Tag Archives: insecure

Can insecure fearful people…

love another for genuine reasons?

Insecure fearful people are overly focused on self and what they lack and what they are trying to gain in order to feel better about themselves. So can they genuinely care for or love another? They are most always looking to fill themselves up in some way, instead of giving to another and to, at times be able to fill another up.
Love is about what you give, not what you take.When an insecure fearful person does give, they most always have a need, even must feel like they have some kind of gain or reward in it for themselves, or it isn’t worth it to them.  When, or if an insecure taker does give, they are more concerned that others see what they did and that they get approval and applause for their giving, rather than to be focused on just the pure pleasure of giving to another. Their innate insecurity creates an inner need to make everything about themselves. Many times, their insecurity leads them to be controlling of others.

Momentary pleasure with a temporary feeling of security are only when they gain something or feel good about themselves – so they can pat their needy little selves on the back.  They suck off the energy of others to get through their miserably dark and lacking life, instead of dealing with their inner turmoil, issues and feelings of insecurity. They may even appear egotistical in their words and behaviors to cover-up for their innate insecurity.

They attract to beauty, money, success, status and things that they ‘think’ will rub off on them and give them a brighter facade or image – in order to build up their insecure ego. 

In a love relationship – there will be a circle of giving and receiving and at times, one may need more than the other because of life circumstances, etc. – but when, or if one begins to feel drained, used and taken for granted – in ‘aware’ love, the other will sense this and connect with them in comforting love – as in hugging, touching, nurturing, or a look in the eyes. But an insecure, needy, self-serving, selfish person will rarely if ever recognize need or lack in another, unless, it serves their self-interest to do so – as in they will gain attention, prestige, sex, gifts, money, or reward of some sort, etc.

Example: in relationship – you can handle their moods and issues, but they can’t handle yours. And not only that, they ‘expect’ you to handle theirs, and will feel put upon whenever there is a need for them to handle your emotions or moods.
Think the woman who can’t stand it when her husband shows weakness in some area – or the man who negates his tired wife’s need for rest and attention. These people are so overly about having their own needs met through the other, than to truly care for and love the other – with little ability to see, recognize the other person as separate, with their own issues, needs and pain.

If your well-being is overly tied to your partner, you will be internally that of a needy child.
On the flip side, if your partner can’t have a melt down with your support  and understanding then you are not  being there for them – but are there only for your selfish-self and childish needs.  If you expect your partner to be perfect in your eyes and out in the world at all times – think of the pressure you are putting on them. Relationship is a place where you can rest and be rejuvenated, to feel and  know that you will be comforted and cared for when you are not at your best.  It is a place to sustain you when you are down and to lift you up.

If you are too insecure and weak to face your issues and pain, you will deflect and project them onto another – trying to make something wrong about them, in order to make yourself feel better about you. 

Love is a combination of acceptance of another, while having self- awareness and growth at the same time.

There are individual fatal flaws that make relationship impossible as in – cheating, addictions, lack of genuine commitment, need to escape at any sign of stress or conflict, inability to have empathy as in seeing your partner’s side of the situation with understanding. If a person is addicted to anything then their relationship is with the addiction instead of their partner –  that addiction may be alcohol, drugs, food, TV, porn, parental approval whether parent be dead or alive, and material things such as collections, etc.
Relationship is for giving, receiving and ultimately healing and growth both individually and together to equal balance in self and in one another. It takes much self-awareness and a mature openness in both  individuals to merge with another in genuine love and commitment. Otherwise, it’s just playing, like a child does and becomes a game to see who can take and get their needs met in spite of the  needs of the other.

In today’s world, there is much narcissism, selfishness, materialism, self-centeredness, lack of commitment, immorality, inability to self-reflect, lack of ability to look at self in genuine awareness. And because of this lack there are many unhappy, depressed, anxiety-ridden, addicted even tormented people. Immaturity is rampant. Accountability and responsibility are lacking.

There is no relationship without accountability and responsibility. It’s about commitment to self in awareness and growth as well as commitment to one another. This is what makes relationship so rich, worthwhile and life worth living.

In relationship is where you learn about yourself  in ‘relation’ to another human being with the ability to become more and this is even in casual daily passing relationships. Only ultimately and more importantly, it is intensely experienced in the love relationship. You were attracted to another and brought together for a reason and purpose. If you shut down, runaway or escape when it gets difficult or becomes real, you are not only harming your partner but ultimately yourself.

When commitment, accountability and responsibility are negated, put down, diminished, dismissed, ignored and escaped from in our individual lives, we are creating  a distorted, fractured, weak immoral society and  world – wherein self-pleasure, selfishness and self- centeredness rule and ultimately there is much self misery.

Books to assist in awareness and growth DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR – memoir/self-help & FEAST OF MEN – story of a woman’s heart – Both available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. in e-book and soft cover.

The needy self-absorbed man…

self-absorbedI have a male/acquaintance/friend who is in his 50’s and very ill. He has spent his life as a playboy being obsessed with how a woman looks and sex. He’s never married, laughed at it and put it down. He is  now alone and lonely. Parents are gone and friends off with their lives. He’s pathetic. I feel sorry for him, always have. He called me last night whining that he has no one to talk to. He is alone and can barely take care of his own needs. He needs assistance to shower, etc. 
He has only cared about himself and his needs and wants. He doesn’t even listen when you talk with him. I have talked about God.. but he laughs at me. He doesn’t think there is a God.
Men need women for much more than sex and how she looks. A man who objectifies  women usually turns out like this one … alone. I have seen it happen many times. When they get old or sick, can’t rockin’ roll and their resources dwindle… they are left alone with nothing. The women that he chose for her looks, only wanted him for what he gave her as in excitement or gifts while he only wanted her for her body and how it temporarily made him feel.
Men if you are fortunate enough to have a woman love you, you might want to cherish her for all her gifts. It’s been proven that a man needs a woman more than she needs a man.
Women alone live longer than men alone. Why is this? A woman assists a man in processing his emotions. She cares for and nurtures his needs. When he provides, commits and protects this creates a great balance. But when he doesn’t… it falls apart… the balance never occurs.
When a man is so needy that he is driven to suck off many women with no commitment, he is really cutting himself off from what he really needs, but this kind of man is too insecure, can’t allow vulnerability or be real within himself, so he distances emotions and feelings for the temporary charge and escape of sex and being in control and in the end he loses big time!  
Women can do this for themselves. They process their emotions more easily, so why would any sane woman want to take on the neediness of a man without his full commitment to her and respect of her whole self? Women who share their bodies with a man without the wholeness of commitment are fools. They are fools looking to temporarily escape who they are in reality and wholeness and it is a big fail in the end for both. 
The real deal with the ‘never married man’, forty and up, is they can’t commit, are afraid of failure and real intimacy. So, they objectify women and diminish marriage and commitment to make themselves feel better about their inability to commit, to choose, and to make long term relationship decisions.

“Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”

Oscar Wilde

Blown away by the way ‘some’ men…

Blackwhite24talk to a woman…
Okay… what would you think and do if a man solicited your attention repeatedly to offer his services in a business interaction. And finally, you respond because you ‘think’ that you ‘might’ have an interest in his service. It’s what he is offering you, you did not contact him. He sends you his resume and some samples of his work which appear fine.  

The first conversation with him is informative and interesting. But in the next phone conversation, he makes continual references to your body as being voluptuous. It could ‘sort of’ be excused, in that, you are talking about a character in a book. But he says your body is ‘voluptuous’ about six times and he asks personal questions. (red flags) And then in the next email, he writes that for his ‘pay’, he asks only that you marry him and never leave him… he also writes that you are beautiful and have a certain glow about you…

He also writes in an email that he showed your photo to a kid that lives above him and this kid said that you are ‘hot’.

You write back that this is sweet, but you are only interested in the  business project…besides, why would he show your photo to

His reply. “Dear, don’t nag.”

Your reply. “Excuse me?”

His reply. “Excuse you? Why, did you burp?”

Having experienced quite enough, you write back that you are not interested in any association with him and that you don’t appreciate him continually referring to your body.

Indignant, defensive and patronizingly, he replies that he was only being friendly. That you are being arrogant and you need to get over yourself because you are not all that attractive… and that ‘you’ need to apologize to ‘him’…because he was only sharing a ‘story’ about the kid, and that you are being too sensitive. And that you shouldn’t kick a ‘gift horse’ in the mouth.

HA!… soooo…Whew!  Yes… this happened to me and this from a man who has commented repeatedly for months that he enjoys my writing, agrees with me and my site. So, he ‘should’ know what I am about, or he ‘thought’ he did, or he doesn’t know how to conduct business, or he is a stupid oaf, because, if this had occurred in an actual place of business, his words would be considered sexual harassment.

So, over the Internet in a ‘business’ interaction this man disrespects me, comes onto me and when I call him out on it, instead of apologizing… he ‘tries’ to point the finger at me, put me down and patronize me. And he was the one continually talking about my appearance not me…

Also, when he first talked about my body, of course, I was offended, but I let it slide to gather more info, since I am becoming more aware everyday that ‘many’ men are ‘completely ignorant’ about how to talk and interact with a woman. Some seem to think that saying things like this man said to me are ‘compliments’. But what it does is to make a woman feel objectified and this is insulting on every level. Was that his intention? To pull some kind of ‘male dominance.’

Do men these days, because of movies and the way, in some cases, we see women being portrayed and disrespected and the way many women disrespect themselves, ‘think’ that they can interact in this manner?

I have never seen anything like what I am seeing today…sure there have always been the jerks and always will be. But the lack of manners, juvenile behavior, low respect level, and ignorance of ‘some’ men these days, goes beyond the pale… and it blows me away in shame for them. Are they so insecure and needy that they will take any and every opportunity to objectify, try to stick it to and take a woman down to their lowly level?

What do you think? Do you agree or not? And what would you have thought and what would you have done?

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