Hell on Earth…

 I met a Dr. who works for Planned Parenthood – I have never met or talked with anyone associated with this organization before. He is Ob-Gyn and cares for and delivers babies at a hospital and then also works for Planned Parenthood giving abortions. I talked to him without sharing my beliefs and opinion – at first. I asked him if he thought of an abortion as killing a child and he answered, “No, it’s just an operation. The women don’t want the child or they should not be having a baby in the first place.” He said that he performs abortions on girls as young as 15 and women who have many, many children and just don’t want another. He was matter of fact about it all with no care or emotion. Although he did state that in his opinion when the first two cells connect that there is life.  Then I commented that assisting to bring babies into the world must be joyful. His response, “No, it’s just a procedure. Many of these women should not be having kids. They can’t afford them. They can’t afford to care for themselves. They have no common sense. They just get pregnant, get an abortion or have the kid and can’t take care of it. If the woman tries to work child care is too costly. So they quit and stay home.”

So he assists with bringing life into the world on one hand and kills life with the other. And to him either way, it’s no big deal… just procedures.

I have worked as a volunteer in a charity capacity with young girls before. I know and understand how frustrating their ignorance, lack of common sense and no education or proper life guidance can be. One girl I worked with was 14 and all she wanted was to be like Angelina Jolie. This uneducated star-struck child wanted to have many children but did not want to be married. I asked her how she would support all of her children and she shrugged. She never thought about it. I told her that Jolie had a lot of money and was able to afford to give her children food, shelter and education even if she was not married. I asked this young girl if she could do that? And she shrugged. She had no concept of reality of what it took to care for children. She just wanted them. She was a child herself and no one had instructed her about life and reality. Her mother had been an unwed mother. She was carrying on the family legacy.

The ignorance, immorality, lack of common sense, lack of parenting, ‘hooking-up’, no real human interaction and connection, technology world we are living in is fast become Hell on earth. With sex as sport and no commitment, abortion with no concern, lack of responsibility, corrupted government. media propaganda and brainwashing. We are doomed.

I am disgusted with it all. I was reared so differently – to treasure life – that you get married, buy a house and then have a child – I was reared with God in my life. I went to Sunday school, church… I never thought about having children before I would be married. To do this would be shameful… What in the world is happening today?! Human life has no value. Morality has no value. Commitment has no value. Evil is taking over our world at rapid pace and at its basis is complete ignorance and irresponsibility – no respect or value for, or to human beings.. some people place more value on their pets than human beings, but dare you mention how many fat people there are now and ‘Oh my gosh!’ you hurt their poor ignorant, self -indulgent feelings’ – This is the world of ‘hook ups’ where sex means little to nothing. There is no commitment with sex and relationships – no commitment to one another –  so no commitment to the children they bring into this world. It’s the don’t judge me lifestyle of the young  and Godless.  Yep… HELL ON EARTH.

Corrupted media and entertainment industry…

The media is being used to encourage and foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits and to view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Lady GaGa parades around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’ Look at the vileness of Miley Cyrus and her sexual degradation and exploitation. 

It’s become all about the money and power over others’ lives and reality… propaganda, perversion and brainwashing..

  Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music and entertainment are slowly altering  psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit and your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. And your sexuality contains no boundaries and as meaningless. Perversion and crossing sexual boundaries separates people from their humanity and their soul.

 Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except for a ‘privileged’ few. That is if they even know what ‘consciousness’ is  as they seem  to be steeped in evil and Satanic vibes. Morality as in truth, honor, kindness, humanity is going out the window replaced by lies, propaganda, perversion and greed. People mean nothing. Greed and the false power wielded on earth are everything. Sinful behaviors are being promoted as good. While morality is looked down upon and laughed at.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines and humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda are evil. They want to take away choice, freedom, and Godliness and rule over Earth and all its inhabitants. 

I was in a hair salon recently and no one talked to anyone, even the stylist. Everyone was on their phone or computer. I sat there observing … it gave me a sick and eerie feeling in my gut. If you would ask the stylist a question, she would answer. But when you entered no one greeted anyone, no one smiled, there was no small talk. There was no human interaction. There was no happiness.  There was nothing. It was clear the stylist was not interested in her clients personally and was all about the money exchange coming to her. When it was time for the client to pay, the stylist gave attention. Watching her made me feel sick to my stomach… like I was watching manipulative evil extortion in action. The decor was stark white and minimal – attractive but cold.  It was bizarre and felt like being on another planet and not earth.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization.

Fast Food – Fast Sex both are disgusting and bad for health!

And I am not talking  about a ‘quicky’ with someone you love and are in a committed relationship with.

Sex is as close as two people can get in the physical body. It’s a gift from God and an expression of love in physical form. It is not to be taken lightly or entered into without connection of heart, mind and body and with much thought and responsibility. In sex, bodily fluids along with energy are exchanged.  If you have sex with a person with a sexual disease, you have no way of knowing this, if it’s entered into too soon.  Also, the energy of the person merges with yours. If the person is negative, depressed, demented, corrupted, promiscuous or whatever, it will mix in with your energy.  You will take on their energy and may feel strange, unusual and disconnected and not understand why. Also, they carry the energy with all others whom they have had sex with. Think about that long and hard!

Sex is an energy exchange and has the ability to create life. It should never be entered into lightly. It is not sport and should not be entered into fast with anyone – ever. If it is … it’s as disgusting as Fast food.

Food is for nutrition, for enjoyment, to please and pleasure the palate.  Fast food is lacking in nutrition … that is if it really is  even food. I haven’t had Fast food in over three decades. Back in the day, when Mc Donalds, etc, first came out… their food tasted like food. Now it reeks. I can’t even stand to enter  one of those places. The smell repulses me. I would rather eat an apple, a banana or anything, if I need food fast – anything  but Fast Food. If I eat a burger, it’s made with the best grade of meat.

Why would anyone put that garbage into their bodies? Why would anyone have sex with someone whom they didn’t know and love?

Our bodies are gifts from God. They are our temple.  Our bodies encase our soul and carry our spirit while on earth. I say guard your body well. Be aware and careful of what you put in it and what you allow to enter it and to touch it.

Look to the left and click to follow…

Being in North Korea is not like visiting your grandmother’s…

At our house, my mother would pretty much allow us to have snacks when we wanted them. When visiting my grandmother’s, after the dinner dishes were done, she would proclaim, “The kitchen is closed for the night!”

After she was settled in her bedroom, we would quietly sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen  to make popcorn or to raid the frig. hoping and thinking that she didn’t hear us. When we came back up stairs, she would shout from her room, “You kids, better have left my kitchen spotless!” Which of course, we did. We disobeyed her ‘kitchen rule’ and had we not left the kitchen clean. What would she have done?  Probably told us that the next time we sneak into her kitchen to clean up after ourselves.  She would not have banned us from the kitchen and given us no food for the rest of our visit.  She wouldn’t have starved us for our childish disobedience or sentenced us to hard labor in her backyard.

In America, if a college student protests, tears down posters, banners or whatever, nothing  much if anything happens to them. But in Korea and other countries there are harsh punishments for things that are considered the norm  – are allowed or even are our rights in America.  In America, we are free! Inquisitive, rebellious college age young adults that commit acts of protest aren’t given corporal punishment. And if a crime is committed, we have the right to a fair trial.

Everyone who  visits a country, so very different from America needs to learn and be aware of their customs, rules and laws. Because extremely harsh penalties and  punishments are given for what we consider our rights in America. Some other countries treat human beings with no value and they have few if any rights …actually pretty much treat humans like dirt.

It’s horrendous what happened to the young college man, Otto Warmbier, in North Korea. It’s no telling the horrors that he endured being imprisoned there.  Bottom line, he was killed for taking a banner. This is a vile absurdity beyond our belief. And so is to be sentenced to 15 years hard labor for taking a banner.  Also, do we even really know for certain that he did take the banner?

College kids especially liberals /Dems/ progressives ‘snowflakes’ – need to wake-up and realize that other countries aren’t like America. They are free living in America and have rights here that they may not have elsewhere. They need to learn to appreciate where they live and to not take their rights for granted. We are not a dictatorship. Many countries in the rest of the world are under harsh regimes. It might be best for college kids and others to stay out of places such as this. For example, gays are thrown off buildings in Muslim countries, etc.

When anyone goes to another country, they need to learn and be very aware of their laws. Many places are not as accepting and tolerant as America. North Korea hates America. So this young man was a sitting duck to be targeted. Thank goodness that this young man was brought back to America but certainly not soon enough.

Kim Jung Un is a ruthless, evil, little dictator… And what would happen to me in North Korea if I said that there? I would be executed.

While in America, look at how our President is talked about and treated by the media and others with little recourse.

Freedom in America is something that should never be taken for granted . These protestors – libs/dems/progressive ‘snowflakes’ need to wake up to reality!

God bless America the home of the free and the brave!


Definition of responsibility – the quality or state of being responsible: such as moral, legal or mental accountability reliabilitytrustworthiness:  something for which one is responsible. To be responsible is to respond, to honor, to be trustworthy – to live to a higher standard.

 Responsibility is an important key to living a moral, happy, content and peaceful life – to be responsible makes for a productive and fulfilling life. When there is awareness then it’s time for responsibility which includes accountability to understand and to either accept, change or break against. Otherwise, you will be stuck and blocked in blame, denial and defensiveness which lead to more of the same. Everyone has issues and trauma in their lives in some form and to continue to use them as an excuse for lack of responsibility and accountability is immaturity. When you know why you behave in a way or think as you do that creates stress and pain in yourself and others and you don’t change it – that is being irresponsible.          

Those without responsibility to self and to others live a lost life. All of us are accountable and there are consequences in life for lack of responsibility and accountability. If you don’t pay your car payment, it will be repossessed. If you don’t pay your utility bills, they will be turned off. If a man is not responsible to and for his wife and her to him – best if done in equal parts – the marriage will fail.

I was overly responsible in my marriages and it lead to destruction. When one person shoulders all the responsibility in a partnership or relationship – the burden becomes too much – balance is impaired and weakness seeps in. Sure at times, one may need to shoulder more responsibly because of circumstances. If you aren’t responsible to your children, family and live a responsible life – it will all fall apart – they will leave – become unruly with a sense of lack, direction and ultimately failure.

Everything worthwhile and of value in life comes from commitment and responsibility to that commitment. And that includes healing of your emotional self. Fears and limits set by imprints and beliefs are often illusions. It’s your responsibility to self to shift in order to live your highest life.