We must all think alike, be alike and like the same things!

by Ann

Political correctness, propaganda, mind control, actual brainwashing is taking over our country led by the media and the government’s self-serving agenda.

It’s their goal to tell the sheeple what to think, what to say, what to eat, how to vote, what to like, how to live. Instead of being educated to think for themselves or to inform them, ‘they’ are trying to ‘train’ people to do what ‘they’ want. And the ‘they’ is the government backed and funded by ‘certain’ industries and people. And it’s to secure their positions, and gain control, in order, to have power over the masses. And to get power and control over the masses, ‘they’ must brainwash them into submission.
People are getting dumber and dumber making them easier to be led. They don’t want to think for themselves. The sheeple sit in front of the TV, computers, pay attention to hand held gadgets, and follow most anything that they are fed, apparently without the ability to discern the truth. Or they keep so busy running around that they aren’t really hearing what is being said and are not recognizing what is being done.

If they hear it on Oprah, or some other talk show or some reality show or some agenda-filled news program, they take it as truth, and incorporate it into what and who they are – instead, of researching, thinking about it and coming to their own conclusions.

This is how a totally unqualified man became President of the United States. He became a media creation started by Oprah and here we are with our rights, liberties and lifestyle on the brink of destruction. He is a community organizer and this meanst that he convinces people to do as he leads them. He states that if it’s repeated over and over that the ‘sheeple’ will believe it. And when they don’t, he splashes his face in the media and repeats it again and again, then one more time, and even in a different way, and even contradicting himself. He will say ‘whatever’ he ‘thinks’ is needed to be heard to ‘convince’. He talks down to people and it’s insulting to us all. His statements and what he does and is doing shows no respect for the rights and will of the people. It only shows allegiance and concern for his agenda and that of those that back him.

Much is being covered up about Obama, who he is, where he came from and who backed him and it is being done by those that wish to control and become powerful and wealthy off the ignorance of the sheeple, along with him. He is their puppet , their front man, their snake oil salesman, and he loves the attention and power over others. He never realized that he SERVES the people!

Individual freedoms are being taken away daily as the rights of the people are taken away under the propaganda of ‘equality’.

We are not all the same! We all have different lineage, talents, genetics and circumstances. We all have rights, but we are not all the same and no one can make us the same. Unless, they supress us, control us into submission by rules, laws, fines, penalities and more control. In other words, take away our freedoms in the name of ‘equality’ and we all become alike and more easily controlled. Then we are a weakened people, able to be herded,  more numbed out, then led to slaughter. We are being treated like animals,  specimens, or chattel, even product, instead of human beings.
Take away a human being’s individuality and you have a zombie that is ready to be told what to do. Because the ability to discern and to think for self is diminished if not destroyed.

We all have different likes, dislikes, morals, talents, intelligence levels, aptitudes, body types, families and lifestyles. And this is our individuality and our choice.

Take indvidual choice away and give it to the government and what will be created is the evil of control of everything that we do. All choice and individuality will be taken away, mushing us all into one gray mess. Choice is what makes America what it is and is why those who came here wanted to be here.

CHOICE! The freedom to be an individual without the government, ‘ruling class’, or rulers stifling who that you are.

Think about this hard and long.

If they take one freedom away after another, another, then another, pretty soon you might not realize how totally your life and choices are being taken away, even GONE and that you are being controlled by ‘others’ led by the government and under their control.

Then when ‘they’ swoop in and take all of your rights. Will you be ‘surprised’?! When  they turn on you, the ‘you’ that ‘thought’, ‘actually brainwashed’ to think that ‘they’ were doing such good, nice things for you. When they take your property, your children, your car, your, gun, your choice of education, your choice of where to work, your choice of what to eat, your money; etc. They take all of your resources until you are totally dependent on them andTHEY TOTALLY CONTROL YOU! Will you like it then?

AND…If you don’t like or disagree with someone, it doesn’t make you a racist or a hater. It only means that you disagree and would rather be with ‘like kind’ and that you have an opinion… an individual opinion. It makes you who you are,  unique, an individual with rights and freedoms.

We were made individuals by our creator and placed in individual circumstances and are different for reasons. It gives interest, life, creativity, challenges, growth, and we are different colors for reasons. There are different races for reasons. Do you think that the different races and nationalities are an accident? It was done on purpose. And the races and nationalities have different strengths, weaknesses, and traits and they were created this way for a reason. We were not created alike. We were created different. We are all different. We are each unique! There is a reason for those differences. It’s called individuality. And it is GOOD!

Not to harm anyone, but if you don’t like or want to be around certain people that is your right and privilege.

Some people love the color purple. I don’t. Does that make me a purple ‘hater’ or a bad person? No! It just means that I have an individual opinion. What if the government decided that we should all wear purple because it was a more ‘environmentally’ friendly color (don’t even get me started on envirionmental BS) Think of a world where purple is the only color that we can wear. How mundane, gross and disgusting would that become? Even if you loved the color purple, you would end up tiring of it.

We lose our individuality and we will lose what we are about and that will ultimately destroy us all. It will make the world into nothing.

Take away individual likes, dislikes, opinions, rights, freedoms, and try to make everyone the same and equal and you lose freedoms, rights, energy and life!

We must strive and fight to maintain our individuality! We must shrink the government and grow the private sector! It’s the power, ingenuity and desire of the individual that makes America great and we need to expound on that, rediscover it, and all its facets and instill it in us renewed, and make it stronger!

The freedom to live, think, have opinions, like or dislike, talk, express, choose for ourselves!

Feel free to share your individual and unique thoughts on what I have written…