You know how the Gap is always having discounts, sales and specials, but only if you use your Gap credit card? You can get 10 to 30 % off at certain times and on certain days.. but only if you use your Gap card… there are incentives of 10% off here and there up to even 40 even 50%, or more, and ten dollars off an item, at times… but only if you use your Gap card…
Sounds like a great deal, huh?
Last week, I got over a hundred and twenty-five dollars worth of tee shirts and tanks for twenty-five dollars by shopping on the right day and using all my discount certificates. I used my Gap card, of course, and when my bill comes in, I will pay it off that very month… so I will really and actually recognize the full discounts and savings…
Because should I keep using my card and charging it up without paying it off… even though, I did get great savings and discounts …. they will be soon eaten up by the interest charged each month on the card. And that is exactly what the Gap stores are enticing for and wanting everyone to do. That people just keep charging on their card thinking that they are getting such great savings and discounts then to pay off their balance a little each month, while the Gap charges them interest out the whazoo!
Making it a win for Gap and a lose for the customers…. any savings eaten up by the credit card interest. Those items thought to be had at a bargain, end up costing twice to three to four times as much…
And this is what Obama and his economics are doing to America… funding all these programs now, that ‘seem’ so enticing and to be a gotta have, good deal that we will be paying for, for generations even into forever. No bargains here
folks…it’s highway robbery…. abuse of credit to an extent that is unfathomable…
I barely shop at the Gap any longer…since I realized their liberal/progressive agenda… only a few tee shirts here and there purchased at discount, charged to my card, then paid off in full. So, I beat them at their enticing spend now to get a bargain con.
But Obama is beating America up and endebting us deep with the Gap logic, Obamacon economics… Enticing with goodies, give-aways and freebies. Oh! Obama can ‘promise’ great benefits and goodies, if it’s charged on the Obamacard (tax payers money). Don’t think about the reality that America will be paying for it for the rest of its life, its children’s lives and their children’s children’s lives into infinity, until what was originally given, ‘actually just promised’ has no meaning, but debt, interest, pain, slavery to the government and suffering… then the system crashes. Because should you keep charging on your Gap credit card up to its limit and can’t make your payments, your card is cut off, your credit ruined and bankruptcy may be around the corner… no enticing bargain is worth this destruction…
Un-needed government spending… un-needed Gap clothing…same/same…
America has had its credit rating downgraded already. But Obama wants to keep charging on America’s credit card… pushing us to bankruptcy…
Gives actual meaning to owe your soul to the company store… huh?
So, like my Father taught me, pay off your credit cards each month and only buy on time, if you can’t pay cash, those things that you really need not want and will use for years that hold and have value. And always have credit and actual savings for emergency situations…
Good sound financial advice… that this current administration and many people have forgotten or were never taught. It’s simple economics.
Everyone should be able to see that the Obama regime knows exactly what they are doing. They are purposefully bankrupting America…with ‘promises’, government programs and ‘goodies’.
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