I am EXPLODING about this!

By Ann

… a movie getting ready to come out starring Jennifer Aniston. It’s premise – a single woman having a party to get pregnant and the sperm gets ‘switched’.  Charming premise or is it mostly disgusting? An insemination party… and this is ‘supposedly’ a comedy. How sick is our society becoming to make light of such a serious subject?! And how irrevelant is this making the part of a male in the creation and life of a child? A man replaced by a turkey baster. And that not knowing who your father is…what? No big deal!

Well, it is a REALLY BIG deal! The example that my father set for me and the security that he provides was and is paramount to who that I am as a person. My father’s love and my knowing who that he is and that he made a committment to my mother and out of their union, based in love, is how I was brought into this world, matters to me.
The premise of this movie, THE SWITCH, is a horrible example for our young people. Bringing a child into this world is a serious and profound decision and to make light of it in this manner disgusts me to a level where I am EXPLODING!

Then Aniston makes the comment across the self-promoting airwaves, that a woman does not need a man to get pregnant or to have a child or to rear one. This is a self-serving statement to promote ‘her movie; and is only ‘her’ opinion.  Aniston is a millionaire, divorced actress with no children… who is she to be giving this kind of advice that may be taken to heart by young people?

Sure, single women get pregnant and rear children everyday. But is that a desired state???!!!

This breakdown of traditional family is insidiously breaking down our society and must stop.Seems that Hollywood, the entertainment field and some stars will say and do anything to promote a movie in order to glean popularity and money. Morality and common sense and the message that they are sending seems to matter NOT when greed takes over.

I have volunteered with young, unwed, pregnant girls and to hear one comment, “That Hollywood actresses have children without being married and take care of children alone. So, I can do it, too.” Makes one want to explode. In that, the young woman making this comment in REAL life, hasn’t the means, education or common sense to discern fantasy from reality. She no ability to know how difficult it is to rear a child. She is only thinking ‘how fun it would be to have a baby to love and to have someone love her.’

Sad to say.. really sad to say.. that many think that the message in a movie is one that they can  implement in their lives.. when the ability to do so is practically non-existant. And when a popular actress makes a statement, many think that it is true when it is only their opinion.

What happened to, fall in love, get married, THEN start a family? So that, children can have the security and example of both a male and female in their lives? Sure, there are alternate life styles and families, but the exception is on its way to becoming the rule. This breakdown and disrespect for the process of bringing a child into this world is destructive to us all as a society and is going to backfire on our quality of life. There is a switch going on and it’s the demoralization of our country and the devaluing of that what is precious. The comception and rearing of a human being.

I am boycotting this movie as it is a sad statement and reflection of a distorted view as it diminishes the importance and seriousness of what bringing a child into this world is and really means to both the child and our society.