Power to the People! The government serves us…

not the other way around! When did the government forget this???


How did the government manage the flip from being our representatives to being our repressors? Is it because they are voted in and more represent the class that feels entitled to be carried by the productive class?
And these people need the government control and the government needs them to need the control, in order, to keep their rule, dominate and control power trip as they get wealthier and gain more power off the backs of the people.

Time to end this government charade. Any group qualified to produce enough to carry such a worthless burden should be qualified to regulate their own lives.

I say government BUTT out of our lives.. And serve the will of the people.. instead of trying to infiltrate and control every aspect of our lives…

The government is taking away money from Americans and giving it to illegal aliens. How do ‘they’ have a right to do this? How did this ever even come up as a topic for consideration?

How did the government get so much control over the American people’s income, property, estates, education, and now, healthcare, businesses, food…on and on…etc.???

And why does someone who has paid taxes all their life, need to pay more taxes when they die? It’s government bloat and greed. It’s taking away from families to pass businesses, farms, property and wealth to their lineage.. it is government confiscation of wealth and property and it is of evil and repression of freedom and choice!

Why does the government want power over a family’s money? It is the evil of control. The government wants all the wealth, all the power to feed its bloated belly.

And this vilifying of those that have attained something is down right unAmerican! Someone gains the American dream of success and now, it’s to be given to the government to give to others. And there is ‘something’ called ‘the dream something’ that they are giving to illegals…

There are houses built in my town by illegals and they are horribly built. There is no craftmanship any longer.. Houses used to take awhile to be built and they were built well by Americans! And we speak English in America! And we dress as Americans do.. women with lovely hair showing and faces where smiles can be seen.

What in America is really going on? It’s like the government is trying to control every aspect of everything, even our thoughts and our right to like, or to not like someone or some practice.

It is like the government thinks that it is doing us a favor for allowing us to keep any of our money. 

All our freedom of choice and privacy are being diminished even taken away.

America was founded in order to get away from this kind of repression and rule.

Anything the government touches it messes up. And the bigger the government gets the more messed up it gets.

My Dad is a disabled veteran and is paid full benefits. At a time, when he became financially successful, he wanted to give these benefits back and for the government agency to stop paying him. He called to tell the government to please give his benefits to someone who does have the need. He didn’t want to take what he didn’t need when someone else could benefit.  He was told that they could not do this. That it would cause too much red tape for them to process and that he must take it. To which my father stated, “Government agencies are idiots! I am trying to give money back and they are too stupid to figure out how to take it.”

Of course, my Dad during his lifetime has done much for others and he found a way to give back many times over.

We don’t need the government to tell us to give. We don’t need the government to take our money and to give it to others. It is not the government’s right to do this.

Left on our own, in the private sector, and as a people, we do give back over and over to others… out of the goodness of our hearts. This is not a government mandate. And when we as a private sector give, we can make sure that less goes to waste, or administrative bloat, and that it goes to the actual cause and need.

Let families take care of their members. Let churches, friends and neighbors help others. And let us have tax benefits for doing this. Let the government butt out!

Be it in time, service or money, Americans give more than anyone.

Government stay out of our lives.. Shrink the Government. Give America back to the people.
We are industrious, creative and kind.

The government is to serve us, not the other way around!
The Government is not god…