Category Archives: Politics

Violation of First Amendment Rights…

Facebook – and others are censoring conservatives at their whim and at rapid pace for doing little to nothing. Some in social media do not want the truth out or any differing opinions that do not support their communist/progressive, NWO agenda. Therefore, ‘FB jail time’, blocking and banning are happening more and more often.

FB put me in jail for 30 days for a post that I wrote years ago and it was not anything but my opinion about how ‘some’ homosexuals behave which is my right to have and to express. So now, FB is going back in time to find anything that they can to shut  up conservatives, Christians, white people  and heterosexuals.  Anything  against DACA, Muslims, Sharia Law, illegals – post anything about an aspect concerning gun control, homosexuals, transexuals, women’s march – women who wear vaginas on their heads – being in support of President Trump – anything against Hillary, Dems, progressives, NWO are deemed as going against ‘FB community standards’. While FB allows verbal abuse of conservatives from terrorists,  gays, dems, muslims, lib/dem/ progressives, etc.  and allows them to post horrible even threatening things and not be censored. FB allows all sorts of perversions to be displayed and if you are against them – you are thrown into FB jail and ‘punished’ – censored – as if you are some school child.

Censorship for agenda must be stopped. It is against our First Amendment Rights and is why our forefathers stated it as such – in order to curtail censorship for agenda before it begins and to allow freedom of speech for all – not just a few.  When people are not allowed to express differing opinions then we are under a communistic rule and dictatorship coming from some in the social media, etc. 

Political correctness is nothing but Censorship.  ‘PC and so-deemed hate speech’ are being taken way too far and being used as control of free expression and free speech.   It’s for the evil agenda of perversion and control of the masses.  FB  even wants an app for children – so their agenda can be imprinted as early as possible – so addiction to technology and  that brainwashing can begins earlier and earlier – the sick twisted desire of rule, dominate and control to implement their agenda over the masses.

FB should be cited, sued, fined, etc. for curtailing freedom of speech and expression.  According to Zuckerberg, FB was started as a place for people to communicate and share expression. Now, it’s become a place to promote Zuckerberg’s agenda as he censors anyone against it –  curtailing FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS for those ‘they deem’ going against ‘their agenda’. FB is un-American, about control and about ‘their’ agenda while they make money off ‘everyone’ who uses their communistic-run site. People are punished at FB’s whim without due recourse or way to communicate. Those in protest are not even listened to – I have contacted FB hundreds of times, after I have been thrown in ‘their FB censorship jail’ and no one  ever responds.  zuckerberg resolution 2017 mark 5 1500x1000Being on FB is like North Korea –  being on there, we are under the dictates of a  wimpy little dick-ta-tor of control, arrogance and agenda. Zuckerberg is now creating a household computer- ‘butler’- like robot and he has made it so that it only listens to his voice and not his wife’s. This man is an out-of-control dick-ta-tor and needs to be thrown in jail for being a traitor to American freedoms.

Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg are a menace to a free society. He curtails freedom of speech and freedom of expression and uses his site to promote progressive communism  to try to weaken America, flood her with illegals, muslims  and refugees who hate our country, in order to created chaos – thus enabling  the progressive agenda of control to insert a weakened America into the NWO under the rule of the UN – where all rights will come through them and they have control over all earth’s resources, land, property and people.   Completely against freedom – all about the evil of control. 

Censorship – curtailing freedom of speech and the right of free expression…

   Christian, heterosexual, white Conservatives  are continually being censored while progressives – libs –  dems – terrorists – shooters – muslims – people of color – perverts – etc. are allowed to post and say whatever they want to  –  including threats – even to our President.  This is especially true in the entertainment arena, the main stream propaganda media and on FB.

I was put in FB jail for 30 days for the following blog article:

It’s only opinion commentary about what I think about those who march wearing pink hats and vaginas on their heads – nothing to be put in FB jail for- but I was.  No threats – nothing but my opinion and that of many others and I am put in FB jail for 30 days for it. At the same time, I am in FB jail, I am being sent emails from FB asking me if I would like to boost this same blog article it is getting so many hits.  The duplicity and unfairness of FB is deplorable.  They are pro-their agenda and against anyone who doesn’t go along with  it – which is completely un-American and against freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

FB is as bad as the fake lying media and something should be done about their unfairness – their censorship – their  focus on ‘their’ agenda – their allowing terrorists and those who hate America to promote their lowly agenda while they censor those who are Christian, conservative and love America.


fem·i·nism – noun – advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
I agree concerning equal rights – in that, women should receive equal pay for equal work and that women should be treated with respect in the work place and not subjugated or overpowered by unwanted or unwarranted sexual advances and innuendoes  by some needy, insecure penis in the workplace, business world or anywhere else.
Other than that – what I see and hear that these radical men hating, vagina hat wearing foul-mouthed women are doing by their marches and protests is about as unfeminine and not woman-like as anything could be.  These women who are modeling for their daughters and youth that to dress and act like an idiot is womanly. It’s sad and disgusting. Imagine what these women hating men are doing to their sons as they raised them and model their sick not womanly behavior.
I am a feminine woman –  I like myself. I like men and I enjoy being admired as a woman and flirted with as appropriate to time and place. I am a strong secure woman.
The women donning these idiot costumes with their vile stoopid signs concerning their private parts are not strong, secure, intelligent or wise.  They are displaying neediness, insecurity , negative self-image and more. And their doing this has less to do with men and more to do with their internal lack of self-worth. It’s about them and no one else. They project their insecurity and hate of self into the world because they can’t stand who they are.
WASHINGTON, DC- JAN 21- Groups gather for the Women's March on Washington on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (For the Washington Post: Amanda Voisard)These women may think they are free thinkers but they are so brainwashed and controlled that they actually have no individual thoughts. They are following a group twisted in distortion, insecurity and fear. They are actually imprisoned.  They are easily manipulated by those who want to use them for their purposes – which is that of destroying their femininity and making them a  sick distortion of themselves. Insecure people like to connect with a group in order to help or make them feel validated to bolster their insecurity and cover-up for their lack of self-worth. Few of them could/can stand alone . They are a gang or a herd of loser/bullies feeding off one another’s frenzied energy.  Women who hate being women – hate men –  are lost and full of self-loathing. They are lowly and not women in my eyes with their foul words, idiotic hats and costumes.
It’s unfortunate that some men these days who are turning into ‘p—ies’. God made men and women differently for reasons. Men are to protect women.
Women such as these  are turning men into vaginas while they are acting like dicks. They are destroying the natural flow of things. they are losing their femininity while gaining  nothing but the right to act the fool – like some kind of jester to the world in a vagina hat.
As a woman,  I can match intelligence with most men, but it’s nothing I feel I have to prove. I just  want and need to be my wonderful feminine womanly self – be who I am. But you need to know who you are  in order to be who you are. That’s all any of us need… because when we do that – we are secure in self, can stand up for self and are equal to all.
I have been sexually harassed in the work environment. I exited,  addressed it immediately, sued and he settled.  And doing this, did not make me feel  less than a woman and that I needed to wear a vagina costume to prove I was a woman.
When you feel less than, you can flip into trying to feel better than and you do this because you don’t feel equal to.
A book for awareness and healing…
DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR…. on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.

Globalists- NWO – UN – many in our Government ….

and media around the world  who are aligned with this manipulative, corrupt, evil, ‘destroy America’ movement  are the biggest racists that exist. They  want to rule over the  world with all others beneath them in servitude; as in Al Gore, Soros, Clintons, Buffet, Obamas, Gates, Zuckerberg, Pelosi, Rothchilds, some of the Bushes, etc. – to name a very few. Their goals are to control all the world’s resources and assets, including all property rights. They want to weaken America  and take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. Under this rule, the masses will have no freedom.  It will be an illusion of ‘being taken care of’. All will be ‘considered equal’ according to the edit of the few who rule over the masses. So what better way to do this than to flood America with illegals, refugees and others that don’t want to assimilate, but instead want to drain, destroy, change, rule over and conquer the USA.  

President Trump is trying to expose and to  bust this up. This group of  self- anointed  elitists are greatly threatened and in fear of him and what he is doing as it goes against their destructive evil agenda for America.  While they appear that they wanted ‘equality’ for all – this is only a facade – what they want is control. That is why they are after Trump so intensely. He is exposing them and will continue to do so. He sees right through them and has for years. If you listen to his interviews, from decades ago, he even says so then and that he knows their agenda.

Only the ignorant are buying into the chaos and division that ‘they’ are instigating, triggering and promoting concerning race, etc. Tearing down statues and monuments is destroying our history. History is ‘what it is’ – it can’t be changed and it is to be learned from. To tear down, destroy, hide  or try to recreate history is control for agenda and of evil.

‘They’ own most the media. So ‘they’ imprint in the minds of fools that which they want them to believe. They know most of the populous will believe what they are told because they don’t/won’t/can’t think for themselves and are easily brainwashed to believe that these manipulative elitists care about them and their miserable lives. ‘They’ think as advertisers do – repeat the promo – the lie – promote – repeat – promote –  continuously repeat –  and  the masses will believe what they are told to believe and buy what they are told to buy.

They want the American people weak and fighting one another. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

They want the government to replace God…. they want the world broken, fractured, fragmented, perverted, confused and under their Satanic-based control.

Cut to the chase – we are on the planet of dualities – good versus evil.

Evil hates the good, just for their being the good . Therefore, Leviathan fog is spread over all communication and  used for manipulation, control and corruption.

Their weakness is their arrogance – that no one can see what they are doing and that they ‘think’ in their distortion that  ‘they’ are all powerful. Just like Satan thought he was better and more powerful than God.  So God – ‘good’ – threw evil out of Heaven and  down to earth.

Evil is not more powerful than good.

God is freewill. Evil is about control…

Corrupted media and entertainment industry…

The media is being used to encourage and foster psychopathic behavior in otherwise normal people. They are manipulating otherwise decent people to emulate psychopathic traits and to view these traits as the norm. The entertainment industry is filled with this message. Lady GaGa parades around in a dress made of animal flesh that sends out a message to millions of young impressionable minds that they are just a hunk of meat. This is not by accident. This is not ‘art.’ Look at the vileness of Miley Cyrus and her sexual degradation and exploitation. 

It’s become all about the money and power over others’ lives and reality… propaganda, perversion and brainwashing..

  Psychopathic individuals behind the scenes in music and entertainment are slowly altering  psychology in order to dehumanize, so that the day comes to replace freewill,  human spirit and your soul with a microchip, you’ll accept it, as you will have been conditioned to view your humanity as just soulless meat. And your sexuality contains no boundaries and as meaningless. Perversion and crossing sexual boundaries separates people from their humanity and their soul.

 Look at the fashion industry, pornography, etc. The aim of the trans-humanist movement is to remove consciousness from the Earth except for a ‘privileged’ few. That is if they even know what ‘consciousness’ is  as they seem  to be steeped in evil and Satanic vibes. Morality as in truth, honor, kindness, humanity is going out the window replaced by lies, propaganda, perversion and greed. People mean nothing. Greed and the false power wielded on earth are everything. Sinful behaviors are being promoted as good. While morality is looked down upon and laughed at.

A vital stage of their agenda is to create a bond between machines and humans. Technology distances you from your humanity. The people behind this agenda are evil. They want to take away choice, freedom, and Godliness and rule over Earth and all its inhabitants. 

I was in a hair salon recently and no one talked to anyone, even the stylist. Everyone was on their phone or computer. I sat there observing … it gave me a sick and eerie feeling in my gut. If you would ask the stylist a question, she would answer. But when you entered no one greeted anyone, no one smiled, there was no small talk. There was no human interaction. There was no happiness.  There was nothing. It was clear the stylist was not interested in her clients personally and was all about the money exchange coming to her. When it was time for the client to pay, the stylist gave attention. Watching her made me feel sick to my stomach… like I was watching manipulative evil extortion in action. The decor was stark white and minimal – attractive but cold.  It was bizarre and felt like being on another planet and not earth.

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”Brock Adams – director of UN Health Organization.

Being in North Korea is not like visiting your grandmother’s…

At our house, my mother would pretty much allow us to have snacks when we wanted them. When visiting my grandmother’s, after the dinner dishes were done, she would proclaim, “The kitchen is closed for the night!”

After she was settled in her bedroom, we would quietly sneak down the stairs and into the kitchen  to make popcorn or to raid the frig. hoping and thinking that she didn’t hear us. When we came back up stairs, she would shout from her room, “You kids, better have left my kitchen spotless!” Which of course, we did. We disobeyed her ‘kitchen rule’ and had we not left the kitchen clean. What would she have done?  Probably told us that the next time we sneak into her kitchen to clean up after ourselves.  She would not have banned us from the kitchen and given us no food for the rest of our visit.  She wouldn’t have starved us for our childish disobedience or sentenced us to hard labor in her backyard.

In America, if a college student protests, tears down posters, banners or whatever, nothing  much if anything happens to them. But in Korea and other countries there are harsh punishments for things that are considered the norm  – are allowed or even are our rights in America.  In America, we are free! Inquisitive, rebellious college age young adults that commit acts of protest aren’t given corporal punishment. And if a crime is committed, we have the right to a fair trial.

Everyone who  visits a country, so very different from America needs to learn and be aware of their customs, rules and laws. Because extremely harsh penalties and  punishments are given for what we consider our rights in America. Some other countries treat human beings with no value and they have few if any rights …actually pretty much treat humans like dirt.

It’s horrendous what happened to the young college man, Otto Warmbier, in North Korea. It’s no telling the horrors that he endured being imprisoned there.  Bottom line, he was killed for taking a banner. This is a vile absurdity beyond our belief. And so is to be sentenced to 15 years hard labor for taking a banner.  Also, do we even really know for certain that he did take the banner?

College kids especially liberals /Dems/ progressives ‘snowflakes’ – need to wake-up and realize that other countries aren’t like America. They are free living in America and have rights here that they may not have elsewhere. They need to learn to appreciate where they live and to not take their rights for granted. We are not a dictatorship. Many countries in the rest of the world are under harsh regimes. It might be best for college kids and others to stay out of places such as this. For example, gays are thrown off buildings in Muslim countries, etc.

When anyone goes to another country, they need to learn and be very aware of their laws. Many places are not as accepting and tolerant as America. North Korea hates America. So this young man was a sitting duck to be targeted. Thank goodness that this young man was brought back to America but certainly not soon enough.

Kim Jung Un is a ruthless, evil, little dictator… And what would happen to me in North Korea if I said that there? I would be executed.

While in America, look at how our President is talked about and treated by the media and others with little recourse.

Freedom in America is something that should never be taken for granted . These protestors – libs/dems/progressive ‘snowflakes’ need to wake up to reality!

God bless America the home of the free and the brave!

What you get in discussion with a lib/progressive…

Pullinghair2if it can even be called a discussion…

Lib/progressives are self-righteously angry now that ‘their candidate’, which actually should have been in prison, instead of running for President, lost.  Any exchange with a lib/progressive always succumbs to them calling names such as racist, homophobic, bigot, etc. when this is not even close to subject, in fact, their comments are way off topic.  Because they can’t comprehend enough to stay on topic. They deflect, lie and circle-talk to avoid dealing with facts, common sense, accountability and reality…rebellious  teenager-like in response and behavior… no reality, self -delusional, illusions of whatever fantasy occupies their brain. They continually ‘judge’ others while screeching that they are being ‘judged.’ So child-like they are, that’s it pathetically  humorous were it not so harmful.

I began this site with a ‘friend’ who is a liberal. I didn’t realize her political leanings at the time because eight years ago, politics was not as up in your face as it became when the lowly traitor to America, Obama, ran for President. Barack But as the election got heated, her ignorance and delusions were made clear. She could never be on time. She wasn’t true to her word. Her brain full of ‘I don’t know what?’ …High heels, designer clothes, fairy tales ??? Her voice began to sound like finger nails on a chalk board… as she rambled on about nothing. She is the reason, I got on Facebook, in fact, she put me on it, for benefit of ‘our’ blog. She had been an intern on the Hill for some liberal and she had been well indoctrinated. She had no common sense and the fact that she could be up to an hour late meeting me for lunch didn’t bother her at all and she didn’t understand why it should bother me. She only thought about herself while trying to ‘appear’ that she thought about everyone in the world. HA!

Another interesting example of our innate and inherent respective conservative, liberal differences could be seen even as children when we tried out to attend the same ballet school. It was a highly thought of, exclusive, with acceptance limited to ability, school led by two professional dancers that were once with  Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. I auditioned and became the youngest member of the corps de  ballet.  Her acceptance was declined since she treated the ballet practice barre as if it was a jungle gym. She and her mother were asked to leave.

She was full of the typical lib/progressive delusional BS even as a child.  Of course, we soon parted company. With her driving off in her pink Barbie car… her exact words and her calling me Cruella Deville… the usual lib/progressive name calling child-like tactic. She referred to the girls that cleaned her house as ‘Cinderellas’ … so perhaps, her head really was  stuck in a world of fairy tales… like most all Lib/progressives.

Well, that was my first up-close and personal interaction with someone so off in their head that it was impossible to communicate in reality and with logic and truth with their expectation of full entitlement with no consideration to others.

Pullinghair3Lib/progressive idiocy only grew as ‘Obama world’ took over. Those who follow Oprah like everything this woman spews is worthy… the ‘those’ who can’t think for themselves. Oprah fat1 Booing God at the DNC convention. Their God is apparently’ earth’. Their cry, save the earth, save the earth. Which is where Satan rules. While God tells us in the Bible that the earth will always regenerate and be able to self-cleanse.

Idiotic destructive protests and looting with no regard for human life and other’s property as they express their out of control emotions about injustices that they can’t even articulate.

In exchanges with lib/progressives, I have been called old as dirt, a transvestite, etc. and these are the kinder names.

Obama-Lies-SCOne only need listen for a few minutes to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or Obama, etc. to realize the dysfunction of the lib/progressive brain… as they spew idiocy, call for others to treat everyone ‘right and fairly’ while, they, just like Hillary, call everyone that disagrees with them things such as “deplorables” as they suck money and power for their own benefit and use.

The mind set of lib/progressives is full of  hypocrisy, illogical conclusions, immaturity, illusions, circle-talking, deflecting, name-calling ignorance. They are followers of ‘whomever’ like the wind, with no internal core of ethics, morality or standards. They respect no one, including themselves but expect to be treated with kid gloves and high regard for doing and saying nothing of any consequence. They spew and project their inner conflict outward calling names, devaluing those who don’t perceive in their distorted way… deeming them uneducated… when most those voting for Trump are the higher educated, those with real-life world experience and common sense.

Lib/progressives are a blight and disease on a society. sorosAnd those like Soros, (Soros is a war criminal that should have be imprisoned decades ago and he backs Obama, Clinton and the likes while instigating and bank rolling the lowly lib/progressives to riot and destroy) Obama, Clintons and others behind the scenes who are pillaging, manipulating and riling these fools up for their personal and NWO agenda to control, reap power and wealth from America and to weaken us and eventually take us down to insert us into the NWO under the rule of the UN… where there will be no rights but those deemed by the Godless ‘elites’ on earth. With their agenda of no property rights and they will have control of all earth’s resources.

While the destruction of our way of life, rights and freedoms are slowly and more quickly under the traitor Obama taken from us, loony Lib/progressives are more concerned with their pets, saving the animals, unisex bathrooms and climate change. HA!

Therefore, dim-witted lib/progressives are literally rioting, and protesting for their own loss and demise. Truly a level of ignorance that is unfathomable.

Look to the left and click to follow…

What you do is more important than what you say…

ann-smile4Words are meaningless without intent and follow-through.

All talk and no action is empty rhetoric.

“I never worry about action, but only about inaction.” Winston Churchill

Most politicians are all talk and no action…

In the real world only sociopaths, psychopaths, scammers, liars, cons etc. are all talk with no action.  All talk and no action is the first sign of a con.

In the real world, people must follow their words with action, they must follow through or they will  lose face, people won’t trust them and, in general, they just plain eventually lose.  They get found out for what the are and others turn from them.
The government is one of the places where people that are all talk and no action are rewarded.
When the government is supposed to be by the people and for the people, what it’s become is for the government, for the benefit of the government and screw the people. People don’t matter as long as, we,  the government, can keep sucking from and off them to keep us in their money. So why do we keep electing politicians that don’t put action with their words? Or who even do the opposite of what their words convey.
In the real world, all trust is lost in someone who lies, or talks with no action. For some in the government, it appears the people keep on trusting and that is what the government is counting on, that the people keep on trusting their words with no action or their opposite action and the stupid, unaware, ill-informed people do. Look at the c Clinton and Obama cons.
Hopefully President Trump will change all that…

The adults are in charge now and can clean up the mess the children made…

Congratulations President Trump!  You worked amazingly hard and won!!!Trump2

With President Trump, America will reclaim and remain sovereign. We can dismantle the destruction and horror of the Obama debacle… the nasty, traitorous, Obama progressive legacy of America’s demise into  the NWO under the rule of the UN.

We can rebuild our military. Replace Obamacare, make the government work for the people effectively, cut the bloat, cut the government, cut the budget, pay off our debt and make America solid and whole once again, under God.

Properly take care of our veterans!

More jobs  and businesses in America  created. Keystone Pipeline built with other industries to make us energy safe and independent.

We must pull out of the NWO and the UN. We must remain a super power, so that we can lead the world. What is this world without America? Without America, it is lost.

Most of the media is disgusting! They are propaganda agenda- driven, bought and made for whores of the NWO.  They are trash and need to be dismantled.  They give their corrupted opinion and it’s not journalism.  It’s idiocy! 

I hope Trump prosecutes the Clintons, etc.

I can’t wait until I never have to see the faces of the traitors, Obamas, Clintons, etc. ever again. They have sucked off the US making themselves wealthy and they are traitors to the American people.

Now the Trump family can make the White House beautiful again open to the American people. After all, it is our house, the house of the American people.

The government is for the people and by the people and the people have spoken…

We  will have people of grace, elegance, hardworking, industrious with allegiance to America back in our White House and leading our country.

Trump and MelaniaMay God bless, protect and guide you President Trump and first lady Melania!

God bless and protect the United States of America!

Sexual pursuit, harassment, assault …

ann-smile4About twenty years ago, I was visiting a friend in Manhattan Beach. He was invited to a party at an actresses’ house in the ‘Hollywood area’ because of his business association with her. So, we  attended. I knew no one there, but apparently, I resembled some wife of a studio head so I was greeted as if many knew me or thought they did.  I was outside admiring the lagoon when a world famous, Hollywood elite – actually ‘acting royalty’ – as in from a  family acting dynasty, actor approached me. I had seen him in many movies and on TV and liked his acting.  He was friendly, talkative and began flirting with me. I knew from the tabloids that he was not divorced from his first wife, although they had been separated for years. He was seen dating many and was known to be a womanizer.  His flirtations to me were flattering – I guess. But I disengaged from him.  No way was I interested in dating a womanizer, still married actor. Yet, everywhere I went, he was close by watching me. Men, such as this, when they set their eyes on a target and are not successful, just keep at it. He approached me again and again. Gave me flattering compliments – asked if he could take me to dinner. To which, I responded, “You are still married. I don’t date married men.” To which, he stated, “But the divorce will be final soon.” I said. “Call me when it is” Then laughed and walked away. Clearly, being the top actor that he is, he was not used to being rejected. He touched my arms, tried to hold my hand, put his hand at my waist, like he was trying to appear as if we were a couple and I was his.  He leaned in as if to try and kiss me and I turned my head. He tried to corner me, by moving forward forcing me to step back against a wall, so he could have my full attention and be in control. I stepped away and disengaged.

My friend  and I left the party – going onto another. The next day, this actor called my friend inquiring about me. Asking if he and I were a couple, asking all sorts of questions about me. My friend told me that this actor was smitten with me and would fly to Dallas to take me out. To which I responded, “I do not date married men, no matter who they are!”

Get it ladies? You set the boundaries. You know when a man is leaning into kiss and you can easily step back or turn your head or talk loudly to embarrass him or even scream, ‘NO!’ So that others hear.

These stories I am hearing about Trump sound like bogus lies to me. All coming forth at this time, for political agenda. That one woman’s story of being on an airplane and saying Trump was all over her. I call BS! At his first attempt, all she needed do was say I am not interested and get up. Yet, she says something like if his hands had stayed above the waist, well, then she wouldn’t have been so upset. Really?  If any of this is true, it shows that she allowed him to touch her so he kept on. But I think this whole thing is a made up lie to correlate  with the leaked Billy Bush tape.  It’s a set up!

So what if Trump likes beautiful women and approaches them?!  It doesn’t mean he disrespects women but admires their beauty. And as far as him forcing a woman to do something she is not interested in – I doubt that very much.  

The above actor, I mentioned was an ambassador to some humanitarian political organization or some such. He is high profile. He is married again and has children in the home. How stupid and idiotic would it be if I came out and said what he did to me at a party? It would be incredibly inane.  He is a good actor and a fine person in most regards. He just pursues women that he finds attractive – SO WHAT!?

Sexual harassment and assault – I  have had this occur when I was asked to write a book with a man in the financial industry. He was married and lived in my neighborhood. I knew his family and was acquaintance-like friends with his wife. He came onto me verbally  during our book collaboration. I would ignore his stupid comments then finally it was too much when he grabbed the pearls   around my neck and pulled me to him. I pushed him away and left. Then I called him on the phone telling him that I would not do this project and to leave me alone. And at the time, I needed the money, he was paying me because I was going through a divorce. then I found out that he raped a woman in his office and that he had a history of this kind of behavior – as in other financial institutions that he worked for in his past had settled  with several women who made sexual harassment accusations against him.  I filed a lawsuit to break the contract between us and I did it immediately. I didn’t wait. I did it the very next day. He was very well-known in our area as am I. So it made the paper big time. It went to trial. He settled with me.  And during that time, they tried to say I was crazy and everything else to disparage me and it did not work. I was telling the truth and I prevailed. His wife divorced him.

I have been through enough things such as this to know what is real and what is BS. Men come onto women they find attractive and this is very different then sexual harassment or assault. Women set the boundaries. They say, ‘no”! Disengage or file a lawsuit immediately, if it really is sexual harassment or assault.  They do not wait 30 years and come out just before an election to whine and say he groped me or he ‘looked’ at me or whatever these bought and paid for accusers are doing.

About Trump looking at the women in the beauty pageants. At one time, Trump went on Howard Stern and he put it out there as he beat his male ego-driven chest about sex and women. At the time, he was not running for President … he was a novelty kind of reality show guy. Many years have passed. So again, I say so what?!

Do I like the way Howard Stern and others talk about women? No! It’s lame, immature and rank. Men like this have the need to beat their chest and say these things. It’s males being idiots!  Most men talk this way about women to one another, at times, bragging,  beating their chests as if to claim… ”  I am man hear me roar!” I say … who cares?! Be an idiot.

Wise women see right through what this is and disengage.  And men can grow up and change. SoTrump and Melania 2me don’t like Bill Clinton did not, but I believe Trump has. And also that most the women coming out with their stories and accusations just weeks before the election are bought and paid for, ‘you know what’s’ to do so. Otherwise, were it true and so traumatic, they would have dealt with it at the time as Clinton’s victims did to which Hillary further victimized them. 

Trump is my choice for President. I believe he, his knowledge and expertise are what America needs. Hillary’s  agenda along with all  lib/dem/progressive  is to lead us into the NWO under the rule of the UN. With this kind of duplcitious leadership – America will be no more.

I write about women respecting themselves and setting their boundaries.  Hillary Clinton/dems/libs/progressives respect no one but their agenda – especially women, blacks, minorities, etc. They use them for her cause and benefit which is for more power and wealth for the NWO and those who will benefit from America’s destruction.

Trump is going against their agenda so they are against him. Making America great is the exact opposite of what they want, no matter what they say. They are liars, crooks, progressive communists.


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