Insecurity! Our individual blight that spills onto others…

Looking honestly and sincerely at yourself… can be a difficult thing to do.

It takes a secure person to admit what they are insecure about in themselves… but when you are able to recognize, accept and work on your personal insecurities, you will live a more actualized, self-contained, emotionally healthy life with less harm done to those around you. 

How does one become more secure in self? I believe that it comes from self-reflection and evaluation. Examining situations and how you interact and react with others and taking the time to look at both sides, not just how you ‘think’ that it is, or how you ‘think’ that someone is, but to see things from both sides, even all sides. When you feel a certain way, examine whylook into yourself to see if what you feel is real, imagined, or a distortion. 

Example: If you are jealous, but can’t, won’t, or don’t see that in yourself, how can you release it? You can’t! You need to be able to recognize what you are feeling and why you have the emotional reactions that you do, in order to grow, shift and change out of it.

To be able to identify what you are insecure about is key. I bet most don’t give it a thought. They just go through life reacting, blaming and projecting onto others…

So, what are your insecurities? Can you identify them? Some insecurities are deep and painful, while others are right on the surface and fairly easy to see then some we aren’t even aware of.

At times, I feel insecure about my appearance. I feel insecure that perhaps, I am not doing as much as I should be…  Why am I here? What is my life for? When I was younger, I might’ve felt insecure, if I didn’t feel like I was wearing a ‘cool’ outfit or if I ‘felt’ overweight…I think that I have behaved in varying levels throughout the years in some of the behaviors in..The Insecure Woman

And we also have The Insecure Man

But now, I am mostly just insecure concerning my direction on the planet. Am I doing what I was placed on this planet to do? Am I fullfilling my highest destiny?

If and when you are feeling insecure and lacking… volunteer to help in your community in some form (not just to get your photo in the paper, or so that you can brag about what you are doing) because when you think about others and put others first, often times, you can step out of yourself. Then when you come back to self, you might be able to see yourself more clearly. Also, accomplishments of worthwhile things, over-coming and striving, in competition with yourself and challenging yourself, builds confidence and helps a person to fill up their insecurity holes…

Be competitive with yourself not others… set your personal goals and strive to achieve them.

The more that you recognize and fill up your insecurities, the less that you will have the need to lash out, respond with insecurity, turn to addictions, or project your insecurities onto others. You will be at peace and honest in yourself and that is good for everyone concerned…

I think that the older you get, if you have been self-evaluating along the way, you come to a point where you know who you are and can more easily identify your weaknesses and blind spots… What do you think? 

What are your insecurities? Are you brave and secure enough to recognize them and to share?

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