In This Media Frenzy, Where Are The Real Journalists?

 by Ann

When I was in college, we were taught that it was of upmost importance to report something with NO bias. It was a journalist’s job to give NO opinion and certainly not to allow personal opinion to flow through a story. That a journalist’s duty was to report the FACTS and to CHECK them out thoroughly BEFORE reporting or writing anything, INTEGRITY was stressed and stressed and stressed again.


OPINION was to be given only in an opinion article, but NEVER from a ‘real’ journalist.  Journalists were fired for anything less than reporting FACTS, researched FACTS. FACTS, that could be backed with PROOF.


Today, we have a media frenzy that writes about, talks about, and gives opinions about EVERYTHING. Little seems to be researched thoroughly. It’s the shock value that is more desired than truth or facts. Either that or all the SPIN and LIES are to COVER-UP that what IS really important and REALLY NEEDS to be investigated and revealed.


Where are the real investigative reporters? Would one stand up? Would one start doing something about this media travesty? Is anyone out there with integrity? Someone that is not driven by some bought and paid for agenda? Might there be one or two that want to REVEAL the TRUTH?!


The main stream media has become like a propaganda machine. They report like brainwashed robots. They back stab and vilify those who don’t agree with them, behaving like spoiled angry children. Who is really behind this? Who owns these media conglomerates and who benefits from the ideas that are being promoted? Example: GE owns NBC and we KNOW GE’s connections. So, ummm, no journalism there… only propaganda with driven agenda. Buy GE’s light bulbs, so the planet won’t get hotter and watch NBC as they sell you what they want you to think and believe. YEAH RIGHT!


They all seem to attack Fox and why? Why does what Fox reports, bother the others so much? Why does what Fox reports, bother the White House so much? It seems to make certain ones crazy and they go all out on the attack. Calling it FAUX NEWS, when it actually appears like the ones screaming this are the FAUX ONES. It’s childlike and what it shows is how threatened that they are? Or is it plain PROJECTION?! Why? I ask. Why are certain media entities so threatened by others? It’s AGENDA and has nothing to do with real, honest news reporting. ASOLUTELY NOTHING!


The White House even FIRED a woman because they thought that she was going to be on FOX NEWS. How utterly dictator-like is this behavior. IT IS WRONG! IT IS UNAMERICAN!



And again, journalism is not ‘supposed’ to have an agenda. It is simply ‘SUPPOSED’ to be reporting the news, even things that they don’t agree with or want to report.  Journalism is reporting FACTS, all the FACTS and NOT covering up things because they are asked to or slanting them a certain way because they are told to or because they are PAID OFF by favors.


What we have NOW is nothing, but agenda! And the agenda is driven by who owns the newspaper, the website, the TV station, etc. And it is not subtle any longer. It is blatant agenda of policy, financial changes and those in control making money and wielding power and control over the masses. It is so obvious, that it reeks, but still some can’t discern. Or perhaps, many can, as they turn away from certain media entities and go to the others.


Then we have all this Hollywood and entertainment news reported over and over. It’s predator-like, intrusive, presumptive, and sometimes wrong and many times, outrageous and can even ruin lives.  And it takes the attention off the real news – the news that affects each one of our lives, like what bills are being pushed though that take away freedoms and the real background information of those in politics who are making these bills and policies. This is being done daily.

THEY think that if something is repeated often enough that the masses will believe it because ‘they’ think that the people can’t THINK for themselves.

I am insulted by all this media propaganda! I am tired of it. I am tired of the threats of censorship from our current administration. I am tired of the lies, the cover-ups, the reactionary actions without investigation, the wrongly placed blame, the reckless spending, the non-reporting and the blatant LIES… did I mention the lies?!


The first thing that a Dictatorship does is to buy off, threaten, and control the media, in order, to control the minds of the masses.


Do we as a country want paid for propaganda coming from the media that are leading many by the nose into an unimaginable hell?
Where are the REAL JOURNALISTS who are willing to risk everything to reveal the truth, the facts!?


FYI – ‘THE VIEW’ –  ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT – OPRAH, ETC. are NOT real sources of news. They are bought and paid for spewing and for entertainment.   Enjoy, but don’t mistake it as the real news.

I noticed this morning that for the few seconds that I could stand to watch THE VIEW.. that Joy Behar used the word – SPEW.. interesting … very interesting!