The evening was great until Obama joined us….

 A summer evening of good food and wine… lots of fun until…

The Obamanation reared its ugly head…

Downgrade of America!

Unemployment at at new high!

Obama and his freak show administration and cohorts, blame the Tea Party, when the Tea Party were the ones trying to cut spending and limit the debt ceiling…

Obama speaking again on TV… No! Not again…
BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! Says nothing, but lies and blames… 

Obama blames the Arab spring… the weather… the
way the wind is blowing…that the sunshines… he blames any and everything… as he reads his teleprompter…

Soros gets wealthier off this debacle…ummm… and Soros backs Obama…Obama’s backers and friends get wealthier as America is downgraded…

I wonder does Soros even pay taxes, or is he like GE and pays none? Someone needs to investigate this…Someone needs to investigate Soros, isn’t he a war criminal by his own braggadocios admission?

GE makes the lightbulbs that Obama says we all must use. GE is in bed with Obama…Obama rewards his friends and punishes his enemies…

Environmental Protection… has Obama curtailing drilling in America and passing it over to Brazil.. Soros makes money again… Obama is hurting the coal industry… while pushing his ‘green initiative’ Oh, Obama is green alright! Good idea to develop other sources of energy, but need to do so, before limiting those that already exist… DUH! ODUMBO!  Or puppet of Soros…or both…

Obama bad mouths America while living on our dime… Obama is awarded the Nobel peace prize for doing nothing, then is in more wars than ever has been before…

The stock market falls…

Obama continues to campaign… that’s mostly all he does… Except he attends Ramadan dinners, but no Christian day of prayer…

Obama goes on vacation… Obama plays golf… Obama has parties to raise money for his re-election… Who would want to re-elect this anti-Christ, lying, blaming idiot?

Those giving him money for his campaign, they must be the ones making money off what he is doing to our country… as Obama campaigns and vacations on America’s time and dime…

Illegals and amnesty… Obama gives America’s money to illegals for votes. Social justice… redistribute the wealth…take,  really steal from some and give it to others… in order, to get their votes and making more of them more dependant on the already overextended government… 

The MSM blames the Tea Party…the MSM is still covering up for Obama’s past, stupidity, ignorance, lies, blaming and corruption…Why??? Bought and paid for media arm of the Obama administration…they are responsible and complicit to what is occurring as they not only back, but promote and support it…

Obama wants to spend more and raise taxes….Is he stupid, or is he trying to destroy America, or both? The private sector supports the government. WE pay their salaries… and they are all on vacation…while the stock market sinks… when Obama talks the stock market goes down… When Obama speaks everyone I know feels downgraded… he’s Downgrader in Chief of everything…

Super Congress? and Czars? Why? Why not rely on the usual governmental division of powers. It’s been working well for many years… until Obama….

It’s the private sector that creates jobs and income, not the government… the government sucks off the private sector in order to exist.

Obama is having a movie made to praise ‘his’ killing of Bin Laden…and not only that, it is scheduled to come out right before the presidential election 2012… is this for real?  Are Oprah, and her people producers??? She produced this fraud in the first place… 
Tax cheat Geithner led treasury of the US to the first downgrade of the US credit rating. Why isn’t Geithner being asked to resign? Why doesn’t he resign on his own? He clearly doesn’t know what he is doing! Or does he? 
 Obama doesn’t know how to run a country… he only knows how to RUIN one. Why doesn’t he resign…? Or why isn’t he impeached?…
                                                                                                                                              How many other evenings has Obama ruined by just showing up?….

Not to mention that he is ruining America and the American way of freedom….hope, fun, free enterprize, happiness, growth, inspiration….and life and everything else good…Oh yeah, he told us that he was going to fundamentally change America.

Where did this Obama character come from? Oh yeah, by way of Africa and Oprah…Obama’s a media creation of ruination! Doesn’t the media get that if the private sector is destroyed … advertisers will not advertise on their stations, so they will have less revenue… the masses can’t buy, then no money to advertise… WHY IS EVERYONE SO STUPID?!?!

(that’s my head on the table, depressed and downgraded after talking and hearing about Obama….I had one glass of wine….)