Category Archives: Self-help

When someone tries to ‘tell’ you how…

Memorial Day 2‘good’ they are … and that you can ‘trust’ them. Watch out!  This is something that is displayed and shown by actions, not said, ‘told’ in words….

When someone tells me these things, my ‘suspicions are alerted’ that they are quite the opposite and I am usually correct…that they are anything but good…and trusting them is the last thing that I, or anyone should do…

Agree or not?

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Stomp out intolerance!!!…

When does anger against those deemed not tolerant become intolerance?
Do you say yes and agree to things and ideas that you really don’t believe, or want to, just to keep the peace, or to appear not combative and easy to get along with, and to appear ‘politically correct’? Are you being ‘bullied’ into being ‘politically correct’? Are you being bullied into not talking, not expressing your opinions, not speaking out, not being who you are, and not being an individual out of fear?

Are you being bullied into being tolerant of that which you do not want to tolerate by those who ‘claim’ to be tolerant pointing the finger at you claiming that you are intolerant? When it is ‘they’ who are really the most intolerant of all and who scream and bully the most and the loudest….

Are you being bullied into submission to believe, act, think, say and be something that you do not want to be? 
Do you, are you, losing your individuality, who you are, what you think, and your right to express, in order, to keep the peace and to ‘fit in’? 

Appears to me that America is turning into a country of ‘teenagers’ who are forcing others to be like the them, or they will be shunned from the group.

It’s like the ‘cool kids’, ‘the popular ones’, ‘the wild ones’ are against the ‘smart kids’. The ‘so called cool kids’ drink, do pot, run in gangs and sleep around. They are undisciplined, looking for thrills and not thinking or planning for their future. They prefer the ‘escape’ more than ‘reality’.

The ‘smart’ kids, for the most part, study, don’t drink, or do drugs and are not promiscuous. They are disciplined in their approach to life. They think about and plan for their future. 

For a ‘smart kid’ to hang with the ‘cool kids’ they must live as they do, take up their habits, or ‘pretend’ that they do…

I was not a ‘cool or popular kid’ in highschool and I didn’t want to fit in their group then or now. I would rather be an individual. I have seen what most of the ‘cool kids’ became, unless they changed their ways…

The popular ‘cool’ girl that drank, did drugs and slept around…. turned out to be a fat, drugged out old woman who burned out fast, left reminiscing and living in her memories of highschool…

And that is what will happen to America…if the ‘cool, popular kids’ are left to lead it by their lack of standards. If the teenagers ran the home and family, they would charge up the credit cards and not worry who would pay for it and the house would be a mess because they don’t worry about who cleans it up. They blame, deflect and lie…so that they can keep on having their fun….

If the adults tolerate this behavior to keep the ‘peace’ and to avoid the tantrums of the teenagers… the house and home will soon be in ruins.
I observe lots and this is what I am sensing …many people these days are not readily coming out and saying what they really feel and think…
They smile, don’t talk, go along with things, tolerate, in order, that they not be bullied, shunned, attacked, be called names, be accused, have loss of business, loss of property, even loss of life, etc.

Has the emphasis on ‘political correctness’ done this to people? I think it has. It is shutting people up and keeping them from voicing their real opinions. It is creating an environment where the so-called ‘cool kids’ bully the ‘smart kids’ into submission. Or the ‘agenda’ of one group harasses the other into submission. 

And this is how Islam works… huh? They maim, stone, throw acid in faces, or kill someone who goes against their agenda. They have no tolerance for others, but expect others to be tolerant of them.
‘Political correctness’ has not made anything better…. it has made it worse…
it’s created a new age of bullies…

If you can’t be who you are, think, say what you feel, express and be for fear of retaliation, or that you might ‘hurt’ some over-sensitive person looking to either attack you, sue you, shun you or worse… we are not living in a free country, but one run by the ‘so-called cool kids and bullies’…those with their agenda who will not allow for differences of those who do not agree with them.

All this is being made worse by the ‘cool/popular teenager’ in our White House and ‘his gang that hangs with him’. The entertainment, do drugs, have children out of wedlock, cool rappers, gang bangers(I don’t even know what that is) girls who dress like hookers, promiscuous, pot head, flower children, Muslims, radicals, union, mafia, etc.. who entice with
promises’ and fulfill none.
Our country is being bullied by the leader of the ‘so-called cool kids’ and bullied into submission. We must tolerate them, but they have no tolerance for us.

I am sick of it… sick of PC, sick of being bullied by a bully, sick of their attacking, lying, deflecting, blaming and spinning, I am sick of their racist, hating projecting ways to bully others into destroying everything good, pure and worthwhile… just to have some ‘think’ that they are ‘cool’ and ‘popular’, PC and to be in their gang…this group of useful idiots to their leader.

Quote Obama…”I will reward my friends (those who are like and support me) and punish my enemies (those who are different than I am)
Obama has zero tolerance…

Sometimes, you must be unpopular and uncool to do the right thing and to do what is worthwhile for the future. And you must stand against the ‘so-called cool way’ …if you follow the ‘cool’ herd, you may be led off a cliff and may not even realize it until you fall

I think America is being led off the cliff by the ‘so-called popular and cool kids’… the ones who will say, do, threaten, lie, blame, spin anything to be ‘popular’ and stay in control of their teenage group.They are the most intolerant as they spew their ‘political correct agenda’ to bully America into submission to make it over in ‘their image’ of intolerance…

Anyone else feel this way?

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Texting…the distance in communication…

Texting can be the laziest form of communication and especially in courtship. Far too many women mistake a series of texts for a relationship. Men who text too often and too much are a turn off …( also, a sociopathic/psychopathic ploy is to tie you to your phone, also it’s the MO of a ‘player’.)

Sure, texting can be used as a tool for quick communication and that’s just my point… it’s quick, thoughtless and cheap. A man or a woman can be texting many people, at the same time, to keep them on the string. When I’ve dated, if a man texts me in the first few weeks of meeting, I usually never see him again. If he emails or texts to make a date… his worth in my eyes drops rapidly. I ‘might’ take the time to suggest that I ‘prefer’ the phone, if I kind of like him. But then, if he continues too much lazy communication ‘texting and emailing’… He’s put in the position of ‘friend’ or gone from my life. If he is lazy communicating, he will be lazy in bed. Lazy in life. Lazy in attention. Lazy in fun. Lazy in adventure. And who wants that?

Nothing is more un-sexy or unattractive than a lazy communicator… hence a ‘textor’…

I once interacted with a man in California and after a few phone conversations, he began texting me daily, if I had time, I would respond, ‘if I had nothing else to do’, ( and this is key. Get it? I only respond if I was in a lapse.) as he was ‘fairly’ interesting. I didn’t hear from him for a month and then he texted. My response was. “Who are you?” He reacted terribly offended. He apparently ‘thought’ that we had ‘some sort’ of a ‘real connection’ from a few texts. Ridiculous! I didn’t even know who this man was and a few typed words meant little to nothing. This man would text that he missed me, etc. and all sorts of nonsense when he never even met me. Idiocy!

Texting is an additional tool to aid in communication and great in a pinch… nothing more… and should be used as  such.

Romance and relationships are built eye-to-eye. Face-to-face.

If running late to meet for lunch, sure texting is fine, but so much better is to pick up the phone. Technology has made many lazy and very poor communicators…

I have written about Leviathan many times…the devil of communication… more communication with less meaning and with so much of it that few will be able to discern the truth. That is what is happening today with all the cell-phoning, texting, emailing and media BS. There is no journalism… it is mostly about as meaningful as a text. Lots of useless information and words that convey nothing, just take up the air space.

So, let’s take the ‘Leviathan spin’ to personal friendships and relationships. A person can text many and have allegiance to none.  Face to face is how a real connection takes place and is nurtured. Phoning is one step removed and texting is yet another step removed. Emailing has replaced letter writing. We may communicate more and faster and to more people, but it is less meaningful… in fact, much of it means nothing.
Many children these days communicate continually and almost exclusively by text. I have a young friend of 12 (actually god-daughter) who sent something like 1000 texts in a two week period. I inquired. “How did she have time to sleep and go to school?” She shrugged with a smile.

She had a sleep-over with ‘one of her best friends’ and they were sitting on her bed, backs to one another, and both texting. How not fun! How not connected! How not connected can you get to a ‘friend’?! What kind of marriages, friends, interaction with their children will this generation have if they get used to communicating by text?

I was in the grocery store and several people almost walked right into me while looking down at their phones.

In a restaurant, people sit together at a table and all looking at their gadgets reading and texting away.

People text while driving and this can have disastrous results.

Why can’t we pay attention to the activity that we are doing, to the people that we are with and put the technology away more often than not?

 Where is the human interaction and real connection these days? Technology may be doing  more harm than good, if it is allowed to take over our lives, our communication, our ability to really communicate, face to face, eye to eye, human being to human being…

It’s the human voice that matters. The human touch. The being there and on time. It’s the face to face communication that builds friendship, affection, trust, respect and bonding through real communication. Our spiritual connection to another happens and deepens in person.

It’s as if people have become attached more to these technical gadgets than to people. How about leave it at home, turn it off and don’t use it for a few days and definitely when you are with another human being, put it away, and see how much better you feel. You may have ‘withdrawal’ for a bit, but after that, you will feel free.

In my opinion, technology is a tool that when used inappropriately is doing more harm than good…. and that’s what the Satans of technology and Leviathan spinners want. Think of the money that is spent on all this technology lining these people’s pockets so that they can created more ways to control you! The more disconnected people are from one another, the more easily that they are controlled by the government. Technology can appear to connect many and in ‘ways’ it does and can, but it can also keep us separated individually and apart from real human interaction.

We are creating technology drones, with few human skills, who are losing the need and desire for real human interaction, are unable to commit to one activity, much less one person… and none of this is good for humanity…

Human interaction is a basic need… babies will die without it. So what are we creating here? Aa society of needy people… a society of unsociable, lacking in social graces, with no ability to really connect monsters…?

So texting… BA HUMBUG!!! How about use technology appropriately?!

And what’s ‘appropriate’ is another soapbox of mine…stay tuned…

Enough about politics, let’s talk men and sex…

What makes a man ‘worthy’ of having sex with a woman?…Ever thought about it? From what I am hearing… not many men are…. and this makes ???????????????????????????????me want to EXPLODE!!!

Example: A man has never met a woman and he emails her this…”Here is a question we can discuss on the phone. What are your feelings about being bestfriends in addition to a quality love relationship? That means different things to different people. We can discuss that.”

What??? How can you be lovers if you can’t be friends? This man must be emotionally stunted somewhere in his psyche. He’s an older man and not 16. HA and oh, really!? How presumptuous that he dictates what can be discussed in their ‘first’ conversation. Clearly, a control freak and control freaks aren’t sexy and don’t make good friends or lovers…

Another man inquires in the second hour of a first date. “Are you a good kisser?” Then a bit later asks, “Are you passionate? Then before, she answers, he states, “I can tell that you are.” So, if the guy can tell this, why did he ask?

A really sensuous and passionate man doesn’t need or even think to ‘ask’ these kind of stupid and premature questions. He gets to know the woman and let’s it unfold at her pace… And if he is sensuous, he can sense her as she reveals herself (should she choose to) and this occurs as she gets to know him and feels trust and security are established and this does not occur in the ‘first’ meeting or date. It occurs with time spent together and different experiences and consistency in his attention towards her. Otherwise, a wise woman leaves him in her wake because he’s not worthy of her…

Besides, what would a person answer, when asked, “Are you a good kisser?” NO!?! HA! Why can’t men see how ridiculous these kind of questions are and how useless and stupid.

Men like this are of course, ‘trying’ to turn the direction toward sex… when it is premature and doing it in this manner is a turn off to a sensuous woman. Now maybe, whores, and sexually promiscuous women respond to lame attempts. But that is another topic… or is it? Are some men treating all women like sluts because of the behaviors of ‘some’ or even ‘most’ women these days? And the example shown in movies, the media and on slimy talkshows.. ‘Sex and the City’ has done much to destroy respect for sex…

A man also stated, “I think I ‘should’ kiss you.” to a woman on a first date.What? Ha!.. Interpretation…I ‘want’ to kiss you….and don’t really care if you are interested in kissing me…
again he’s testing the water to see if he can get laid on a ‘first’ date. She responds. “I don’t move this fast.” His come back. “I am in sales. I like to make the close.”

HAHAHA! Well, buddy, she isn’t buying what you are selling… and how insulting was his comment? He came right out and told her that he was trying to close the deal. And he also is showing that it’s not about her, it’s all about him. He is not worthy of having sex with a ‘quality woman’… He has no respect for her or the act of sex… he is about satisfying ‘his selfish and immediate’ needs…

A real man, a ‘gentleman’, will ask if he ‘can’ kiss a woman… not ‘declare’ that he ‘should’…
And any man who??????????????????????????????? says something like, “You have a really good body” on the first date or meeting… Well, what is this? It’s a man looking to get laid. It’s one thing to say you are pretty or you look fit, but to say, “You have a really good body.” is objectifying and marginalizing a woman for their sexual needs, desires and purposes.

The ‘real war on women’ is led by ‘some’ men.. who think it’s ‘manly’ to focus on sex, or they are so needy that even at mid-age they are still ‘thinking’ with their penis. And men like this are a waste of a ‘real’ woman’s time…
And men like this are not worthy to have sex with a real woman…

Okay women, what sickening things have you heard from a man ‘trying’ to be seductive, to seduce you, or to ‘appear’ sexy?

And men what’s your opinion and why do ‘some’ men say such stupid, tasteless and turn-off comments?

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When someone wants to control and…

???????????????????????????????manipulate you and you won’t let them. What are some of the things they do? 

They get passive, aggressive. They belittle you. They ‘project’. (You are the problem not them.) They ‘blame’ you. They side step and make excuses to try and make it ‘appear’ that whatever went wrong, or is happening, or not happening is ‘your’ fault and not theirs.

They get others to gang up on you. They try to scare you. They raise their voice. They pull rank.  They will do anything and everything they can think of to escalate their efforts. And people like this are usually devious along with being controlling and they will get  frustrated when they can’t control someone. And they will get…

… rude. They will threaten. They take something from you or threaten to do so. They try to create fear and insecurity in you. They lie to you. They call or use the ‘authorities’.  They will ignore and disregard you to get you to ‘kow tow’ to them and their will.
They are the kind of people who reward their friends and punish their enemies.

They ‘act’ like they are doing it for your own good. They insult you. They ‘try’ to make you feel stupid and ‘act’ like they know better. They talk down to you. They find your insecurities and exploit them. They try to weaken you. They try to fool you. They try to con you.

They intimidate you. They corner you. They dictate to you. They may even push you or hit you.

They will deflect the issue or the situation. They will talk around it.
They blatantly lie, thinking you are too stupid to realize it.

There have always been controlling people and always will be. The control freaks…Those who must feel that they have power over another or others. They are really usually terribly insecure that is why they try so hard to feel that they have some sort of ‘power’. And I have noticed it is getting worse and worse…

I am a person who frustrates people because I am not easily controlled. I am my own person. I think for myself. And through the years, I have learned to discern and to see through motives and agenda. So I can easily frustrate those who wish to control me in certain circumstances and situations in my life.

And being a petite woman, men and those physically larger than me ‘think’ I am weak or malleable to their wishes and desires. Wrong! Size and sex don’t mean weak, stupid and controllable.

Some people only want and like to be around people they can control on some level. These people think someone who won’t allow themselves to be controlled is ‘difficult’… and they will come at them anyway they can to get them under their thumb. Interesting, huh, and really?

I have come to enjoy watching how people behave and the tactics and loops they will jump through to try and control me, or others…

And this is what the Obama regime is trying to do and doing to many who are weak, easily lead, can’t discern and see the truth and can’t see what is being done to them…

The Obama regime wants power over all the people. They want control. What they do, shows clearly the tactics of controlling and manipulative people.

People without standards, convictions, morals, ethics and intelligence are easier to control than those with these attributes…

What else do controlling people do? And what do you do about it when you see and feel it happening?

A true heart and a worthy soul can’t be purchased…

???????????????????????????????so are you either born with them or not?

As they are a down payment on forever…

But your perceived power or monetary position on earth will not, cannot, either ‘buy’ or ‘command’ that you have a true heart or a worthy soul…

How you ‘use’ your earthly ‘power’, God-given talents and resources display what kind of a heart and a soul that you possess. It’s not the words that you speak … it’s your actions and behaviors that show the quality of your heart and your soul…

While on earth, we are given the ‘opportunity’ to heal, expand, attain worldly knowledge, be tested, be tried and to display who we are under all sorts of circumstances and trials. And this is done in ‘every’ interaction with our fellowman, not just the ones, that we ‘think’ matter, but in all of them as all are seen by our maker. How we deal with ourselves is known by the ‘Almighty’…

You may ‘think’ that you are getting away with ‘something’ as you sneak around in the dark of night.. but in the light of Heaven it is being seen…

All that we do and all that we experience is imprinted upon our soul and in our heart to carry with us forever…perhaps, even from many past lives into the future … who really knows for sure while being on earth?

Because all of what we do is seen and all of who we are is known… not just some of it.

What if, what we do on earth is a down payment on forever…

What do you have, if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul?

Your actions are a reflection of what you really believe…

???????????????????????????????and actions display who you really are… not your words. Your words show your intent, but if your actions don’t follow through then your words are empty…also words can be used to manipulate others…

So observe and trust more in actions and behaviors and just ‘listen’ to words…

In an honorable person with integrity, their words and actions match up. They say what they do and they do what they say.
In a fraud, a con, a disordered person, words and actions do not match up.

Example: people who pray using words of kindness and caring towards their fellowman… then treat others with hurtful actions and behaviors even contempt are clearly not what or who they ‘say’ they are.

A recent observation: I was in a situation where a group of people held hands and prayed about all things ‘good’ and about people being kind to one another. Then two hours after this ‘circle-praying’, I witnessed one person try to hug another person who was in this prayer group, reaching out to her out of caring and empathy, and saw them be rejected by ‘this self-proclaimed religious’ person who happened to be the wife of the man doing the praying… complete hypocrites… lots of empty words with no follow through… they must ‘think’ that just ‘saying it’ makes it real and true… 

A person who says the words, “I love you”, then treats you badly, this is not love, is it? It’s manipulation. Love is actions, not words… The words, “I love you”, can be the most manipulative in the English language…

A Father who tells his child, ” I love you” then does hurtful things will instill in a child confusion that is harmful even detrimental to a child’s development. And will make the child confused as to what love really is. They will not trust others and not trust their own eyes and ears. They may attract to them abusive people who say the words, “I love you”, but do not have the actions and behaviors that go along with their words.

This disconnect makes them open to being taken advantage of and abused by sociopaths, psychopaths, predators and cons, etc.

I have been writing lately about hypocrites and about words and actions not matching up because I am seeing this has become a rampant disease among people.

Just look at the ‘Obama Regime’, it is despicable in its hypocrisy. They ‘say’ they want to ‘help’, do ‘good’, and care about America, but what they are ‘doing’ is destroying and doing harm. And they are modeling to those who can’t ‘think’ or ‘discern’ for themselves and those without morals that this kind of lowly behavior is okay… in fact, this is a display of what to do to manipulate and get into a position to have power over and be able to control others. Instead of having honor, truth and integrity with words matching actions being shown we have the opposite… as if they are all scripted actors reading their lines while doing the exact opposite.

The world is being run by sociopaths, psychopaths, predators and cons…and it is all based on ‘rule by hypocrisy’. It is a plan to capture the very spirits and souls of the pure of heart.

So ‘listen’ to words, but ‘believe’ their actions and when words and actions don’t match up… know that there is a disorder going on, either in the person, the organization or the administration … and step away, turn away, vote them out, and know that you are not dealing with truth, but with the manipulation of evil…the evil of hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, the Leviathan lies of spin and fog are more prevalent than truth in our world today. Learn to see through the words by observing and witnessing the actions, the beliefs and the agenda…

Seeing clearly is the only way to clear out the evil distortion of hypocrisy, the tool that ‘they’ are using, to try to take over all that is good, pure and Holy.