Category Archives: Women In Real Life

Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply?…

???????????????????????????????Can you love? I am talking romantic love here, the love between a man and woman.There are different kinds and levels of love.. friendship, parental-child, love of God… 

But do you know what real love is… the love that can only be experienced between a man and a woman in a romantic bond and enduring love because of the nature of their beings and their respective bodies?
A man gives and a woman receives

Love is deep affection and caring for another. Love is to care and nurture for the well-being of another. Love is kindness, consideration, respect, trust, compassion, forgiveness, sharing, understanding, tolerance, commitment, awareness of needs and desires.

Love is not sex. Sex is not love. Sex can be and was meant to be an expression of love in the physical body… to bring pleasure and release and in that closeness and release it’s possible that another human being be created. A child created out of love is a blessing from God.

Sex ‘can’ be an expression of love, but sex in itself, is not love

If you think sex is love, you are lost. Mistaking sex for love can lead to much unhappiness, frustration, loss, pain and despair.

Love endures… being able to dislike the person you love, be irritated by them, argue with them, see them through their ups and downs, help them and, at times, put their needs before yours, is what love is about… but only if this is done in return… as love is a circle.

Love makes you vulnerable and many are too weak to allow themselves to be vulnerable.

When you are emotionally intimate, you share your wounds, your pain, your vulnerabilities and if that love is shared with an equal, one who has the ability to truly love, they will protect you in this regard. But an insecure, weak, immature, manipulative predator will use your vulnerability against you to their advantage and gain.. and this is not love, and should be seen for what it is and gotten away from as quickly as possible.

It’s my opinion, that until a man has a child, he may not even have a real knowing of what love is. Because until then, many men mistake sex for love, and behave accordingly and when the rush of the sex excitement diminishes, or wears off, they think that ‘love’ is gone… when it was never there in the first place.

Then the children born from a love, or children in the home, should not be put before the love between the man and woman. Children learn how to love by observing their parent’s love relationship. The bond is clearly between the two adults with the children being just outside that circle to observe and learn with the reflection of the love bestowed and showered onto the children. This observance is what makes a child feel really loved,secure within and with the knowledge of how to express love, give love and live with another. The parental example and modeling imprints a child for their whole life.

Love really begins to grow when sex takes its proper place and perspective in the relationship…

Love is commitment, honor, respect, trust, enduring, pain, happiness, joy, friendship,

perseverance, growth, communication…And it is not for the immature or insecure because they can’t handle it, nor do they deserve it. Immaturity and insecurity wreck havoc in the love relationship. Love and relationship are for the mature and secure… those with the capacity to become aware, grow, learn, accept and reflect.Love endures. Love is making a life together where both are satisfied and honored with the room to express themselves, together and individually.

A man protects. A woman nurtures.. A man creates a safe place for a woman and she blossoms. Together with their strengths and weaknesses, they thrive in joint effort and creation.

Jesus treated His mother and all women with the deepest respect. We honor all women by showing them the same love and respect that Jesus showed to women.

Women have been abused and put down by men–sometimes very crudely and cruelly. But Jesus is the perfect man, the man God wants every man to emulate. This is the kind of man God wants every woman to know in her life.

The highest reach of what love is on earth ….the merging of the male/female… 

Do you agree or believe differently?
Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply? I know I do.

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My most recent fav descriptive word…

Blackwhite27in·ane  – /iˈnān/

Adjective – silly – stupid – not significant

Synonyms – vacuous – empty – senseless – blank – foolish – vacant

The perfect word that describes Obama’s speeches…
the media, many people today, many TV shows, reality shows…on and on…

Do others see how inane many people are today, how inane the content of most media is, etc.?

Do you like the word inane and have you been using it more often?

Use the word inane in a sentence and if aren’t familiar with it and haven’t used it often, you will realize how descriptive it is…

“Most media and entertainment of today have become inane.”

A man treats a woman…

???????????????????????????????the way he thinks of himself…

A man cares for a woman, the way he cares for himself…

Look at it this way, and women you will easily know if he is someone you want to have in your life…and if he is worthy of your attention, much less your affection and love…

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Gap store logic, Obama economics…

???????????????????????????????You know how the Gap is always having discounts, sales and specials, but only if you use your Gap credit card? You can get 10 to 30 % off at certain times and on certain days.. but only if you use your Gap card… there are incentives of 10% off here and there up to even 40 even 50%, or more, and ten dollars off an item, at times… but only if you use your Gap card…

Sounds like a great deal, huh?

Last week, I got over a hundred and twenty-five dollars worth of tee shirts and tanks for twenty-five dollars by shopping on the right day and using all my discount certificates. I used my Gap card, of course, and when my bill comes in, I will pay it off that very month… so I will really and actually recognize the full discounts and savings…

Because should I keep using my card and charging it up without paying it off… even though, I did get great savings and discounts …. they will be soon eaten up by the interest charged each month on the card. And that is exactly what the Gap stores are enticing for and wanting everyone to do. That people just keep charging on their card thinking that they are getting such great savings and discounts then to pay off their balance a little each month, while the Gap charges them interest out the whazoo!

Making it a win for Gap and a lose for the customers…. any savings eaten up by the credit card interest. Those items thought to be had at a bargain, end up costing twice to three to four times as much…

And this is what Obama and his economics are doing to America… funding all these programs now, that ‘seem’ so enticing and to be a gotta have, good deal that we will be paying for, for generations even into forever. No bargains here folks…it’s highway robbery…. abuse of credit to an extent that is unfathomable…

I barely shop at the Gap any longer…since I realized their liberal/progressive agenda… only a few tee shirts here and there purchased at discount, charged to my card, then paid off in full. So, I beat them at their enticing spend now to get a bargain con.

But Obama is beating America up and endebting us deep with the Gap logic, Obamacon economics… Enticing with goodies, give-aways and freebies. Oh! Obama can ‘promise’ great benefits and goodies, if it’s charged on the Obamacard (tax payers money). Don’t think about the reality that America will be paying for it for the rest of its life, its children’s lives and their children’s children’s lives into infinity, until what was originally given, ‘actually just promised’ has no meaning, but debt, interest, pain, slavery to the government and suffering… then the system crashes. Because should you keep charging on your Gap credit card up to its limit and can’t make your payments, your card is cut off, your credit ruined and bankruptcy may be around the corner… no enticing bargain is worth this destruction…

Un-needed government spending… un-needed Gap clothing…same/same…

America has had its credit rating downgraded already. But Obama wants to keep charging on America’s credit card… pushing us to bankruptcy…

Gives actual meaning to owe your soul to the company store… huh?

So, like my Father taught me, pay off your credit cards each month and only buy on time, if you can’t pay cash, those things that you really need not want and will use for years that hold and have value. And always have credit and actual savings for emergency situations…

Good sound financial advice… that this current administration and many people have forgotten or were never taught. It’s simple economics. 

Everyone should be able to see that the Obama regime knows exactly what they are doing. They are purposefully  bankrupting America…with ‘promises’, government programs and ‘goodies’.

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I want you to always know that you are loved…

Last Valentine’s Day, my Dad sent me roses along with a card with his expression of how much he loved me and treasured me as his daughter.

When I called to thank him, he said…”I want you to always know and remember how deeply you are loved.” 

My Dad died two months later.

The night before he died, we were talking on the phone and in his usual strong and clear voice he said… “I love you very much. See you tomorrow. I am going to sleep now.”

Dad wouldn’t let me see him weak, feeling poorly, or down and out. No matter how bad he was feeling, he would rally when talking to me. He wanted me to see him as always strong and as my protector and hero. When I knew he wasn’t feeling well and would try and comfort him. He would say, “Don’t worry. I am fine.” He never wanted me to worry. He wanted me to be happy.

Daddy died the next day, while I was on my way to see him.

His last words to me are imprinted on my heart, along with his private thoughts and sentiments that he shared with me his last few months on earth…

Daddy, you will always be strong, my protector and my hero. I love you Daddy. Happy Valentines!

Always let your loved ones know how much you love them…

Happy Valentines and much love to all my followers…

Passing set point…

 Ann Neimans1 jpgWould you rather feel hungry anticipating what you are going to have to eat, or for a meal? Or would you rather be full, even over-stuffed, after having a meal?

Do you feel better when you are hungry, or better with a full even stuffed belly?

I ate so much over the holidays and even now, still into February… that I feel stuffed. Even when full, I kept eating. I was going past my set point, until finally, I realized, it was making me???????????????????????????????feel yucky on all levels. I felt sluggish, lazy, even off kilter in my balance…

I don’t think I have actually gained weight… but I do not feel good in my body… and it makes me wonder how terrible those who are really over-weight feel? Do they even realize how ‘out of sorts’ they are with themselves on all levels? Do they even have a set point, and if they do, can they recognize it? That point when you go past feeling full and into stuffed… and if you do this too often, you feel sick… and if you ignore feeling sick and keep pushing past your set point, you get fatter and fatter and FATTER!

???????????????????????????????When I go past my set point, past feeling full and into feeling stuffed too often, I STOP IT!

I always catch myself when I get to this place and focus on working out, while cutting out most indulgences, until I feel good in my skin again. What I feel like in my body is more important to me than eating things I just want, but don’t need…

It’s fun to over-indulge, at times… but actually, I feel better when I am a bit hungry… flat tummy, lean and slim is when I feel more energetic…

And that could be a metaphor for life…

Don’t go past your set point too often…stay a bit hungry in anticipation of what you will be served up for your next meal…so when it arrives, you won’t be too over-stuffed to take it in and to enjoy it…

My ‘good’ friend…

???????????????????????????????Some people refer to ‘everyone’ they meet as their ‘good friend’ …even people they have just met, or actually, barely even know…

I have found that people who do this, actually are a ‘real, or good’ friend to few if any…as ‘their claim’ of a ‘good friend’ is shallow, meaningless, and empty…

A good friend is few and far between…and claiming it before it is … is like saying ‘I love you’ to everyone you meet, before you even know them…

Friendship takes time to grow, expand and develop… just like love does…

It’s offensive and off-putting to express serious feelings too fast and prematurely. It’s infringing on boundaries, controlling and often times, agenda-filled… as in, since you are my ‘good friend’ you are indebted to me in some regard…’What can you do for me? What can I ‘get’ from you? How will ‘you’ be useful to ‘me’?’  Their claim on you is self-serving. It appears false because it is false as it’s too fast to be sincere and to be based in any sort of reality.

It’s wearing your heart on your sleave and claiming something that isn’t yours to claim… to sway, manipulate, to control, to claim power over the person you are ‘claiming’ a connection with, to smooze, to ‘associate’, affiliate yourself with, to become too familiar too quickly, to make oneself ‘appear’ popular, and is often used to name drop…

I find it offensive for someone to call me their ‘good friend’ before they know me…it’s presumptive, too familiar and infringes on my boundaries… and I immediately become suspicious of motives…

Meeting someone once and having lunch or dinner with them … does not make you ‘good friends’… And over the Internet, interacting is not being good friends… someone you have never laid eyes on is NOT your ‘good friend’ and certainly does NOT love you… as they don’t really know you and you don’t really know them…

Is the Internet contributing to people thinking someone they barely know is a ‘good friend’? It’s fun to interact with those on the Internet, but they are not your ‘good friends’… reality is that you could pass them on the street and might not even recognize them… yet some share their heart, deepest thoughts and lives with these ‘virtual’ strangers and think these people that they have never met ‘really’ hold them in regard and care… It’s being superficial and inane.

The Internet is a place to share ideas and information with others…occasionally interacting this way is brought into ‘real life’…
and friends are made… but….’Good friends’ are in person, day to day…

You may have an attraction,, an interest or feel that you would like to get to know them better… but what you feel or think in a first encounter or over the Internet can turn out to be not the case when you actually and really do get to know them…

Friendship is precious, and as in anything worthwhile, it takes time to develop.

It’s better to have one ‘real’ good friend than many superficial ones who really don’t know you and whom you really don’t know. These are called ‘acquaintances’ and they have the ‘possibility’ of becoming friendships. But to become a good, trustworthy, reliable and true friend takes time, experiences, interactions, compatibility, similar values, standards and commitment through good times and bad and not many friendships hold up under all this …

Acquaintance – One’s ‘slight’ knowledge of or friendship with someone.

There will be many ‘acquaintances’ in your life and few ‘good friends’… in fact, you will be considered fortunate as it is rare to have even one really good friend during your lifetime….

So be leery of anyone who tries to claim you as a ‘good’ friend, when they barely know you and you barely know them. Also anyone who ‘claims’ to love you too quickly when it is impossible yet for them to even know you … so impossible that they could ‘love’ you … RUN AWAY FAST!

Agree or not?…

Responsiblity of choice…

???????????????????????????????Are we responsible for every choice we make?

How can you make a choice that you don’t know you can make?

We are all psychologically imprinted by our genetics, our family environment, our friends, even acquaintances, our individual situations, the media, our exposure to and experiences in life.

Each of us takes the imprint differently as we are all individual. There can be two people experiencing the same situation and they will be imprinted and react differently because of their individuality.

Example: I had parents who were both functional alcoholics. Our life looked great from the outside, success and everything good… but in the house there was distortion. My Father not drinking was a fine man, but when he drank he was verbally abusive.

I saw what it was, and I detested being around alcohol and rarely, if ever, drank. My family members would laugh at me and call me ‘square’ for not drinking. The others drank and joined in the insanity. It repulsed me and I pulled away from it….

I wanted out of the alcoholic dysfunction and swore that I would never marry an alcoholic… that when I got of my parent’s house … my life would be different — no alcoholics!

I married right out of college and it was soon revealed that my husband was an alcoholic.

So, unknown to me,  I made a choice to marry exactly what I didn’t want… because I had been imprinted with the familiarity of the energy of certain behaviors. Therefore, I was drawn to them, because I couldn’t see clearly at that time. I couldn’t see past what had been imprinted on me.

I learned from that experience. Today I can spot an alcoholic at first glance and I walk away. You can’t have a ‘healthy, fulfilling’ relationship with someone who has an addiction because their relationship is first and foremost with their addiction.

But the first choice I made in marriage, hoping to get away from alcoholism, led me back into the horror of it … because of the imprint of my conditioning, I wasn’t able to choose clearly.

Was I alone responsible for choosing what I didn’t want, or did my parents shoulder that responsibility for imprinting this upon me?

In most cases, we choose what we know… and in that choice, we bear the responsibility of it. But we are not always alone in the responsibility for the choice as we are choosing blinded. I ‘thought’ I was choosing differently, but I was choosing the same.

I bore the pain, the trauma and the responsibility that occurred from my blind choice.
But was I alone in the responsibility of my being blind in my choice?

There is a trend, now to ‘blame’ the victim. My parents told me. “You made the choice to marry that loser, we didn’t” Oh really!?  Their imprint upon me helped make that choice for me. Interesting, that they never took their responsibility for their part in my distorted imprint. They, like most alcoholics or those addicted, avoid the responsibility of self-evaluation and put the ‘blame’ on anyone and everyone, but themselves.

We don’t know until we do know.. until, we become aware of what is driving our choices and if we are wise, it is our responsibility to become aware so that we can choose differently.

That is our individual journey in life to ‘respond’, which equals responsibility, to what we can see clearly, when we can and do see it… and to, therefore, grow and to choose differently.

Responsibility – the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something. The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

Shirking responsibility has become a national pastime. Our leaders and many in the public eye do it continually… and seem not to learn from mistakes…

I have heard people say. “It’s ‘your choice’ to feel that way. How you feel has nothing to do with me.” Well, that can be a real cop out. It’s a psychological ploy to deny ‘their responsibility’ for their participation in it and some people have taken up this ‘ploy’ to project their lack of responsibility onto their victim and to further victimize.

It’s our responsibility and duty to ourselves to learn from our choices… so that the next time, we can choose differently and better and be able to make the choice that we previously didn’t know we could make…

What do you think?….

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