Category Archives: Self-help

Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply?…

???????????????????????????????Can you love? I am talking romantic love here, the love between a man and woman.There are different kinds and levels of love.. friendship, parental-child, love of God… 

But do you know what real love is… the love that can only be experienced between a man and a woman in a romantic bond and enduring love because of the nature of their beings and their respective bodies?
A man gives and a woman receives

Love is deep affection and caring for another. Love is to care and nurture for the well-being of another. Love is kindness, consideration, respect, trust, compassion, forgiveness, sharing, understanding, tolerance, commitment, awareness of needs and desires.

Love is not sex. Sex is not love. Sex can be and was meant to be an expression of love in the physical body… to bring pleasure and release and in that closeness and release it’s possible that another human being be created. A child created out of love is a blessing from God.

Sex ‘can’ be an expression of love, but sex in itself, is not love

If you think sex is love, you are lost. Mistaking sex for love can lead to much unhappiness, frustration, loss, pain and despair.

Love endures… being able to dislike the person you love, be irritated by them, argue with them, see them through their ups and downs, help them and, at times, put their needs before yours, is what love is about… but only if this is done in return… as love is a circle.

Love makes you vulnerable and many are too weak to allow themselves to be vulnerable.

When you are emotionally intimate, you share your wounds, your pain, your vulnerabilities and if that love is shared with an equal, one who has the ability to truly love, they will protect you in this regard. But an insecure, weak, immature, manipulative predator will use your vulnerability against you to their advantage and gain.. and this is not love, and should be seen for what it is and gotten away from as quickly as possible.

It’s my opinion, that until a man has a child, he may not even have a real knowing of what love is. Because until then, many men mistake sex for love, and behave accordingly and when the rush of the sex excitement diminishes, or wears off, they think that ‘love’ is gone… when it was never there in the first place.

Then the children born from a love, or children in the home, should not be put before the love between the man and woman. Children learn how to love by observing their parent’s love relationship. The bond is clearly between the two adults with the children being just outside that circle to observe and learn with the reflection of the love bestowed and showered onto the children. This observance is what makes a child feel really loved,secure within and with the knowledge of how to express love, give love and live with another. The parental example and modeling imprints a child for their whole life.

Love really begins to grow when sex takes its proper place and perspective in the relationship…

Love is commitment, honor, respect, trust, enduring, pain, happiness, joy, friendship,

perseverance, growth, communication…And it is not for the immature or insecure because they can’t handle it, nor do they deserve it. Immaturity and insecurity wreck havoc in the love relationship. Love and relationship are for the mature and secure… those with the capacity to become aware, grow, learn, accept and reflect.Love endures. Love is making a life together where both are satisfied and honored with the room to express themselves, together and individually.

A man protects. A woman nurtures.. A man creates a safe place for a woman and she blossoms. Together with their strengths and weaknesses, they thrive in joint effort and creation.

Jesus treated His mother and all women with the deepest respect. We honor all women by showing them the same love and respect that Jesus showed to women.

Women have been abused and put down by men–sometimes very crudely and cruelly. But Jesus is the perfect man, the man God wants every man to emulate. This is the kind of man God wants every woman to know in her life.

The highest reach of what love is on earth ….the merging of the male/female… 

Do you agree or believe differently?
Do you have the ability to love truly and deeply? I know I do.

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Do you think talking with people with differing…

???????????????????????????????opinions, even those you may adamantly disagree with, help you to understand your beliefs and why you think and believe as you do?

Does it challenge you to reconsider, or does it anchor your opinions and beliefs in deeper? Does it make you angry, defensive, stubborn, or are you open to learning, re-evaluating, or seeing something from another’s view point?

Ponder this and share with us…

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Passing set point…

 Ann Neimans1 jpgWould you rather feel hungry anticipating what you are going to have to eat, or for a meal? Or would you rather be full, even over-stuffed, after having a meal?

Do you feel better when you are hungry, or better with a full even stuffed belly?

I ate so much over the holidays and even now, still into February… that I feel stuffed. Even when full, I kept eating. I was going past my set point, until finally, I realized, it was making me???????????????????????????????feel yucky on all levels. I felt sluggish, lazy, even off kilter in my balance…

I don’t think I have actually gained weight… but I do not feel good in my body… and it makes me wonder how terrible those who are really over-weight feel? Do they even realize how ‘out of sorts’ they are with themselves on all levels? Do they even have a set point, and if they do, can they recognize it? That point when you go past feeling full and into stuffed… and if you do this too often, you feel sick… and if you ignore feeling sick and keep pushing past your set point, you get fatter and fatter and FATTER!

???????????????????????????????When I go past my set point, past feeling full and into feeling stuffed too often, I STOP IT!

I always catch myself when I get to this place and focus on working out, while cutting out most indulgences, until I feel good in my skin again. What I feel like in my body is more important to me than eating things I just want, but don’t need…

It’s fun to over-indulge, at times… but actually, I feel better when I am a bit hungry… flat tummy, lean and slim is when I feel more energetic…

And that could be a metaphor for life…

Don’t go past your set point too often…stay a bit hungry in anticipation of what you will be served up for your next meal…so when it arrives, you won’t be too over-stuffed to take it in and to enjoy it…

Behind the mask …

ATT00001People who cover their faces, aren’t they  usually rapists, murders, thieves, and liars? Don’t they maim, threaten, rob, cause drama and trauma in the world of polite and peaceful people?

Don’t they  oppress, suppress, repress, and restrict?
Don’t they take away freedom, implement control and harm?


Yes, that’s it!

A person wearing a mask, their message is loud and clear! Or why hide their face? There is no reason other than to hide their identity to better, fool, confuse, deceive and harm…

They are up to nothing good.

Why are we allowing this mask of evil into America? Why is it being allowed to spread its evil across the world and to infiltrate communities spreading their Halloween horror show of a perverted practice that does nothing but frighten, destroy, maim, torture, rape, and kill all that is good?

Responsiblity of choice…

???????????????????????????????Are we responsible for every choice we make?

How can you make a choice that you don’t know you can make?

We are all psychologically imprinted by our genetics, our family environment, our friends, even acquaintances, our individual situations, the media, our exposure to and experiences in life.

Each of us takes the imprint differently as we are all individual. There can be two people experiencing the same situation and they will be imprinted and react differently because of their individuality.

Example: I had parents who were both functional alcoholics. Our life looked great from the outside, success and everything good… but in the house there was distortion. My Father not drinking was a fine man, but when he drank he was verbally abusive.

I saw what it was, and I detested being around alcohol and rarely, if ever, drank. My family members would laugh at me and call me ‘square’ for not drinking. The others drank and joined in the insanity. It repulsed me and I pulled away from it….

I wanted out of the alcoholic dysfunction and swore that I would never marry an alcoholic… that when I got of my parent’s house … my life would be different — no alcoholics!

I married right out of college and it was soon revealed that my husband was an alcoholic.

So, unknown to me,  I made a choice to marry exactly what I didn’t want… because I had been imprinted with the familiarity of the energy of certain behaviors. Therefore, I was drawn to them, because I couldn’t see clearly at that time. I couldn’t see past what had been imprinted on me.

I learned from that experience. Today I can spot an alcoholic at first glance and I walk away. You can’t have a ‘healthy, fulfilling’ relationship with someone who has an addiction because their relationship is first and foremost with their addiction.

But the first choice I made in marriage, hoping to get away from alcoholism, led me back into the horror of it … because of the imprint of my conditioning, I wasn’t able to choose clearly.

Was I alone responsible for choosing what I didn’t want, or did my parents shoulder that responsibility for imprinting this upon me?

In most cases, we choose what we know… and in that choice, we bear the responsibility of it. But we are not always alone in the responsibility for the choice as we are choosing blinded. I ‘thought’ I was choosing differently, but I was choosing the same.

I bore the pain, the trauma and the responsibility that occurred from my blind choice.
But was I alone in the responsibility of my being blind in my choice?

There is a trend, now to ‘blame’ the victim. My parents told me. “You made the choice to marry that loser, we didn’t” Oh really!?  Their imprint upon me helped make that choice for me. Interesting, that they never took their responsibility for their part in my distorted imprint. They, like most alcoholics or those addicted, avoid the responsibility of self-evaluation and put the ‘blame’ on anyone and everyone, but themselves.

We don’t know until we do know.. until, we become aware of what is driving our choices and if we are wise, it is our responsibility to become aware so that we can choose differently.

That is our individual journey in life to ‘respond’, which equals responsibility, to what we can see clearly, when we can and do see it… and to, therefore, grow and to choose differently.

Responsibility – the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something. The state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.

Shirking responsibility has become a national pastime. Our leaders and many in the public eye do it continually… and seem not to learn from mistakes…

I have heard people say. “It’s ‘your choice’ to feel that way. How you feel has nothing to do with me.” Well, that can be a real cop out. It’s a psychological ploy to deny ‘their responsibility’ for their participation in it and some people have taken up this ‘ploy’ to project their lack of responsibility onto their victim and to further victimize.

It’s our responsibility and duty to ourselves to learn from our choices… so that the next time, we can choose differently and better and be able to make the choice that we previously didn’t know we could make…

What do you think?….

Look to the left and make the choice to follow and…

Who are ‘they’?…

???????????????????????????????I was recently asked this question.

To me, ‘they’ are the government, the entertainment industry, the advertising industry, the legal industry, the prison industry, the ‘religion’ industry, the medical industry, the insurance industry, mental health ‘experts’ … the ‘so-called experts’ in any field, or industry who ‘try’ to sway, manipulate, con, rule, dominate and control the masses into thinking, buying, believing, voting, doing as ‘they’ direct for ‘their’ benefit, either monetarily, for power over the masses, or some other agenda.. even ‘experimentation’ on the masses.

‘They’ can be anyone, or group, that you defer to, instead of dealing and listening to yourself, your God-given instincts, and God-given intuition and using ‘your’ intellect and common sense…

‘They’ use fear, regulations, laws, punishments, penalties, threats, harassment, repetitiveness of their agenda, media, entertainment and ‘their’ rules to become ‘the authority’… ‘the authority’ that governs you and your life.

They prey on ignorance and stupidity and prefer those who can’t think for themselves and those without decency, strength, common sense, morals, values and standards … because ‘they’ want to set your values and standards. ‘They’ want to be your mind and control you in every aspect and possible way for ‘their’ use.

‘They’ want ‘you’ to ‘think’ and ‘believe’ that ‘they’ know better than you do, in order, that ‘they’ have ‘control’ over ‘you’. ‘They’ want to take away your freedom of ‘choice’, so that ‘they’ can ‘control’ you for ‘their’ benefit and not ‘yours’.

‘They’ want ‘you’ to be in a prison of ‘their’ choosing. ‘They’ want you under ‘their’  thumb…

So drink the Koolaid and become dumbed-down, non-thinking masses, OR learn to think and discern for yourself… use the brains, heart and gut instincts that God gave you, in order, to be able toavoid the evil of the ‘they’ on this planet. This is what ‘they’ fear… that ‘you’ will ‘realize’ that you don’t need them, their rules, their advice, their drugs, their lies, their con or their agenda. ‘They’ are afraid that you will realize the power of you and your individualism and not need them any longer. ‘They’ are afraid that ‘you’ will see through ‘them’. So they try to keep you confused and out of your clear heart and mind. That is why ‘they’ want you dependant on them.

Always be clear in the knowing that ‘they’ are only ‘people’ with ‘an agenda’.

Be very careful who you take advice from, listen to, emulate and follow…

Perhaps, the only ‘they’ worth ‘hearing’ are those with little, or nothing to gain from ‘you’ doing as they direct…

Who are ‘they’ to you?

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Throw it out on the Inter’net’ to see what you can capture…

???????????????????????????????‘Catfishing’… by now we have all heard about the football player who had a ‘relationship’ over the Inter’net’ for two years, never met her in person, and she died and it was all so sad.

WHAT?! Who has a relationship for two years over the Internet… without meeting someone? Stupidest thing I have ever heard!

First, a relationship isn’t a relationship, unless you are in person, are in their life, know their friends, are at their house and interact almost, if not everyday. A relationship is in REAL LIFE… not on the Inter’net’….

People can hide behind their computers and be anyone that they choose to be.

A fat, pig of a woman can post a photo of a beauty queen and have men flocking to her. A married man can post that he is single and get much interaction… that temporarily takes him out of his miserable life… that he is not brave enough to change in ‘real life’.

People who can’t maintain a relationship in ‘real life’ can have many ‘pretend’ ones over the Inter’net’…

There is so much fraud and con over the ‘Net’… people creating identities, and images that are nothing, but that, ‘their creation’.

I know a man who ‘deems’ himself an ‘inspirational writer’ and writes about love and all sorts of topics and he is a complete fraud. I have known him for many, many years and he lies, steals and lies some more. He has found an outlet that he can ‘hide’ behind to create ‘his image’… a place he can create ‘his con’ and it is the Inter’net’. He has never been married and goes from one woman to the next. He’s pathetic… but he writes about love, and inspirational topics… blah! blah!. He has a photo that hides what he really looks like… which is a fat, depressed slob… but he writes things and gets off on people telling him how ‘nice’ he is… he is not a nice person at all… he is a person looking for energy to suck off of.

When you know who a person is in their ‘real life’ then see what they put out over the Internet… it shows you clearly how easily fraud can be committed using technology.

I have men come onto me daily… from all over the world and until they come to my area and meet me in person… it is nothing to me. If someone
‘appears’ interesting, I may interact for a bit, but if they don’t meet me in person and soon… they are not significant to my life or to me.

I have had a man write to me that ‘we’ are forever and I spoke to this man twice…. I played along with him to see where it would lead… when I could immediately tell by ‘his approach’ that he was throwing out a’ Net’ to see what he could catch. They may ‘appear sincere’ at first glance, but listen to the words not said. Make note of when they call, whether they answer the phone when you call back. Many of these people are married, or in a relationship and are playing games to boost their egos. They are energy vampires…Inter’net’ vampires, hiding behind their computer throwing out a ‘net’ to see what they can catch in order to have something to suck from…

Men who say they want to meet you, but are soo busy, selling a company, blah! blah! Are probably lying and putting restrictions up so that you will think that they are something they are not and they can put you on ‘hold’… think of the power and the ego charge that they get from doing this…

Men want to feel powerful, successful, and vital. Women want to feel beautiful, desired and loved.. and the perfect con for this is the Inter’net’… It can be an ‘ego trip’… and a complete fraud. In real life, in person is where real fulfillment lives not on the ‘NET’.

Over the ‘Net’ they can control the contact… hide it from their real life and create this little dream world and identity… where an unattractive, miserable married man can interact with a woman he would, or could never approach in real life.

There are allot of sick and twisted people in this world today and the ‘Net’ is their playground…

Think of sitting in an airport amongst all the people. How many would you want to really know? HA!… maybe, one, if any… so think of the Inter’net’ in this way, only worse…

Emailing, texting and ‘friends’ on Facebook, etc. are not ‘real relationships’. They are on the ‘Net’… the Web… a spider’s web with intent to capture…

A person who really wants a relationship will meet you quickly in person, if not, they are probably a fraud. But in meeting a person off the ‘Net’ be very cautious… do not give out personal information, meet them in a public place where ‘you’ control the environment.

Sure, it can be fun exchanging thoughts and ideas over the ‘NET’… but it is not a ‘real relationship’… no way and no how!

So, take it for what it is. Don’t waste time dreaming about what will be, who a person is, or believe what you are told until you see it with your own eyes…

A real relationship is in person… not on the ‘Net’…

Also, years ago, I met a very well-known ‘actor’ at a party. Everyone would know who he is. While on the screen, he is attractive and a good actor… and I thought him great, in person, not so much. He asked me out and I declined…

Get real people! ‘Images’ are not who people really are… so don’t fall for an image…

What experiences have you had in this regard?….

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On your rainy day…

???????????????????????????????What are ways you cope?

pray – pull the covers over your head – eat too much – drink wine – sleep – laugh – listen to music – watch TV – read a book -take in a movie – look at fashion magazines – workout??????????????????????????????? talk with friends – wallow in it – fight it – cry – pout – scream – shout – write – talk – act – freeze up – break down – stay strong – fall to weak – cook – not eat – eat chocolate – eat  salty – eat sweet then salty – put on wild music and dance around the house – sing – take a hot bath – take a hot shower – talk to everyone – don’t talk to anyone – get quiet and figure it out…

What do you do? I think I do a bit of it all!!!

And know, the sun will come out tomorrow…