The windows of the soul…

A good spirit will shine through them … and an evil spirit can be revealed by looking into them.

Observe the eyes… Are they clear? Do they look directly at you? Is there life in the eyes? Does a clear, honest spirit shine through them? Does love shine through?

In a person connected to the good in their spirit, there is a light that shines through their eyes and this cannot be faked. Michelle Obama
Some people, even when they smile have dead eyes.  I challenge you to look at the eyes…deep into the eyes. Look at the eyes of politicians, news persons, TV personalities and people in your life. Focus your attention to their eyes… that is where you will find their truth, not in their words. The source and intent is in the eyes.

Many Muslims have dead eyes. Look and observe, don’t take my word for it.

A sociopath has dead eyes and a dead stare. As they lie to you, their eyes will give it away, if you will clearly observe. 

Then listen to the voice… not the words, but the voicethe quality of the voice. A voice originates deep inside the essence of a person. It can reveal, if it comes from a place of goodness, dishonesty, or corruption? Do they manipulate their voice, or is it pure and sincere? Does the voice repeat, over-emphasize, lecture, talk down to, or shout? Is it contrived for purpose? Are the words contrived, or do the words and voice come from the heart? Does it hurt your ears or repulse you to even hear it?

The energy of the person. Is it upbeat and honest, or contrived and forced? Some people appear as if they aren’t even in their body, such as Pelosi, Reid, Michelle Obama and Joy Behar, to name a few… As if a body-snatcher took away their essence and left them vacant and vapid… easily able to be taken over and told what to do and to think. Those promoting the new world order have a robotic vacant and vapid stareThe evil eye is very real.  It is glassy, cold, and reveals a person without conscience, one that has been taken over by EVIL…
One definition of ‘evil’ is to have no compassion for your fellow man with the ability to act on it. Add to that, the ability to ‘pretend’ and to ‘lie’ that you have compassion for your fellowman, in order, to manipulate and control them, then acting on it to their destruction and you have out-of-control, insideous evil. What could ever be more evil than that? Recall Hitler?….  
Observe the eyes of dictators…Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) announces the formation of the Tea Party Caucus in Washington

Michelle Bachman comes across full of life with light in her eyes, in her voice, and in her energy. Her eyes reflect peace, joy and honesty.

This is a photo of Anne Frank … joy is in her eyes, essence and energy…

Many children have a kind of joy and light in their eyes…

Reagan had a light in his eyes… a glow about him…Looking through the eyes of love… 

Those without it can try to emulate it. But it is impossible, as the light in the eyes is something that a person either has or has not.

The light in the eyes is something that you are born with. It is your individual soul shinning though.

Those with the light find it very difficult to lie.. those with dead eyes can lie without blinking, or missing a beat…

And the evil ones enjoy trying to suck the energy and light from those who have it…

Those without the light and who can recognize it in others, ‘those full of evil and envy’, will try to diminish and even steal the light from others by trying to control for their purposes. Control is evil. Freedom of choice is of God. Think about this – Guidance is one thing. Control is quite another.

I challenge you to observe the eyes of those in the public ‘eye’ and those in your life.

The eyes are the windows to the soul…Many things can be contrived, lied about and used to con… but this is one thing that can’t be faked. So learn to observe it.
The light in the eyes shines from the essence of the soul and is a gift from God….

Share who you think has light in their eyes along with those that don’t.