Tag Archives: abuse

Abused by a man on FB, then abused by FB…

headshot60A man sent me an email full of vile words when I rejected his advances to me. I reported the abusive email to FB and, of course, they did nothing. I blocked the man.

I also contacted the local authorities and sent them a copy of the email thread. I then posted the email thread on my FB page to warn and alert others to this man’s behavior.

The post got over 50 responses and all agreed that the man is nuts and dangerous for what he wrote to me.

CensorshipThen a few days later, FB bans me for 30 days for the post.  FB is continually standing with abusers, terrorists, etc. and they ban conservatives for nothing, while allowing liberals/progressives/Muslims and others to spew all sorts of evil.

I have tried to contact FB repeatedly and they do not respond.

When you report abuse, they do not respond orthen haven’t to me and I have heard other people saying the same things about FB. But they will ban a Conservative for doing nothing.

Here is the thread:

“I am posting an message thread from a classic abusive man.. 
I post pics for fun and there is never any real nudity.. I post pics of me having wine with dinner.. I have a wine business.. that does not mean that I drink all that much.. I have very high morals and standards and this is what I get from a man on FB who comes onto me and I rebuke him…
Chuck Sheehan

any friend of ARCHIE’s is a friend of mine —— not to mention I think you are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Be my VALENTINE Ayn —-xoxoxoxoxoxo

Chuck Sheehan
Hi there GORGEOUS WOMAN!!!! xoxoxoxo
Chuck Sheehan
Chuck Sheehan
that pic of you on stairs in just the shirt—showing that pretty sexy bra and almost your tight little muff——– you are quite the naughty TEASE —and I love it !!!! You live in Texas ??? For some reason I thought you lived near me here in Juno Beach, Florida ????????
Ayn Dillard
Ayn Dillard
Thank you but I do not like the familiar verbiage you are using.. you can’t see a thing ..
Chuck Sheehan
Chuck Sheehan
that’s typical! I love how you post many pictures where you are showing yourself like a cheap whore slut yourself—and then if a male makes a comment agreeing with what you did YOURSELF —you go all fucking BIPOLAR passive-agressive and say idiot shit like this: “I don’t like your verbiage”—!!! What a typical spoiled asshole little arrogant CUNT you really are!!! No wonder you are miserable and cannot stay in a healthy fucking ralationship and are alone!!! You’re mentally SICK cunt. But again—-it’s all my “fault” after YOU yourself post many many suggestive and horny pictures of you looking like a fucking WHORE —-and making tons of posts suggesting the same including that website–“EXPLODING WOMEN”!! WHAT A TYPICAL STUPID FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL CUNT!!!!!!

This man is still harassing me… I blocked him and he must’ve opened another profile on FB…  and FB does nothing…


Chuck Sheehan commented on your photo.
Chuck Sheehan
July 26 at 11:35am
 I think FB should be banned from the Internet and prosecuted for aiding and abetting harm to others while censoring the good and those trying to protect themselves and who expose the abuse and abusers.
FB continually censors Conservatives to promote their liberal/progressive agenda.
Look to the left and click to follow…

Suppression, oppression equals Sharia Law…

ATT00001Women you see in this burqa attire or with their hair covered in the Muslim way are under Sharia Law… they are under suppression and oppression because they are female.  Females are not equal to men under archaic practice of  Sharia Law, they are considered property and all Muslims are under this, if they denounce Sharia then they become infidels and are subject to being killed.

A few months ago, in a local restaurant,  I saw a woman dressed in burqa black head to toe, a truly ugly sight. This was a festive place filled with colorfully dressed women, well groomed with hair in ponytails or flowing down their backs, also being Summer, all were in shorts, sundresses or workout clothing… then there’s this sad woman covered in black standing over to the side. As I glanced her direction, I felt sickened for this sad sack being in the home of the free and the brave, covered completely in black, in this archaic oppressed cultist way, in 100 plus weather in one of the fashion capitals of the world.

In America, people are free to dress as they choose.. . so for this woman to be under that oppressive dress was a pathetic sight.  To be dressed in this manner, this woman had no choice, no rights, no freedom. Her sad face with her dark eyes darted around the area and I wondered what must this pathetic creature be thinking. Everyone was talking, laughing, eating and having fun while she was standing alone. Who was she with and why was she here?

Then three men approached her, one motioned to her to follow. They walked out with her following behind. So was she left in some corner off to the side, while the men ate?  A bizarre sight to observe in modern day America.

Sharia Law is as against women’s rights, freedoms, and equality as much as any practice could possibly be. Why are we allowing this anywhere in America? Sharia Law is not compatible with our Constitution or compatible with women’s rights or anything else in America. Why aren’t feminist groups up in arms about this practice? Sharia law should be outlawed in the US. Practicing Sharia should be considered a crime.  It is the definition of abuse.

If we disallow this practice in America, how free will these women feel and become?  Do they even know what freedom is, to feel their hair blowing in the wind, able to laugh, eat, have fun, to wear what they choose to wear… to be free? This is what Muslim men have fear of, women being free. Because women would not be around men like them were they free. Muslim men must be the weakest, most insecure, evil things that ever existed. They have no idea what love, respect and trust are with a woman.  They marry children, force women to cover themselves, curtail all freedoms, beat, rape, maim and kill the female.

“The hijab, the niqab and the burqa are the symbols of Islamic misogyny and manifestations of a culture that considers violence against women acceptable — the quran even says to beat women from whom a man may “fear disobedience” (4:34). I am sure, therefore, that this kind of thing happens far more often than is reported. Even when little girls as young as this are the victims.” Pamela Geller

Why would a 4-year old need to be covered? To stop Muslim men from desiring them? How sick and perverted is this cult?


The oppressed pathetic woman covered from head to toe in black on a beautiful summer day looked like she was in Halloween costume and I pondered the horror of her life … covered-up, under the control of  the archaic evil practice of Sharia Law and for men to treat her as they desire with no concern for her, raped, harmed, denied pleasure,  tortured, even killed and this disease is entering the US at rapid rate under Obama who is a traitor to all Americans, the Constitution and freedom.

Practicing Sharia is a crime, it’s against laws in US, not compatible with our Constitution and should be outlawed.

Global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates. Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the Obama administration.

These people cannot adapt to American ways if following Sharia Law. It is submission and is treating women like property or animals.  Muslims cannot be Americans and should not be allowed in America unless they adapt to our ways, our Constitution and our laws. Therefore, the obvious conclusion is that Muslims cannot be real Americans, so they should not be allowed in our country.

The Burqa and similar dress should be outlawed in America and all civilized countries as it goes against freedom and everything a glorious woman is.

A woman is the heart of a home and society and those who ignore this are destroying themselves as they destroy love, respect, refinement, grace, kindness, softness, beauty,  comfort, caring, everything good and worthy, etc

The Obama regime is full of radical Muslims and they are all traitors to America.

Women! The man you are with needs to know…

 ???????????????????????????????… that you will not tolerate bad behavior, garbage, mistreatment, usuary, neglect, or any form of abuse, or disconnection.

Too many women put up with things that they should not… Remember, you teach someone how to treat you…

At the first sign of disrespect, mistreatment, discounting, lying, or abuse, address it immediately. Don’t let it slide… thinking that he didn’t mean it, or that you are being too ‘sensitive,’ or ‘demanding’, or that it will get ‘better’, or ‘change’, once you are committed, or married, or if you do ‘this’, or ‘that’ to make him happy. Thinking this way is delusional….

When someone shows you who they are, believe them…

Many men want you to ‘think’ that it is ‘you’ being too sensitive, demanding, or picky. That’s part of their gig… to get away with being lazy, abusive, disrespectful or slovenly…

There is many an abuser who will say…”Look at what ‘you’ made me do!” And that’s only their BS propaganda!

Some men level the title of ‘high maintenance’ on a woman… I say HA! Why would any self-respecting man want a woman who isn’t high maintenance? The answer is that they don’t… only the men, not worth having, do…

Address abusive behaviors upfront and immediately… and if they lose interest, because you have self-respect and that you will call them out on their issues, misbehavior and BS… they aren’t for you and it’s better that you find out upfront rather than years later…

Difficult, abusive, distancing, neglectful men can become, seem, or be like a ‘job’ to women who put up with it. A relationship should be fun, happy, fulfilling even joyful ‘most’ of the time. Love feels good and if you aren’t feeling good most of the time… then ‘something’ is wrong, off, and just not right…

Sure, we all have difficulties, adjustments and issues to deal with and to be discussed. That is part of relationship. But someone not willing to discuss, communicate and look at themselves is not worth your time.

Men who can’t or won’t connect are damaged goods and why would any woman want them…?

They are tedious children and not worth the effort, they need to grow up, get over themselves, be responsible or be without you…

Many women have lowered their standards and it is hurting all of society…

If more women held to high standards for themselves… more men would become better men….Agree or not?

Look to the left and click to follow…

Female Objectification and Oppression…

???????????????????????????????are the same side of the coin. Trying to put the feminine into a box, in order, that she be contained and controlled… is the need of weak, insecure, needy men and a weak, insecure society.

Respect, love, commitment and honor cannot and do not exist in this climate…

Nor do emotional fulfillment, contentment, security, or any kind of self-actualization in either the male or the female.

As both create a distancing of the female from the heart and emotions of the male and from herself.

Playboys go from woman to woman to ‘avoid’ an emotional connection… they may ‘think’ that they are so ‘cool’, but they are ‘fearful’ of anything real, so they ‘use’ a woman for what they ‘think’ they need, or can ‘get’, then off they go…. they objectify a woman. Sure, they may ‘think’ that they treat a woman ‘nice’ … but if they can’t go to the level of emotions, they are ‘using’ her and actually denying themselves true fulfillment…

This is what any man is doing that objectifies a woman… for her beauty, her sexuality or just the pride of having her on his arm, if that is what it is really all about, in that, he ‘thinks’ having her ‘makes’ him ‘appear’, or temporarily ‘feel’ like a ‘man’… HA!

Ogling a woman in a nude photo is just a objectifying as forcing her to cover-up every aspect of her identity and physicality.

Islam both objectifies and oppresses women. The males have been taught that a woman is their property and if she doesn’t do as he wishes, that he can beat, stone, maim and even kill her. This is vile beyond belief… as the feminine is the keeper of the heart of any society.

Imagine how loveless these arranged marriages are and what the children observe…
The man has no comfort and neither does the woman. Forcing a woman to submit to you… will not bring about love or contentment… Imagine the sexual horrors and abuse that are inflicted. Children living in and observing this will grow up full of hate and frustration… as we see in all Muslim countries….no wonder they hate, kill and commit terror. It’s taught in the home. A male observing what is done to Muslim women hasn’t a chance of knowing a fulfilling love… you might say that love in this kind of a society is destroyed at birth.

In todays, ‘progressive’ Iran, they don’t stone anymore (well, maybe, only in the small villages and maybe just a little bit). They are now more humane and only hang women.  If you are a ‘misbehaved’ woman, please be prepared to be hung. Islamic Republic of Iran, the regime which Barack Hussein Obama and Liberal Democrats want to negotiate with. I wonder what will they negotiate about? Which of the US cities Ahmadinejad must avoid to nuke and which women, the Islamic judicial system should avoid to hang? Liberalism is Islamism’s best friend. US Democratic Party is Islamists’ party of choice.

In this environment, the male never gets the full comfort of the woman nor the woman the man… love does not exist in fear and without respect… it’s impossible. Also the mutilation of a woman’s genitalia is to make sure that she does not enjoy sex… just how sick is this… What sick male would want to have sex with a woman who doesn’t enjoy it? A rapist, a sadistic, evil, sick and twisted one… and Islam creates and promotes this kind of a man…

According to figures in an Oxfam report in October, 87 percent of Afghan women report having experienced physical, sexual, or psychological violence or forced marriage.

Of course, there is abuse in some relationships in all countries, but a woman has a right to protect herself.. In Islam, she does not… it’s Sharia Law….and they are wanting to implement this in America.. and this is everything American women are not.

In my opinion, any American woman who marries into this practice is asking for a living hell.

When the male respects, honors, and nurtures the female, he creates a place for the female/male balance to occur and this is the only way to create a healthy world of peace, contentment and love.

Objectify and oppress the feminine out of the fear of their desire for her, makes and creates men who are cold, evil, heartless, needy, self-gratifying, immoral, hate-filled, rapid savages. Instead of men who learn how to submit to love, emotions and caring…
which ultimately makes them stronger…

They can drive around in a flashy sports car, or hang out in bars, ‘thinking’, they are so cool… or they can walk the desert with a sword, but they are the same desperate animals… lowly, un-evolved needy babies.

Have you ever wondered who stones women in the Muslim world?
Have you ever wondered what type of people are capable of this action?
Have you ever wondered what type of mindset would do such despicable acts?
Well, here are your answers! The men in the photo on the right… don’t you want to just give them hugs? HA!… Can you even imagine being forced to have sex with one of these angry animals?!

Wise men know that a woman’s love and her heart are what give him the ultimate strength….so they treasure the feminine and treat her with respect for the wisdom of her heart and the refinement in her being. So, to either toy with her emotions, in order, to enter her body, or to rape and kill her destroying her emotions and her body are similar in intent…  Think about it long and hard…

Women who allow men to objectify and abuse them are fools….

The balance of the male/female is the yin/yang that creates this world… the feminine gives birth to life.. all men pass though a woman’s body… the utmost respect and honor should be given to her…

I asked for black olives, but I got…

???????????????????????????????While cooking dinner for a man that I had gone out with a few times, but had known for years, I  called and asked that on his way over, he pick up a can of small black ‘pitted’ olives…

What he got was a jar of Greek olives…

“These are not what I asked for.”

He cons. “But see, they’re black.”

“These are Greek olives and I am making an Italian dinner…remember, I said Italian?”

He inquires, “What does ‘pitted’ mean anyway?”, with a blank look on his face.

Exasperated… “Without pits.” Thinking this man is educated, not some backroad hillbilly, or is he? “Like what you have on a pizza, you know, black olives?”
Black_olives : Pizza
He gets his usual pouty look on his face, plops down on the sofa and stares blankly at the TV.

I continue preparing dinner, as I state… “Okay, I’ll run out and get a can of black olives.” The store is minutes from my house… to which he replies. “Why do you even want some?”

Of course, I am thinking, ‘Whoa, I ask for something. He brings me something entirely different then asks why I want what I want.’

I guess, he senses my displeasure. He motions me over and informs through pouting and tension. “I am not good at picking up things at the store. I dated a woman that was always sending me to the store when she was cooking and I could never please her, or get the right thing and she would get really angry. So how about in ‘our relationship’, if you don’t ask me to pick things up for ‘you’? You went to the store today, right, so why didn’t ‘you’ get the olives?”

Anger wells up, as I think to myself, we are not in a relationship, Bubba. I reply. “Why couldn’t you pick up what she asked for? What is wrong with you? Someone asks you to get something and you get it. I mean, big deal! People do this all the time. And yes, I went to the store, but I forgot the black olives. So what?! And what does, what another woman did, have to do with me? The store is two minutes away. Would you please exchange the Greek olives for what I asked for… a can of small, pitted, black olives…it’s an ordinary thing…

“I couldn’t find them. What I got is all I could find.”

He goes back to staring blankly at the TV.

I continue, “I am making the effort to make dinner and you can’t even pick up a can of black olives? What really is wrong with you?”

As I recall, most men and dinner guests usually have brought wine and flowers when I cook for them and are appreciative.

His reply with a shrug. “Cooking is no big deal.”

My mind flashes to all the great meals that I cooked for this Bluto over the years, and how he stuffed his face on my cooking. Then my mind flashes to earlier today and my shopping several places for just the right ingredients…then the chopping and preparing. I say, “Cooking is no big deal? Really? So then, how about you leaving.”

I kick him out of my house… as he stutters “But, but…duh…I was just…”

I was so happy to see him go. Then I run out and pick up a can of pitted, black olives… took about 10 minutes. And later, I enjoy eating the ‘no big deal’ delicious spaghetti sauce over spinach pasta accompanied by red wine… all by my happy self.

I have known this man for years, we ‘were’ friends, but always after a few ‘pleasant’ dates, he tries to push into my life, while criticizing, degrading and whining. I think, I mostly felt sorry for him.

Something as simple as this ‘black olive situation’  is indicative of a person’s character and tells you much about someone…

So, what does it say about this man?

(Clues, he has never been married. He is lazy. He doesn’t like, or respect women, while wanting one so badly. He wants one to wait on him and care for him, like a mother would, while he puts her down. So, I am busy cooking, while his butt sits on my sofa staring at the TV and he tells me that what I am doing is no big deal.)  

Okay, I don’t want to hear that this is no big deal from some of you men … because it is! His actions, disrespect and general disrgard for a woman is legend with this type of a ‘clueless’ man. Men that do not know how to interact with a woman in a respectful, caring and honorable way and when they can’t, and when she calls him on it, they either put her down, or say that what she wants, or does is no big deal…

What would you have done in a similar situation and, of course, I want to hear from both men and women…

Because, I asked for black olives, but what I got was insulted…