Born bad…are there people who are…

just born ‘bad’Obama-A-Marked-Man--56318…born with, and, of an evil spirit… born without conscience… born without a moral adjuster, and able to do harm to others even at an early age?

Recall the movie,THE BAD SEED…? It’s a classic horror film, about an evil little girl who does whatever she needs to, in order, to get what she desires, even kill, while behaving so ‘charmingly’ to those she is ‘trying’ to fool, especially her Mother… you see people such as this know how to ‘manipulate’ those that they need to achieve their goals… (There have been many movies depicting this type of character, but see this one, if you haven’t … it is a gem and clearly shows the sociopathy of evil.)

Is it nature or nurture, or are some people just born evil? A child can be born into a horrible situation and turn out moral and kind… and another born into good can turn out evil and full of crime against self and others…

Is it just being mischievous, or is it a sign of something else, if a young child of eight does things continually and purposefully to get siblings into trouble?… To make them appear good and others bad, when they are really the bad one..

Example: A Mother says to her children, do not track in after playing out-of-doors because the maid has just cleaned. Then one child purposefully stomps through a sibling’s room totrack it up, then when the Mother gets angry at the child’s whose room it is… the ‘mischievous’ child observes gleefully and smirks…obviously enjoying that her sibling gets  reprimanded…as she smiles ‘cunningly’ at her Mother…

If the Mother corrects the situation immediately is one thing, but what if the Mother isn’t able to see the manipulation, or just doesn’t have the energy, intelligence, or ability to deal with it… This allows for this particular child to see how well manipulation can work and sets the stage for more…Can early correction possibly nip it in the bud…or…

Is it a sign of am emerging sociopath, a bad seed with lack of conscience, and evil intent?  Some say sociopathy reveals itself early on… in both obvious and subtle ways…

Sure children do all kinds of mischievous things as they test boundaries, the world around them, learn right from wrong, how to interact and how to gain the upper hand, or to get attention…

But when is it a sign that someone is born without conscience, born evil…a bad seed?

What do you think, are there some who are born without conscience who are just born evil?

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