Don’t laugh! Think about it!
And share!
Let’s discuss….
Don’t laugh! Think about it!
And share!
Let’s discuss….
not the other way around! When did the government forget this???
How did the government manage the flip from being our representatives to being our repressors? Is it because they are voted in and more represent the class that feels entitled to be carried by the productive class?
And these people need the government control and the government needs them to need the control, in order, to keep their rule, dominate and control power trip as they get wealthier and gain more power off the backs of the people.
Time to end this government charade. Any group qualified to produce enough to carry such a worthless burden should be qualified to regulate their own lives.
I say government BUTT out of our lives.. And serve the will of the people.. instead of trying to infiltrate and control every aspect of our lives…
The government is taking away money from Americans and giving it to illegal aliens. How do ‘they’ have a right to do this? How did this ever even come up as a topic for consideration?
How did the government get so much control over the American people’s income, property, estates, education, and now, healthcare, businesses, food…on and on…etc.???
And why does someone who has paid taxes all their life, need to pay more taxes when they die? It’s government bloat and greed. It’s taking away from families to pass businesses, farms, property and wealth to their lineage.. it is government confiscation of wealth and property and it is of evil and repression of freedom and choice!
Why does the government want power over a family’s money? It is the evil of control. The government wants all the wealth, all the power to feed its bloated belly.
And this vilifying of those that have attained something is down right unAmerican! Someone gains the American dream of success and now, it’s to be given to the government to give to others. And there is ‘something’ called ‘the dream something’ that they are giving to illegals…
There are houses built in my town by illegals and they are horribly built. There is no craftmanship any longer.. Houses used to take awhile to be built and they were built well by Americans! And we speak English in America! And we dress as Americans do.. women with lovely hair showing and faces where smiles can be seen.
What in America is really going on? It’s like the government is trying to control every aspect of everything, even our thoughts and our right to like, or to not like someone or some practice.
It is like the government thinks that it is doing us a favor for allowing us to keep any of our money.
All our freedom of choice and privacy are being diminished even taken away.
America was founded in order to get away from this kind of repression and rule.
Anything the government touches it messes up. And the bigger the government gets the more messed up it gets.
My Dad is a disabled veteran and is paid full benefits. At a time, when he became financially successful, he wanted to give these benefits back and for the government agency to stop paying him. He called to tell the government to please give his benefits to someone who does have the need. He didn’t want to take what he didn’t need when someone else could benefit. He was told that they could not do this. That it would cause too much red tape for them to process and that he must take it. To which my father stated, “Government agencies are idiots! I am trying to give money back and they are too stupid to figure out how to take it.”
Of course, my Dad during his lifetime has done much for others and he found a way to give back many times over.
We don’t need the government to tell us to give. We don’t need the government to take our money and to give it to others. It is not the government’s right to do this.
Left on our own, in the private sector, and as a people, we do give back over and over to others… out of the goodness of our hearts. This is not a government mandate. And when we as a private sector give, we can make sure that less goes to waste, or administrative bloat, and that it goes to the actual cause and need.
Let families take care of their members. Let churches, friends and neighbors help others. And let us have tax benefits for doing this. Let the government butt out!
Be it in time, service or money, Americans give more than anyone.
Government stay out of our lives.. Shrink the Government. Give America back to the people.
We are industrious, creative and kind.
The government is to serve us, not the other way around!
The Government is not god…
When I was in college, we were taught that it was of upmost importance to report something with NO bias. It was a journalist’s job to give NO opinion and certainly not to allow personal opinion to flow through a story. That a journalist’s duty was to report the FACTS and to CHECK them out thoroughly BEFORE reporting or writing anything, INTEGRITY was stressed and stressed and stressed again.
OPINION was to be given only in an opinion article, but NEVER from a ‘real’ journalist. Journalists were fired for anything less than reporting FACTS, researched FACTS. FACTS, that could be backed with PROOF.
Today, we have a media frenzy that writes about, talks about, and gives opinions about EVERYTHING. Little seems to be researched thoroughly. It’s the shock value that is more desired than truth or facts. Either that or all the SPIN and LIES are to COVER-UP that what IS really important and REALLY NEEDS to be investigated and revealed.
Where are the real investigative reporters? Would one stand up? Would one start doing something about this media travesty? Is anyone out there with integrity? Someone that is not driven by some bought and paid for agenda? Might there be one or two that want to REVEAL the TRUTH?!
The main stream media has become like a propaganda machine. They report like brainwashed robots. They back stab and vilify those who don’t agree with them, behaving like spoiled angry children. Who is really behind this? Who owns these media conglomerates and who benefits from the ideas that are being promoted? Example: GE owns NBC and we KNOW GE’s connections. So, ummm, no journalism there… only propaganda with driven agenda. Buy GE’s light bulbs, so the planet won’t get hotter and watch NBC as they sell you what they want you to think and believe. YEAH RIGHT!
They all seem to attack Fox and why? Why does what Fox reports, bother the others so much? Why does what Fox reports, bother the White House so much? It seems to make certain ones crazy and they go all out on the attack. Calling it FAUX NEWS, when it actually appears like the ones screaming this are the FAUX ONES. It’s childlike and what it shows is how threatened that they are? Or is it plain PROJECTION?! Why? I ask. Why are certain media entities so threatened by others? It’s AGENDA and has nothing to do with real, honest news reporting. ASOLUTELY NOTHING!
The White House even FIRED a woman because they thought that she was going to be on FOX NEWS. How utterly dictator-like is this behavior. IT IS WRONG! IT IS UNAMERICAN!
And again, journalism is not ‘supposed’ to have an agenda. It is simply ‘SUPPOSED’ to be reporting the news, even things that they don’t agree with or want to report. Journalism is reporting FACTS, all the FACTS and NOT covering up things because they are asked to or slanting them a certain way because they are told to or because they are PAID OFF by favors.
What we have NOW is nothing, but agenda! And the agenda is driven by who owns the newspaper, the website, the TV station, etc. And it is not subtle any longer. It is blatant agenda of policy, financial changes and those in control making money and wielding power and control over the masses. It is so obvious, that it reeks, but still some can’t discern. Or perhaps, many can, as they turn away from certain media entities and go to the others.
Then we have all this Hollywood and entertainment news reported over and over. It’s predator-like, intrusive, presumptive, and sometimes wrong and many times, outrageous and can even ruin lives. And it takes the attention off the real news – the news that affects each one of our lives, like what bills are being pushed though that take away freedoms and the real background information of those in politics who are making these bills and policies. This is being done daily.
I am insulted by all this media propaganda! I am tired of it. I am tired of the threats of censorship from our current administration. I am tired of the lies, the cover-ups, the reactionary actions without investigation, the wrongly placed blame, the reckless spending, the non-reporting and the blatant LIES… did I mention the lies?!
The first thing that a Dictatorship does is to buy off, threaten, and control the media, in order, to control the minds of the masses.
Do we as a country want paid for propaganda coming from the media that are leading many by the nose into an unimaginable hell?
Where are the REAL JOURNALISTS who are willing to risk everything to reveal the truth, the facts!?
FYI – ‘THE VIEW’ – ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT – OPRAH, ETC. are NOT real sources of news. They are bought and paid for spewing and for entertainment. Enjoy, but don’t mistake it as the real news.
by Ann
put your light out? Or even try to diminish your spirit, your soul? Have you ever had someone see your divine light and being so attracted to it, they come after your glow to try and capture it for their own?
And by so doing, their actions and behaviors and harm begin to diminish and almost snuff the light right out of you…
They see your happiness, your light. They attract to it and they wonder where it comes from, or they are jealous, and, or envious so they try to figure out why you are so content, at peace in your spirit and why you glow. They try to claim it for their own.
Then when they realize that they can’t…they may ‘try’ to erradicate it in you.
But taking, diminishing and dimming another’s light, isn’t the way. Only the darkness can’t see this for they are in the dark.
But the dark can recognize the light…
Not realizing that the light comes from a connection deep within, pulled from the source above and that it is endless in its abundance and love and is theirs for the asking. Not to try and ‘take’ or diminish it from another, but to connect to it for themselves.
The dark doesn’t ‘get’ this. The dark tries to take, even steal, the light from others.
But in so doing, the dark actually defines the light and flames it to shine even brighter because the light always reveals the dark…
The dark doesn’t ‘get’ that the light is anchored within and may be temporarily dimmed, or retreat for a moment, or awhile, but it always returns and sometimes to even shine brighter. And it’s in the giving, not the taking that it shines even brighter. The dark doesn’t ‘get’ this…The dark can’t see, or stand this…
So, the dark keeps ‘trying’ to diminish and take the light…and by so doing, loses its chance to experience the very thing that it wants and desires. The light.
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” — Matthew –
In this season of love, forgiveness and giving shine your light brightly onto others. Glow your light…Shine into the darkness. Reveal…the dark.
Sex is used in commercials. It grabs our attention! We human beings have an animal reaction to sex. It is innate, a drive that allows us to propagate and survive as a race. We are attracted to that which promises the quickest and surest route to sex, driven by the tiny bit of our brain in charge of species survival.
So something overt and obvious such as when that hottie walks by and the mind takes a vacation and the endorphins start to boil and bubble, and before you know it, you’re raising an eyebrow with a “come hither” look in your eyes. You’re physically affected by just the nearness of this person even without knowing a single thing about them!
This can affect the choices we make in what to wear and how to wear it. We want to be attractive to potential lovers; however, this doesn’t always attract the type of person that will stay and build a “nest.” Or a person that is emotionally stable and mature enough to create and maintain an enduring relationship.
We do control our behaviors with our minds. Athough, it seems difficult to believe, at times.
The truth is that human beings are afraid of change, and some will continue in their rut until it kills them… but you don’t have to! Many thinking people overcome their fear of change and create new and happier lives.
“But old tapes” need to be replaced with “new tapes.” Wise people and those with with emotional wisdom control their thoughts and behaviors, instead of letting their emotions controlling them.
Look at the marketing images used to attract. They are aimed at base emotional responses. See them for what they are – shallow images concocted by an advertising team, meant to control and manipulate.
Is that beauty in the ad really attainable for the average man?
Or is that ‘hunk’ what most men look like?
Cut out some magazine ads, put a label over the middle of them, and write “LIES” across them in RED. Now go through magazines and find images of people holding hands, healthy couples (not Hollywood versions) and other positive images, and begin to create a dream board. This is a poster board with images that you select and place on it, images which support your healthy change. Look at the board just before you go to sleep.
Let go of the need for the “sudden impulse” of attraction, and give yourself some rules to govern how you proceed. Sure there needs to be attraction, but that ‘overwhelming sexual draw’, many times, leads to nothing, but shallowness and superfical attraction. That sexual draw can blind you to who the person really is and distort real feelings.
Here are some suggestions:
Don’t attribute personality traits to someone based on your physical attraction to them, wait to get to know them. If someone leads with their ‘sexuality’ ask yourself why? What’s their motive? Most people who tend to do this, either male or female, are using their sexuality either to control, or to hide behind.
Six Week Rule: Wait six weeks of knowing, dating, seeing this person to decide if you even want to pursue the relationship further.
Six Month Rule: After six months, the “real” person will be visible. The false front or ‘act’, if there is one, usually can’t be maintained much longer.
Think before you give your heart to a marketing lie.
Now these are only ‘guidelines’… sure there’s that one in a million love at first site that lasts a lifetime..
What are some other methods for developing healthier sexual attitudes and relationships?
by Ann
egual to?
Do you feel like you are more than others, better than others? Do you feel arrogant, bloated in your self-esteem and full of yourself?
Do you stay in this place most of the time except… for when you sink low and feel much less than others, feel like nothing, insignificant and not as good as others?
When there are extremes in these levels in an individual and I am not talking as extreme as in mental, or emotional illness here. Although, that can and does play a part, then your internal core is not balanced.
And this can lead to difficulties in every area of your life…
Sure! We all have our bad days, where we feel not so good, fat, stupid, insignificant to others and the world. Our hair looks yucky, etc…. we just have a bad day.. Then other days, we feel on top of the world, we look good, feel good, can do no wrong, are smart and on target with it all.
But anyone with extreme flips in either direction is not balanced in themselves and hasn’t made peace with their self-worth in relation to self and to others. They don’t feel equal to others, instead, they feel more than, or less than. And in their efforts to feel equal, they can do much damage to themselves and to others.
Those that go from arrogance to the pits of depression are out of balance. These are people that when feeling their arrogance, put others down to make themselves feel even better and take advantage of others. They don’t think that ‘others’ are as important as they are … so it matters not to them what they do to others. When actually, they are projecting their own negative self-worth out into the world as they suck energy off of others because theirs is a false arrogance that depends on others for approval.
They feel less than so they belittle others, but are sensitive to criticism themselves. They can dish it out, but can’t take it themselves. And may even lash out emotionally and inappropriately when they are criticized because they can’t stand that they may not be all that they think that they are in their ‘insecure-arrogant mind’.
When they meet a ‘genuinely’ confident person… they will ‘try’ to overwhelm them, or put them down, or take them down to their size.. because ‘they’ don’t ‘get’ that confidence and arrogance are not the same things. Genuine confidence threatens them to their empty core.
On the flip side, a person that doesn’t feel, or think that they are as good as others may let others take advantage of them and even let others walk all over them. These people look like they feel, mashed down, the underdog and they are ripe for exploitation on every level.They feel that they have no worth. This can be because of trauma in their lives, or a chemical imbalance, or psychological issues.
It’s all so complex and relies on an internal balance…
But when a person ‘most of the time’ feels equal to tasks, life, people etc. then they will have fewer highs and lows. They are more balanced and feel genuine confidence. They can handle criticism and conflict by taking the time and opportunity to look at self and evaluate. They are not so sensitive, or easily blown, or taken down by the wind of misfortune, or bad days. They flow more easily through life…
To arrive at, equal to, most all of the time requires self-evaluation of your behaviors, reactions and also that of others.
Being equal to is the place to strive for and to be. Because in this place, you will naturally treat others well and with respect because you treat yourself well and with respect. And if you mess up, you will be quick to apologize.
The key here is…you respect yourself, therefore you respect others.
The way that you treat others most of the time reflects how you feel about yourself all the time.
So, are you better than, less than, or equal to? Self-evaluate…
What are your opinions, experiences, or examples?