Tag Archives: whiny

The face of the Democrat/socialist/progressive party – the victim…

Image result for Photos of Christine Blasey FordDemocrat party is the party of victims, weak women – weaker men…

The democratic party – the party of man haters, women who hate men, think they are all liars and should die – especially, if they are old and white.
Actually – the lib/dem/progressive women, I do know and that’s very few – really do hate men and, or have children by them – never married them and the men do not take care of their children. Ummmm – I wonder could the women’s choices have created this and their hate of men – or is it actually their hate of self? Even the cool gay men I know are Conservatives, and of course, they love men, and women. Women – not so much – except for make-up. fashion tips, emoting and gossip. So that it’s the Dem Party – a party of man hating women and of course, those who are gay. Is Pocahontas gay? Does she hate men? We know Killery uses them or murders them and prefers women – wasn’t there a big ‘to do’ that she had a ‘thing’ with Okko Ono?

I have been a victim of sexual harassment – I addressed it immediately – took the man to court – he settled with me – I am not a victim. I addressed it – then released it and all the negativity that it carried from me. I am a strong Conservative Christian woman.

To remain a victim is to remain a fool – to remain tormented – wallowing in self-pity – eaten up with pain rather it be lies/fake/ or real – it’s a form of self-torment. It blocks happiness, joy  and the feminine glow from your face and body. The opposite of what ‘feminism’ is ‘supposed’ to stand for and be.

To allow others to victimize you – you are a fool – and not living in your power.  Isn’t that what the ‘feminist’  movement is ‘supposed’ to be about –  feminine power – equality – equal pay for equal work, etc. Instead, what I see is it  being  used as a victim movement.

I AM NOT A FEMINIST! I am an internally strong woman – processing life experiences and events  as they come and go in my life – then choosing what to keep and what to let go off.

In Part Four of my book DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – is a process explaining how to identify your feelings  related to imprints and beliefs and how to process through them – available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all the usual places.  Someone please – get this book to Blasey-Ford –

tImage result for Photos of Christine Blasey Fordhe big pathetic victim face of Dem/lib/progressive victims… whiny child voice so obnoxious – it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Democrat – the victim party!They live as victims, create and use victims for, and to implement their agenda of control. They divide to conquer for their agenda. They create victims – want to keep them  as victims  in order to use the hell out of them – blame, blame blame others – side step, lie, deflect, avoid responsibility – say you’re a strong woman while behaving like a weak whiny child…. and all those big bad white men did it.. BOO HOOO HOO!

Makes sense, doesn’t it that Obama was the first VICTIM president.

Overly sensitive, fragile, whiny, easily offended, weak…

Whitesummer5bullies. Why is it, if you mention fat, or obese, then overweight people come out to call you a hater or that you are judging them? If you talk about races, or cultures being different, or that you prefer one over another, or don’t like one at all, then someone comes out to point out that you are a racist, a hater, a bigot, judgmental, or unfair?

If a white person dislikes ‘any’ black person, by ‘some’ they are deemed a racist…

Years ago, I was on a first date with a man who told me that he was only attracted to tall blonds and that even though he thought I was pretty that he wasn’t attracted. I shrugged it off. I am a petite brunette and I like who I am. So if he wasn’t attracted to me, so what?!

Should I have called him a brunette hater, or perhaps, a petite person hater? Should I have been offended and tell him that he was ‘judging’ me based on my hair color? HAHA!

Of course not. He was entitled to like what he liked and to state it.  It didn’t bother me at all. There are others that are attracted to petite brunettes…

I have been called all sorts of names in my life… I have been called old, fat, snobby,  a hag, a skinny white bitch, so on and so forth and have been made fun of and have been hated by the very people who call everyone haters..the love love love liberals…HAHA!

So, get my point? Why is it today that we can’t state what we like, or don’t like without being called a hater, or that we are judgmental… and the list goes on…bigot, racist…Blah Blah! Whine! Whine!  Why are we expected to like everyone… even those that we don’t?…

Some white people I like, some I don’t… some black people I like and others not so much…some people I find attractive and others not so much and on and on…. AND SO WHAT?

What has turned so many into easily offended, whine babies…so insecure in themselves and who they are that they can’t handle anything that doesn’t agree with them, or who they are?

It’s almost as if we can’t talk, state our thoughts, have opinions, even have our individual likes, or dislikes around some… and these ‘some’ are ‘usually’ liberals…America’s professional victims

But Obama the liberal, progressive, marxist, socialist, communist, Muslim, bully-in-chief, bullies the rich and anyone who doesn’t agree with his warped ideas. He puts America, our whole country, down in the blink of an eye, or his radical, socialist ideology… then if someone doesn’t like this traitorous man… they are often called racist. Obama is American’s first victim president. What a loser he is. What an obvious manipulative, double-talking, circle-talking slime…

And do you ‘really think’ this lying, traitor to America cares what I call him? Nope! He is too busy with his agenda of destroying America…and turning everyone into whiny victims like he is. This is the only way this loser knows how to be a ‘success’. Although all he really is, is a puppet to those who know how to pull his strings… they manipulate this victim/bully of a man teaching and encouraging him to manipulate the masses for their gain…

The very ones who claim some as bullies and who they call names are actually the ones doing most of the bullying and name calling…they are pulling the strings of America… and it is time for it to stop!

It is a manipulative,  victim tool… and I am sick of it! SICK OF IT!

Grow up and accept who you are and stop being so easily offended… you fat, black, tall, Mexican, short, whiny, obese, foreign, overly thin, illegal, blond, brunette, retard, blond, creepy, stupid, rich, poor, ugly, beautiful, immature, uneducated, old, too young, snobby, red-headed, druggie, alcoholic, bald, fag, hairy, stupid, ignorant, etc. bully people…

And if you are offended by this article. It’s your issue and problem. Get over yourself! Make peace with yourself and who you are. See who you are, accept who you are, or change who you are and when you do, you won’t be offended by what others like, or don’t like. Stop using this weak manipulative tool…

STOP blaming others for who you are or who you aren’t … you weak, sniveling, whiny baby!

All this politically correct BS is being used to control and to manipulate everyone and it’s the weak who are falling for it.

Like who you are or SHUT UP about it!!! Because no one likes everyone … and not everyone likes you, or me…GET IT! And so what!!!

(and I am not advocating bullying, but some of it is just a part of life, some of it just makes you stronger and some of it should just roll off your back)
Also, to take the N word out of classic literature, that is a part of our history… is just plain ignorant…

Okay now, call me what you want for writing this….