Thank God that Trump is. Obama tried to fundamentally change us and he did a good job of bringing hate, immorality and plain nastiness into America in his quest to destroy us. Globalists are Satanic evil.
Globalists want no borders. They want to create world wide third world country they rule over. They want to get rid of the intelligent thinking people and have a world of weak, perverted people that don’t even know their sex to manipulate for their benefit. This is truly Satanic. There will be no freedom or rights in this NWO except for the ruling elite. I have been reading your site for a long time. You understand and have been writing about this for decades. Keep it up. Many are finally waking up.
Brilliant as always. Right on the money as always. We must stop this destruction of morality now! Obama did much damage. He is traitor to freedom, America and should be hung for what he did. God less president Trump. He saw what was happening and stepped in to fight it. Keep America Soveriegn !
Remember when people were well dressed at airports and security was unnecessary ?
This is the best article. I agree with you 100%!
You are a voice of reason in a crazy world!
I agree.
I read your post about “what went wrong / morals”. I’m not sure there is a simple answer. I’ve thought (a lot) about this for a long time. I’ve examined history as I “learned it in school” vs “what really happened”. The more I look, the more I realize that when “the winners write history”, their versions tend to make the real villains/criminals look like All-American heroes. Your question is a good one.