Styles of kissing… the way a person kisses reveals much.
Sure, there can be instant chemistry that is magic and unmistakably passionate and sensuous that sends tingle through your whole body with the inability to stop. Then there can be that awkward, your nose goes where, then my goes…
There are those who keep their eyes open when they kiss… and those who close them. Some are sloppy and messy. Some are precise and neat… and sometimes mixing the two doesn’t work well.. although there are different ways to kiss at different times and in different places… if you know what I mean?!
I read that those who mostly kiss with their eyes closed are more passionate and into their feelings and those who mostly kiss with their eyes open are more into controlling the person they are kissing…
Eyes closed you are inward and ‘in touch’ with your feelings… eyes open you are directed away from self…
Years, ago, I dated a man who kissed with his eyes open. We would be passionately kissing and I would open my eyes for a sec and there he always would be with eyes staring at me.. it creeped me out.. Sure men are more visual, but…something about his beady eyes staring at me… YUCK!
I asked him why he didn’t close his eyes more often when we were kissing.. his answer. ” I like to watch you.” So, he was more into watching me then what he was feeling… Of course, it ended… as soon, I realized he was not anyone I wanted in my life much less to kiss. Because, it was creepy to glance up and have eyes staring at me in the way that his did.
Sure, eyes open, at times, during kissing, but to have eyes staring.. is strange in my opinion.
Teeth… they must be clean white and straight. I am a teeth freak…mine are clean and well-kept and I expect the same in my kissing partner….
That first kiss can tell you sooo much… It can reveal what kind of a person they are… are they passionate, are they loving, and what kind of a lover they will be…
Kissing is a ‘very intimate’ activity… Hookers, I have heard will not kiss on the mouth.. so that about says it. They will do all sorts of other things with their private parts, but will not kiss on the lips…
What’s your opinion on kissing styles, eyes open or shut, overly wet, or teeth are important or…just??? Pucker up and SMACK!!!!
Good article. Kissing is important. It tells you about the chemistry between the people and if they will be good in bed.
Ayn you are the cutest woman. Great to look at with a mind to match. What a package!