Happy Happy New Year!
I am exploding Happy New Year! The year we take our country back…God Bless America!
Look to the left and click to follow and to subscribe… lots of excitement, information and fun in store for 2012!!!
Happy Happy New Year!
I am exploding Happy New Year! The year we take our country back…God Bless America!
Look to the left and click to follow and to subscribe… lots of excitement, information and fun in store for 2012!!!
Sexual corruption, exploitation and promiscuity are rampant today and about as un-sexy and un-sensual as anything can be.
What’s sexy is responsibility, commitment, selectivity and people who know who they are enough to be able to appreciate the sharing of another human being’s body as being a precious gift…
If a person doesn’t respect their body, expressed clearly in how they behave sexually, including the way they take care of themselves, then why or, how would they be able to respect anothers?
Why would anyone allow another to touch their body intimately, heaven forbid to enter it, to invade their personal space and boundaries, if they didn’t have a caring, a commitment, a love, a connection… something meaningful occurring…?
Today sexual corruption is being encouraged on all levels… on TV, movies, by examples in the media, Hollywood, and now, in our educational system. This sexual exploitation is one way that allows for the breaking down of morality, values and standards of an individual that translates into the breaking down of the foundation of a society.
Evil knows that to infiltrate through the sexuality and sensualness of an individual, makes it possible to control and corrupt them for life. Sexual addiction and choices can be groomed and developed. And self-hate and self-devaluation can and will occur relating to the extent and degree of the corruption and what was experienced can and will impact their whole life and everything in it…in most cases, weakening their spirit, skewing their boundaries and making them more easily influenced and to be led.
Human sexuality is what creates life. It is the highest form of creation that there is… another human being with a soul can be created through this act as this is its divine intention… not its only intention, but the outcome and primary reason for it…. Sex is a ‘drive’ and it feels good, so that human race will continue.
Sex is also the closest that two people can get in the physical and is one path of expression of affection towards another. That you care for and love someone with your heart and mind and that expression becomes physical through sexuality.
That a male woos a woman, is attracted, goes after her attention and affection. She observes him, to see if he is worthy of her attention and if he will make a worthy partner for her and if she should grant him her affections that might result in the creation of a life. Will he be a good provider and protector of their young, their home and of herself? And herself most importantly, includes her emotions, her physicality and the ‘totality’ of her well-being. So that she will be able to glow and to bloom. When these requirements are met… the traditional family can be created with the opportunity for fulfillment on many levels.
Morality offers a solid base that creates the basis for a solid society. It is the strength of a society… solid morals, values and standards and a place for the youth to grow-up in a safe and secure environment. It displays the role of the male and the female…the balance to be played out and demonstrated and it is sensual and sexy … there is nothing else like it, all that it is in the height of its standards and values…
Men and women are different… that difference is to be valued and cherished, not exploited, or made the same…
It’s in its imbalance that works hard to find itself and creates such strength in its quest. And when that balance is found, even if momentarily, is that which makes it so precious and valuable… and today that balance is being continually distorted and diminished…
There is a wonderful movie, FIREPROOF produced and acted in by Kirk Cameron… it shows a wonderful example and message of what man is in relation to woman and to God…it is a Christian depiction.
A woman is a rose and if she is not treated right, she will either wilt or never bloom….therefore, the male will never experience all the gifts and glory of the feminine.
The ‘Muslim practice’… ‘claims’ to ‘protect’ women… when in actuality it objectifies and oppresses women in both its fear and desire of her feminine allure and power…men’s desire and behaviors are blamed on the women… therefore, the men have no responsibility for their actions or behaviors. This is a fear-based practice, practiced by weak men and a weak corrupted people and one that annihilates the feminine. They look to diminish and to even destroy that which they desire so greatly. And look at how violent and cruel they are….When the allure and power of the feminine is objectified, or oppressed out of fear…it creates an over sexuality as we are experiencing now, or an oppressive backwards one as in Islam. Both are out of balance.
An individual who is balanced in their morality is sexy and wholesome as is a society that achieves this balance…
A sexually needy, graspy, oppressive, objectifying person or society is neither sexy or sexual. It’s a blight unto themselves and a blight on society.
Morality is Sexy…
Years ago, I was in a relationship with a man who asked. “You don’t look at me when I am naked, do you find my body attractive?”
My reply. “I didn’t realize that I didn’t.” As I pondered, since, I hadn’t even thought about it, until he asked, ‘But now, that I think about it, I find your body not so attractive.’ I realized that I was probably unconsiously averting my eyes because physically he wasn’t attractive to me.
My being with this man wasn’t because of his looks and certainly wasn’t his body. We had fun ‘as a couple’. But after he asked me this question along with displaying other insecurities. Then when I did look at his nude body in the light of day with no sexual passion, as he exited the room, I felt a kind of repulsion. Mostly, I felt repulsion at his insecurity. The way that he carried himself was insecure. His walk was insecure. His question was insecure. It wasn’t his body. Because for most women, the way a man treats her, his character, his intelligence, his kindness and thoughtfulness, his humor, his confidence, among other things are what makes him attractive or not….
I have been with movie star handsome men and by the end of the evening… because of their behavior, I felt I was with a gargoyle.
I have been with not so attractive men and they were so fun, kind and attentive… that they became more attractive…So, physical appearance isn’t everything… sexy and sensual is innate… and in a person’s being or it isn’t…
Sooo.. as I ponder this with all of you…Just before, during and after sex, we can be in varying degrees of undress, or completely nude…depends on the mood…nightgown, tee shirt, robe, camisole…. right? Sometimes, I can be completely nude, tan and worked out and feel like a goddess, a woman amongst women. At other times, after eating, or just feeling a bit off… I’d rather be in ‘varying’ degrees of dress… but either way, I am still me, like me and feel good in my body.
Nude or covered a sexy person is a sexy, sensual person.
Sometimes, partial coverage is desirable and sexy…even more sensual and sexy then complete nudity…
I have never asked a man, why don’t you look at my body… because men always look, right? Men like to look… it’s what a man does… look…
But sure at times… we all feel insecure walking to the bathroom nude, as Meryl Streep did in the movie, ‘It’s Complicated’? But Alec Baldwin as big and out of shape as he was, stripped and pranced about… that’s how most men are… those I have known… but not the one I wrote about in the beginning of this… that lack of confidence, whiny, not sexy man…
We all feel more attractive at one time or another. But to be close enough to have sex and to feel so insecure as this man did…was such a turn off…
Anyway, it’s the woman’s ‘right’ to ask… Do I look like I’ve gained weight? Are my hips getting big?, etc….” And the man’s place to comfort and compliment…
When a man acts like a woman, whiny and whimpering… ‘do you like my body.’ To me, it’s a real turn off… A REAL TURN OFF!
But if he says.. “Hey, look at me, I’ve lost a few and been working out”… now that’s fine… or if he should say…”I’m not looking so good, think I’ll lose some weight”… that’s fine also… it shows he is self-aware not a whine boy.
The way something is expressed verbally shows an innate confidence or not…
I like a man to be a man… Preferably one that takes care of his body to some extent and feels good in it…confidence is sexy…don’t you agree?
So, do you like to strut your stuff…? Make love in the nude with the lights on? Or in the dark under the covers, or a bit of everything depending on your mood…?
Let’s talk…
reality…Whichever it is we are being played for fools. By polls, which are being used to ‘try’ and ‘sway’ people to vote for who and what ‘they’ deem are the popular and right choices… whether they are, or not. The polls that we hear about almost everyday are used as a tool to sway and influence the populous…
We are being played for fools…by the media… all they do is present agenda-filled propaganda. It’s all orchestrated… ‘they’ are trying to ‘create’ our reality.. they are trying to create what you think… who you vote for, how you live, what you buy and what you do in every moment.
It’s all Leviathan spin and lies… In the last days, Leviathan will rise up from the ocean to create a fog, an illusion, a confusion, where no one will be able to discern what is true and what is not….
I have written about this many times before and will continue to do so…
Because the fog is getting thicker by the day. ‘They’ think that if they say it, repeat it, then say it again, that ‘it’, their agenda, will be believed. If you repeat a lie often enough, it will eventually be believed… all cons know this trick…
The devil is the master of illusion…it comes like a thief in the night..
Evil’s goal is to corrupt and to lead astray because its agenda is only that… Its agenda is to corrupt the good, the whole, the blessed… and in order, to do this, it first needs to confuse because in that confusion… many can and will be taken advantage of and led astray…
A man with an evil-agenda walks into a park with a cute puppy. He approaches an innocent little girl who is playing and asks. “Do you want to pet my puppy?” In her innocence and compassion, she is attracted to the puppy. She only sees through the eyes of her innocence, she can’t see the man’s agenda hidden behind his use of the puppy… the puppy creates the agenda confusion. So, she pets the puppy.
The man begins to walk away as he engages her in banter about the puppy. Then before the little girl realizes it, she is far from the park, far from her safe world and all that she knows. The man grabs her and throws her into the back of his ‘perfectly placed’ car. She has been led off her path and captured by evil under the illusion of good. And off evil drives on its way to the reality of ‘her hell’ and its success.
What appears like a nice man with cute puppy is really, torture, rape and death… the disastrous destruction of harm and evil…
In this simple scenario is clearly how evil always works… it may create the illusion of good, cute, entertaining, caring, an offering of something as a whore to its mark… as it pulls on desires and emotions then leads away from the safe path of goodness, until it can grab and you find yourself captured in the reality of its spell, then before you know it, you, or your soul are diminished, or even destroyed.
This is what is happening continually in almost every minute in today’s world…by the corrupted media, by cons, by marketeers, by fake polls, etc. they try to appear ‘good’, and truth when in reality, they are total and pure lies, manipulation, con and evil.
Mine are the lights… decorated Christmas trees… Christmas carols… Handel’s Messiah, the Hallelujha chorus, O’ Come All Ye Faithful…
Hark the Herald Angels sing… Glory to the New Born King!
Fall on your knees!!! Oh hear the Angels singing!!!
The Nutcracker…
Christmas movies with uplifting morals and happy endings…depicting the magic of Christmas…
The story of Jesus’s birth…
The birth of Jesus was the greatest gift of all. The beginning of hope for all those who believe in him… the light of the world and life every lasting…
Our Lord’s message was Himself. He did not come merely to preach a Gospel; He himself is that Gospel. He did not come merely to give bread; He said, “I am the bread.” He did not come merely to shed light; He said, “I am the light.” He did not come merely to show the door; He said, “I am the door.” He did not come merely to name a shepherd; He said, “I am the shepherd.” He did not come merely to point the way; He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Church on Christmas Eve…
The Santa Claus magic of belief…
The night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse…
The Christmas tree lights illuminate the room, cookies are baking, ‘Gingerbread’, sipping cognac, eating dark chocolate and fresh orange slices…. Ummm! Ah! The smells, the glow, the tastes, the coziness…
These are some my favorite things of Christmas.
What are yours?…
Merry Christmas! May God Bless each and everyone…
Peace on Earth! Goodwill Towards Men! May God Bless America!
It’s ‘sex and the city’…greed, greed… anti-Christian deeds… child-age girls giving blow jobs to little boys, as if it’s nothing. Gays demanding marriage and women have children out of wedlock as if marriage was just an after thought…the sanctity of marriage and family are thrown by the wayside…
Women dress like hookers… ‘hooker heels’ are all the rage…and men treat them as such… as more and more women seem to strive for this…
Many women don’t like men and many men don’t like women… Some men are behaving like women and some are women behaving like men…so respect is exiting fast…
‘Stuff’ is more valuable than morals, values, standards, and honor…
or people… as many claw over each other to buy ‘things’….
Truth is lie and lie is truth… Right is wrong and wrong is right…
Patriots are deemed terrorists and terrorists deemed disgruntled employees, or I guess as just having a bad day…
Corruption in government is rampant … our President leading the way as, ‘liar-in chief’, as his I-I-I shows his love of self beyond all else….
Wealth is vilified, while most all lust after it…
Some people are famous for doing little to nothing, but self-promotion…
Muslims are entering our country in droves and we are adapting our schools, etc. to their Sharia law…setting aside prayer rooms for them, etc.
While young boys that emulate a true Christian are expelled…
and Christians and their religious holidays are laughed at and mocked…
Every move Obama makes is to help create a Muslim Caliphate…as he apologizes for Americans and calls us lazy and talks down to us as if we are stupid children….
The race card is played continually…while politically correct BS is forced upon us for agenda…
Our economy is bad, but our ‘president’ spends millions on a ‘December holiday’…
Slander and rumor run rampant… the press will annihilate a person at their whim… while protecting their Obama ‘god’…
False religions and ‘gods’ are idolized and followed… Oprah as one example…’Obama the messiah’ another…New Age BS….
People are on their gadgets more than they are interacting in person with one another…
Obesity and laziness have reached new highs… the over-indulged bulge is seen everywhere…
People listen to talking heads and the world more than to themselves… many not able to discern what is real and true and what is Leviathan spin…
and now-a-days most all of it is Leviathan-spin…
Information spreads quickly and most of it is slanted propaganda as in the MSM’s ”yellow journalism…
What most of us found abhorrent, we are now having to endure as the ‘norm’…
To me, America doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t look the same, or feel the same… it feels strange and off… really off…
It’s ‘Happy Holidays’ if you want to be PC… instead of Merry Christmas….
America was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs… not Muslim…
People who come to America need to adapt to us, become citizens, or leave. We have freedom of religion, but it’s not to make/force us adapt to theirs. It’s not freedom of other’s speech and not, ours, as Americans…
I don’t feel like I belong on here on earth…I don’t fit in. My morals, values and standards are not like what I see … and I don’t want to lower who I am to the standards of most in this corrupted world.
Does anyone else feel as I do?
So, what are we living in?…
what they are saying is, I love the way that you make me feel, or worse, they are saying, “I love you”, to try and ‘get’ something from you. Selfish love recognizes certain needs must be met in order to maintain its happiness. Real love is free of these restraints and demands.
Love is not ‘perfect’. Demands bring obstacles to love. Unnecessary expectations about love make it rigid and inflexible. We all change from birth to death, and if we are not willing to accept these changes and grow with them as both an individual and in love relationships, then we are neither ready, or worthy of love’s full attention.
Love and relationship offer the most intense and rewarding place to grow and to learn about yourself in relation to another…some are afraid of this intensity and growth and have fear of learning about self…
Love is about giving…not about what you can get…
Love just is…when you ‘really’ feel it, you just know…
But some are not capable of love….only its imitation….so they correlate love with what they can get in its name…
Are you capable of love, or are you looking for what you can ‘get’ in its name?
Have you every felt really loved and if so what does it feel like? Have you ever really loved and what does it feel like?…
Think about it…
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It’s basis is Sharia Law…Dorrie O’Brien spoke recently at the Frisco Tea Party on Islam and Sharia Law (pictured between myself and Al Lee, candidate for Congress)
She became suspicious of people telling her that Islam was a religion of peace. So, she investigated and discovered…
Sharia Law is a political ideology disguised as a religion with goals to take over America and the world. They sanction lying, taqiyya, to achieve their goals. They use stealth jihad tactics (everything short of physically going to war) to infilitrate, propagandize, elect Muslims to office, and convert Americans to Islam, in order to establish Sharia law as the law of the land, and make the country an Islamic nation, ruled by a Sharia-compliant caliph.
Muslims think that they are superior to all others…
Sharia means the way to the water well… the way of life… the way to live…(this is the way all Muslims must live)
Islamic Scholars Claim: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass away. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, the Sharia. US laws are man-made; while Sharia law is sacred and comes from the only legitimate god, Allah.
Islam is the grandfather of Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Progressivism and Liberalism… the ‘ism’s’ that want total control over all aspects of people’s lives.
Sharia is based on the principles found in the Koran and other Islamic religious/political texts. There are no common principles between American law and Sharia.
Under Sharia law:
– There is no freedom of religion.
– There is no freedom of speech.
– There is no freedom of thought.
– There is no freedom of artistic expression.
– There is no freedom of press.
– There is no equality of peoples — a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim.
– There is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people.
Justice is dualistic, with one set of laws for Muslims males and different laws for women and non-Muslims.
– There are no equal rights for women.
– Women can be beaten.
– A non-Muslim cannot bear arms.
– There is no democracy. since democracy means that a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim.
– Our Constitution is a man-made document of ignorance, jahiliyah, that must submit to Sharia.
– Non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens.
– All governments must be ruled by Sharia law.
– Unlike common law, Sharia is not interpretive, nor can it be changed.
– There is no ‘Golden Rule’. (do unto others as you would have them do unto you.)
Sharia is the basis for every demand that Muslims make on our society.
– When schools are asked to give up a room for Islamic prayer, that is asking us to implement Sharia law.
– When a Muslim wears a head scarf, that is in obedience to Sharia law.
– When our newspapers would not publish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, our newspapers were submitting to the demands of Sharia law.
– When demands are made for our hospitals to treat Muslim women in special ways, that is Sharia.
– When our textbooks have to be vetted by Muslims organizations before they are used in our schools, that is in accordance with Sharia law.
The attack on the World Trade Center was perpetrated in adherence to the rules of war, ‘jihad’, found in Sharia law. Sharia law is the basis for everything in the lives of all Muslims. Sharia law is being implemented more and more in America and yet there is no knowledge about what Sharia actually is, since public, private, or religious schools do not teach it.
Most mosques in America are built by Saudi Bankers. Muslims are instructed to build mosques where ever they go. Their mosques are their fortresses and their center of war. They infiltrate communities by getting seats on City Councils – Zoning – Planning – Police… American cities are being taken over by Muslims… as in Dearborn, Michigan. Muslims are moving forward in their agenda of Sharia law while denying what they are doing… remember taqiyya – ‘sanctioned lying’ to achieve their agenda.
Sharia law denies freedom and American rights. A Muslim thinks it’s their duty to kill non-Muslims.
The Islam happening in Europe is what we will see in America in 20 years…the actions in Europe are based on Sharia law and are being implemented in America.
-There are times that traffic cannot move in London streets as Muslims command the streets to pray.
– Entire areas of Europe are no-go zones for non-Muslims, this includes the police. These are Islamic enclaves where only Muslims live. The ‘Muslim-only policy’ is based on Sharia.
– In England an Anglican bishop calls for the rule of Islamic law for Muslims. The bishop is obeying Sharia Law.
– In the schools only Islamic approved texts can be used: this is based on Sharia law.
– Christians may not speak to Muslims about Christianity nor may Christians hand out literature. This is a political result based on Sharia law enforced by British courts.
– Rape by Muslims is so prevalent in parts of Sweden that Sweden has forbidden the police from collecting any data in the rape investigation that would point to Islam. Rape is apart of the Islamic doctrine as applied to non-Muslim women.
– In London, mass demonstrations by Muslims call for the end of British law and Sharia law to rule all people, regardless of religion. This political action is based on Sharia.
– In some English hospitals, during Ramadan fast, non-Muslims cannot eat where a Muslim can see them. The submission of non-Muslims to Islamic preferences is based on Sharia law.
– At British hospitals, Muslim women are treated only as Sharia law demands.
Sharia law is creeping into America on every level. And it may take over if something isn’t done to stop it.
Wall of Shame – Americans working for the Muslim Brotherhood and aiding the spread of Sharia: BHO. At his “feet” is NJ Gov. Chris Christie: Nominated Sohail Mohammed for seat on NJ Superior Ct. SM is a member of the American Muslim Jurists Assembly, a MusBrotherhood Christie knew it.
Top line: Denis McDonough: Dept Nat’l Security Advisor to BHO. Said to the Muslims in a mosque in DC that the leaders needn’t worry about the Peter King hearings, “we” weren’t going to take it seriously. #2. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She made the list for working with the OIC and the MusBro in Egypt, legitimizing both for the US. #3 Lee Baca. LA Cty Sheriff. Works with and helps CAIR achieve their goals. #4 Mike Downing. La Dep Police chief in charge of counterterrorism. Works with CAIR, MPAC, and Lee Baca.
2nd line: John Morton, Director, ICE. “Accidentally” put Israel on the list of terrorist countries. Below him is Eric Holder, USDOJAG. Complete fool.
The Box of 4: James Clapper, Dr. Nat’l Intel. Said MB is a loose conglomerate of largely secular, non-violent orgs, not a real threat to anybody, no connection to Al-Qaeda or any other nation. #2, Janet Napolitano, Director, DHS. Inept, to be kind. #3 Diane Sawyer. Media collaborator. #4. John Brennan DHS Chief of Counterterrorism, largely responsible for appointing 3 known MusBro anti-American Muslims to the DHS counterterrorism Advisory Board.
World and American Heroes – Those fighting the Muslim Brotherhood and creeping Sharia: Geert Wilders, member of Dutch Parliament. Freedom fighter extraordinaire. Brigitte Gabriel, founder, ACT! For America. Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. Bob’s one of the world’s finest minds vis a vis the Islamic mind; writes jihadwatch for FrontPageMag.com. Pam Geller is a fearless defender against all Islamic incursions in the country; writes atlasshrugs.com.
2nd line: Paul Fields. Captain in Tulsa police dept. removed from his job when he refused to order his men to “voluntarily” attend Open Mosque Day for Sensitivity Training. Eric Stakelbeck, author of books on terrorist activity in the US and reporter for Christian Action Network with his show Stakelbeck on Terror. Steve Coughlin, considered the #1 expert on Islamic jihad; fired from his advisory position to the Joint Chiefs on the word of Hesham Islam, a Muslim close to Gordon England, the Dep Sec of Defense. US Rep Sue Myrick, R-NC, Chair of the House Anti-Terrorism Caucus. US Rep Louie Gohmert, (R) from the 1st District in TX (Tyler).
Bottom line: Tommy Robinson, founder, English Defense League. Melanie Phillips, author Londonistan; fierce fighter against the Islamic takeover of Britain. Bill Warner, PoliticalIslam.com. Author 5 books on Sharia Law and the Koran. John Guandolo, former FBI agent. Quit the FBI to work with Steve Coughlin and formed the Strategic Engagement Group. The two of them spend their lives briefing members of Congress, police depts personnel, and other gov’t officials in all states about the MusBro. Frank Gaffney, president of ‘The Center for Security Policy’; heavily involved with making sure American Law for American Courts is made into law in all 50 states, among other things. US Rep Allen West, R-FL. Former military; straight-talker against Islam; I expect he’ll be VP, at least, one day. US Rep Peter King, R-LI. Holding hearings on the Islamization of America.
www.actforamerica.org – the only NGO national security organization in the world that specifically fights Islam.
www.politicalislam.com – books by Bill Warner…
If you aren’t educated on this issue… read up and become aware.
Peace – means peace between the brothers in Islam, which is a lie. It’s deception at its most evil.
When I was around 13, a girlfriend invited me for a sleep over. I had known her for a couple of years at school and she lived in the same neighborhood, a few streets over, in a lovely house with everything a family could want and more. We talked about school, boys, clothes and hair… the usual topics for girls of our age in that day. We munched on pizza, popcorn and drank soda pop.
We got ready for bed and snuggled in together in one bed (there were two full size beds in the large room) and read teen magazines, Seventeen, Cosmo, and movie star rags….
We turned off the lights and watched TV…scary movies. It was fun being in the same bed and snuggling in watching horror movies. My sisters and I did this often and slept together as I had with other girlfriends. But she kept getting closer and closer and I began to feel uncomfortable. I would move away, but she would move close again. After we turned the TV off to go to sleep, she put her arms around me and tried to move her hands over my body. I wiggled away and told her to stop it. She stopped, but then tried again. “Let’s pretend, I am the boy and you are the girl?”, she suggested.
“No. You are a girl and so am I. I don’t want to pretend. I want to go to sleep.” I answered. (my instincts were on alert and I wanted to go home. At that age, I think I had been kissed ‘once’ by a boy, in a game of spin the bottle. Her pressing her body to mine felt sickening and not right.) I scooted away, but she came closer. Finally, I sat up and said. “I am sleepy. Go to the other bed, or I will call my Dad to come get me.”
“Oh alright.”, she grumbled as she went to the other bed.
The next day, we played at her house for a bit, but I never felt she was my friend again. I looked at her differently. I didn’t stay at her house again and would avoid being around her at school. I knew what she was did was wrong because all my instincts told me so. I never told anyone about what happened. I thought it too weird to talk about.
Later in high school, I heard this girl was ‘wild as a buck’ (as my mother would say) She drank allot and did drugs and no one else I knew did the things that I heard that she was doing. I heard that she got pregnant as a teenager and had the child. Then I never heard anything more about this girl again.
I cringe when I think back to that night…. that night this girl tried to infringe upon my boundaries and tried to entice me to do something that was not me.
I don’t think I even knew what a Lesbian was at that time … these kind of things weren’t discussed and much was not known about this kind of behavior in my world in those days and I am glad. It felt wrong, was wrong and when I look back it still gives me the creeps. I was an innocent young girl and the exposure to that was disgustingly gross.
Today the sexualization of our children and all that they are exposed to and is displayed before them and discussed makes me wonder. How many try and experience things just to do so because they ‘think’ it’s the thing to try, or to do, because it’s shown in such abundance and in an ‘okay’ light? How many try this ‘stuff’, when it is not in their true nature? How many get messed up in their heads and emotions because of what is shown to them and what they might try because of this, then have their sexual expression distorted because so much is exposed and talked about so openly.
Is there over exposure of alternate sexual lifestyles? Are we over sexualizing our children and our society? Are the media, movies, TV shows, talk shows, ‘movie stars’, etc. assisting in messing up our kids up in this area?
Are our young people being encouraged to try things that they never would try if they had not been exposed to these possibilities?
bullies. Why is it, if you mention fat, or obese, then overweight people come out to call you a hater or that you are judging them?
If you talk about races, or cultures being different, or that you prefer one over another, or don’t like one at all, then someone comes out to point out that you are a racist, a hater, a bigot, judgmental, or unfair?
If a white person dislikes ‘any’ black person, by ‘some’ they are deemed a racist…
Years ago, I was on a first date with a man who told me that he was only attracted to tall blonds and that even though he thought I was pretty that he wasn’t attracted. I shrugged it off. I am a petite brunette and I like who I am. So if he wasn’t attracted to me, so what?!
Should I have called him a brunette hater, or perhaps, a petite person hater? Should I have been offended and tell him that he was ‘judging’ me based on my hair color? HAHA!
Of course not. He was entitled to like what he liked and to state it. It didn’t bother me at all. There are others that are attracted to petite brunettes…
I have been called all sorts of names in my life… I have been called old, fat, snobby, a hag, a skinny white bitch, so on and so forth and have been made fun of and have been hated by the very people who call everyone haters..the love love love liberals…HAHA!
So, get my point? Why is it today that we can’t state what we like, or don’t like without being called a hater, or that we are judgmental… and the list goes on…bigot, racist…Blah Blah! Whine! Whine! Why are we expected to like everyone… even those that we don’t?…
Some white people I like, some I don’t… some black people I like and others not so much…some people I find attractive and others not so much and on and on…. AND SO WHAT?
What has turned so many into easily offended, whine babies…so insecure in themselves and who they are that they can’t handle anything that doesn’t agree with them, or who they are?
It’s almost as if we can’t talk, state our thoughts, have opinions, even have our individual likes, or dislikes around some… and these ‘some’ are ‘usually’ liberals…America’s professional victims…
But Obama the liberal, progressive, marxist, socialist, communist, Muslim, bully-in-chief, bullies the rich and anyone who doesn’t agree with his warped ideas. He puts America, our whole country, down in the blink of an eye, or his radical, socialist ideology… then if someone doesn’t like this traitorous man… they are often called racist. Obama is American’s first victim president. What a loser he is. What an obvious manipulative, double-talking, circle-talking slime…
And do you ‘really think’ this lying, traitor to America cares what I call him? Nope! He is too busy with his agenda of destroying America…and turning everyone into whiny victims like he is. This is the only way this loser knows how to be a ‘success’. Although all he really is, is a puppet to those who know how to pull his strings… they manipulate this victim/bully of a man teaching and encouraging him to manipulate the masses for their gain…
The very ones who claim some as bullies and who they call names are actually the ones doing most of the bullying and name calling…they are pulling the strings of America… and it is time for it to stop!
It is a manipulative, victim tool… and I am sick of it! SICK OF IT!
Grow up and accept who you are and stop being so easily offended… you fat, black, tall, Mexican, short, whiny, obese, foreign, overly thin, illegal, blond, brunette, retard, blond, creepy, stupid, rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, immature, uneducated, old, too young, snobby, red-headed, druggie, alcoholic, bald, fag, hairy, stupid, ignorant, etc. bully people…
And if you are offended by this article. It’s your issue and problem. Get over yourself! Make peace with yourself and who you are. See who you are, accept who you are, or change who you are and when you do, you won’t be offended by what others like, or don’t like. Stop using this weak manipulative tool…
STOP blaming others for who you are or who you aren’t … you weak, sniveling, whiny baby!
All this politically correct BS is being used to control and to manipulate everyone and it’s the weak who are falling for it.
Like who you are or SHUT UP about it!!! Because no one likes everyone … and not everyone likes you, or me…GET IT! And so what!!!
(and I am not advocating bullying, but some of it is just a part of life, some of it just makes you stronger and some of it should just roll off your back)
Also, to take the N word out of classic literature, that is a part of our history… is just plain ignorant…
Okay now, call me what you want for writing this….