Does Obama ‘care’?…

beigeIs the ‘affordable’ healthcare act really about health? Or is it more about gaining data and control over your life… even to expediting your death?
Obama’s ‘care’ is about government control of every area of everyone’s life…
And it’s just a piece of ‘their’ agenda… there’s gun control along with confiscating private sector wealth, as in retirement accounts being sucked into the government…


The take over of education, curtailing individual thinking to promoting brainwashing and changing the real historical facts into Obama’s dream and propaganda….
Control of the food sources as in Codex Alimentarius…
Spying on private citizens. Putting the IRS on those who disagree with the Obama agenda…
Quote Obama. ” I will have the most transparent administration in history.” When truth is, it’s the most hidden, corrupt and full of lying spin. The Obama regime controls the media like never before. They are the propaganda machine spewing lies, cover-ups and con. Truth is lie and lie is truth…
Obama promised. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your
doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. ‘Period,’ he said
‘Period.” That means no stinking conditions.

The Obama regime lies about everything.  Obama ‘care’ is only the tip of the iceberg that is melting America a free country into the hell of government control…
But does Obama ‘care’?…. NO! It’s his agenda to lie, con and screw over the American people to take over our country and insert us into the NWO… Agenda 21, in order to implement the death of  all freedoms… under the guise of fairness, equality and income distribution.
Lie and smile until you get close enough to slit their throats… 
Obama is slitting America’s throat… 
The death of America… that is what Obama’s ‘caring’ is…
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9 thoughts on “Does Obama ‘care’?…”

  1. It means you are one intelligent well informed American that can see the future by understanding the past. Essentially smart!

  2. I am not taking the Lord’s name in vein when I say that obama hussein is the Goddamned devil. (devil damned by God)

  3. Obama was put here as part of the plan to destroy America.It is a plan that was started long before he was president. Nothing he has done was intended to benefit America.obamacare, the importing illegals by the thousands, increasing the number of people on food stamps and welfare was all designed to bankrupt the country.He is didviding every segment of the population so they’re will be no organized resistance.He is a muslim terrorist and needs to be locked up for the rest f his natural life for his crimes.

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