Would you sell out?…

Say you are a successful politician, or business person with a family and a great life. You have ‘tried’ to live ‘right’ all your life, as you have a strong internal moral adjuster, that guides you in what to do and what not to do (most of the time that is, no one is perfect.)

You love your family and want the best for them. You have worked hard to provide a great life for yourself and your family.

Things are rolling along great…

Then you are asked by the ‘higher ups’, or someone behind the scenes who pulls the strings … to do something that goes against everything that you know to be right and good. Your first response is ‘absolutely not.’ But they insist. You lie awake at night sweating and pondering as they put the pressure on.

Then the threats begin…either do what they are asking, or that one nightstand at that convention will be exposed to the media and your life will go up in smoke. You’ve seen them do it to others and held yourself so above those scandals and all that. Besides, it was only one night … one night of too much to drink and…besides…

They continue to threaten that either you vote on his bill, or cheat the client, or…

If you don’t, ‘they’ threaten, you’re life will be ruined… you will lose your job and position. Your wife will probably leave you. You will lose the country club membership and your children their private school. You will lose your house and everything that makes you ‘you’ and your life worthwhile, and all that you’ve worked for, tried so hard to attain and to keep and to hold…

And the finally threat is that you and your family will be killed…
What would you do? Are there degrees to what you would do to keep your life? Would you cheat a client, lie to the American people, vote for a bill that you knew was corrupt and bad, would you lie, cheat, or kill to keep your life as it is?

Would you sell out? What would you do?…

Clearly, ‘they’ know everyone’s weaknesses and things hidden, mistakes, and cover-ups…recall the movie THE FIRM… and if you don’t have anything, they can easily and will manufacture it… after all, all it takes is a leak to the media that ‘they’ own.

I wonder how much of this actually really goes on? What do you think?