It is clear to anyone with a brain to think, eyes to see, and ears to hear that most of the media has become corrupted and has become an extension of the Obama government’s liberal and progessive agenda which is to socialize even communize and demoralize America. To ‘change’ our free enterprize system into government regulations, rules, and heavy taxation and to grow the government at rapid rate, at the expense, and on the backs of Americans in the private sector, to take away freedom of thought, expression, and the right to expose, unless it meets with government agenda…to make the masses ‘equal’, at least, to fool the masses into ‘thinking’ that is what they are doing when really the government along with the media rules over them. HAHAHA!
This is how dictators operate. They take over the media to have their self-serving propaganda spewed daily on all levels and repeatedly…repeat and repeat again. Obama stated many times that he only needs to tell the people more often and in different ways, until they ‘understand’.
Dictators and the corrupted media know that they can brainwash the people who are either too tired to think for themselves, don’t have the brain capacity, are too lazy, want dependence and, or want the government to control every aspect of their existence. This corrupted media continually makes statements, such as, “The American people think this or that.” They are putting words in your mouth and thoughts into your brain daily, like you don’t have the capability to do this for yourself.
Obama does this continually. His recent statement, “The people don’t know what to do, only the career politicians do.” This statement in itself should scare the hell out of all Americans.
Many of the polls that the media promotes and creates are also propaganda. They know that many people, if they are told that others feel a certain way, will follow along… like sheep led to slaughter. A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
People wake up and see, hear, and think clearly before everyone awakens to find that they are living with restrictions and limitations on most everything in their lives and when Obama and his backers destroy the dollar are forced to have a mark put on their body from the ‘Obama regime’, in order, that they be able to work, buy, or sell.
Obama is a dictator. He is a puppet of those wishing to take America down. They want to control the people, all resources, the land, the electricity, the commerce, even the air that you breathe and to do this they need to have and rely on a corrupted media.
They detest freedom. They detest the free enterprize system. They detest anything, or anyone that they can’t or don’t have control over…
They are afraid of freedom… They are afraid of choice… they want to choose for you…
George Stephanopoulos, Diane Sawyer, Barbara Walters, Chris Matthews, Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper to name a few are Obama agenda-filled drones…they don’t report, they brainwash….
Anyone associated with Oprah needs to be boycotted, by anyone who believes in a free America. She and Obama attended the Rev. Wright ‘hate America’ church… and Oprah’s media creation of Obama is what put this dictator where he is today…
The corrupted media allows all Obama’s flubs, lies, corruption, deceit, crimes and distortion slide as they vilify anyone who isn’t caught up in and backs their agenda.They are terrified that they will be exposed for what they are…
Barbara Walters proved there is absolutely nothing the Democrats can do that would get the censure of the mainstream media…except, maybe become a conservative, when she defended Weiner by trying to slime Palin for traveling in a bus around America… umm…Walters had an affair with a married Senator in the ’70’s.
Could anything be anymore sordid, ignorant, agenda-filled and corrupt in the media…? NO!
So not only is the media corrupt, but they are also bullies. They mirror the corrupt Obama bully perfectly…
Some in the media going along with this corruption, either are, or will benefit in some form, or they are too stupid, as of yet, to see what is actually occurring, or they have been threatened and are in fear of not going along with agenda. Obama’s own words. “We will reward our friends and punish our enemies.”
These are the words of a dictator, not an elected president. Certainly, many in the corrupted media have been promised benefits along with the government ruling class when agenda has been fulfilled.
Recall recently, the news person that called Obama a ‘dick’ and he was promptly fired. Well, his man spoke what he really felt. So many in the media are scripted and playing rolls, in order, to keep their jobs when in their truth, they see and know exactly who and what Obama is…
The MSM never gives the whole story. It is always slanted to benefit the Obama agenda of bigger government, the wealthy are bad, and we must level the playing field for everyone. But who is making the money, gaining power and dominance? The government, those that back Obama, as he rewards his friends in business, the corrupted media and some in the entertainment fields, as they continue their agenda to brainwash and control the masses.
FOX news at this time is the only fairly balanced network… to have Juan Willams (who in my opinion is brainwashed, or Obama brain dead) on Fox, clearly shows this…John Stossel recently revealed how stories were blocked at the network where he used to work. Not that anyone with a brain didn’t already know this occurs and all the time.
We must not let the corrupted media corrupt our minds and our country.
Think for yourself. I assure you that this is the only way to remain a free person in body, mind and spirit, living in a free country full of opportunity, instead of Obama’s socialist corruption of hell.
So true! It’s called propaganda.