Category Archives: EXPLOSIONS

Your instincts versus so-called ‘experts’, media and …

yellow august 7everything else…Do you listen to yourself, your instincts, or do you listen to the media and so-called ‘experts’?

Much I hear these days on the TV, in all media, in all the ridiculous ads, from the healthcare industry and otherwise, the government, and much else -rings false to me.

Those drug ads, prescription and otherwise are the worst… it’s insulting to hear them. Buy this! Buy that! Take this! But if you do it might cause – and the list is long of all the things that might be done for the  one ounce of good offered. Why do people need all these prescription drugs and otherwise? Why do people need all these products? They don’t!  It’s all done to make some big pharma company money.

And all the gadgets they push? Why do we need all that junk? We don’t!

I can barely listen to the talking heads. As soon as an ad comes on, I mute them. They are too insulting and downright stupid. That ridiculous, abrasive Progressive woman… isn’t it time they retired that stupidity?

I haven’t watched a talkshow in years and am better for it.

The main stream media is the stupidest thing I have ever watched. I watched it for five minutes a few days ago and that is all I could take. I am getting where I can’t watch Fox any longer except for Hannity, Tucker and Judge Jeanine.

Years ago, I watched Anderson Cooper and that ugly, foul-mouthed-red-head for two minutes on NYE and thought… who watches this insane trash? It’s not funny. It’s not anything!Then this crass woman holds a severed head of our President and thinks it’s humor.

An occasional expletive is fine and I am certainly no prude, but it’s gotten crass and low-class, banal and perverted. Is that what our society has become? Pushing it over the cliff from what was once a bit off color and fun to extreme crassness and perversion…

My taste level and instincts tell me it is all propaganda and trash…

Do others feel as I do? Or are most of the populous so dumbed- down, addicted, numb, ignorant, vapid, vacated, perverted and easily brainwashed that they can’t see what is being done  – sold and propagandized to them everyday, in every way, and in every minute?

EXPLODING!!! Do ‘WE’ the people have a choice any longer?

???????????????????????????????Exploding through a smile, clenched teeth or whatever…but exploding none-the-less. Because it’s my opinion that ‘our’ will is not recognized as worthy any longer. The government and the media are out of control, running amuck and doing any and everything against us, to harm, brainwash, to suck rights, choice, money and resources from ‘WE’ the people…

Obama, in dictator fashion, over-rides the constitution at every opportunity and the media backs him. While it’s OUR CONSTITUTION that ‘kept’ and ‘will keep us’ from becoming a dictatorship…

‘Supposedly’ Obama is a ‘constitutional’ lawyer. But how do we really know? We have not seen his school records… but if he is, it is only so, he can dismantle our constitution… in the slimiest attorney-like sneaky way and manner.

Much like a ‘psychologist’ becomes one, ‘only’ to learn how to mess in and manipulate with people’s heads… as some psychologists are the most mentally and emotionally sick, twisted people on the planet.

Some people wanting to ‘control’ others, learn the skills of a ‘certain’ profession or trade in order to better assist them in their agenda and victimization…

So good ole, Obama ‘learns’ about the constitution, in order, to know how to side-step around it and dismantle it. So he can suck all the rights from, and ultimately, the Will from, ‘WE’ the people… As it’s the Will of the People that evil always wants to destroy, capture, dismantle and control…

It’s the tactic of all manipulative sociopaths and psychopaths… learn exactly how to control your prey, in order, to better exploit and take advantage of them…

And with Obama, the American people, their way of life and what they love and stand for… their freedoms are exactly what he wants to destroy… America and its way of life are what Obama wants to destroy…
make no mistake about this… as everything Obama and his ilk do is towards this end…

Obama and his ilk are taking away choice from ‘WE’ the people…by indebting, taxing and enslaving. They are attempting to tell us how to talk, (what words to use, what they mean and even giving words ‘new’, ‘agenda-filled’ meanings of  what’s important or not), how to live, what to buy, how to care for our health, even if we have healthcare, what to like, and how we ‘should’ even ‘feel” about things…

They try to tell us what is right, what is ‘PC’, what is acceptable to do, to think, and how to be on the planet… as the planet is the important thing to them, not ‘WE’ the people. Our feelings and our will is to be ignored… manipulated and ‘changed’ into the image that ‘they’ choose. The ‘will’ and ‘feelings’ of ‘WE’ the people don’t matter, unless, we think and feel as we are ‘told’ to think a
nd to feel…

I watched the movie, GATTACA, the other evening and in this orchestrated, genetically informed, controlled and specifically manipulated and created world… it’s shown that the human will is able to overcome adversity and seemingly handicaps. It’s the will of the individual spirit that is God-given, not man-made, or directed that is the only thing that can overcome. It can’t be measured, contained or quantified as much as evil tries to do so… it can’t be done.

And our feelings are what create our will… our will to survive and to use our God-given gift of individuality, our circumstances and situations that make us who we are … ‘the people’… the human beings on the planet.

God gave human beings dominion over the earth and all its plants and animals not the other way around. We should be good custodians, but ‘we the people’ are what matter… the earth is of service to us… not the reverse as those of evil wish and try to dictate us to believe. Evil walks the earth and has no place in Heaven…

The evil ilk running the show on the planet now, want to diminish the feelings and the will of the people… instead of creating thinking, self-aware, individual beings… they want to orchestrate and create it in ‘their’ image, the image of manipulation, control, immorality, degradation, lies, and depravity and this is all for ‘their’ benefit, instead of God’s….

God gave us freedom of choice. We are given ‘choice’ as our right of birth … not to be in servitude and controlled by of evil…

It’s of the people, by the people, and for the people…’WE’ the people… the will and feelings of the people are the only things that can save our America… 

If we deny our feelings and our will, we deny who we are. And if we do so, we will all be melded down into servitude, loss of will, and denial of our feelings and lead into slavery in every aspect of our lives… until the human race is nothing, but drones lead by a few and only for their benefit…

It’s the WILL of WE the people that matters… not the ‘orders’ and ‘dictates’ of the self-chosen, self-proclaimed few…

This Explosion will not be over until things begin to shift to lift the people up to freedom and choice once more! Smaller and less governance and the Will of ‘WE’ the people…

Agree or not…? What are your feelings and thoughts on this topic?

Stomp out intolerance!!!…

When does anger against those deemed not tolerant become intolerance?
Do you say yes and agree to things and ideas that you really don’t believe, or want to, just to keep the peace, or to appear not combative and easy to get along with, and to appear ‘politically correct’? Are you being ‘bullied’ into being ‘politically correct’? Are you being bullied into not talking, not expressing your opinions, not speaking out, not being who you are, and not being an individual out of fear?

Are you being bullied into being tolerant of that which you do not want to tolerate by those who ‘claim’ to be tolerant pointing the finger at you claiming that you are intolerant? When it is ‘they’ who are really the most intolerant of all and who scream and bully the most and the loudest….

Are you being bullied into submission to believe, act, think, say and be something that you do not want to be? 
Do you, are you, losing your individuality, who you are, what you think, and your right to express, in order, to keep the peace and to ‘fit in’? 

Appears to me that America is turning into a country of ‘teenagers’ who are forcing others to be like the them, or they will be shunned from the group.

It’s like the ‘cool kids’, ‘the popular ones’, ‘the wild ones’ are against the ‘smart kids’. The ‘so called cool kids’ drink, do pot, run in gangs and sleep around. They are undisciplined, looking for thrills and not thinking or planning for their future. They prefer the ‘escape’ more than ‘reality’.

The ‘smart’ kids, for the most part, study, don’t drink, or do drugs and are not promiscuous. They are disciplined in their approach to life. They think about and plan for their future. 

For a ‘smart kid’ to hang with the ‘cool kids’ they must live as they do, take up their habits, or ‘pretend’ that they do…

I was not a ‘cool or popular kid’ in highschool and I didn’t want to fit in their group then or now. I would rather be an individual. I have seen what most of the ‘cool kids’ became, unless they changed their ways…

The popular ‘cool’ girl that drank, did drugs and slept around…. turned out to be a fat, drugged out old woman who burned out fast, left reminiscing and living in her memories of highschool…

And that is what will happen to America…if the ‘cool, popular kids’ are left to lead it by their lack of standards. If the teenagers ran the home and family, they would charge up the credit cards and not worry who would pay for it and the house would be a mess because they don’t worry about who cleans it up. They blame, deflect and lie…so that they can keep on having their fun….

If the adults tolerate this behavior to keep the ‘peace’ and to avoid the tantrums of the teenagers… the house and home will soon be in ruins.
I observe lots and this is what I am sensing …many people these days are not readily coming out and saying what they really feel and think…
They smile, don’t talk, go along with things, tolerate, in order, that they not be bullied, shunned, attacked, be called names, be accused, have loss of business, loss of property, even loss of life, etc.

Has the emphasis on ‘political correctness’ done this to people? I think it has. It is shutting people up and keeping them from voicing their real opinions. It is creating an environment where the so-called ‘cool kids’ bully the ‘smart kids’ into submission. Or the ‘agenda’ of one group harasses the other into submission. 

And this is how Islam works… huh? They maim, stone, throw acid in faces, or kill someone who goes against their agenda. They have no tolerance for others, but expect others to be tolerant of them.
‘Political correctness’ has not made anything better…. it has made it worse…
it’s created a new age of bullies…

If you can’t be who you are, think, say what you feel, express and be for fear of retaliation, or that you might ‘hurt’ some over-sensitive person looking to either attack you, sue you, shun you or worse… we are not living in a free country, but one run by the ‘so-called cool kids and bullies’…those with their agenda who will not allow for differences of those who do not agree with them.

All this is being made worse by the ‘cool/popular teenager’ in our White House and ‘his gang that hangs with him’. The entertainment, do drugs, have children out of wedlock, cool rappers, gang bangers(I don’t even know what that is) girls who dress like hookers, promiscuous, pot head, flower children, Muslims, radicals, union, mafia, etc.. who entice with
promises’ and fulfill none.
Our country is being bullied by the leader of the ‘so-called cool kids’ and bullied into submission. We must tolerate them, but they have no tolerance for us.

I am sick of it… sick of PC, sick of being bullied by a bully, sick of their attacking, lying, deflecting, blaming and spinning, I am sick of their racist, hating projecting ways to bully others into destroying everything good, pure and worthwhile… just to have some ‘think’ that they are ‘cool’ and ‘popular’, PC and to be in their gang…this group of useful idiots to their leader.

Quote Obama…”I will reward my friends (those who are like and support me) and punish my enemies (those who are different than I am)
Obama has zero tolerance…

Sometimes, you must be unpopular and uncool to do the right thing and to do what is worthwhile for the future. And you must stand against the ‘so-called cool way’ …if you follow the ‘cool’ herd, you may be led off a cliff and may not even realize it until you fall

I think America is being led off the cliff by the ‘so-called popular and cool kids’… the ones who will say, do, threaten, lie, blame, spin anything to be ‘popular’ and stay in control of their teenage group.They are the most intolerant as they spew their ‘political correct agenda’ to bully America into submission to make it over in ‘their image’ of intolerance…

Anyone else feel this way?

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Killing truth. Killing beauty. Killing peace. Killing good.

???????????????????????????????Killing morality. Killing health. Killing smiles. Killing intellect. Killing common senBarack Obama dressed as a Muslimse. Killing freedom. Killing free enterprize. Killing choice. Killing joy. Killing the private sector. Killing the honor of the feminine. Killing morality. Killing refinement and manners. Killing hope. Killing families. Killing creativity. Killing freedom of expression. Killing God. Just plain Killing life…

We must vote out the killing of America!!!

We must vote for joy, independence, God, morality, strength of the traditional family, freedom, health, honesty, life, strength, beauty, intelligence, refinement, manners, morals, choice, the private sector, freedom of expression, the free enterprize system and free speech. We must vote for freedom! We must vote for truth. We must vote for life! We must vote for American values!

Each man has their moral adjuster that defines them and what they will and won’t do… this is expressed in their lives, by their choices, by their associations, actions and deeds.

No man is perfect, but some reside mostly in evil…it can been seen in their faces, their eyes, their very movements. It can be ‘faked’ for a little while, but the truth is always revealed…by what they strive for and towards…

grimaceEvil is shrouded in mystery, fog, confusion, killing, deflection, perversions, avoidance and lies…Evil thrives on control, threats, lies, fear and killing.  Evil loves to kill that which is good.

Obama divides, lies, hates and envies. Obama kills the spirit of good with his ‘rhetoric’ of ‘hope’ because all he is, is ‘rhetoric’.  Obama is a walking lie.

Good is just what it is, plain and simple… out there, honest and true. Goodness thrives in freedom! Freedom of choice! Romney carries no envy and no hate. Romney speaks from his brain through his heart…

“Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction. The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints-the Elders of Israel-will step forward to its rescue and save it.”

Socialism works on you, Capitalism works for you! Obama is a Socialist and tries to hide it. Romney is a Capitalist and is proud to share it!

Vote for Freedom!!! Vote for beauty, honor and truth! Vote for life and freedom from government control! Vote for the American constitution!

It’s our only chance to take America back to what it was and what it is meant to be! FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION!!!

We must vote in morality, the free enterprize system, sanctity of life, marriage, family, the will of the people, borders, freedom and the American way!!!

Biden is the worst example of a vice-president there could ever be… he is a foul-mouthed drunk, a laughing, grinning, lying, rude hyena, a rude, interrupting, arrogant buffoon. We have got to get these clowns out of our White House….

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Obama is delusional!…He has a god-complex…

GodobamaObama is an inexperienced fool who thinks that he is ‘some kind of a god’ that is going to ‘change’ the world. 

Obama has created a disaster in the Middle East… he has apologized to people who harm us and want us dead. He stated that the world will be different if he is elected and he would help relations with the Middle East because he understands them. HA! He is either the stupidest man on earth or the most devious. I believe he knows exactly what he is doing. He is setting America up as he has empowered the people who want to kill all Americans.

Obama has indebted America and made investments that were foolish and to our determent.
Nothing the government touches or gets involved in runs better than in the private sector…

We have in Obama, a self-proclaimed dictator, with Muslim leanings, no business experience and no love for America. It is a lethal combination that will curtail all freedoms and the spirit of good that is America…



Obama’s plan – indebt and tax…

ConstitutionThere are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword and the other is by debt.”~ John Adams, 1826

Obama has already indebted American as fast and as much as he can and he keeps pushing for more…Next, the American people will be taxed to death and to the death of our economy. Obama states we must do this to pay off the debt and to ‘redistribute’ the wealth…
No one will be exempt from this.

100 Days Until Taxmageddon

Today, September 23rd, this Sunday marks the start of the 100-day countdown to “Taxmageddon” – the date the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2013:

First Wave: Expiration of 2001 and 2003 Tax Relief

In 2001 and 2003, the GOP Congress enacted several tax cuts for small business owners, families, and investors (later re-upped by President Obama and Democrat Congress in 2010). The following tax hikes will occur on January 1, 2013:

Personal income tax rates will rise on January 1, 2013. The top income tax rate will rise from 35 to 39.6 percent (this is also the rate at which the majority of small business profits are taxed). The lowest rate will rise from 10 to 15 percent. All the rates in between will also rise. Itemized deductions and personal exemptions will again phase out, which has the same mathematical effect as higher marginal tax rates. The full list of marginal rate hikes is below:

-The 10% bracket rises to a new and expanded 15%

-The 25% bracket rises to 28%

-The 28% bracket rises to 31%

-The 33% bracket rises to 36%

-The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Higher taxes on marriage and family coming on January 1, 2013. The “marriage penalty” (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of taxable income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level.

Middle Class Death Tax returns on January 1, 2013. The death tax is currently 35% with an exemption of $5 million ($10 million for married couples). For those dying on or after January 1 2013, there is a 55 percent top death tax rate on estates over $1 million. A person leaving behind two homes and a retirement account could easily pass along a death tax bill to their loved ones.

Higher tax rates on savers and investors on January 1, 2013. The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 23.8 percent in 2013. The top dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 43.4 percent in 2013. This is because of scheduled rate hikes plus Obamacare’s investment surtax.

Second Wave: Obamacare Tax Hikes

There are twenty new or higher taxes in Obamacare. Some have already gone into effect (the tanning tax, the medicine cabinet tax, the HSA withdrawal tax, W-2 health insurance reporting, and the “economic substance doctrine”). Several more will go into effect on January 1, 2013. They include:

The Obamacare Medical Device Tax begins to be assessed on January 1, 2013. Medical device manufacturers employ 409,000 people in 12,000 plants across the country. This law imposes a new 2.3% excise tax on gross sales – even if the company does not earn a profit in a given year. Exempts items retailing for <$100.

The Obamacare Medicare Payroll Tax Hike takes effect on January 1, 2013. The Medicare payroll tax is currently 2.9 percent on all wages and self-employment profits. Starting in 2013, wages and profits exceeding $200,000 ($250,000 in the case of married couples) will face a 3.8 percent rate.

The Obamacare “Special Needs Kids Tax” comes online on January 1, 2013. Imposes a cap on FSAs of $2500 (now unlimited). Indexed to inflation after 2013. There is one group of FSA owners for whom this new cap will be particularly cruel and onerous: parents of special needs children. There are thousands of families with special needs children in the United States, and many of them use FSAs to pay for special needs education. Tuition rates at one leading school that teaches special needs children in Washington, D.C. (National Child Research Center) can easily exceed $14,000 per year. Under tax rules, FSA dollars can be used to pay for this type of special needs education. This Obamacare cap harms these families.

The Obamacare “Haircut” for Medical Itemized Deductions goes into force on January 1, 2013. Currently, those facing high medical expenses are allowed a deduction for medical expenses to the extent that those expenses exceed 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income (AGI). The new provision imposes a threshold of 10 percent of AGI. Waived for 65+ taxpayers in 2013-2016 only.

Third Wave: The Alternative Minimum Tax and Employer Tax Hikes

When Americans prepare to file their tax returns in January of 2013, they’ll be in for a nasty surprise—the AMT won’t be held harmless, and many tax relief provisions will have expired. These tax increases will be in force for BOTH 2012 and 2013. The major items include:

The AMT will ensnare over 31 million families, up from 4 million last year. According to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center, Congress’ failure to index the AMT will lead to an explosion of AMT taxpaying families—rising from 4 million last year to 31 million. These families will have to calculate their tax burdens twice, and pay taxes at the higher level. The AMT was created in 1969 to ensnare a handful of taxpayers.

Full business expensing will disappear. In 2011, businesses can expense half of their purchases of equipment. Starting on 2013 tax returns, all of it will have to be “depreciated” (slowly deducted over many years).

Taxes will be raised on all types of businesses. There are literally scores of tax hikes on business that will take place. The biggest is the loss of the “research and experimentation tax credit,” but there are many, many others. Combining high marginal tax rates with the loss of this tax relief will cost jobs.

Tax Benefits for Education and Teaching Reduced. The deduction for tuition and fees will not be available. Tax credits for education will be limited. Teachers will no longer be able to deduct classroom expenses. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts will be cut. Employer-provided educational assistance is curtailed. The student loan interest deduction will be disallowed for hundreds of thousands of families.

Charitable Contributions from IRAs no longer allowed. Under current law, a retired person with an IRA can contribute up to $100,000 per year directly to a charity from their IRA. This contribution also counts toward an annual “required minimum distribution.”

Read more:

Indebt and tax …Obama’s plan for success… HA!

Enough about politics, let’s talk men and sex…

What makes a man ‘worthy’ of having sex with a woman?…Ever thought about it? From what I am hearing… not many men are…. and this makes ???????????????????????????????me want to EXPLODE!!!

Example: A man has never met a woman and he emails her this…”Here is a question we can discuss on the phone. What are your feelings about being bestfriends in addition to a quality love relationship? That means different things to different people. We can discuss that.”

What??? How can you be lovers if you can’t be friends? This man must be emotionally stunted somewhere in his psyche. He’s an older man and not 16. HA and oh, really!? How presumptuous that he dictates what can be discussed in their ‘first’ conversation. Clearly, a control freak and control freaks aren’t sexy and don’t make good friends or lovers…

Another man inquires in the second hour of a first date. “Are you a good kisser?” Then a bit later asks, “Are you passionate? Then before, she answers, he states, “I can tell that you are.” So, if the guy can tell this, why did he ask?

A really sensuous and passionate man doesn’t need or even think to ‘ask’ these kind of stupid and premature questions. He gets to know the woman and let’s it unfold at her pace… And if he is sensuous, he can sense her as she reveals herself (should she choose to) and this occurs as she gets to know him and feels trust and security are established and this does not occur in the ‘first’ meeting or date. It occurs with time spent together and different experiences and consistency in his attention towards her. Otherwise, a wise woman leaves him in her wake because he’s not worthy of her…

Besides, what would a person answer, when asked, “Are you a good kisser?” NO!?! HA! Why can’t men see how ridiculous these kind of questions are and how useless and stupid.

Men like this are of course, ‘trying’ to turn the direction toward sex… when it is premature and doing it in this manner is a turn off to a sensuous woman. Now maybe, whores, and sexually promiscuous women respond to lame attempts. But that is another topic… or is it? Are some men treating all women like sluts because of the behaviors of ‘some’ or even ‘most’ women these days? And the example shown in movies, the media and on slimy talkshows.. ‘Sex and the City’ has done much to destroy respect for sex…

A man also stated, “I think I ‘should’ kiss you.” to a woman on a first date.What? Ha!.. Interpretation…I ‘want’ to kiss you….and don’t really care if you are interested in kissing me…
again he’s testing the water to see if he can get laid on a ‘first’ date. She responds. “I don’t move this fast.” His come back. “I am in sales. I like to make the close.”

HAHAHA! Well, buddy, she isn’t buying what you are selling… and how insulting was his comment? He came right out and told her that he was trying to close the deal. And he also is showing that it’s not about her, it’s all about him. He is not worthy of having sex with a ‘quality woman’… He has no respect for her or the act of sex… he is about satisfying ‘his selfish and immediate’ needs…

A real man, a ‘gentleman’, will ask if he ‘can’ kiss a woman… not ‘declare’ that he ‘should’…
And any man who??????????????????????????????? says something like, “You have a really good body” on the first date or meeting… Well, what is this? It’s a man looking to get laid. It’s one thing to say you are pretty or you look fit, but to say, “You have a really good body.” is objectifying and marginalizing a woman for their sexual needs, desires and purposes.

The ‘real war on women’ is led by ‘some’ men.. who think it’s ‘manly’ to focus on sex, or they are so needy that even at mid-age they are still ‘thinking’ with their penis. And men like this are a waste of a ‘real’ woman’s time…
And men like this are not worthy to have sex with a real woman…

Okay women, what sickening things have you heard from a man ‘trying’ to be seductive, to seduce you, or to ‘appear’ sexy?

And men what’s your opinion and why do ‘some’ men say such stupid, tasteless and turn-off comments?

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When your emotions overflow…

??????????????????????????????? you cry. And crying is good for you. Crying is an overflowing of emotions. It’s a release. That’s all it is. And you usually feel much better after a good cry…

People who are afraid of their emotions may find it difficult to cry and are made uncomfortable when seeing others’ cry. Crying is a natural and normal release and its purpose is just that…

Water is emotion and tears are emotions overflowing…

I have gone through periods where I was too upset and blocked to cry then when I finally did cry, I felt sooo much better…

There is no shame in crying… as there is no shame to feel any emotion. Crying is healthy…unless, it is used to manipulate and those kind of criers are usually easily spotted…

Crying : Crying womanIt’s our society that has us thinking something is wrong with us, if we cry and if we show emotions. Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you ‘feel’ and people who feel are emotionally healthy.

We are warned and encouraged to not show emotions, to not speak the truth, to be politically correct, to not show, or to state how we really feel, because it’s not polite, or ‘politically correct’. We are being taught to be cut off from ourselves, from our emotions…from who we really are… from our integrity from our true beings and from our souls.

Ever wonder why so many are afraid of emotions?

Deny your emotions and the feelings that arise from them and deny who you are. Not expressing your feelings that result in emotions, can cause addictions: drinking, drugs, over-eating, cheating on your loved one and explosions such as violence and abuse… if you suppress yourself too often then you may explode in an unhealthy and harmful way to yourself and others or to both…

There are healthy productive ways to express and explode and there are unhealthy ones. Too much suppression and you will either explode internally or externally… and exploding internally can cause illness that will eat you up inside….

So, if you feel like crying.. CRY!  It’s good for your mental and emotional health.

All of our emotions and feelings are there for us to express them. That is why we feel themthey are a part of our emotional make-up that affects our intuition and that is God-given… It’s a gift from God to FEEL!

‘Sensitives’ are usually healthfully emotional and are in touch with their feeling, emotions and their inner and outer selves and the world around them. They, oftentimes, sense the feelings, emotions and state of being of others and to do this… they are self-aware.

‘When’ we feel, and ‘what’ we feel, tells us something about ourselves and others… when we ‘listen’ to what we feel, and ‘honor’ what we are feeling, we are being true to ourselves and therefore, more able to be true to others. If we deny and are not true to our feelings and emotions, we will become a distortion of who we are, a distortion of our God-given self. And not knowing who we are, and what we feel, we can become easily led and controlled by others and that, of course, includes dictator-like regimes.

When we are ‘told’ how to feel, what to ‘think’, and that our emotions are bad,  we become confused about what is true and what is real.

Like a child who grows up around abuse or alcoholism and when they stand up and confront it are told what they ‘see’ and ‘know’ isn’t true and that their feelings and emotions are not accurate and are wrong. If this child, buys into this distortion, they themselves will become distorted.

As a society, we are being told, even ordered and mandated, to not express ourselves about what we like, or don’t like, therefore negating our individuality, our feelings, our emotions.

Some made fun of John Boehner, as his tears overflowed, when he was made Speaker of the House. His emotions were seen as ‘unacceptable’ to some who possibly can’t deal with their own emotions. Why can’t we accept others’ emotions for what they are… and that they are a ‘natural’ and  ‘innately normal’ part of being a human being?

If others’ emotions make you uncomfortable, you might need to look at yourself… perhaps, it’s because you aren’t dealing with yours… that viewing others emoting might be triggering something in you that you don’t want to, or are ‘afraid’ to address.

In some families, there may be one person who expresses the emotions of all. They may be the expressive one, the feeling one, the one who tells it like it is, the one who speaks the truth that the others don’t want to hear, or even acknowledge. The one who expresses for all, while the others may be cold, uncaring and locked or blocked in denial. To be cold and uncaring is not a worthy human quality to strive for…do you think?

Interesting, that while being told to get emotions under control… that so many attend movies and other events, such as music and the theatre, in order, to have their emotions triggered. It appears as a society that this is an ‘acceptable’ way to express and release. Feeling ‘fear’ in a horror show is fine. Feeling ‘sensitive’ watching a love story is fine… just think of the tears that were shed while watching Titanic or The Notebook. So, when a movie or book triggers emotions, it’s fine and acceptable…ummm…

But when real life does, we are told to stop crying, take some medication, stiffen your upper lip, hold strong, etc. Sooo… why is this?

I am an emotional person.  I honor how I feel and I express it. Some think I am too emotional and others like and enjoy it. I am truthful, can see through lies, and con as I have experienced much and grown into clear awareness and it’s my emotions that prodded me to do so. I am physically healthy, do not have addictions and am happy and peaceful most all of the time and when I am not, I express it.

We are ;sentient beings’ living on this earth and we are here to feel and express. This is how we grow and evolve emotionally and why God gave us the ability to feel, to have empathy, to care, to cry, to love, to become angry, to fear, etc. TO FEEL! And to express what we feel!

Laughing : Portrait of a beautiful lady standing with folded hands and laughing against white background Stock PhotoWhen we process through all of our emotions, we arrive back at peace… it’s when we become blocked that we become irritated and ill… which can result in mental, emotional and physical disorders on a variety of levels.

I have written a book titled, DADDY THROWS ME IN THE AIR… that I will put on my site to market in the near future… that deals   with emotions and family lineage.

If you can laugh in full abandon, you can cry as such. When you can feel the pain, you can feel the joy!

So, if you feel like crying CRY! Don’t deny who you are and how you feel! Be who you are, feel what you feel and express it healthfully… when you do, you will be happier and healthier on all levels and whole in your emotional being! 

Be what God put you here to be …YOU! Authentic people honor emotions in themselves and others… Agree or not? Express yourself…

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Sex Explosion!!!

 Annredchair02Okay, why this over the top focus on sex?

Because anyone who has sex ‘before’, they get to ‘know’ someone is a fool.

It’s my opinion that, ‘before’ you have sex with someone, you should have spent time with them doing many different activities… Dinners, lunches, movies, sports events are fine… but how about grocery shopping, chores, working out, meeting their friends, family, etc.?

If you don’t want to spend time with someone, how about ‘not’  having sex with them. If you don’t want them to meet your friends and family, or ‘you’ don’t want to meet their friends and family, you might not want to have sex with them. Ever think of that?

Having sex ‘before’ knowing someone and spending time with them is putting the cart before the horse… and it usually ends badly…

And this seems to be what way too many are doing these days…

Sex is not something you do on the first date, or in the first few times of interacting. Sex is not just a handshake and oral sex is sex. Oh, yes it is! It really is, Bill Clinton…

Sex is what you advance to, when you want a relationship, a commitment to go to the next level. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves, is a player, a sex-driven fool, or even a sex addict who thinks that interacting, male/female, is about sex, instead of feeling, emotions, caring, love, commitment and responsibility.

How about we get back to solid, conservative standards and values in this area. If we do, there will be fewer unwed mothers and ‘baby daddies’ (Geez! I detest that term) in the world, and less dependance on the government by these irresponsible, misled, sex-driven, immature people. And there will be less disease, disappointment and fewer broken hearts…

And why are children even having sex? It’s stupid. They would be better served thinking about school, hobbies, sports, exercise, and developing their talents and their desires for their future. They have plenty of time to be interested in and to focus on sex…so why begin so young?

Self-control is the hallmark of maturity and success on every level… and an out of control, promiscuous sex life is the sign of a weak-willed, emotionally sick, addictive, immoral person and this spills out into society.

Children mimic adults… so the example that you, we, and the world sets is what will be imprinted upon our youth…

Agree or not?….

Explosion concerning scents, smells and perfumes…

Recently, I’ve exited several places because of someone’s perfumery…

In a full theater, we’re munching popcorn, enjoying ourselves and  just as the movie begins, a woman sits in front of us and as soon as she does her perfume permeates heavily in the air. Several people begin coughing and looking in her direction.

I begin to feel as if I can’t breathe. I hope the smell will soon dissipate, but it doesn’t. My eyes begin to sting and I begin to feel dizzy. We get up and leave, as do several others, in close proximity to this overly-‘perfumed’ woman.  We toss our snacks into the trash. Get a pass from the theater to come back at a later date, then rush out to sit in the fresh air. It takes me almost an hour to get the pungent perfumery chemicals completely out of my system.

A few days earlier, we were in a restaurant enjoying our meal and a group enters, sits at the next table and the chemical perfumery overwhelms all those nearby. We leave as do others. 
What is wrong with people who douse themselves in these chemicals? Can’t they smell? Are they covering up ‘something’ and what is it? Body odor? Didn’t anyone teach them how to apply?  

Nothing smells better than a clean body… even a clean healthy perspiring body smells good and certainly better than acidity, pungent chemical odors. Have you ever worked out near someone who is wearing lots of cologne who begins to perspire? P-EEE-UU! Oh my gosh! Stinky to the max!

So, what is the deal with all these people who soak themselves in these gaggy chemical odors?   

Perfume reached its peak in England during the reigns of Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. All public places were scented during Queen Elizabeth’s rule, since she could not tolerate bad smells. It was said that the sharpness of her nose was equaled only by the slyness of her tongue. Ladies of the day took great pride in creating delightful fragrances and they displayed their skill in mixing scents. In those days, there was stench to cover up. People didn’t bathe as we do now and there was stench in the streets.

Today we have soap and water and nothing smells better than a freshly bathed body. The French have a saying, ‘the body has a natural colette (I think I spelled it correctly.. I had years of French, but) that is sensual and enticing’. So, why douse chemicals all over it?

As with any industry, perfume under went a profound change in the19th century. Changing tastes and the development of modern chemistry laid the foundations of perfumery as we know it. Alchemy gave way to chemistry and new fragrances were created.

At one time, I enjoyed the classic fragrances such as Chanel… But to me, the fragrances seems to be getting worse and more intense, instead of better. 

And those plug in air fresheners, in my opinion, are vile.. and also have been proven to be carcinogenic. Also, scented candles can be toxic, cause allergies and aggravate asthma.

Sooo why do some people continually ‘over do’ on these fakey, stinky fragrances? What are people trying to cover up? Why don’t they want to smell like themselves? 

I can’t imagine anything worse than snuggling up to a body doused in chemicals.
After all, the scent of our loved ones is apart of the attraction and allure.. so why cover it up with chemical junk that is continually marketed to us…?

What’s your opinion concerning this smell, odor, perfume topic?

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