When everyone wins, everyone loses…

???????????????????????????????We are not all ‘equal’ and we can’t all be the same and we can’t all win… this is a complete fallacy… a LIE!

A lie that is being sold to the masses and unfortunately, they are buying it. And it is destroying natural competitive instincts and turning people into lazy, jealous, envious losers and drones… “I want me some a dat.” “Give me some a dat.”  “If you have it, I want it, too.” are some of the worst comments, I have ever heard…

Some people think that they can do nothing, strive for nothing, have no standards of behavior, have no accountability, morals, values, or responsibility along with no self-awareness. Competition is within yourself. It’s to see how you can grow, refine, work on, strive to be, the best ‘you’, that you can be. Some think that the end results are what’s important. That the end justifies the means, instead of the striving, the quest, the challenges, the sacrifice, and the character that it takes to get there. You may, or may not win, but it’s worth the effort because the effort creates who you are.  The effort is what creates character… and character is what really matters…

If everyone gets a trophy … why try…?

When I was a young Girl Scout, selling cookies, a prize of a Teddy Bear was set for the one who sold the most boxes. I decided that I wanted to be that one. So, I took my little red wagon near and far and worked hard, really hard, selling cookies, in order, to achieve that goal and to win the prize. Now, I didn’t really want, or need another Teddy Bear. I had many. But the achievement of being the top seller in my Troop and being designated as such, then called up and handed the award of a Teddy Bear, gave me the motivation to work hard and to try and be the winner. And when I was the winner I was full of pride and it showed me that if I worked at something, I could succeed. I could be first… a winner!

Now, if everyone received a Teddy Bear just for trying, or the not trying… I wouldn’t have put as much effort into the selling. And our Troop wouldn’t have made as much money, or been as successful. If everyone got a Teddy Bear, just for showing up, fewer cookies would have been sold and the Troop goals would not have been met.

If everyone got a Teddy Bear… the motivation to achieve would be diminished, if not eradicated.  And if the Troop leader had told me to give my award to someone who didn’t work as hard, or work at all, I would’ve been upset, frustrated, broken-hearted and angry and certainly de-motivated.©Everett Collection

Remember the movie, THE BAD SEED? The little girl killed one of her classmates who was awarded a penmanship medal, because she ‘thought’ that she ‘deserved’ it and not the little boy who ‘won’ it. This is what, we as a country are turning into, a bunch of bad seeds…spoiled, envious, bratty bad seeds. 

I want it because I want it, not because I deserve it, or worked for it…but because I just want it!

It takes those who work, those with the talent, with the focus, the trying, the persistence, and the effort to raise up and achieve and they are not ‘equal’ with those who don’t try, don’t have the talent and can’t succeed. Those who don’t, or can’t rise to the occasion and win, should not receive a trophy. And if you try and don’t win then let it serve to motivate you to try again and to strive and to work harder.

To think that everyone should win a prize, creates de-motivation and is destructive for everyone. It is socialism, communism… and the only ‘winners’ are the ones who ‘temporarily’ rule over the dummies who are buying into it. As this kind of practice never lasts. It is a system that falls in on itself… always has and always will…

Socialism and Communism destroy motivation and destroys a country…
Why can’t everyone get and see this? Why are so many following something that will lead to mediocre living, if not worse?

Everyone can’t win. Everyone isn’t a winner. We are individual, unique in our talents, our abilities and our individual circumstances and they are ours to maneuver, develop and to learn from. We are all different and our ‘equality’ is the ‘opportunity’ to try… and in the trying is where the winning occurs…

When morals and standards, efforts, striving, competition, and pursuing achievement and excellence go, we all lose…

Whatever your focus, it is what’s bothering you…

???????????????????????????????If something is weighing on your mind, you can’t stop thinking about it and it rears its head in your focus…it’s what you need to look at, fix, repair, take care of, do, or learn about, or from… in order, for it to not be your focus…

If something doesn’t bother you, it’s not on your radar …and probably is pretty much working in your life just fine…

Example: If you have a pain in your neck, all you do is think of the pain and your neck…When the pain is gone, your neck doesn’t even cross your mind…

So, think about where, and what your focus is on…because that’s your issue or focus…. look at it, examine it, analyze it, if need be, and try your best to work on it, or to correct it..

HAHAHA!… then you can be open to go onto another issue that is bothering you… That’s life! Huh?

Example: My closet was bugging me. Each time, I walked in it… I thought, I need to clean it and clean it out. I need to. I need to get this done. Finally, yesterday, I spent hours doing just that…  and I felt so good having done it. But now, my drawers are bothering me and are on my mind… I need to clean them all out…

Make sense or not?… Ever felt this way, or had this happen?

So think about it, where’s your focus? What do you need to do, take care of, correct, work on… fix, etc?… Do it … so you can be open for more, to going on, going forward…