I have studied for years what is called the Illuminati… it’s called by many names and has many facets to it, both known and unknown… and many hierarchies…the Bilderbergs, Mariah Conquering Wind, etc…it’s comprised of wealthy businessmen and bankers, primarily the money movers, Rothchilds, the English Monarchy, etc. …going down to attorneys even policemen….
The reason I was researching this topic is because I was writing a screenplay. And because I have always had a ‘knowing’ that something operated behind the scenes concerning what occurs in the world much more than what is revealed….’pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’, if you will…
This brings me to… in my researching it was clear that the Illuminati is comprised of white families, exception being one Asian family. No blacks at all. In fact, blacks are looked upon as inferior. Do you recall when Biden made the comment ‘that Obama was, at least, a clean appearing black’? This pretty much says it all… then Biden, dimwit that he is, becomes vice president to this ‘clean appearing black’… I am sure that Biden is considered a ‘low-level puppet’ also, but he thinks he is ‘something more’ as he runs off at his alcoholic, foul mouth.
These people will do anything to do their duty and to be included, so that they and their families benefit for and from the cause. And so, they ‘feel’ important, included and powerful. Oprah is a prime example … when she became wealthy enough, at some point, she became corrupted within the ego of her earthly power. It was as if her soul left her body.
Both Oprah and Obama were members of Reverend Wright’s
church. She quit out of ‘careerism’. Less calculating, stupid, or plain arrogant Obama hung in until he ran for president.
I stopped watching Oprah years ago as did many others that could see through the BS, even if they didn’t know what they were seeing as she became false, an agent of corruption and darkness. So, she was easily included, as use to ‘their purposes’ for her ‘sphere of influence’ …. Media control is a major pillar for ‘them’ to brainwash the masses leading to their ultimate take over.
If they can use Oprah, or anyone, all the better. They will let her keep her wealth as long as she is of use and plays along. She may, or may not know what’s going on… as they are insidious, seductive and enter through the ego. And with Oprah it is all ego, and like Oprah, as with them, it is a little bit of good upfront and a whole lot of something else behind the scenes. And be sure that it benefits them and their cause much more than the bit of good does for anyone else. As they accumulate the earthly things of wealth and power, many become intoxicated and lose their souls… and that is what ‘they’ love and are after…and I use the word ‘love’ as a part of the lie as ‘love’ really has nothing to do with this…it’s just something that they ‘use’ to entice and to hide behind. Much like a playboy saying, “I love you”, to get the girl into bed. Give her what she wants and needs to hear then he ‘gets’ something to ‘take’…
Think of all the money that Clinton and Bush raised for charity, Where did it go? HO HO! No one can locate it… HAHA! HOHO! Off to see the wizard we go…
The purpose and cause is to take over the world…so that they will have complete and utter control. If you will look at what is occurring in America and see clearly, the white race, Christian and otherwise, are being over run by blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, etc… those of dark, or brown color… and those that are envious, are jealous, or hate the whites, Jews, and Christians… ‘they’ want everyone to blur together and to intermix, but if you will notice they don’t. Is there one black person in the Kennedy family, the Rothchilds, or the Rockerfellers??? Or the Royal family… they were concerned that Kate Middleton wasn’t of ‘royal blood’ so do you think that William would have been allowed to marry a black? HA! Because the bloodline is key…
The Illuminati looks down upon the ‘brown’ people and certainly the ‘blacks’, but they will surely use them for their cause. These people are the biggest racists of them all and are not at all as they ‘pretend.’
Most times, they are exactly opposite of what they say, but sometimes, they are as they deem… it’s all for the spin, the Leviathan confusion of smoke and mirrors…
Those of the Illuminati are of pure white lineage… but they are using these brown-skinned people to get their deeds accomplished…race wars, religious wars are only fodder to use for division, monetary power, and for extermination…
Obama is being used as a front man, a puppet, if you will, for their ‘end game’ which is that of the takeover and take down of America. What a ‘perfect puppet’ as they use the race and minority card on the backs of the black, the Mexicans and all other minorities to accomplish their goal. Sure, the bought and paid for Obama-puppet, will benefit for doing as they deem, but should he mess up, he’s as dispensable as the next. I have heard that Soros ponders throwing him under the bus. These people destroy as easily as they create, as destruction is their goal. They will destroy each other and themselves and in a moment’s notice in order to achieve what they are after.
Obama was ‘chosen’ because they thought he could intoxicate and mesmerize the ignorant masses and he did for awhile…but many are now waking up.
Their downfall will be their arrogance… Look at Obama, from where does his incredible arrogance derive?…
Evil falls in on itself as this is its nature. It’s their life’s blood and they do so enjoy destroying the flesh and drinking of the blood. It’s all a game to them. A game of power. A contest between good and evil. The war between the dark and the light. Lucifer means ‘bringer of the light’… They are anti-Christ, as they are surely the opposite of Christ, good and all that is holy, peaceful and sound…
They care not for mankind… God’s creation is a threat to their existence…
They care for the earth not its inhabitants…hence all the ‘green BS’… you see he was thrown to the earth and out of the kingdom… so it’s the earth that is of importance and value to them. Eradicate most all the people, except, for those who follow and serve, then they have domain over the earth and all its resources and inhabitants…
Bankers… the ‘money movers’… they set up the housing debacle. They create the wars and finance them then the American people and others pay them back. They have Obama push the stimulus through that does nothing positive for the people, or America, but to indebt us as they pay off their backers and reward their friends… those that follow. Now, those same bankers are threatening down grading our status … forcing us to either get more in debt, or cut spending and it is clear what Obama wants to do…spend and debt brings a sparkle to his eyes. The whole goal is to make all Americans indentured servants to ‘them’…. the bankers, the money movers and under their almighty rule.
They use causes, addictions, agendas, threats and fear to have control over the masses to give them power over and the use and control all resources …
Create fear in America… indebt the people and the country, crash the system… that is their agenda… Obama’s threats and fear mongering are laughable were it not so deadly… He is a mongrel of the worst sort, a bought and paid for agent of the damned…
This may sound ‘crazy’ to some and it once seemed a bit crazy to me, but as I researched and discovered more and the pieces fell together… much of what I wrote in my script seven years ago is occurring today. I sit and watch in interest, amazement and with a ‘certain knowing’.
It was forecasted that all will see… and see we do in the media, on our computers and on our TVs…
You see it’s souls they are after to diminish and control through addictions corruption, enslavement and dole… the mark of the beast is readying its role to be placed on each surviving body, so they will do as they are told…
It’s the sucking of the life force energy… the energy of the soul….
It’s the yellow gold brick road and it leads to a place we wish we hadn’t arrived at .
The post about marriage has left me in awe. It is an absolutely beautiful depiction of what it looks like to stick it out, while enjoying all the moments that seem dull or uninspiring. Turning those moments into something more, while getting a new pair of eyes … I love it.
Reading this post reminds me of my previous room mate He always kept talking about this. I will forward this article to him.