Tag Archives: dictator

Violation of First Amendment Rights…

Facebook – and others are censoring conservatives at their whim and at rapid pace for doing little to nothing. Some in social media do not want the truth out or any differing opinions that do not support their communist/progressive, NWO agenda. Therefore, ‘FB jail time’, blocking and banning are happening more and more often.

FB put me in jail for 30 days for a post that I wrote years ago and it was not anything but my opinion about how ‘some’ homosexuals behave which is my right to have and to express. So now, FB is going back in time to find anything that they can to shut  up conservatives, Christians, white people  and heterosexuals.  Anything  against DACA, Muslims, Sharia Law, illegals – post anything about an aspect concerning gun control, homosexuals, transexuals, women’s march – women who wear vaginas on their heads – being in support of President Trump – anything against Hillary, Dems, progressives, NWO are deemed as going against ‘FB community standards’. While FB allows verbal abuse of conservatives from terrorists,  gays, dems, muslims, lib/dem/ progressives, etc.  and allows them to post horrible even threatening things and not be censored. FB allows all sorts of perversions to be displayed and if you are against them – you are thrown into FB jail and ‘punished’ – censored – as if you are some school child.

Censorship for agenda must be stopped. It is against our First Amendment Rights and is why our forefathers stated it as such – in order to curtail censorship for agenda before it begins and to allow freedom of speech for all – not just a few.  When people are not allowed to express differing opinions then we are under a communistic rule and dictatorship coming from some in the social media, etc. 

Political correctness is nothing but Censorship.  ‘PC and so-deemed hate speech’ are being taken way too far and being used as control of free expression and free speech.   It’s for the evil agenda of perversion and control of the masses.  FB  even wants an app for children – so their agenda can be imprinted as early as possible – so addiction to technology and  that brainwashing can begins earlier and earlier – the sick twisted desire of rule, dominate and control to implement their agenda over the masses.

FB should be cited, sued, fined, etc. for curtailing freedom of speech and expression.  According to Zuckerberg, FB was started as a place for people to communicate and share expression. Now, it’s become a place to promote Zuckerberg’s agenda as he censors anyone against it –  curtailing FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS for those ‘they deem’ going against ‘their agenda’. FB is un-American, about control and about ‘their’ agenda while they make money off ‘everyone’ who uses their communistic-run site. People are punished at FB’s whim without due recourse or way to communicate. Those in protest are not even listened to – I have contacted FB hundreds of times, after I have been thrown in ‘their FB censorship jail’ and no one  ever responds.  zuckerberg resolution 2017 mark 5 1500x1000Being on FB is like North Korea –  being on there, we are under the dictates of a  wimpy little dick-ta-tor of control, arrogance and agenda. Zuckerberg is now creating a household computer- ‘butler’- like robot and he has made it so that it only listens to his voice and not his wife’s. This man is an out-of-control dick-ta-tor and needs to be thrown in jail for being a traitor to American freedoms.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are a menace to a free society. He curtails freedom of speech and freedom of expression and uses his site to promote progressive communism  to try to weaken America, flood her with illegals, muslims  and refugees who hate our country, in order to created chaos – thus enabling  the progressive agenda of control to insert a weakened America into the NWO under the rule of the UN – where all rights will come through them and they have control over all earth’s resources, land, property and people.   Completely against freedom – all about the evil of control. 

Summer is hot, but it just got hotter…

???????????????????????????????Obama is no president. He is a dictator-puppet of a regime that is trying to destroy America…

Common sense tells us, if you can’t pay your bills as they are, you don’t get more credit and get into more debt. Yet, Obama and his regime want America to take on more debt.

Common sense tells us, that if you need more income, you get a job, not spend money. You don’t go buy a new car, furniture and lots of clothes, jewelry and remodel your house, if you can’t pay the bills that you have, because to do so, would cause destruction, a complete collapse of your finances and household.

But Obama and his minions continued to spend and to grow America’s overhead. All of this is a path to destruction and they know it. Either they are the stupidest people ever conceived, or this is being done on purpose. I think it’s both. Obama and those in his administration are puppets of evil and destruction which does make them really stupid. They are bought and paid for cons being used to destroy America.

Change, huh?! Oh look, at the ‘change’… destruction, that this affirmative action destroyer has done to America, while he blames everyone, but himself… Oh, but I forgot, he’s a ‘community organizer’…so does that mean that what he organizes, others take the blame for? But when Bin Laden was killed, the ‘community organizer’ seemed to want the ‘blame’… or rather accolades… Is that it? A community organizer blames others, unless he wants the praise?  Ummm… interesting concept… huh?

Soros is one of Obama’s biggest backers and he destroys the currency of countries for his own benefit and that is what he is wanting to do to America. He also influences and owns the media. When the media becomes an arm of the government, we are in a dictatorship. So we then, have no journalists only propaganda and that occurs daily on the MSM.

Under the Obama administration, America has been down-graded. He has spent more money than any community organizer ‘president’ ever and he has passed a socialist health care bill that will not only ‘change’…destroy the medical profession and more of our economy. And most of all of this was done behind closed doors. Americans aren’t even shown the bills, until after they are passed. You see they are ‘secret’ bills that only ‘professional politicians’ and ‘community organizers’ understand… Ummm.. yeah, right!

Obama and his ilk are trying to make America weak, so that they can take us over, our resources, our investments, our personal wealth and to tax more of what we produce to take in for their use. So that they can grow some more the bloated, wasteful spending that has become our government. Then the ‘community organizer’ can play more golf, party more, fly on ‘his jet’ and be on talkshows….

These are the things that a dictator regime does:  A dictator lies to the people to implement takeover. Obama lies continually. A dictator is on the media continually to brainwash the masses. Obama is on the media continually. The media becomes an arm of the gov. and promotes their agenda, while vilifying and blaming anyone that is against, or sees what they are doing. The media vilifies the Tea Party, Republicans, or any group that believes in the constitution and real American values. Now, Geithner ‘the tax cheat’ is blaming Standard and Poor for the down grade…hahaha! Can’t any of these people take responsibility for anything? Except, oh I forgot, they took the ‘blame’… credit for Bin Laden… but I think it was really the Navy Seals… 

Very strange person this community organizer… I haven’t seen anything like it…he’s never even had a ‘real’ job….yet, he is running a country… Oh, but I forgot, he was on Oprah…

Apparently, tax cheats and community organizers never get the blame…that is unless, they ‘want’ to ‘take’ it..

This is not a Presidency…. this is a regime… an evil regime of a power grab…

A country is destroyed either by the sword, or the monetary system…

Wake up America!   Obozo is a community organizer dictator and he is using the tactics of all dictators…brainwashed, vilify, blame, then destroy. Oh, and educate the youth to agenda.  Hitler used these tactics and blamed and vilified the Jewish people for Germany’s bad economy and they weren’t the cause at all. In fact, they were they prosperous ones, the working ones…

And we all know how that turned out….was Hitler a community organizer, too? Ummm.. I think he might’ve been…

Obama is organizing for evil as all dictators do…
Yes, it’s as hot as hell this summer…