Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Isaiah 5:20
A perfect example:Robert Gibbs stated about the RNC, “I think it was very, very strange. Sort of highlighted by lots of anger and lots of insults.”
HA! Really?! This statement coming from a member of the Obama Regime… one of the most insulting, lying, conning, Leviathan spinning administrations we have ever experienced in America. They call good evil and evil good. They call others haters… when it’s they who hate. They are full of envy, etc… many are loaded full of the seven deadly sins and they seep from their mouths and out of their pores. And those sins are ‘trying’ to take our great country down, but we will not allow it.
They call individual success bad. They vilify the wealthy when its what they crave for themselves. They call inheritance from families that worked hard to create it for their heirs a bad thing. They want to take the success of others for themselves. They are thieves. They are of evil, envy and all that is bad. A dictatorship government preys on the envy of these people to get them under their control. The control of evil.
Freedom is of God! Freedom of choice. Freedom to use your God-given individual talents for your benefit as well as for your family and from that origin out into the world. Your gifts come from our creator not the government.
Do you know truth when you hear and see it?
‘We’, the people of truth, can see and discern that which is of good and evil for what it is…
Success is good. Families are good… generational wealth is good. It is a blessing from the Lord that is given through individual creativity, hard work, persistence and lifted up by the American dream.
“Liberals have run out of ideas. Their moment came and went. Fear and division are all they’ve got left.” Paul Ryan
“Do we want to live in a society where everything is free, but us?” Paul Ryan
Government for the people and by the people.
God Bless America! We are the light of the world!